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Revelation of the Abaddon
Revelation of the Abaddon
Revelation of the Abaddon
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Revelation of the Abaddon

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Revelation of the Abaddon is a story that had to be told of a secret society that is looking to dominate the world and how a group of friends undertake the many quests to stop them. Through the passage of time certain acts have become history but one final act still needed to be completed. A pact had been completed between God and the Devil to test our world and the people in it still had to find place.

Jesus had come to walk with God and the Devil now wanted to test his way. He fabricated the Devil’s Stone. Who would be worthy and when would this all happen? Many times in history the Devil has tried to influence the decision that was to come. People were found who would take up the fight but then were found wanting or lacking courage.

Jack Wouters and Frank Jameson were closer than brothers. They had gone through the school system together: primary school, high school and later university. Jack was the so-called jock being athletic and captain of every sporting team. Frank was the self confessed nerd and captain of the debating team. Jack always protected Frank from the bullies and Frank always looked after Jack’s back.

Join Jack, Frank, Jess, Elli as they could help to shape the future of the world or aid in its destruction. How would Hawk, Spider, Rat and Snake combine together to help us set for the ultimate challenge? This is a vast, fast paced story that weaves between countries and governments desperate to hide the truth and do anything to influence the outcome. It tells of sub plots that involve the lead characters and their families that will touch your heart.

It is fundamentally a ripping story that has both fact and fiction interwoven to keep you guessing.
Release dateJun 27, 2014
Revelation of the Abaddon

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    Book preview

    Revelation of the Abaddon - Walter Tegelaar

    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    Jack stood in Heaven’s Valley at the entrance to Hell’s Gate. Jack had been here before under the command of the demon Deuvellis but he had now been transported here by another more powerful demon Malevanol, who was the Devil’s second in command. One night Jack had been working at his office below his house researching the geography of the French Alps before their next overseas trip when the air grew heavy and a feeling of dread came over him. Jack knew instantly that a demon spirit had come into the area and leapt backwards standing against the rock wall in some effort to protect his back.

    Stupid Jack, as if a rock wall could protect you from me, the voice sounded sinister and as yet Jack could not see anybody to connect the voice.

    Who are you? Jack asked as he touched the cross hanging around his neck and picked up a heavy ancient steel dagger that he had found in Turkey but now used as a letter opener. It felt good to have a weapon however feeble against a demon of any sort.

    Malevanol, he answered as he appeared three meters in front of Jack. Malevanol stood two meters tall and he was bright red and black with massive muscles that rippled across the shoulders and arms. Only Malevanol’s head was on fire but it gave the entire body a more awesome appearance. Jack had some recollection of him but at this time could not place where or when, he just felt very vulnerable and worried for his wife Jess and his best friend Frank who were still upstairs.

    What do you want with me Malevanol and again who are you?

    I am the right hand of my Lord Satan and you are going to Hell’s Gate to talk to your friend Elli. Malevanol said before Jack cut him off.

    Hell’s Gate, be damned, Elli is in Florida visiting family, I only spoke to her on the weekend, Jack sneered however he was fearful Malevanol had some news that would counter his bravado.

    Elli is in Hell’s Gate and you will go there now and demand she tell me what I need from her and then I am going to delight in giving her pain the likes of which no human has ever suffered before. I will include you in my fun at the same time. She will tell me what I need to know as I am patient and very expert inflicting pain beyond your comprehension. Malevanol said as he moved towards Jack. You have twenty four hours!

    Jack stood his ground and suddenly appeared in Heaven’s Valley.

    Malevanol had given Jack twenty four hours to get his friend Elli to tell Malevanol what he wanted to know and now the question was finding Elli and somehow getting out of this situation however hopeless it seemed.

    Elli was the sister of Jack’s best friend Frank and Jack could not imagine what information Elli would have that was so vital for such a powerful demon.

    Standing looking at this cavern and the door that needed to be opened, Jack remembered how he had gotten himself into this position in making the mistake to study Satanism to help a school friend who had become possessed after playing a simple Ouija board game. She had been whoring around, mutilating herself and had become super aggressive. Mary had always been a great friend and a gentle soul so the change had been too dramatic. She had spoken in a weird guttural voice, but Jack in quiet moments could see in Mary’s eyes a pleading for help. Mary’s friends and family had all deserted her so Jack took it upon himself to find a way to help.

    Jack could vividly remember the arguments he had with Mary’s father and mother who did not want to know of demon possession, only too happy to see their daughter as a slut. Mary had been thrown out of the house and Jack had also been threatened never to return. He had struck out at her father but there was no reasoning with the man and her mother screamed obscenities the like of which Jack had not even heard before. His parents in contrast had wanted to help, remembering Mary for the lovely girl she was through Jack’s school years, but they were frightened of Mary who was now very strong and belligerent. He had told them he would leave to find an answer and be back when he could solve Mary’s problems.

    Frank had come with him and they spent four months travelling the world and researching all they could. Frank had finally stopped assisting Jack since what they found scared him and he had regretfully returned home. He warned Jack that what they had found was too strong for anyone to combat.

    Jack had felt indestructible as a young man feeling his faith and his character would stand any test, but later Jack had learned to regret the method used to help Mary. The Satanic world was not one to be trifled with but what started as helping a friend became a dangerous crusade the like of which is still talked about and felt to this very day. Jack bears his scars and many people around the world still live in fear of what Jack brought to a fateful meeting.

    Mary had been taken to various church leaders only to be pushed away as possessed of the Devil as priests, rabbis, ministers and lay preachers all tried but failed to expunge the evil inside of her. Now it had become a question of her so called evil character which made Jack angry. Their failing meant that Mary somehow deserved her problem through her evilness which brought Jack to administer his own form of justice against these ‘holy’ men. It left Jack alone to take on the task of removing the demon.

    Deeply religious, Jack felt empowered to free Mary, but the task was enormous and she showed no signs of letting go. In his studies Jack had read of satanic rituals that could be used to challenge and call up the demons directly.

    He and Frank had searched worldwide for ancient manuscripts and contacts in the Satanist community. They corresponded with many covens and had contact with some people who were willing to help. They portrayed themselves to these people as Satanists and they could see in Jack a very powerful young man with an immense knowledge and resolve. Frank had become frightened that they were taking on too much. Frank also hated these people with a passion that he could not mask. Jack had a job to do and to anyone’s eye was a rabid follower of Satan. Frank became more and more belligerent in a negative way so Jack stopped him coming to some meetings and eventually Frank decided to leave.

    Soon Jack had convinced their leaders that he was the new Satan. He had a great knowledge of the Bible, had studied many books of Satan that gave Jack the knowledge and confidence of what to say and in fact what to do. Jack could do what no-one else could.

    He had invoked spirits at one meeting to scare all in attendance and now he needed a special ritual that the Abaddon society had to sanction. They in fact sanctioned a meeting to induct the Earthly Satan and gave Jack the Book of Satan to be studied completely to give him as the Earthly Satan the full power over all Satanists around the world and the portal to Hell’s Valley.

    The Abaddon tested Jack over six coven meetings and his knowledge was unsurpassed so he was ready. Privately Jack had a dangerous game keeping Deuvellis out of his thoughts but eventually he let Deuvellis know of his plan to destroy every demon he could and that would start with Deuvellis.

    During this High Satanic ritual Deuvellis had been expelled from Mary as Jack had pulled Deuvellis into him by reverse possession. This allowed Mary to be free and enabled Jack to be able to control Deuvellis. Once Mary was free of her demon Jack transported her via astral transfer back home to his house.

    Jack now set about destroying those around him and had hurt many in attendance and cursed the Satanic Church forever. He burnt two of the books to the screams of all in attendance but summoned a demon to do his bidding before banishing him to Hell. The meeting had disbanded and the group would cease to exist for generations.

    Deuvellis taunted Jack mercilessly and was not easy to get rid of having been invited in freely by Jack to in his attempt to free Mary. Mary was now free which Jack was thankful for but Deuvellis weighed heavily on Jack’s mind. Jack through his strong faith knew Deuvellis had a strong hold on him that he was finding difficult to resist. Even as Jack would pray, Deuvellis would lace his prayers with swearwords and obscenities. The pain and aggravation at these words being said to the Lord were at times soul destroying. This went on for nearly two years and even his wife Jess had started to notice a torment in Jack which he refused to talk about.

    The fight between Jack and Deuvellis was never ending.

    Deuvellis had decided to punish Jack for his duping of the Abaddon group and eventually transported Jack to Hell’s Tomb which stood at the entrance to Hell. Jack in his learning of the ways of Satan had discovered how to get to Hell’s Tomb but had never actioned this, in truth fearful of what he might find.

    Now Satan abused Jack on arrival as did a countless number of tortured souls to curse his God. As part of Deuvellis’s plan to cause Jack’s ultimate punishment and humiliation he exited Jack and challenged him. He would end this demon hunter’s life in honor of his beloved Satan. A small hand sword appeared at Jack’s feet, which was to be his weapon however pathetic it would be against a demon and the two meter broad sword Deuvellis held in his hand.

    I declare Jack’s death to be a tribute to you my Lord Satan.

    Deuvellis then took his real form. He grew to four meters in height with an oversized oval head that sat sideways on top of a huge solid skeletal frame. Broad shoulders tapering to a smaller waist began to develop with flames coming up through his central body and possessing a long tail that swung incessantly to and fro taking full form. Long arms with spiked forearms were thrust forward in readiness for battle. Large teeth were the final scary piece of this daunting picture. As he reached his full height and roared, Jack moved out in the open some thirty meters from Deuvellis then fell to his knees in prayer.

    Jack was now free of Deuvellis and the freedom he felt gave him power and confidence. As he prayed to Jesus he felt strong and thankful his head was clear and his prayer respectful. Tears streamed down Jack’s face in pure joy.

    Deuvellis had laughed a deep guttural laugh at the sight of Jack’s kneeling and tears which he took to be fear. He stopped laughing as wings appeared on Jack’s body and he became Hawk. Jack was golden in color and grew to two meters in height before attacking Deuvellis by launching at him at full speed with some massive flaps of his giant wings and then turning into Jack at the point of contact to hammer into the demon’s chest, pushing Deuvellis over. Instantly Hawk then grew to ten meters and gripped Deuvellis by his shoulders and flew him directly up high into the air, only to turn and dive, driving the hapless Deuvellis hard into the rocks, crushing every bone in his body.

    Hawk instantly changed back to Jack, grabbed the small sword he had been given as his weapon, which would have been useless in combat but now served Jack in cutting off the demon’s head.

    As Deuvellis was a member of the Devil’s inner circle his death created a roar amongst those gathered and Satan rose to kill Jack. Archangel Michael suddenly appeared to warn Satan that Jack could go free, having won from Deuvellis. Hell’s Gate thundered that day as Jack and Archangel Michael went away from this evil place. Now Jack was back here again. Jack looked forlornly around him.

    Heaven’s Valley had three gates that led to the real world, Heaven and Hell but Jack’s destination was Hell’s Tomb which was the entrance to Hell itself. Hell’s Tomb was the half way place to Hell where the Devil resided. Once you accessed Hell then you could not return so Hell’s Tomb was used as a prison, a halfway house for those souls still to be allocated to Hell or back to Earth to sow evil amongst all peoples. It was where his best friend’s sister Elli was being held captive and Jack had to find Elli quickly. Jack now banged on the door with a rock.

    Open Hell’s Gate by order of Malevanol.

    His blood chilled as the door swung open and he came face to face with the Skeleton Master, an imposing demon dressed in golden armor and with a sword half his three meter height.

    The Skeleton Master was guarding the gate and stared at Jack.

    Let me go through, Jack demanded.

    Malevanol has told me you are on a mission to extract some information for him and I should let you through. You should be exterminated for what you did to Deuvellis. I should keep you out and Malevanol would then be forced to finish both you and your friend, he said none too pleased to allow anyone other than the dead through Hell’s Gate.

    Do what you must or I can do to you what I did to Deuvellis. I need to get to Elli and I will go through you to get to her so the choice is yours. Malevanol has given you a command so let me in! Jack yelled and moved towards the Skeleton Master as if to force the issue and barge through the gate. He stood firm as Jack advanced.

    You will meet your end another time. I will allow what Malevanol has instructed, so you may pass, but know that you will not pass through here again, the Skeleton Master stated as he moved aside to let Jack pass rising to his full three meter height and swinging his massive blade.

    Keeping a distance from the key master in case of treachery, Jack moved past him and then turned into Hawk and flew quickly down the seemingly never ending stairs. Coming into Hell’s Tomb Hawk flew at breakneck speed about the entire area and needed nearly thirty minutes to locate a hill with a sheer cliff and a steel cube at its base.

    It had to be her prison, Jack reasoned, as he had seen nothing other than hills, bare earth, pools of lava, stone and other materials plus the odd group of inhabitants shuffling between the pools. The steel cube or cage was the only object that looked out of place and he flew next to it hoping to find Elli.

    Jack had quickly realized that Elli was indeed captured in this steel cube upon hearing sounds of movement and feeling the presence of life. Jack could always sense anything by touch.

    The cube was about a meter across and situated behind a force field which meant Jack would be trapped if he went inside which he did not hesitate to do once he had heard Elli within the cube. He had been in this general area many years ago when transported there by the demon Deuvellis and now he was nervous of what would follow, especially the state of his friend who must have suffered.

    Jack unpinned the steel door and pulled it open, moving to the inert body of Elli who looked in bad shape and confirmed Jack’s fears for her physical condition. Elli had been groaning and Jack moved to her and rubbed her arms to try to bring her around.

    Elli, Elli, wake up! Jack implored the near lifeless body of his good friend. She looked in bad shape, covered in blood and bruises. Elli’s long blond hair was matted and soiled and her face was marked with scratches and blood in several places. She suddenly lurched into life as she realized her friend stood before her.

    Jack! Elli yelled as her arms encircled his neck, so happy to see Jack again and be free of her cage. She gingerly stood up and stretched whilst being supported by Jack who looked very worried.

    Are you okay Elli, you look terrible? Jack asked kissing Elli on the forehead and giving her a hug. Elli trembled slightly and she was running a temperature given her body felt very warm to the touch.

    Better now that you are here, but how did you find me?

    That’s a long story. I’ve been here before in a battle with another demon. Now there is another demon Malevanol who claims to be the Devil’s right hand man and he has given us twenty-four hours to give up your secret and then he means to kill us both. He plans to torture you till you tell him what he needs to know and has declared he will torture us both mercilessly just for fun. Nice type these creeps! So now we have another twenty-three hours before he returns. What do they want from you? Jack asked, immediately putting his fingers to his lips to keep very quiet.

    Elli grimaced and moved fully away from the steel cube. She continued to stretch but the pain was enormous.

    Does it have to do with Bob or Gerard? Jack asked concerned for the vague look he got in return to his question. Elli had concussion and probably a lot more and she began to cry. She was sobbing at the memories of betrayal that had now brought her to an impending death. Jack moved to her and then brushed the hair from her face and tried to console her.

    They want to know the opening to Heaven’s Gate, Elli told Jack in a whisper. He went white at the thought.

    What in all things holy do they mean to do with that? Jack asked puzzled why the evil demons from Hell wanted to be able to access Heaven or even thought they could.

    "I heard Malevanol ask the question of Bob, Gerard and Lee, but they do not know it. Bob told him that you and I were the only ones that knew how to get in. Satan did not believe that you, Frank or Jess also did not know the secret, but then when he tried to read my mind to confirm this fact I blocked him out. He was angry and came to me and touched my back. It hurt so much I passed out immediately.

    Elli turned around and lifted her blouse. There was the most disgusting sore Jack had ever seen. The size of someone’s foot it was red raw to a depth of ten millimeters, with puss, maggots and weeping at most parts of the wound.

    Was that just from his touch? Jack asked shocked at what he had seen. Elli nodded in the affirmative as tears welled at the memory and the pain.

    It looks disgusting and must hurt like hell. Obviously the pain must have been so bad that you passed out and that thankfully ended the interrogation but now you and I are here which presents its own problems. I will pray to stop some of the pain, Jack said.

    Jack moved closer to Elli and placing both hands just above the wound he began to pray. Elli joined Jack in prayer asking God to help heal her wound. The prayer was being answered and the wound was healing over. Dead souls screamed at the prayer being said as the people in Hell wanted nothing of God, but that did not deter Jack and Elli from their request for healing and salvation from their current predicament.

    The demon Baldisar suddenly appeared outside the room where Elli was being held captive, catching them both by surprise.

    Stop praying Jack or I won’t wait for Malevanol to return! Satan has seen fit to punish that filth so she must accept what has been given, Baldisar sneered. Elli cringed at the hateful message and Jack moved closer to Baldisar in a confrontational stance.

    Baldisar, I remember your sniveling face when I killed Deuvellis. You had asked your master to allow you to kill me. I did not see you moving too directly to take me on so maybe you were hiding behind your master’s bum! Jack yelled derisively as he had no means to escape the force field that let someone in but would not allow any exit, so he wanted to goad Baldisar into a fight. Well no-one is stopping you now coward!

    Baldisar seemed to go a deep red at the insult and derision of his master. He stepped back amazed at both Jack’s brashness and the gravity of the insult. The force field held Elli and Jack captive but as a member of the inner circle he had the power to remove the shield. He had the power but also knew the penalty for failure. He hesitated.

    No balls Baldisar, scared of me? Maybe I should lay down first and give you a chance. I am but a servant of the Lord against an all powerful demon, and yet you are scared. Bit weak that Satan of yours," Jack said as he fell to one knee.

    Acronimati Satanis, Baldisar said aloud and moved into the room, boldly moving towards Jack.

    Good to know your secret password Baldisar, I can use that to do some damage, once I have killed you for eternity. No coming back from this death Baldisar so I am going to enjoy this! Jack seethed as he motioned Elli to get behind the steel cube. Elli stepped back against the rock wall to be completely out of the way.

    Baldisar changed his body shape in preparedness for combat to stand two meters tall and a meter wide with spikes on the sides of his body trunk as well as his forearms. He was a very dark green on his body and his head was a combination of red and green. He was more of a barrel in shape which seemed to show extreme strength. He had a long blade sword and a steel rod with a jagged hook.

    You fight dirty Baldisar! Jack yelled at the unevenness of the impending battle.

    You want to fight then you can fight. I have my weapons and you have your Lord’s power so stop complaining and let us put an end to this, Baldisar said cautious of Jack’s power of flight given he had been witness to how Deuvellis had been killed.

    Baldisar looked angry and concerned at the same time and then lost sight of Jack. Jack had used the invisibility power of the ring and ran hard at his enemy before launching his body into a drop kick pushing Baldisar outside the boundary of the area previously locked by the force field. Baldisar swung an arm covered with lethal spikes but swung in thin air missing Jack completely. The sword was dislodged but he still held onto the staff with the hook.

    Jack instantly became Hawk and now being in open space grew in size to twelve meters and picked Baldisar up by his head and hauled him directly to a height of one hundred meters before turning and letting him go. Baldisar had tried to hook the body of Hawk but he was too big and only succeeded in cutting Hawk’s leg. As Baldisar plummeted back to solid ground, screaming all the way, Hawk flew back to the ground at full speed converting to Jack.

    Jack picked up Baldisar’s sword that had come free when Jack had rushed at Baldisar and he gave a full swing meeting Baldisar’s body as it crashed back down to the ground and slicing off his head. Standing above the demon’s body Jack drove the blade into Baldisar’s heart and let out a scream of primal power.

    An eerie silence took over the landscape as dead souls cowered at the death of one of their leaders and feared the power of his victor. Nothing could be heard and the stillness was deafening.

    Elli came wide eyed from behind the steel cage and embraced Jack. She looked at the dead body of Baldisar and shook with fear and revulsion. Elli had seen too many demons for her liking.

    That was incredible Jack. He looked so scary. Did he hurt you? I saw the hook rake along your legs a few times. Elli asked concerned and then recoiled as Jack lifted his pant legs and they saw blood streaming along both legs near his ankles. Elli bent down and used her hair to swab Jack’s wounds. Jack went to pull away but Elli grabbed his ankles to clearly demonstrate she wanted to do this. Jack felt embarrassed that Elli would do such a thing but she came up smiling, albeit with blond hair that had now become largely matted with blood. We don’t have any bandages or cloth, so long hair is the next best thing and putting some pressure on the wounds should help stop the bleeding.

    You are a wonder both in action and looks. I cannot begin to tell you what your hair looks like now but thanks for your effort I am sure it has helped stop some blood flow. Come on Elli let’s get out of here now. Can you walk? Jack asked as he threw an arm over her shoulders and kissed her gently on the cheek recoiling in mock horror at the bloodied hair. Elli laughed and pushed Jack away.

    A little bit, but I’ll do my best, Elli replied.

    Jack took off his jacket and gave it to Elli.

    Put this on Elli and I’ll carry you away from here.

    Elli duly put the jacket on and moved a good distance away from the sheer rock face of the hill that had been her jail. Jack walked beside her and when they had gone far enough he stopped her.

    I will go invisible and become a large hawk to take us to the stairwell chamber, so we can get to Heaven’s Valley and away from this Hell hole. We will have to get past the Skeleton Master but I’ll worry about when we get to the door. Jack said smiling as he walked behind Elli and became Hawk.

    Elli stood still as Hawk’s claws settled on her shoulders and then she felt being lifted quickly into the air. It was a strange sensation and a little unnerving as the ground quickly moved away from them as Hawk went higher and higher.

    Hell’s Tomb was a cavern of indeterminable size that seemed to go forever. The roof height was about one hundred and thirty meters above the ground. There were stony outcrops and many pools of lava, some which looked like clear stone with a liquid underneath and the others with putrid water. There were ridges of hill formations with a kilometer gap between each ridge. Elli had no idea where they were going as she had come to this area locked in a steel cube.

    Where are all the dead people? Elli asked and realized Hawk could not answer her.

    Hawk seemed to go higher again to barely ten meters under the cavern’s roof line. She looked around in the golden red light and saw pools everywhere. Some had lava some had dark brown and green liquids, whilst others were solid grey rock. The ground that separated them had yellow dirt and the smell of sulfur so Elli knew what the yellow dirt must have been. Nothing grew. Beyond the hills that Hawk flew along revealed more of the same scenery.

    If you looked closely into the pools you would swear there was movement but it was too difficult to make out what caused the disturbance from this distance.

    Suddenly Elli saw a group of about eighty people, naked and grey in color but much smaller than normal sized people. There were also other groups of thirty to forty people who moved between pools or the hills beyond. They moved slowly as if in a trance.

    No-one paid her any attention, and as Jack was invisible from this height, Elli would have looked like a big bird even though none flew in Hell’s Tomb. After ten minutes of very quick flying through the air, Elli felt they were descending and they landed near a rock opening. Jack suddenly became visible again and Elli was glad to see her friend.

    You saw some people, to answer your question, but most are in the pools including the lava pools. They are bottomless pits so we can only guess how many lost souls are forever entombed in these pits. They chose for Hell through their actions, so I do not pity them. Rude shock for all the scumbags isn’t it? Jack chuckled at the thought of some people he knew would be in residence.

    Hell of a price to pay isn’t it Jack? Elli seemed sad at their plight.

    Not if it is deserved. Just think of all the pedophiles, rapists, mass murderers, the Adolf Hitler or Stalin or Mao types that killed millions of people. People who persecuted others and enjoyed the hurt, pain and death they bring. They deserve company with the Devil. Jack made the statement with a degree of venom in his voice that frightened Elli. Jack saw her reaction and smiled. Sorry Elli, these people piss me off. They seem to get away with everything, but this is their final punishment. And it is a horrendous punishment but they made their choice. My anger at this evil gives me the power to fight Deuvellis and Baldisar amongst others otherwise they could be stronger than I am. They can be scary enough but I do not fear anything as long as I have my faith.

    Elli smiled and kissed Jack on the cheek as much for the explanation as for the fact they would be leaving this place.

    Let’s get out of this place, up the stairs as fast as you can go Elli.

    Why don’t you fly up and carry me as a little snake? Elli asked still so very sore from her physical punishment.

    I need to be ready to fight or change to Hawk and you to Snake if we are surprised up the stairs. I’m sorry I know you must be hurting but I can’t take any chances. If the Skeleton Master who is the key master of Hell’s Gate has an idea of what is happening then he may lay a trap and we do not want to be surprised.

    Let’s go then and see what happens, Elli answered taking off.

    Elli moved up the stairs at a brisk pace followed by Jack who steadied her occasionally as she felt the strain of so much activity. The stairwell was three meters across and nearly the same in height. Steps had about one foot spacing so it was hard work. It seemed they just kept climbing and Elli had to stop twice to catch her breath. One hour later after about four thousand steps they came to a position some hundred meters from the head of the stairs which would be visible around the next corner so Jack grabbed Elli’s arm and motioned for quiet with a finger to his lips.

    Become Snake Elli and sit in the lining of my jacket. I’ve just ripped a hole in it so you can get out if needed, otherwise it will shield you from view, Jack said and placed Snake in his jacket as Elli became a ten centimeter Black Mamba that can move faster than people could run just in case speed was necessary.

    Jack moved slowly and quietly around the corner and saw the Skeleton Master standing by the door of Hell’s Gate. Jack walked as if he was trying to get past the sentry so he could get as close as possible before being seen. The Skeleton Master turned towards Jack and raised his arm that brandished a long golden and silver sword.

    Stop you shall not pass! He yelled.

    Baldisar is dead by my hand. I do not fear you and you know that Baldisar was your better. Malevanol will find me so it is not your place to interfere. Let me through now or let us fight, Jack challenged the gatekeeper.

    The Skeleton Master thought for a moment and considered Malevanol could have Jack and stepped aside.

    Malevanol will finish you. I sense his presence. The Skeleton Master stated with confidence noting Jack’s unease as he said the words. You’re not so tough now Jack.

    Jack cautiously walked past the Skeleton Master and walked through the door and it promptly slammed shut behind him. They were in the large cavern of Heaven’s Valley. At the end of this cavern was a rock circle of one hundred meters with two doors made of stone with crests of bronze and gold. The doors were massive three meter square blocks of stone with a solid meter crest that signified the opening. They seemed to give off an aura so entry was not a formality.

    The door that had just closed had a crest with a volcano and the spiked trident of the Devil. Jack took Snake out from her compartment in his jacket and placed her on the ground where she changed immediately into Elli.

    That was scary. Did he say that Malevanol was close by?

    Yes so we need to take care, Jack said as he took Elli’s hand for reassurance and they made their way across the cavern.

    I have never been here Jack, what is this place? Elli asked mesmerized by the perfect ball shaped cavern with three doors and nothing else.

    This is Heaven’s Valley. It is the doorway to Heaven, Hell or the world above. We’ve just come through Hell’s Gate and Heaven’s Gate is what the demons are after. We are going through Saint’s Gate back to our world.

    They moved quickly to the center of Heaven’s Valley towards the Saint’s Gate.

    Suddenly Malevanol appeared before them. He was a gruesome sight standing over two meters tall with a solid red body and a large horned head that was on fire.

    Going somewhere, I think not? Malevanol sneered.

    Jack pushed Elli behind him and threw out a hand that still held Baldisar’s sword. We are leaving through Saint’s Gate and you will not stop us. Deuvellis and Baldisar have been defeated. Let us past or suffer the same fate! Jack declared boldly with not one outward sign of fear in voice or body. Elli noticed something else as she felt a slight tremor within her champion.

    Pious little Jack. You dare to challenge the right hand of the mighty Satan himself! Malevanol roared as the cavern shook.

    Malevanol was a scary sight. In his normal guise he stood two meters tall but when angered, which he was now, he more than doubled in size and he added fire and poison before morphing into a dragon type body. Jack had seen that dragon body once when Deuvellis had been killed and Archangel Michael had rescued him, but he did not relish that battle now and Elli would not have liked what she saw.

    Elli I want your secret now! Malevanol screamed to shake the very walls of the cavern. He moved slowly towards her and Jack as if to emphasize that he would tolerate nothing but the information he demanded of Elli.

    I will die before I tell you anything! Elli screamed as she stood upright to face this very angry demon, whilst moving crablike sideways to be closer to Jack.

    Malevanol moved quickly towards Elli who became Snake and grew to a five meter Cobra. She spat lethal venom into Malevanol’s right eye and lunged at his head, after growing even larger. Malevanol screamed either through pain as the poison hit his eye or blinding rage that a woman as a snake would dare attack him. Snake was also able to sink her foot long fangs into his neck and injected a full load of poison. The poison that covered Malevanol’s body now went into Snake’s system and she received a crushing blow as Malevanol swung an arm which saw her fall backwards onto her back.

    Snake became Elli again and she was vomiting heavily now through the dual effects of poison and the hit. Jack had moved very quickly behind Malevanol as Elli had attacked the demon hoping to inflict damage with the sword.

    Jack slashed Malevanol from behind across the legs and lower back as Malevanol had concentrated on Snake which left him exposed.

    As Malevanol turned Jack plunged the sword of Baldisar into Malevanol’s side before launching as Hawk to escape the dragon’s tail.

    Fight me as Jack or I will finish her now! Malevanol screamed moving closer to Elli and seemingly adding a meter to his height.

    Hawk flew at speed directly at the dragon and instantly became Jack as he cannoned into Malevanol to drop backwards through a direct hit to the chest. Malevanol returned to his normal self but now invoked a spell to remove the Hawk and Snake stones from the chests of Jack and Elli. As the stones touched his hand there was a flash of light. He screamed in delight at having the stones however his sense of triumph was cut short as Archangel Michael appeared and demanded the stones.

    They are the property of the Lord and you will give them to me Malevanol or suffer immediate death!

    Go Michael, nothing belongs to you or your precious Lord.

    Archangel Michael grew in size to ten meters and brandished his sword, advancing steadily.

    Malevanol threw the stones at Archangel Michael, gestured obscenely, and turned towards Jack. Jack jumped backwards to avoid the blast of flame as Malevanol moved quickly towards him.

    Malevanol it is enough! Archangel Michael commanded and with that the dragon turned to face Archangel Michael and then Jack attacked. He jumped up on Malevanol’s back and took two giant steps before pulling Baldisar’s sword free from Malevanol’s side, hung onto the neck of Malevanol and then drove it hard between the ribs closer to the heart. The sword penetrated deep into the dragon’s body and Jack viciously twisted the blade before jumping backwards away from the poisoned body.

    Jack lost hold of Baldisar’s sword as he rolled to break his fall, jumping into an upright position ready for battle.

    Malevanol screamed in pain as much as anger.

    Jack you dare to wound the great Malevanol? You will meet your end together with that sniveling woman who dares refuse me! Malevanol yelled and tried to remove the sword, bellowing as he did so. The sword stayed wedged between the ribs of Malevanol which is why he had assumed his normal shape again to try and remove the sword, but without success as it seemed to be jammed in a rib. Malevanol tried almost frantically to grab the sword hilt but it was out of reach. He then returned to his massive size determined to finish the job of killing Elli and Jack.

    Jack retreated to where Elli was still prostrate on the ground to protect her as best he could, but awaited almost certain death. He looked frantically for a weapon as the dragon Malevanol took shape in readiness to fight.

    How does Baldisar’s blade feel? It looks to have fatally wounded you so now to finish the job! Jack blustered full of bravado but unsure how to tackle the five meter giant without a weapon. He picked up some rocks and threw them at Malevanol. He ran around the dragon to attempt the retrieval of the sword as the only way he could inflict further damage.

    Malevanol was moving very slowly as if the embedded sword had found its mark and he seemed hesitant to move.

    Another time I will finish this, Malevanol said and with those words he disappeared.

    Jack stood dumbfounded. Jack had thought there was little hope left. Malevanol must have been mortally wounded to even stop any attacking movements and he was certainly not going to get any help from his combatants. Whatever the reason Jack was ecstatic and counted his blessings before feeling suddenly very ill. During the fight with Malevanol Jack had hung onto the throat of Malevanol to balance and deliver the thrusts with Baldisar’s sword. Adrenalin had kept Jack strong but with the danger gone so was Jack’s resolve.

    Jack rushed to Elli, who was not moving. Jack started to convulse as the pain and the poison started to take hold. As Jack struggled to stay alive he saw Archangel Michael move towards him.

    Jack, you have fought the good fight. I will take the stones and the ring that are meant for some quests when you will have them again. Archangel Michael smiled at Jack and touched both him and Elli. Jack felt instantly good again and Elli awoke and stood up as if nothing had happened. Jack gave Archangel Michael his ring of invisibility as had been requested. Elli said nothing as Archangel Michael was standing next to her and Jack and the evil demon had gone.

    Thank you for helping Elli and me, Jack said respectfully.

    We are well satisfied with both of you. Take the Saint’s Gate now and go home. We shall meet again but after today you will not remember any of this till the time is right. There is much for you to do and Frank is waiting for you in the ante chamber of the Mask of the Warrior. You will go back in time to when you and Frank first found the Mask. Malevanol has incorrectly influenced what had been planned to happen so you will need to once more re-discover the stones and the ring will be for a later time again depending upon the outcome of your first quest. I will transport you to your destination once you go through the Saint’s gate, Archangel Michael smiled and both Elli and Jack bowed and moved towards the gate.

    Back in time, how is that possible? What is to become of us? Jack asked turning back for one last look and hopefully an answer to his questions. Michael had gone.

    Jack and Elli walked through the Saint’s Gate and were instantly in the anti chamber where Frank came to meet them. Where have you been and how did you get here Elli?

    Don’t know Frank it is all a blur, Elli said smiling at Jack.

    Frank I don’t remember a thing, Jack said and gave Elli a kiss. They both laughed and Frank shook his head.

    We are not allowed to say anything Frank. Although I can say that demons have created a break in the course of history that we will relive time from today and not remember what has happened beyond this day, Elli answered hopeful Frank understood.

    This has got to do with all your involvement with the Abaddon society hasn’t it Jack? Frank said in an almost accusatory tone. Jack nodded in agreement.

    Your both nuts, and maybe one day you’ll let me in on your little secret, Frank said as he hugged his friend and sister.

    Chapter 2: The Secret of the French Alps

    ‘What’s this’ Frank said to himself as he picked up a handwritten note in his own handwriting. The note was in the bottom draw of his desk, amongst a lot of papers he had not looked at for years.

    Check what this means:

    Five lines to be found

    Line 5 - Then on an archway the words will appear

    Say ‘Open’ and Come to Die

    Decode the message (too hard)

    Need help - looks a puzzle with an unhappy ending!

    ‘When did I write this note’ Frank mused as he studied it and tried to remember without success, just what it was all about and when he had made the note. Little did he realize what world changing events would follow this find, I’ve got to clean this bloody mess once, and for all.

    Talking to your self now Frank? Elli had asked laughing at her brother as she walked past Frank’s office. Elli was visiting Frank while Andrea was visiting family in Holland. Frank and Elli were very close and had always been the same since they were children, so when she could get a chance to visit her brother, she would come for a few days before going to visit other family scattered throughout America.

    You could help me clean up the attic as well. Sisters are supposed to help their brothers you know. Frank replied but heard only the words ‘can’t hear you’ drifting into the distance.

    Elli was three years younger than Frank but was not the most helpful when it came to doing work designated by Frank. He was hopeful that attitude would soften as Elli got older but she showed no signs of weakening at the moment.

    Frank had set himself the task of cleaning out the attic where they stored all the things found on their travels, and there was a lot of stuff to be checked out. The message in the note had pricked Frank’s curiosity but as much as he tried he could not remember the context of the note or when it was written.

    As Frank laid out the various items which had been gathered from many different countries over seven years of travels he frowned at the amount of things to sort and attempt to catalogue. Frank had a laptop sitting on a makeshift desk, and he had already taken hours to complete sixty entries on his spreadsheet program.

    Frank was in full swing now as his best friend Jack came up to the attic.

    Hey Frank, how long are you going to be since we want to go to Lucca’s or 801 Chophouse for dinner? Jess wants seafood and Elli and I want some Italian so no pressure, just go for Lucca’s, Jack said smiling and rubbing his stomach.

    Frank had known Jack all his life and at six feet two inches with wavy dark brown hair and broad shoulders, he always grabbed the attention from Frank’s five feet ten inch skinny frame. Jack was in shorts and nothing else as he had worked out in the gym below, and his six pack stomach never reflected how much he ate. Frank couldn’t raise much muscle which usually caused some playful ribbing between ‘the body’ and him.

    Jack reflected on his friendship with Frank. Jack Wouters and Frank Jameson were closer than brothers. They had gone through the school system together: Jack was the so called jock being athletic and captain of every sporting team and Frank was the self confessed nerd and captain of the debating team. Jack always protected Frank from the bullies and Frank always looked after Jack’s back. People could never understand their friendship but as Jack looked at his absent minded friend he smiled.

    They had shared a lot with each others families; Jack’s family being from Dutch origin and he had immigrated to America with his parents when he was five. Frank’s family was English and a combination of Irish and Dutch and they had also come to the America when Frank was seven years of age and they had teamed up from the start of primary school.

    From their seventeenth birthdays, Jack and Frank had gone away each year on adventure trips looking for artifacts. They had gone to Egypt to look at the pyramids; Peru to study Mayan culture; Brazil looking for a lost tribe and finding the rare Mask of the Warrior, which also got them banned from being in Brazil again; Bolivia for treasure; they had gone into the catacombs of Amsterdam which had surprised their family members that they even existed; the Felix Trombe Network in France caving and looking for buried treasure had thrown up some objects that Jack could remember from their trip; China where they got into trouble for going into the Imperial Palace after hours; Paris and Rome where they studied the underground catacombs searching for religious artifacts; Russia to search for Romanov treasure; and Stonehenge in England, just to ‘feel’ the spirit of an ancient people.

    ‘It’s in our DNA.’ Jack said to himself.

    Religious antiquities going back over six thousand years to Adam and Eve was Jack’s special interest, Jack knew that Frank was keen on the total Middle Ages from the sacking of Rome in 410 to William the Conqueror in 1066 to Christopher Columbus finding the New World in 1492 and everything in between. Jack also sought information of an earlier time before the Garden of Eden when it is said angels and demons lived on this earth.

    ‘We’ll find antiquities that have never been found and we are going to change the world, it is just a question of when, not if!’ Jack had always told anyone who would listen. Little was Jack to know how definite his prophecy would become.

    At university Jack had met Jess again after having known her in primary school, fallen instantly in love and they were now married. After graduation and marriage they had purchased a large sized home in Des Moines, Iowa and immediately set aside a room for Frank. Jack could not conceive living a life without his best friend/brother. Jess used to joke that without Frank, Jack seemed lost and visa versa, so there all being together as friends was very natural.

    Jess had then introduced Frank to her best friend Athena, and to everyone’s surprise, especially Jack, they fell in love and Athena had moved in with Frank within the first couple of months of Jack and Jess’s wedding. Jack laughed at the memory of teasing Frank that he could find a woman who understood him. Frank was just as bemused but happy to share his relationship in a large home together with his best friend and Jess who had become like a sister to Frank.

    They had an office in the basement of the house and there was never a thought to move into separate houses, they had too much fun combining friendships and business interests. On the business front they had been successful beyond their wildest dreams.

    Jack had developed a phone app with Athena’s help that had sold two million units in the first month. Jack had also developed a personal tracker, a microchip that could be used as a homing device. He had been concerned that searching catacombs and caves could lead to someone being lost, so each of them had a microchip inserted above the right ankle. It could be tracked from far away on a computer, or when someone was in the vicinity.

    Frank had developed a grappling hook, with a folding staff which became a weapon and a climbing tool all in one. Frank had also sold his invention to an outdoors company as well as making it available to the marines. The device had already proven itself useful on their own travels to escape robbers and some unscrupulous government officials of which there seemed many.

    ‘He is a smart one Frank but what a frigging mess.’ Jack laughed aloud at his friend having strewn so much around the floor, desks and cabinets.

    Frank’s answer to his original question on food snapped Jack out of his thoughts.

    I prefer Italian so that is an easy choice, Frank answered before looking worried at all the artifacts. It’s going to take days to go through everything but I think I will just list things that we have without too much detail. I found some interesting charts and an old book that’s over two hundred years old that I want to study but gee we have collected a lot of things.

    There sure is when you look at all this stuff. I haven’t been up here for a couple of years. You’re the pack rat in the family but you’ve let it go mate, what a lot of crap. Jack’s eyes had been scanning the room and shelves and he had started to pick things up to have a look.

    Don’t go messing everything even more Jack. Just get out and let me sort and catalogue everything, Frank said irritated that Jack was starting to move things about as he grabbed something, looked at it and then put it down somewhere else.

    Settle down Frank just having a look, Jack said continuing to look around. Suddenly his eyes fell on something that pricked a memory from long ago. What’s that leather sleeve by the wall? It looks ancient and I remember it from an early trip that you had troubles decoding it, but here it is? Jack asked as he pointed to a dark brown leather roll with writing and pictures worked into the leather’s exterior which was strange in itself.

    Frank went over and picked it up then noticed a scroll wedged inside which with some effort he wriggled free of the sleeve. This was the scroll he and Jack had found in the Felix Trombe caves some years ago. It was very large and opened up to be nearly one meter long and a little over forty centimeters wide.

    I think this is the one, Frank said studying the scroll and he was totally immersed in the scroll’s message.

    The scroll had been indecipherable when first found but as Frank began looking over the scroll some things were readable and he noticed the semblance of a pattern. This started to excite Frank because he knew the structure of a scroll that attempted to paint a picture by patterns, usually provided a story with a prize at the end. Now with more experience and an Archeology degree, Frank was able to discern that the scroll was worth much than he could ever have realized. He made the decision then and there that the scroll deserved immediate close inspection and food was no longer important.

    Jack saw Frank studying the scroll intently and getting excited, What have you found and why are you smiling?

    Don’t know fully but it looks interesting. This scroll is the one we found on our first caving expedition to Felix Trombe in France. Remember that trip? Frank asked.

    Yeah sure do, it was a great time, especially being our first major trip overseas. I don’t remember having found a scroll, but I did remember that leather sleeve, it came from a secret room we found off the main tunnel, you know the one with the pressure panel to open.

    "Funny you should say that as I have a mental picture of where that was. We found it after we had been there a couple of days and because we could not make any sense of it I binned it in my bag.

    When we got home from that trip I wrote a note to myself which I had just found in my office desk drawer again and I’ve been trying to decipher what it meant. I must have dumped the note and the sleeve up here forgetting about both of them. But this scroll looks very interesting. I mean nearly seven frigging years later the scroll starts to tell me a message. I need to do a lot of work on this as it looks to be in ten to twenty segments, so it must be painting a picture of what to do and where to go. I think it will take me at least a week and possibly two to decipher this scroll completely. I will probably need to show this to Professor Hemmer."

    What all the way to Belgium? Jack asked astounded that Frank would consider such a step so quickly.

    This is my gut talking now Jack. The note I left myself makes this something big. He’s the best linguist for some of the writing on this scroll and I also think this document is not meant to be easy to understand by everyone. It appears cryptic so only certain people can read it. So I want to do my own thing for at least the next eight to ten days so if you want to escape the boredom, you can, and I will pass on the restaurant. This stuff looks too interesting. Frank smiled as he knew Jack was the impatient type and watching Frank work was going to be too much for him.

    Alright we’ll forget the restaurant and I’ll take Jess with me and stay for a few days in Florida with Pa and Ma (Dad and Mum in Dutch). Elli will probably come with us since she hasn’t seen my parents for a good while and you’re not much use when you bury yourself in your work. Athena is due back end of next week so are you going to be around for her? Jack knew Frank could get absorbed in what he was doing and if his girlfriend came back from overseas to an empty house there would be hell to pay.

    No I’ll be alright. If I go and see Professor Hemmer then it will be by the weekend so I will be back in plenty of time. If I find anything exciting then I’ll give you a call, actually, it would be better if you got back before Athena, because I have a good feeling about uncovering the contents of this scroll. Anyway I am not going to make any more predictions or explain more until I have done more research. And with that Frank nodded his goodbyes and ran downstairs to his office.

    Jack took Jess and Elli to see his parents and while Elli moved onto another auntie in Canada, Jack and Jess returned the following Wednesday, in time for Athena’s planned return on Friday. Frank was glad to see Jack and Jess return and said he was three quarters of the way through but refused to say anything till he had finished.

    After more than a week of study the scroll pointed to an ancient treasure that must be found. Frank had spent day after day in his office and had gone to Belgium for a quick trip to see Professor Hemmer who was extremely interested in the scroll and had been a great help in deciphering some of the contents.

    My good boy do you realize what you have in your possession? the Professor had asked after a day of intense study.

    I am afraid I do Professor and it scares me a bit.

    So it should Frank. If I am correct this calls up an ancient legend which is now obviously not a myth, that you will be asked to fight for your life. However the prize to be won is magnificent, Professor Hemmer said, intoxicated by the scroll and he had to fight the urge to want it for himself. It was a fight between ethics and knowing Frank was the owner of the scroll and having something in his possession of massive archeological and spiritual significance, not to mention some reference to wealth beyond counting.

    "I think a fight to the death is too quick a judgment call based on what we’ve

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