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Call of the Faeries
Call of the Faeries
Call of the Faeries
Ebook55 pages33 minutes

Call of the Faeries

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Darcy has admired her roommate, Claire, for years. After a trip to the mall, Claire is now showing Darcy more affection than she ever expected, but something else is happening. Claire's body is changing, along with her attitudes about everything, especially sex. Torn between her love for her friend and her fear at her metamorphosis, Darcy must attempt to save Claire... or become something else!

PublisherLyka Bloom
Release dateJul 8, 2014
Call of the Faeries

Lyka Bloom

Lyka Bloom writes various forms of fiction, but erotica has become a new passion. She preferstransformations and games of control, and enjoys exploring all the perverse kinks bubbling beneath the surface of sexuality.

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    Call of the Faeries - Lyka Bloom

    Call of the Faeries

    by Lyka Bloom


    First Edition. July 8th, 2014 at Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2014 Lyka Bloom

    Written by Lyka Bloom


    Cute, Darcy said, in a way that drained the word of anything resembling a compliment.

    Claire frowned at her roommate's response, the dress pressed against her lean body. You're not in the spirit of this, are you?

    Darcy shrugged, twisting her hair around her finger in a way that would have appeared petulant on a younger girl. When Darcy did it, it looked almost sweet.

    Sorry, Darcy said, sitting down hard on a nearby bench. I don't have the money to shop for myself until the student loan check comes in, and that's not for another week. I guess I'm taking out my frustrations by making sure you have a miserable time shopping. Sort of bitchy, right?

    Sort of, Claire replied, but I get it. Why don't you go grab us some drinks from the food court and I'll finish up here? I'll meet you in front of the shoe place by the book store in five minutes.

    You sure?

    Absolutely. Five minutes.

    See you in a sec.

    Darcy stood outside Foot Traffic, people-watching and making a mental note of the number of women wearing belly shirts with no business doing so. When she hit twenty minutes, she began to wonder what had become of Claire. Surely she had picked something out by now? Sipping from hers, the other soda held dumbly in her left hand, Darcy made up her mind to track her friend down, when she saw Claire approaching.

    Apparently, she had decided to wear the new dress straight from the store, a light blue knit number that hugged her tightly, and left very little to the imagination. Darcy supposed that was fine for Claire, who had a swimmer's body, long and lean. She lacked the curves Darcy had, but her legs were well-toned, and this dress showed them off as her best feature. She'd gone for new shoes, apparently, low-heeled sandals with a bow on each, matching the color of the dress she wore.

    Claire was walking past, a slight smile on her face, oblivious to Darcy's presence.

    Hey! Darcy called after her, stopping Claire dead in her tracks, forcing a couple with a stroller to maneuver quickly around her. Earth to Claire.

    Claire smiled wider. Sorry, I guess my head was somewhere else. Is that mine? she asked, pointing to the soda in Darcy's hand.

    Yep. Some new dress.

    You like it?

    I think you're going to get some attention in it, that's for sure.

    You think so? I guess if you have to wear anything at all...

    Darcy didn't answer. The question sounded more like the acknowledgment of a compliment than any real curiosity. Feeling it was better not to address the girl's proclivity for taking compliments badly, Darcy looped her arm in her friend's and led her out of the mall.

    What's the name of that store, again? Darcy asked, the toothbrush jutting from her mouth. She leaned out of the bathroom the two sophomores shared after a moment of silence, the brush between her teeth. She paused at the doorway, listening to the silence of the small efficiency apartment. Claire? she asked again.

    After another long pause, she returned to the bathroom mirror, brushing her shaggy dark hair from her eyes, the pixie-ish cut framing her round face well, and cupped her hand under the water. She spit the toothpaste from her mouth and turned off the water, ears open for some sign of life from her roommate. She gave herself a last look - the red-and-white striped tee pulled over her large chest and hugging her waist, the black satin-y boxers

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