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Ebook239 pages3 hours


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Dating the son of a drug lord was bound to be complicated. Besides that, Zara’s boyfriend, Jett, is also an alien, and she’s a half-breed still coming to terms with what that actually means. Thrown into a life where the human rules don’t apply, she meets surprise around every corner. The world that humans live in is not what it seems.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Jett also has alien enemies—one’s that are hell bent on making him pay for what he’s done on his father’s order. But these enemies aren’t after him. They’ll take their revenge on the ones he loves.

Caught up in a battle between the rival families, Zara will finally get to see what makes Jett a Royal and why she’s acquired a Royal entourage.

PublisherKelly Carrero
Release dateJul 5, 2014

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Okay, I was the first person to write a review for Paradox and I am the first person to write a review for Addicted. I liked this book because it was logically played out, considering the fiction involved. Once again the ending was a surprise but I enjoyed it overall. Good work Kelly Carrero.

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Addicted - Kelly Carrero

Chapter 1


Swirling my cocktail around the glass, I watched the barmaid giving me the evil eye while I waited for Jett to finish up another of his shady deals. I didn’t approve of what he was doing, but I did understand why it was necessary for the Dracorians’ survival. They fed off the energy humans produced when they got high and while they were coming down. The club was the perfect front for their operation. And even if he no longer needed his fix from other humans, Jett couldn’t abandon his responsibility to provide the energy for others of his kind.

I didn’t want to be a part of his dealings, and I prayed that I would always feel that way. Turning my back on my humanity didn’t seem right, but I couldn’t ignore the half of me that belonged with the Dracorians. I was treading a thin line and hoping I would never forget my weaker side. Humans were fragile, and they unknowingly lived at the mercy of Earth’s invaders.

Almost a week after the incident on the beach, Lilly still wasn’t returning my calls, but Jenna told me Lilly was doing okay. The police were still looking for Tyler and his mates, but the cleaners had already disposed of their bodies, and the tide has washed away the blood. Somehow, all the CCV cameras had gone down before Lilly wandered off, so there was no footage of us even being on the beach, let alone footage of me running like a crazy girl through the streets of Surfers after watching my boyfriend kill someone.

Lilly didn’t remember many details of her attack, and the doctors were putting it down to post-traumatic stress. The specialists recommended not forcing her to remember because blocking the memories was her brain’s way of coping with the trauma. I knew the truth, though. Her memory loss was really caused by the drug Jenna had given her.

A familiar sensation crawled up my spine, and I wished it would choke me so I didn’t have to see Zane again. But as I looked toward the stairs, he came into view. He scanned the lounge area before returning his gaze to me, a smirk playing at his lips.

With a bottle of bourbon in his hand, he sauntered over and sat beside me. You know, you’ve got to stop waiting around, hoping to run into me. People will get the wrong idea.

I shot him an evil look, which he ignored.

He leaned over, his breath brushing my cheek. Unless you’ve finally realised that you chose the wrong brother?

I twisted in my seat. You’re a dick. You know that?

He took a long sip of his drink then lowered the bottle to his lap. I’ve been called many things, but girls don’t usually have such animosity when they refer to my dick.

I rolled my eyes. I refused to get into another discussion about him and how much more fulfilling he could be than his brother. What do you want?

He raised an eyebrow. Really? Isn’t it obvious?

I scowled. Isn’t there some brotherly code that you’re supposed to live by?

Zane leaned closer and slowly sniffed me. Not when it comes to you. He tilted his head back, and his eyes glazed over as they turned a deeper brown then black. He’d obviously just fed.

Sniff me again, and I’ll rip off your nose.

He chuckled. I thought you were never going to touch a soul after what you did last weekend?

Ouch! That stung. And you wonder why I would want your brother over you.

The smile dropped from his face, and he quickly put the bottle to his lips and took a sip. When he lowered the bottle, his cocky smirk returned. Your loss.

He stood and sauntered over to a couple of girls sitting on the couch at the opposite end of the room. The girls instantly moved over so he could sit between them. They then proceeded to kiss various parts of his face and neck while their hands went exploring.

I turned away in disgust. Seeing him with human girls made my blood boil. Jett said it was because of my alien side. Apparently, my revulsion was only a portion of what the Dracorians felt when seeing their own kind with a human. But their need for a fix made them almost blind to their preferences while they were feeding. I would never admit it to him, but I was glad he had sniffed me, because I could take pleasure in knowing that having those girls all over him was harder on him than it was on me.

Hey. Jett put his hands on my shoulders from behind me. What are you smiling at?

I whipped my head around. How did you know I was smiling?

He walked around the couch and sat beside me. I can feel the difference in your energy. Now tell me—he traced his finger over my bottom lip, making me suck in a soft breath—what has you happy yet repulsed?

Without taking my eyes off his, I cocked my head toward his brother. A bemused look crossed Jett’s face.

Don’t get upset, but Zane was sniffing me again.

Jett hated his brother doing that, even more than the fact that Zane was trying to steal me from him. He grinned. You must have pissed him off big-time.

Tearing my eyes from Jett’s, I looked over at Zane. He had it coming.

Jett ran his finger along my jawline to my chin then tipped my face toward him, his eyes trained on my lips. I bet you he did.

He leaned in and slowly inhaled. Heat rushed through my body as I entered the euphoric state, knowing that I was giving him what he needed.

He brushed his lips across mine then pulled away. The police want to speak with you about Tyler and his mates. When my eyes bugged out, Jett added, Don’t worry. It’s just routine paperwork they need to do ’cause so many people saw the confrontation we had with them at school.

I raised my eyebrows. "We had?"

He shrugged. You were there, too.

I bit my lip. When do I have to do this?

They want to see you tonight. He shifted in his seat. They’re on their way over.

Really? They want to see me here? Not at the station?

It’s not a formal interview, as such, but they need to question you to rule you out.

Jett never told me how he covered up what I had done, and I hadn’t asked. But something told me he had far more connections than I’d imagined.

Holding my hand, he stood and pulled me up with him. He led me past the bartender—who stared daggers at me—down the hall, and into his office. A chill ran up my spine when I entered the room. I hadn’t been in there since the night Jett murdered someone in front of me. Looking around, I crossed my arms over my chest and ran my hands up and down my biceps. Inside the large room, the walls, the glass-topped desk, and the chair were all black. Two black love seats stood next to the window overlooking the club, and on the far wall, a door led into a small bathroom. He’d probably chosen the colour scheme so bloodstains would be less noticeable. I wondered how he ever did any actual work in the dim lighting. Not that I really knew what he did in his office, besides kill people and have police show up for interviews.

Relax. Jett took my hands and pulled me toward him. There’s nothing to be worried about.

For you maybe. But I’ve never been interviewed by a cop before. I could hardly count the police visit after I was shot since their visit was just a cover to try to keep me from figuring out that I was a half-breed.

His expression turned serious. What’s that supposed to mean?

I... ah...

He grinned. I’m kidding.

I pushed him away. So not funny.

He wrapped an arm around my waist. "All they’re going to ask you is what you were doing on the night the other guys went missing. And they’ll probably have a few questions about the run-in we had at school."

For too many times to count, we had gone over where I was supposed to have been. Right. I was here with you, then I went back for Lilly, and I found her curled up in the sand near the boardwalk. But no one else was there.

He nodded. You’ll be fine.

A knock sounded at the door.

Take a seat. He ushered me toward the couch facing the door then answered the door.

A tall, dark-haired, and well-built officer stood there. He smiled. Mr. Lomazzo.

Sergeant Cambridge. Jett stood aside to let him enter then closed the door behind him.

Cambridge sat on the other sofa. You must be Zara. He pulled a pen and a small notepad from his pocket.

I nodded. Yes, that’s me.

Jett sat beside me, draped his arm across my shoulders, and rested his foot on the edge of the coffee table in front of us. Even with a police officer there, he still exuded casual arrogance. I, on the other hand, could barely sit still. I half expected the cop to slap his cuffs on me and put me in lockup.

I’ll try to make this as quick as possible, Cambridge said. Can you tell me where you were on the night your friend Lilly Collins was assaulted?

Um... I shifted in my seat. I came here to the club to get our hotel key from Jett, then I went back to get her. But she wasn’t with the girls I’d left her with. I found her a couple hundred metres up the beach, and... I swallowed hard.

Take your time. His tone was sympathetic.

She was curled up in the sand. I shook my head, remembering all the blood.

Was anyone else around? Cambridge asked.

I shook my head. No. Just Lilly.

He jotted something down in his notepad then flipped it closed. Right then. He stood. I think that will be all. He nodded at Jett. If we have any more questions, we’ll get in contact with you.

Thanks, we said in unison as we followed him to the door.

Cambridge smiled at me then stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him.

Jett ran his hands down my arms. See? I told you there was nothing to worry about.

Aren’t interviews supposed to be a little more... um, I dunno, longer? Thorough? More questions?

He grinned mischievously. Have you ever been interviewed by a cop before?

Knowing where he was going, I scowled. No.

Then how do you know what an interview is supposed to be like?

I rolled my eyes. Sergeant Cambridge was probably on Jett’s family’s payroll. I thought all that evasive bullshit stopped when I killed those guys?

But where’s the fun in that? He pulled me into his arms, buried his face in my neck, and kissed me softly.

Ever since he came clean about my effect on him, he’d become seriously touchy-feely. Most of the time, I was up for it—I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off him, either, though for a completely different reason—but even I knew there was a time and place for showing affection. And I wasn’t going to let him start using it as a way to avoid a discussion.

I pushed him back. Fun? I raised an eyebrow.

One corner of his lips turned up in a smirk. For me, it is.

I turned my back on him and looked through the window at the people dancing on the ground floor.

A moment later, his arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and he hung his head over my shoulder. The interview was to keep up appearances. You know, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, as they say.

I smiled. So I was right about Cambridge being on the payroll. I leaned my head back against Jett’s shoulder. He kissed the crook of my neck as he ran his hands up my sides and over my breasts.

I put my hands over his and pulled them back down to my hips. Not here.

As long as you don’t lean up against the glass, they won’t be able to see you, if that’s what you’re worried about.

My body went rigid. I wasn’t stupid. I knew he’d had sex with countless other girls, probably on every inch of the room, but thinking about it sent raw jealousy coursing through my veins.


I turned in his arms. I don’t get why I react like that. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s the alien part of me hating that you’ve been with humans. But I’m half human. Shouldn’t I be unaffected by it?

He brushed my hair behind my shoulders. I guess not.

I leaned my forehead against his chest and took a deep breath then slowly let it out.

It’ll get easier to deal with.

I looked up into his eyes. When?

He chuckled. That, I don’t know.

I grinned. But I thought you knew everything?

Everything but that.

Chapter 2


Jett’s body tensed, and he jerked his head to the side. He seemed to be staring off into space.

You okay? I asked.

He dropped his arms. Something’s wrong.

I grabbed his hand. What is it?

He squeezed my hand before letting go. I have to go see Zane. You stay here till I get back.

I caught up to him as he opened the door. I’m not staying here by myself.

He looked out the door then back at the window and nodded. You’re right. There’s no one here to look after you.

He took my hand and led me out of the room.

We went downstairs and out onto the street, stopping once we’d reached the bouncer. Jett stood next to the big burly guy who’d once thought I was full of shit about being Jett’s girlfriend. Looking at the two of them just standing there without saying a word, I wondered if there were things the Dracorians could do that Jett hadn’t told me. My suspicions were confirmed when the bouncer gave the slightest of nods that I wouldn’t have noticed had I not been staring at him. I was sure they’d been communicating silently. So I guessed I could add telepathy to the list of awesome Dracorian abilities.

Jett wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, holding me more possessively than usual. Something must have alarmed him, and that freaked me out because Jett wasn’t the type to worry about anything.

Police sirens blared in the distance as Jett led me up the now-empty street and stopped in front of a strip club called Bottoms Up, which I presumed Zane owned.

Three police officers ran down the sidewalk, their guns drawn. One held the leash of a large German shepherd that was barking excitedly.

Jett pushed me behind him, still holding my hand. Stay behind me.

An eerie silence encompassed us as I followed Jett down the steps to the door of the club. After we passed the empty cashier station, I heard mumbling nearby. I’d expected the police to barrel down the stairs after us, but they didn’t, and I couldn’t hear their dog barking anymore, either.

My heart was racing as Jett led me deeper into the club. He stopped suddenly, making me run into him as he blocked my view of the room.

What’s wrong? I asked cautiously.

He glanced over his shoulder. Stay behind me.

I was about to ask him why. Then I heard Zane say, I want more blood.

What the hell? I was tempted to take a peek.

I want those bastards to know what will happen to them if they try to mess with us again, Zane said.

Images of what I’d done to the guys on the beach tore through my mind. Something told me that Jett was sparing me from seeing a similar scene.

What happened? Jett asked his brother.

These pussies tried to take me out—that’s what. A strained grunt was followed by a soft thud. Apparently, Bartoli wasn’t too happy that you offed one of his boys last weekend.

My heart skipped a beat. That was when I’d walked in on Jett shooting someone.

Jett backed me up against the wall, his body still obstructing my view. Were these two the only ones?

There’s another one out back, a second guy said.

And they’re the only casualties? Jett asked.

I grimaced. I was pretty sure he was referring to humans.

No one else was injured, Zane said. Everyone bolted out of here as soon as these dicks showed up with guns.

I heard what sounded like tearing flesh—the same noise had haunted me since I’d ripped into those guys on the beach.

Is this good enough? the second guy asked.

It’ll do, Zane replied. Now get her out of here. I guessed he was referring to me. I’ve got this covered. I’ll call you when it’s over.

Jett nodded. As he turned me to leave, I caught a glimpse of what he’d been hiding, and I almost threw up. The scene was all too similar to the one I’d been responsible for. One body was draped over a table, and a second lay on the stage. Both were males who appeared to have been in their late twenties to early thirties. They were covered in blood, which still oozed from massive wounds to their bodies. A knife protruded from the chest of the man on the table, right next to a gaping hole where his heart should’ve been.

I didn’t see much of the man on the stage, but I knew without a doubt that he’d come to a similar end. Fighting the bile rising in my throat, I quickly turned my focus to Jett as he led me back through the door.

As soon as we were in the dark stairwell, Jett stopped and gently leaned me against the wall. Are you okay? He brushed my hair behind my ears.

As much as I wanted to say that I was fine, my shaking body betrayed me. What happened in there?

I’ll explain when we get back home. He

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