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Trailing: A Memoir
Trailing: A Memoir
Trailing: A Memoir
Ebook112 pages3 hours

Trailing: A Memoir

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Something unexpected occurs when Kristin Louise Duncombe moves to New Orleans to begin her adult life as a psychotherapist: She falls madly in love with a Médecins Sans Frontières doctor, abandons all of her plans, and follows him on a medical mission to East Africa.
Release dateMay 24, 2012
Trailing: A Memoir

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    After I download a book onto my Kindle, I sometimes forget it for awhile. Being sick with bronchitis, I was looking for something to read, with no goal in mind. What luck to land on TRAILING, as it consumed my entire day. I stopped only for necessary needs and back to book. Not knowing what to expect, I dove in and didn't even consider the title: Trailing. What a great title, as you will see as the story unfolds. I have lived a part of this story and felt the same feelings, the PTSD, the loneliness, missing my own career while upholding my husband's. Most women go through some of this in making choices, but the author takes on a journey with her, leaving out nothing. I wondered if I would have told of the emotional affair, and then realized that was a part of the lack of communication in their marriage.How similar to those who never leave their own hometown. If couples keep feelings of stress, and needs not met, then temptations abound.; Needing medication for her PTSD, and for her daily anxiety concerning the dangers around her, such as the Embassy being blown up, and her husband elsewhere. Her dreams of a marriage and sharing his mission slowly deteriorated into panic. He was always gone; she was considered "surplus" by his MSF, superiors. First submitting to dependency, she made several attempts to grow emotional, but always gave in to her situation. As their marriage fell apart, his affair becoming a known factor, Ms. Duncombe moves to Paris. And with no one to lean on, but also no one to blame for her unhappiness, she makes some healthy choices. She realizes she can work AND also be a good mother. How many of us have struggled with that choice? He was leading exciting, challenging life as a Doctor without Boundaries, and she was professionally stagnant. I loved this book, know more about the struggles of those nations who have nothing, and appreciate my life in America. God bless those whom have a calling to help overseas. The author, Kristin Louise Duncombe, educated me, ministered to my need to rest, and more importantly, showed that all marriages and lives with problems are not throw-a ways, even if living in Africa. Communication is the foundation of life and yet this wonderful book shows us our fallacy in thinking that if we speak our feelings we will hurt the other. Lesson learned: when the truth is told, it hurts, but if told early enough, life can be salvaged and enjoyed. I highly recommend this book to any person struggling with an identity conflict.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well written great read.

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Trailing - Kristin Louise Duncombe

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