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Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3): Anastasia, #3
Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3): Anastasia, #3
Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3): Anastasia, #3
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Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3): Anastasia, #3

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Volume 3 of the Anastasia Series!

Anastasia’s only been interning at Edgeworth, Epstein, and Kendrick for six months, so when she gets assigned the plum position of filling in as assistant to one of the most powerful Junior Partners, she can’t believe her luck. Robert Benning is a giant in the world of investment banking, and Anastasia can’t wait to observe him at work and learn from the best.

But it turns out Robert is more than just savvy and hardworking. The older man is commanding and incredibly sexy too. Now, Anastasia is determined to not only study her mentor’s moves, but to teach him a few of her own. It turns out there are quite a few perks to being an executive’s assistant.

Fans of Bella Andre, Rachel Gibson, and Kristan Higgins will love this quirky romance series with strong, independent woman and sexy alpha heroes.

Also look for Anastasia - The Complete Collection!

Praise for the Anastasia series:
"Once I opened it, I found i had a lot of trouble putting it down so looking to part 2 ;) and yes had my pulse elevated :)"

"This is one hot little read, and Ana Vela can turn a descriptive phrase in such a way the story plays out like a movie in your head. The action is hot and non-stop, and the tension pulls and teases you along from beginning to explosive end."

Release dateJan 19, 2016
Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3): Anastasia, #3

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    Anastasia - Ana Vela

    ~Volume Three~

    Anastasia stared at Frank in disbelief, her grey eyes wide and her small, plump mouth hanging open. You’re serious?

    He shoved a hand through his thinning, dark hair. Of course I am. I don’t joke about assignments, Anastasia. Frank was her boss. He was in charge of all of the interns at Edgeworth, Epstein and Kendrick. He was normally irascible and had a tendency to bark at his charges. He was nicer to Anastasia, but only because she lived with Victoria. Victoria was the gorgeous, voluptuous executive assistant who occasionally had sex with Frank behind his girlfriend’s back. Frank wanted to stay on Victoria’s good side, so he was nice to Anastasia.

    But... I’ve only worked here six months. There are other interns higher up on the totem pole than me. Serge—

    Frank snorted. Are you trying to talk yourself out of a plum assignment, Nabokov? Benning needs someone reliable to fill in as soon as possible. You’re reliable. He’s had trouble keeping assistants lately. Since Serge is the reason the last girl left, I hardly think he’d would be the best choice for the decision. Do I need to discuss my thought process with you further?

    She shook her head. So... should I... She trailed off, glancing around the tiny closet-sized ‘office’. Frank heaved a deep sigh.

    Jesus, Anastasia, pull your head out of your ass. Take whatever you absolutely need, leave the rest. It’ll go to someone else while you’re upstairs. You’ll be going directly to 23 from now on when you come in and remaining there until HR finds someone to replace Benning’s last assistant. Got it?

    Yes, sir. She gathered her things, just her purse and a framed photo of her and a group of E, E, and K employees from one of their staff nights out. In the picture, Anastasia was laughing as Victoria, her roommate and occasional lover, leaned close, obviously whispering in her ear. The redhead’s blue eyes were crinkled with amusement. Bryce, Anastasia’s friend (and also occasional lover), sat between the two women with his arms around them, grinning wickedly into the camera. His sea green eyes glittered with mirth.

    She hugged the photo to her side as she slid past Frank, but she paused in the doorway. Thank you, sir.

    Frank waved her off, rolling his hazel eyes. Go on, will you? Benning is a junior partner. Don’t keep him waiting.

    Anastasia hurried to the elevator, heart thumping with excitement. She was going to be working up on 23 everyday! She would be reporting directly to a junior partner, working as his personal assistant. If she did a good job, made herself invaluable to him, there was no way this internship wouldn’t transition into a full time position.

    She needed to talk to Victoria. Her roommate knew everything there was to know about everyone who worked at E, E, and K. All Anastasia knew about Robert Benning was that he was in his late 40’s, and was very tall, with salt and pepper hair. She’d done a few errands for him over the last few months and occasionally caught a glimpse of him in his office, either behind his desk or pacing. He was very handsome, in a distinguished way, with a square jaw, a wide mouth, and pale blue eyes.

    Her hands were a bit clammy as she stepped off the elevator onto the 23rd floor. She wiped them on the charcoal grey serge of her skirt. The lilac silk of her blouse clung to her slightly sweaty skin. She tucked a few flyaway strands of dark brown hair back into her neat chignon, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door to Robert Benning's office.

    Enter. His voice was low, with the faint trace of an English accent. She didn’t think she’d ever heard him speak before. Anastasia pushed open the door and stepped cautiously inside. She felt her cheeks flushing as she took in the opulence of the junior partner’s enormous office.

    The wall to her left was entirely glass, looking out over the gleaming city. Mr. Benning sat with his back to the vista, behind a gigantic desk of dark walnut. The massive surface was covered with papers. An extremely sleek computer took up one corner. Two polished wooden chairs with gleaming curves that matched the desk sat facing it, for visitors. Directly across from her was a bookshelf, also of walnut, just stuffed with books.  The top was littered with a couple of photos and various trinkets.

    On the wall above the shelf was an abstract painting of a flower. It blazed out from the calm beige wall with broad strokes of bright red and orange. She doubted it was a print. To her right was a small conversational arrangement, a plump leather couch and two overstuffed leather chairs with a low wood table between them. Another table was placed against the wall and sported a chessboard and several liquor bottles. But the most amazing part of the room, Anastasia thought, was the second wall of windows.

    Unlike the wall to her left, the one to the right wasn’t completely glass. The windows only extended from halfway up the wall to the ceiling. The surprising part was that she’d just walked by that wall from the other side on her way from the elevators and hadn’t realized it was a bank of windows. From the hallway, the wall there appeared to be highly polished inlay of black marble.

    I had them install it so I could feel more a part of the office workings without the distraction and noise, Mr. Benning explained. You’re the intern they sent me?

    Anastasia nodded, blinking. Yes, sir. K-Anastasia Nabokov.

    He cracked his knuckles, his attention already sliding back to the papers in front of him. Well, Miss Nabokov, if you can listen well and do only what I ask of you, nothing more and nothing less, then we’ll get along just fine. Mrs. Avital’s assistant is going to come show you around the floor and make sure you know where everything is. I expect you back in no more than ten minutes and on the phones. I’ll leave a list of the names of people I’m accepting calls from on your desk. Anyone not on that list will leave a message. No exceptions. Understood? His voice was firm, but not mean. Anastasia nodded.

    Yes, sir. She bit her lip. Um, where’s my desk, sir?

    He pointed through the windows. Anastasia turned and followed his finger. The desk he indicated was directly in line with his, albeit out in the open and on the other side of the disguised windows. He’d be able to look up and see her, but she wouldn’t know he was looking. The idea sent a shiver of illicit pleasure down her spine.

    She saw a plump older woman with peroxide blonde hair glide up to her new desk and glance around. She must be the other assistant that Mr. Benning had mentioned. I’ll just got take that tour then.

    He nodded without looking up. Ten minutes, Miss Nabokov.

    Yes, sir, she replied, closing the door behind her.


    Benning is a pussycat, Victoria said at lunch. They were at The Exchange with some of the other assistants and interns. Including an alternately glaring and drooling Serge. The glares were all for Anastasia. The drool was for Magdalena, the new intern. The Spanish beauty had inky black, curly hair, chocolate brown eyes, and what Anastasia’s mom referred to as ‘stuff in the trunk’. Her high, round ass was only hinted at in the thigh length dress she wore, but Serge was making it clear he’d like to get a closer look.

    Magdalena was making it equally apparent she’d rather he not. When Serge had slid into the booth next to her she’d wedged herself against Anastasia’s side with an apologetic flicker of her warm gaze. Anastasia threw her arm along the back of the booth to give the girl more room to scootch.

    More like a tiger, Serge growled now. Doesn’t want other males in his territory. He’s just intimidated by other men, that’s why his assistants are always female.

    Ty, one of the other interns, snorted around a mouthful of grilled cheese. Keep telling yourself that, buddy. Serge glared at Ty.

    Your analogy doesn’t make sense, Magdalena said with a frown. Tigers don’t allow other males in their territory because they are dominant. They keep all the females for themselves. Not because they are afraid of them. Her plump red lips turned downward.

    Victoria and Anastasia shared an amused look. Ty and Padma, one of the other executive assistants, burst into laughter. Serge’s cheeks flushed with blood and he tossed down his napkin. I have to get back. Frank needs me to do the intern schedule. He threw a few crumpled bills on the table and stormed out the door.

    Magdalena bit one of her bee-stung lips. Am I in trouble? Anastasia put her arm around the dark-haired beauty’s shoulders and gave her a comforting squeeze.

    Don’t worry about it. If he gives you a hard time, you just let me know. Us girls have to stick together and take care of our own. Right, Victoria? She winked at the redhead. Victoria’s lips twitched, her blue eyes flicking briefly to where Anastasia’s hand still rested on the curve of Magdalena’s shoulder. Her thin red brows curved slightly upward.

    Oh, we definitely take care of our own.

    Magdalena sighed and rested her head briefly against Anastasia’s shoulder. You guys are so nice. I was worried I wouldn’t make any friends here. I didn’t want to come to the city but my aunt insisted. I think she was just trying to get me away from Gustavo. When she saw Ty’s puzzled look she giggled, flushing. Gustavo is my father’s business partner. He wants to marry me, but Aunt Elena says I am much too young and haven’t seen enough of the world yet.

    Your aunt is definitely right, Victoria replied. But don’t worry, Lena. We’ll show you all kinds of new things. Won’t we, Ana?

    Anastasia gave Magdalena another squeeze and then pulled her arm free. You bet. Now, tell me more about Benning. I need to know everything. This assignment could be my ticket to a permanent position if I play it right. And I want to!

    Victoria reached over and grabbed a fry from Anastasia’s plate. Well, let’s see. He works all the time. Comes in early, stays late. His numbers are better than almost anyone else at the firm, but he puts in the hours to get them. She chewed the fry thoughtfully. He doesn’t expect his assistants to stay past 7 or come in before 6, but he will.

    He sleeps in his office all the time, too, added Padma. I’ve seen him when I first come in on more than one occasion before he’s changed and gotten cleaned up. He’s kind of cute all rumpled and unshaven. She tittered.

    He’s a total silver fox, Victoria agreed. He likes his coffee black, with lots of sugar. He drinks bourbon neat. I think he mostly orders from Moo Shu Heaven for lunch. He’s a wiz with clients, but he’s been struggling to bring Wei-Lan on board for the last couple of months.

    Anastasia filed all this information away. The Japanese mega-conglomerate?

    Ty gave a low whistle. I heard they have more money than the Chinese government.

    He’s also begun courting Parker Willis, closer to home. Padma motioned to their waitress for another glass of iced tea. I’ve heard that guy is a total megalomaniacal control freak, though, so good luck with that.

    Anastasia frowned. The named sounded vaguely familiar but she couldn’t place it. Parker Willis?

    Only like the second richest dude in the US, Ty said, rolling his eyes. You know that computer chip that can process like a terabyte of information in a second?

    I’m not sure that’s accurate, but I know what you’re talking about, yeah. She sipped her own iced tea. Why, does Willis own stock in it or something?

    "Honey, Parker Willis invented it. He owns the patent. Victoria reached across the table and stroked her wrist. He’s rich already and poised to make a ton on defense contracts with the US government."

    It was Anastasia’s turn to whistle. Wow. Lucky guy.

    He’s really handsome too, Magdalena piped in. They all turned to look at her in surprise. She blushed, biting her plump lower lip in embarrassment. My father is a software developer so he keeps up with the tech industry, she offered in explanation.

    Have you met him? Parker Willis?

    Magdalena shook her head, black curls bouncing. Oh, no. I was at a banquet with him once but I didn’t get to meet him. He’s really particular though. He sent his salad back three times because it wasn’t exactly the way he wanted it. He was kind of scary, actually.

    But cute? Padma asked. Magdalena nodded.

    Oh, really cute.

    Anastasia popped her last fry in her mouth and chewed. Okay, so Wei-Lan and Parker Willis. Good to know. What about Benning’s family? I know he’s married. Is his wife pushy or nice?

    "She’s not exactly nice. From what I hear, she hates that he works all the time. But I doubt you’ll see much of her. She doesn’t visit the office hardly at all anymore. He’s got two kids, a son and a daughter. He’s in college on the west coast and she’s graduating high school this year. Both the kids stop by occasionally, but they always make sure

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