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Anastasia: The Complete Collection: Anastasia, #5
Anastasia: The Complete Collection: Anastasia, #5
Anastasia: The Complete Collection: Anastasia, #5
Ebook332 pages5 hours

Anastasia: The Complete Collection: Anastasia, #5

Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The complete collection of the Anastasia series!

This boxed set includes every Anastasia story! Follow her journey from beginning to end. You'll get to read the following:

Her First Position - Vol. 1
Pretty, naive, 21-year-old Anastasia Nabokov moved to the big city desperate to prove herself at her new internship with one of the giants of the banking industry. She's hoping this is the break she needs to really live the life she's always wanted.

But living out of a hotel, with no friends to speak of, she’s an easy target for her grumpy boss and the other male interns. Thing are not going as she had planned...

Luckily for her, she makes a new friend in the confident, sexy, and slightly older executive assistant to one of the junior partners.

And the adventurous Victoria is more than happy to show Anastasia the ropes - both at work and at play. It turns out, for Anastasia, the luscious Victoria is a good person to know - both professionally and personally.

No Strings Attached - Vol. 2
With the help of her new friend (and roommate) the adventurous and sexy Victoria, Anastasia is quickly making a place for herself in the big city. But when her girl-next-door looks catch the eye of the gorgeous market analyst Bryce McCormick, everyone warns her off the office Lothario. Even Victoria.

Despite the warnings, Anastasia is sure, since she knows his game, she’ll remain immune. However, Bryce’s dimpled smiles, hard body, and teasing flirtations are hard to resist.

This wouldn’t be the first time since coming to the big city that she’d given in to surprising temptations.

Where’s the harm in having a little fun - no strings attached?

Executive Perks - Vol. 3
Anastasia’s only been interning at Edgeworth, Epstein, and Kendrick for six months, so when she gets assigned the plum position of filling in as assistant to one of the most powerful Junior Partners, she can’t believe her luck. Robert Benning is a giant in the world of investment banking, and Anastasia can’t wait to observe him at work and learn from the best.

But it turns out Robert is more than just savvy and hardworking. The older man is commanding and incredibly sexy too. Now, Anastasia is determined to not only study her mentor’s moves, but to teach him a few of her own. It turns out there are quite a few perks to being an executive’s assistant.

Whatever It Takes - Vol. 4
With only two months left on her internship at Edgeworth, Epstein, and Kendrick Investments, Anastasia really needs to parlay her knowledge, expertise and abilities into a long-term position at the company. So, when the opportunity presents itself to help reel in billionaire CEO Parker Willis as a new client, Anastasia jumps at the chance. This could be the break that guarantees she’ll join the permanent ranks of E, E, and K employees.

Willis is arrogant, cocky, and not all that interested in making an investment, but he is interested in making Anastasia his plaything. The wealthy businessman proposes a bargain: be his sexual slave, and he’ll sign on the dotted line.

With her dream job almost within reach, is Anastasia willing to do whatever it takes to seal the deal?

The complete collection of the Anastasia series!

This boxed set includes every Anastasia story! Follow her journey from beginning to end. Get started today!

Release dateJan 19, 2016
Anastasia: The Complete Collection: Anastasia, #5

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    Book preview

    Anastasia - Ana Vela

    ~Volume One~

    Anastasia stared up at the imposing facade of the Edgeworth Building, palms sweaty and her heart in her mouth. It rose into the blue summer sky, the pale white stone gleaming in the sunlight, the proverbial ivory tower. She squared her shoulders, the brand new suit jacket just a little too tight. She plucked at the sleeves nervously as she took another step closer to the main doors. Just one step. Her knees were shaking.

    Come on, Nabokov. You can do this. She smoothed down her dove grey pencil skirt, checked her stockings for runs, and hitched her purse higher on her shoulder. Back straight, she marched toward the building, and her future. The imposing glass doors rose above her, the gold leaf delicately informing her that this was Edgeworth, Epstein and Kendrick Investments.

    The lobby of the building was tiled in rose marble. Her heels clicked loudly in the hush as she approached the front desk. The mocha skinned man behind it looked up and smiled at her. Anastasia’s own smile was a trifle wobbly.

    Hi, I’m Anastasia Nabokov. I’m starting an internship today.

    He looked down, checking the appointment book that was open in front of him, running his finger down a neat list of names. Nabokov, Nabokov, Nabo... Yup, here you are! He reached into a drawer and pulled out a temporary plastic badge that said INTERN in big blue letters. Just clip that on you somewhere visible until they get you your employee badge. That one doesn’t open any of the doors, you’ll need a permanent badge for that, but it’ll get you in and out of the building.

    She clipped the plastic rectangle to her lapel with slightly shaking hands. She’d gotten this internship with the help of her economics professor, and all of the interviews so far had been on campus. Coming downtown, finding a parking space, and entering this huge, imposing building had left her feeling completely intimidated. This was her first step on the pathway to her perfect life. She didn’t want to screw anything up. Thank you, she murmured.

    He grinned. Welcome. You’re going to head up to Human Resources, on the eleventh floor. Just turn to your left as soon as you step off the elevator and you won’t be able to miss it.

    Anastasia realized there was a nameplate on the desk in front of him and quickly read the name. It would be good to be on a first name basis with the guy who was essentially the company’s gatekeeper. Thank you again, William. She gave him a short wave and headed toward the shining bank of elevators.

    Good luck! he called after her.

    Luckily, the elevator doors slid open as soon as she pressed the button. She feared that the longer she had to wait before really getting down to the business part of her workday, the more anxious she’d become. If she’d had to wait for the elevator, she probably would have been a nervous wreck before she reached Human Resources. She stepped into the large, wood paneled elevator and pressed the 11 firmly, locking her knees to keep them from trembling.

    Wait! Hold the elevator!

    The woman’s voice startled Anastasia so bad she dropped her purse. Glancing up, she saw a statuesque redhead hurrying toward her. Anastasia slapped her hand against the Door Open button and held it down. The other woman smiled at her gratefully as she slid inside, her breath coming a little quick. She smiled at Anastasia, her full lips curving upward, revealing a slight dimple in one cheek. Thanks! I have to get up to 17 ASAP or Mr. Boylan will have my ass. And not in a fun, involving lubricant kind of way.

    Oh. Ah. Sure. Anastasia blinked, heat stinging her cheeks as she processed the other woman’s words. She yanked her hand away from the button panel as if it was made of snakes. The redhead chuckled. Her voice was husky, with an edge of smoke to it.

    She reached across Anastasia, one of her ample breasts pressing briefly against Anastasia’s shoulder, and pressed the button for 17. The doors slid closed and she took a slight step back. I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Victoria. She extended one slim, white hand to Anastasia, smile deepening. Anastasia took it, biting her lip in surprise as a small electric charge jumped from Victoria’s palm to hers.

    She shook Victoria’s hand quickly. The other woman squeezed gently, long thumb brushing lightly over the back of Anastasia’s hand. The small caress felt shockingly intimate. Anastasia felt the flush in her cheeks spreading down her throat. N-nice to meet you, Victoria. I’m Anastasia.

    Ooh, that’s a pretty name. You’re new here, aren’t you? I can tell. The new ones are always jumpy. Relax, Anastasia. It’s not true that all investment banks are viper pits. I promise. She laughed, throwing her head back as if she’d said something funny. Anastasia wasn’t sure what it was, but she couldn’t help staring at the other woman. She’d never been this close to someone so beautiful before.

    Victoria was taller than her by several inches, nearly six feet even in her low heels. Barefoot, Anastasia suspected Victoria was somewhere around 5’10 to her diminutive 5’6. The other woman’s hair was a deep red, not brassy or orangey, but not yet darkening into brown either. It seemed an impossibly rich color. Her thin brows were a few shades lighter.

    Anastasia had heard the phrase ‘porcelain skin’ before, but this was the first time she’d ever seen someone that could be described that way. Victoria’s skin was smooth and pale, but not pallid. She curled her hands into fists to keep from reaching out and stroking her fingers over the other woman’s cheek. The urge was strong. Anastasia’s heart was doing backflips in her chest. Um. Yes, I’m new, she finally managed to say. Professor Madrigal got me the internship here, and it’s my first day.

    Victoria nodded, as if she’d suspected all of this. She casually picked a bit of lint off of her black skirt. The skirt was shorter than Anastasia’s, ending several inches above Victoria’s knees, and form fitting. The lush fabric followed the deep curve of her hips and clung to Victoria’s rounded thighs. She wore a white silk blouse with cap sleeves that buttoned down the front. The pearl buttons were struggling to contain the bountiful mounds of her breasts. The woman was an Amazon: leggy, curvy, and gorgeous. Anastasia felt small and frumpy next to her. But Victoria smiled at her.

    Well, if you need anything, you just ask. I’ve been here for 8 years. If there’s anything worth knowing, I know it.

    Are you a banker?

    The stunning redhead gave that lusty laugh again, reaching out to tweak Anastasia’s cheek. Oh, honey, you are precious. I like you. No, I’m an ‘executive assistant’. Which is the fancy way of saying secretary that they use these days. I work for Mr. Boylan, who’s an associate partner.

    Anastasia whistled. Not a full partner, but close. Victoria’s boss was a ‘higher up’, which meant Victoria had real pull. That was one lesson Anastasia had learned in college. Befriend the secretaries. They were the ones that got things done. So, you do all the work and he gets all the credit.

    Victoria laughed again. Anastasia thought she could listen to that laugh all day. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She’d never had this reaction to a woman before. A sexy man, yes, but... She smothered the thought, heat stinging her cheeks as she realized the direction her brain was going in. Luckily, Victoria didn’t seem to notice.

    Exactly! Oh, I do like you Anastasia. I hope you stick around. She glanced down, blue eyes going wide. Anastasia jerked her gaze down as well, staring uncomprehendingly at the scatter of items on the elevator floor. And then she remembered dropping her purse.

    Oh! I—

    But Victoria had already dropped to her knees, the black fabric of her skirt stretching impossibly tight over the rounded curve of her ass. Let me get that. It’s my fault. She scooped up the cell phone, wallet, pens, and coins and deposited them back into the bag. Anastasia just stared down at Victoria’s gleaming red hair, unaccountably aware that the buxom woman knelt at her feet.

    I think that’s everything. Oh, nope! Victoria leaned forward, arm reaching between Anastasia’s ankles. Anastasia could swear she felt the warm puff of the other woman’s breath on her thighs through the material of her skirt. She gasped as Victoria’s slim wrist brushed her calf as she drew her hand triumphantly up, displaying the nearly escaped item. A condom.

    Heat bloomed yet again in Anastasia’s cheeks as Victoria looked up at her, grinning. The older woman waved her embarrassment away.

    Don’t worry about it, sweetie. Better safe than sorry, yeah? Good on you, being prepared. She tucked the condom into Anastasia’s purse and handed her back the bag.

    Anastasia took it with shaking hands, unable to meet Victoria’s sparkling gaze for very long. Thanks, she mumbled. Thankfully, the elevator dinged then and the doors slid open on the 11th floor. She breathed a sigh of relief and raised a hand briefly at Victoria. It was nice meeting you.

    Yeah, you two, sweetie. Good luck!

    Anastasia turned to her left, hoping that was the way the guy at the front desk had told her. Her heart was still hammering and she felt completely off balance. She heard the ding-ding-ding of the elevator and glanced back. Victoria was holding the door open. She stuck her head out.

    Hey! If you want, some of us are going out for a drink after work tonight. You should come along. Get to know some of the others. This place can be a real blast, I’m telling you.

    Anastasia bit her lip. She should make some connections. It would be good for her career. And her attitude. She knew she was too timid for the cutthroat banking world, but she found the whole thing so fascinating. She’d have to toughen up. Maybe she should start here. Victoria had a curious effect on her, setting her on edge and making her notice things she’d never noticed before. If she spent some time around the vivacious, voluptuous woman, perhaps she could get past it. That sounds like fun, she said softly.

    Great! Victoria beamed. Meet me in the lobby at 5. And don’t forget, if you need anything, I’m on 17! I owe you one!

    Anastasia nodded as Victoria wiggled her fingers in a wave and disappeared back into the elevator. When the doors had closed and the machine had begun moving again, Anastasia let out a long breath, turned around, and headed toward Human Resources.


    Anastasia sat in the cantina, which is what they called the staff lunchroom at E, E, and K. She toyed with her salad, stomach still tied in knots, her cell phone pressed to her ear. She tried to speak as softly as she could so no one could overhear her in the too quiet room. She was one of only five or six eating lunch, and Anastasia strongly suspected everyone else ate out. She wished she had too, but she didn’t know the area well enough.

    No, mom, it’s been really good so far. Everyone’s been really nice. I’ve even got my own office. All of which was technically true. She wasn’t really lying to her mother. Just blurring the facts a little. Victoria had been really nice to her. The woman in Human Resources had been brusque, but not rude. Frank, who was apparently in charge of the interns and therefore her boss, had been kind of a jerk though. But her mom didn’t need to know that. She was worried enough already.

    Also, she didn’t really have an office. What she had was a tiny room with no windows that was filled with a desk and a filing cabinet that currently had no files in it. When she wasn’t in service, doing one of the seemingly ten trillion things interns were required to do - mostly getting coffee or lunch order, faxing, emailing, or copying, or manning phones - she was supposed to be in her ‘office’ in case someone needed her.

    You’re working, or you’re here. That’s it. If you’re not in this room, you’d better be doing something for someone or you’re ass is fired. I don’t tolerate shiftless interns, got me Anaie?

    She’d tried to tell Frank that her name was Anastasia four times. He either ignored her or was doing it actively to piss her off. But she had what her father called a ‘placid’ disposition, so she didn’t get riled easily. She’d just said, Yes, sir.

    Frank had blinked at her, as if unsure if she was being a smart ass or not. Anastasia was pretty sure he would use that exact term. ‘Ass’ seemed to be Frank’s favorite word.

    After giving her a brief tour he’d thrust a packet of papers into her hands and said, Now, get your ass up to 23 and bring those sales reports to Benning. If anyone up there needs you to do something, you do it. Unless you’ve got orders from me. That supersedes anyone. Except one of the partners, of course. Or the junior partners. Or the associates. But other than that, you do what I say first. And when you’re done doing whatever you’re supposed to be doing, you get your ass back down here and park your ass in that chair. Got it?

    Anastasia nodded. Got it.

    Good. Then move your ass. He waved her toward the elevator. Oh! And always answer your cellphone when I call. If I’m calling your cell, you can bet your ass I need you to answer. So pick up!

    He was shouting down the hall to her by that point. She’d waved in acknowledgement and practically dove into the elevator, pressing the button for 23 as hard as she could. The rest of her morning had progressed pretty much like that. Frank ordered her around. Or someone else did. She’d gotten lost once already in the vast corridors of the building, and gotten yelled at at least four or five times for not doing something she hadn’t been asked to do.

    Honey? Honey, can you hear me? I hate these cell phones.

    Anastasia sighed. I hear you now, Mom. Sorry, what did you say?

    "I said are you really sure about this whole big city investment banker thing? You know Mr. Hurlihy at the bank here in town would give you a job in a snap."

    She speared her tomato viciously. It’s not the same thing, Mom. I told you. And yes, I’m really, really very sure about it. Stop worrying. I’ll be fine. I’m only two hours away from you.

    You’re in the city, her mother groused. Anastasia could hear her father in the background, yelling at her mother to give her a damn break. Her mother yelled back, and she could sense a fight brewing.

    Look, Mom, lunch is almost over. I’ve got to go or I won’t be able to finish eating.

    Her mother broke off screaming at her father to harrumph. They obviously don’t give you much time. You’ll starve. That was her mother. Always looking on the bright side.

    Bye Mom. Love you. She hung up without waiting to hear if her mother said it back. That way, she could pretend this was the one time Rosemary Nabokov was going to actually say the words back.

    She munched on a mouthful of limp lettuce, scrolling through her contacts. There weren’t many, and none that she knew of in the city. Anastasia was staying at a hotel at the moment, all of her things packed into a storage unit. She had enough money to stretch until her first paycheck, but she’d much rather be spending it on an apartment than a hotel room. The problem was that she couldn’t afford to get an apartment on her own. She’d looked at some of the ads on Craigslist and places like that, but she’d been terrified by the horror stories she heard.

    So, here she was, in a city where she knew no one, in need of a roommate. She bit her lip, thinking of Victoria. Maybe she could ask the stunning redhead if she knew anyone looking for someone to share an apartment with. Then, at least, it would be a recommendation from someone she sort of knew. But would that be imposing? She’d only known the woman less than a day.

    But Victoria had seemed really nice. It couldn’t hurt to ask, Anastasia supposed. She tossed the rest of her salad in the trash, determined to bring the subject up that very night.


    Victoria was waiting for her in the lobby. Anastasia breathed a soft sigh of relief. She’d had this nagging worry all day that the older woman was hazing her. That she’d been nice to her only to see her humiliated. Anastasia had pictured Victoria standing with a group of co-workers just outside the glass doors, pointing at Anastasia and laughing as she stood waiting in the lobby. She shoved the thought away now. It was a residual from being picked on in high school, she knew.

    The redhead was talking to William, leaning far over the marble counter. William’s attention was only on Victoria’s face about 10% of the time. The rest of it was buried in the deep shadow of her ample cleavage. Anastasia’s face burned in sympathy for the unaware woman. When Victoria caught sight of her, she raised a hand and waved jubilantly, which made her breasts jiggle beneath her shirt. William grinned appreciatively.

    As soon as Anastasia reached her side, Victoria looped her arm through Anastasia’s and tugged her close to her side. There you are! You made it through your first day! I’m proud of you. Frank sends at least half of the new interns packing within hours of arrival. You must be good.

    Anastasia’s flush deepened at the praise, and she smiled. I’m not easily ruffled. I think he likes that about me.

    Victoria’s thin brows rose upward. Think so, huh? Could be. Later, Willie! she called back to the guy at the front desk. He called a goodbye, but when Anastasia glanced back over her shoulder he was still staring at them, dark eyes hot on Victoria’s ass.

    He’s staring at your backside, she muttered to the other woman. Someone should tell her, after all. And he couldn’t keep his eyes off your chest earlier, either!

    The redhead chuckled and patted Anastasia’s hand. Oh, honey, I hope so. I’ve been trying to get his attention for months. Now that he’s looking, I’m going to make him work for it.

    Anastasia sputtered, mouth hanging open. Victoria laughed that throaty laugh again. I thought you said you weren’t easily ruffled?

    I’m usually not. You seem to have that effect, Anastasia grumbled, flushing again as she realized what she’d just said. But Victoria just laughed harder.

    "Oh god, honey, you are too cute. We are going to have a blast. I can tell. Now c’mon, let’s go get a drink and celebrate your surviving your first day in the viper pit!


    She shouldn’t have had that third daiquiri, Anastasia thought later. Her brain felt slippery and her vision kept going a little blurry at the edges. Earlier, Victoria had led her into a bar a few streets from work. It was called The Exchange, and apparently it was where everyone from the building came for post-work drinks, or company lunches of the non-fancy variety. A raucous cheer went up as Victoria sashayed in. It was amply clear to Anastasia in minutes that Victoria was a good person to know, because apparently everyone knew Victoria.

    The group they met up with consisted mostly of other executive assistants, some personal assistants, and various other low-to-mid level cogs. The redhead introduced her around, but Anastasia was having problems remembering everyone’s names before Victoria had shoved a reddish-orange frozen concoction into her hands.

    What is it? Anastasia had asked, eyeing its bright colors and the fruit adorning the toothpick - a cherry and a pineapple chunk.

    Victoria winked at her. It’s called a SnowJob! It’s frozen Sex on the Beach!

    Anastasia blinked. It took her several seconds to process the words and understand them. And of course, as soon as she did, she felt the sting of blood in her cheeks. She’d blushed more since meeting Victoria than she had in her entire life previously. Victoria saw the flush and laughed again. Seriously, honey. So cute! I adore you. Drink your drink! She toasted Anastasia with her own SnowJob.

    She’d never been much of a drinker. No one had really ever invited her to parties before. The cold and the sweetness did a good job of masking the alcohol, and she was halfway through the second, chatting with a girl named Stephanie who worked in Payroll when it hit her. She felt suddenly hot all over and a light, as if someone had filled her body with helium. She giggled, clapping her hand to her mouth.

    Stephanie nodded in understanding. I know. I felt the same way! Anastasia was lost; she’d completely forgotten what the other girl had been talking about, so she just nodded in return. Victoria slid into the chair next to her, her own porcelain skin flushed with alcohol.

    She grinned at Anastasia. Drink up, slowpoke! I’m already one ahead of you. I can’t celebrate your first day harder than you do! C’mon! You survived Frank!

    I told you, Anastasia said seriously, grasping her glass carefully. He likes that I’m unflappable. The word sounded strange in her mouth. She repeated it. Unflappable.

    Victoria tilted up the bottom of the glass as Anastasia drank, pouring the SnowJob into her mouth faster. Some dribbled out the corner of Anastasia’s mouth and Victoria swiped it up with her finger, sucking the digit clean. That caused heat to bloom in Anastasia’s belly. She set the empty glass down, frowning. Unflappable, she said again. Victoria threw back her head and laughed.

    I think what Frank likes is your ass, honey. It’s what he always likes on the pretty interns.

    Anastasia’s eyes widened, but she found herself laughing too. He did talk about it a lot! He kept telling me to get my ass places.

    Yup. Totally fixated. Not that you can blame him. Who’s getting the next round? She called this last to the table at large. A man Anastasia vaguely recognized as someone Victoria had introduced her to raised his hand. Victoria held up two fingers. Two more SnowJobs in honor of my friend here and her unflappable ass!

    Anastasia opened her mouth to say that perhaps she should stop drinking now, but someone said something that made her laugh and she forgot what she’d been meaning to say. And now here she was, partway through her third SnowJob and feeling decidedly woozy. She pushed back from the table, swaying a little, and made her way to the bathroom. If she could splash a little cold water on her face she’d feel much better.

    As soon as she stepped into the quiet, white tiled room, she realized she had to pee. She’d only been in the stall a second, had only just pulled up her skirt, when the door crashed swung open again and two people practically fell into the room. One of them was Victoria. The other was a man. A man Anastasia recognized. Her boss, Frank.

    Frank was in his early thirties, she thought. Somewhat plain looking, with thinning dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was really tall, maybe 6’5, and sort of gangly. Not the type of guy she’d picture the stunning Victoria with. He was sure with her now, though. Frank had Victoria pinned against the bathroom door.

    Anastasia had opened her mouth to call out her presence, but no words came out. Frank twisted the lock, making sure no one else could come in. It was just the three of them. Not that either Frank or Victoria was aware they weren’t alone. A fact that became even more evident to Anastasia as she watched her boss shove his tongue down Victoria’s throat. Not that the statuesque beauty seemed to be minding. Her thin, pale hands clutched at Frank’s head. And if he was shoving his tongue down her throat, well, Victoria appeared to be swallowing it whole.

    She’d never watched porn, not had any siblings or many friends. She’d never seen two people making out so passionately before. The sight made her thighs tremble. Anastasia felt a rush of moisture between her thighs. She whimpered softly, momentarily sure she’d peed her panties. But no, the fluid slicking her pussy lips wasn’t urine. It was her juices.

    Let me see those gorgeous tits, Victoria.

    That was Frank, tugging Victoria’s blouse out of her skirt and frantically pawing at the buttons. They seemed to pop right open, as if the garment itself wanted to show off Victoria’s bountiful assets. Beneath the shirt, Victoria’s wore a bra of pale pink silk. She reached up and yanked the cups down, baring her naked breasts. Frank groaned loudly as they came into view. Anastasia was glad he did. The sound masked her own gasp.

    Victoria’s breasts were huge. Whatever was beyond double d’s. Anastasia didn’t know. Victoria’s skin was porcelain there too, smooth and creamy, except for the candy pink of her nipples, which stood up hard on top her massive mounds like gumdrops. Anastasia licked her lips, which suddenly tingled.

    Frank bent, sucking one tight bud into his mouth. Anastasia could see his cheeks hollow as he drew on Victoria’s nipple hard. Victoria’s hands clutched at Frank’s head, pressing him into her tits. Oh god, Frank! You know how much I love it when you suck ‘em hard like that. It gets my pussy soooo wet.

    This seemed to increase Frank’s ardor. He slurped at Victoria’s tits, moving back and forth between them as if he was starving and she fed him. She crooned and cooed, encouraging him with filthy words. Anastasia had never heard some of them.

    Frank finally lifted his head and kissed his way back up Victoria’s throat to her mouth, shoving his tongue between her lips again. He ground his hips against her, humping against her belly. Anastasia’s breath caught at the motion. She hadn’t really thought they were going to have sex, here, in a public lavatory. But if Frank’s intense grind was any indication, she’d been wrong.

    Victoria dragged her mouth away from Frank, hands dropping to his belt. Feels like someone’s got a present for me, huh? Did you bring your favorite executive assistant a gift, Frankie?

    Oh yeah. It’s all for you, Victoria. He chuckled, stepping back so Victoria could tug his belt open. Anastasia stared,

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