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Archibald the Giant-Slayer
Archibald the Giant-Slayer
Archibald the Giant-Slayer
Ebook55 pages43 minutes

Archibald the Giant-Slayer

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Archibald’s mother is determined that he will follow in his father’s footsteps as a great giant-slayer. But Archibald isn’t too sure about that idea and some of the kids at school tease him mercilessly about it. Is there a way that Archibald can become a hero like his father without risking his life in the process? His friend Lester has a plan to do just that, but this particular plan hits quite a few snags along the way and Archibald has all he can do to survive the adventure he encounters.

Release dateJul 5, 2014
Archibald the Giant-Slayer

Terence O'Grady

A musicologist by profession, I've written two music-themed mysteries (The Beethoven Quandary and The Mephisto Mysteries) as well as a handful of children’s books in a variety of genres.

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    Archibald the Giant-Slayer - Terence O'Grady

    Archibald the Giant-Slayer

    Terence O’Grady

    Copyright 2014 Terence O’Grady

    Cover and illustration by Joleene Naylor

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: The Giant-Slayer in Training

    Chapter 2: Penelope Chimes in

    Chapter 3: A Friend in Trouble

    Chapter 4: A Father’s Reputation

    Chapter 5: Lester Hatches a Plot

    Chapter 6: The Bullies Hatch a Plot of their Own

    Chapter 7: The (First) Plot Thickens

    Chapter 8: Which Giant?

    Chapter 9: A Time for Courage

    Chapter 10: A Giant Battle

    Chapter 11: Hail the Conquering Hero!

    Chapter 12: One Last Game

    Chapter 13: An Unusually Happy Ending

    Chapter 1: The Giant-Slayer in Training

    Archibald squinted at his deadly enemy. It was just a matter of time before the tall massive object with its long, gangly arms would snap to life and come charging at him at full speed.

    I must be stealthy, he whispered to himself. Choose the exact moment when my prey is off-guard, suspecting nothing.

    Archibald crept slowly and carefully around the henhouse. He knew he would have to get close before he began his final assault. He took a deep breath….then, with a wild scream (that he hoped would sound ferocious), he jumped out from behind the henhouse and dashed toward his opponent. As he ran pell-mell across the barnyard, he threw back his arm holding the sword and prepared to make a mighty thwack.

    Archibald! Where are you, son? came a screeching voice from inside the ramshackle house.

    Archibald tried to put on the brakes but—at exactly the wrong moment—hit a patch of pig slop and found himself flying through the air. He fell—kerplop!—hard at the foot of the tree that he had been in the process of attacking.

    Just then, Archibald’s mother appeared around the corner, wiping her hands on her apron. She spied him, splayed out in the mud at the foot of the tree.

    What on earth are you doing?

    Archibald slowly climbed to his feet and started to brush some of the mud off of his arms and legs. I’m practicing, Mother. Isn’t that what you told me to do?

    His mother looked puzzled for a few seconds and then her face brightened. Well, of course you’re practicing. Of course you are. She looked from Archibald’s face to the tree, whose bark was somewhat battered from some of Archibald’s previous attacks on it. Although I do sometimes wonder if that poor tree can put up with much more.

    Archibald sighed. I don’t hit it that hard, Mother. Besides, what else do I have around here that’s twenty feet high and looks sort of like a giant?

    Yes, yes, I can see your point. And it is important for you to practice as much as you can. You must hold up the family tradition of course. Why, if your father could see you now, he’d be very proud. Yes, indeed. To think that Buford the giant-killer would have a son who would one day take on the family business.

    I thought we were farmers, said Archibald, still trying to get rid of the mud that caked around his elbows.

    "What’s that,

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