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For Rob Hammond, the last two months have been a high stakes waiting game. Scott’s attempt to swan dive into an arsonist’s fire and his subsequent desire to be more independent didn’t sit well. Unfortunately, Rob’s other obligations wouldn’t wait. Now after a long separation, Robby is finally reunited with his kids, and on his way to introduce them to their new home and the man he loves. This time, he’s going to make Scott see reason—even if he has to fight dirty.

With the recent trouble at Mountain Shadows and the increasing frequency of his nightmares, Scott McGregor has to wonder if this is the best time for a relationship with Robby to go forward. Still seeking absolution for a guilt he shouldn’t carry, Scott worries he’s not fit to meet the children—let alone live with them. Despite arranging a special day to make the kids feel welcome, Scott still intends to protect his heart.

One man knows they will work things out—the other is afraid they can’t. Only one of them can be right.

**About Pulp Friction 2014**

Laura Harner ~ Lee Brazil ~ Havan Fellows ~ T.A. Webb
The Pulp Friction 2014 Collection. Four authors. Four Series. Twenty books. One fiery finale. Spend a year with an eclectic group of strangers brought together through circumstances, as they are tested by life, and emerge as more than friends.

The strongest bonds are forged by fire, cooled in air, smoothed by water, grounded in earth.
Although each series can stand alone, we believe reading the books in the order they are released will increase your enjoyment.

PublisherLaura Harner
Release dateJul 14, 2014

Laura Harner

Laura lives on waterfront property in Arizona because she's always wanted to be an oxymoron. She once enjoyed hobbies such as gardening and travel—now the characters in her head compel her to tell their stories, so she writes. (It doesn't actually help quiet the voices—but it keeps the folks in the white jackets at bay.)She shares her home with an ever-revolving cast of characters—some of whom are actually real—and is living her dream of building her own version of the Willow Springs Ranch.With over fifty published novels and novellas, Laura is an international bestselling author of erotic romances, romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and Highland romances. Her books can be found at all major online retailers.Connect with her online at:

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    Flare-up - Laura Harner


    Fighting Fire IV

    Pulp Friction 2014

    Laura Harner

    Flare-up is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2014 by Laura Harner

    Cover Art by Laura Harner

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition published in the United States by Hot Corner Press.

    ISBN: 978-1-937252-84-7

    Warning: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Contact the publisher for further information:


    A very special thank you to Christy Duke, Will Parkinson, Havan Fellows, Tom Webb, Lee Brazil, and Jae Ashley.

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following trademarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

    Beauty and the Beast: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

    Captain Underpants: Pilkey, Dav

    Clif Bar: Clif Bar & Company

    Diamondbacks: AZPB Limited Partnership

    Disney: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

    Harry Potter: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

    iPod: Apple, Inc.

    Iron Man: Marvel Characters, Inc.

    Marvel: Marvel Characters, Inc.

    Mario (games): Nintendo of America, Inc.

    National Park Service: United States Department of the Interior

    Sam's Club: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

    Scooby Doo: Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.

    Spider-man: Marvel Characters, Inc.

    Walmart: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

    X-Men: Marvel Characters, Inc.



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    About Pulp Friction 2014

    Mountain Shadows Map

    About the Author

    Also Available

    Chapter One

    Scott’s stomach threatened to revolt—again—as he fingered the stiff white envelope from the insurance company lying on the seat of his truck. Ninety days. A lot could happen in ninety days. A lot had to, if he wanted to keep things together.

    Dragging his attention back to today’s task, he took a left and pulled his truck into the guest parking slot at the Rio Vista condominiums in Gilbert. He tried not to think of the rambling ranch house where he and his sisters were raised—a new family with growing children called that place home. His mom sold it when she’d moved to Florida to retire in order to be closer to his sisters and any potential grandkids. Now, ironically, it seemed they were all moving back to Arizona, with his mom being the first to run screaming from the humidity. All coming back to the familiar dry heat. A heat that felt good against his skin, despite his years of living in Prescott and now Flag.

    The bright white of the condo contrasted nicely against the cloudless blue sky, tall palms, and meandering man-made river that gave the community its name. He had to admit the place looked perfect for his mother. No yard work, plenty of walking trails, and back in the state she loved.

    Scott stuffed the envelope in the glove box—a problem for another day—and clambered from the seat of his truck. It was an older model, a beast left over from the previous owners of Mountain Shadows, the resort-style campground he called both work and home. He stood for a long minute, just looking around while his ruined calf muscle stretched and lengthened after the long drive. It wouldn’t do to cause his mother to worry any more than she already did.

    Scott, a melodic voice exclaimed from behind him. I wasn’t expecting you so early. Oh, my, look at you…are you stretching out your leg? Does it still hurt? Are you going to physical therapy? How is your business coming? Is Robby still there with you? Are you two dating again? Why didn’t you bring Robby along?

    Molly McGregor paused for a breath, and Scott burst out laughing.

    Mom, he smiled. He lifted the petite woman and spun her in a circle, partly from the sheer joy of seeing her again and partly to demonstrate his returned strength. The last time she’d seen him, he’d still been in intensive care.

    The two of them held on, neither of them quite ready to break their connection. I missed you, Mom, Scott said, burrowing his face in her shoulder. Funny, no matter how old you got, sometimes you just needed a hug from mom.

    After a minute, Molly gave a sniff, then thunked him on the back. Put me down, you big oaf, she said, her voice raspy.

    Scott lowered her to the ground and took a step back. Tell me you did not just get snot on my shoulder, he said in mock outrage as he brushed at the tear on her cheek.

    His mother laughed, the musical notes carrying him back to his childhood. Would I do that? Come on, let’s go inside and I’ll show you around.

    Thirty minutes later, they sat at her pretty rose-colored Travertine counter, sipping freshly brewed coffee.

    This place is great, Mom. Perfect for you.

    "Thanks, honey, I do love it. I’ll love it more when your sisters get here. Hopefully the whole fam-dambly will be back in Arizona by Christmas.

    Fam-dambly. One of his father’s favorite words.

    You still miss him. It wasn’t a question. His father had been gone for seven years now, and he knew his mother thought about him every day.

    I do. There are a lot of memories but they are happy ones. Now, it hasn’t escaped my notice that you didn’t answer my questions when you arrived.

    You mean the little game of twenty questions— Scott laughed. Where do you want me to start?

    With your love life, of course. How is Robby? Has he gone to see his mother since his father passed?

    No, I think that bridge is well and truly burned. She’s never going to come to terms with him being gay.

    Stupid cow.

    Scott swallowed a snort. Nicely put. You know, Mom, when I think about how he was raised compared to how accepting you and Dad always were—

    "Pshaw. Any mother who can’t love her child

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