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Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On
Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On
Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On
Ebook55 pages28 minutes

Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On

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In the Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX series, our favorite sexagenarians describe, in sometimes hilarious and sometimes scandalous detail, their slow motion coming of age in the Midwest in the early sixties. From their clumsy first date to the first time they go “all the way” (on the second try), you’ll gasp at Elmer’s inexperience, smile at Tilly’s (real or faked?) innocence, and perhaps shed a tear of recognition at the blundering beauty of their first time.

By the summer of 1962, Tilly and Elmer had been dating for nearly a year, they were completely in love, and this was their first, delicious, summer together. Their relationship was balanced precariously between wanting to inundate each other with outrageous sexual adventures, and caution, complicated by cluelessness, about how much intimacy would be proper and appropriate. Even though Tilly had let Elmer fondle her bare breasts, and they had touched each other through their clothes, neither knew more than the most rudimentary facts about biology or sexual intimacy, and neither had seen an adult member of the opposite sex naked. Sex education in 1962 consisted primarily of “hands on experience” and Tilly and Elmer were about to enjoy a very educational summer.

‘“Come on in.” he said to Tilly.
“Ok.” she said, taking off her shoes and socks and taking a step toward the water.
“I think that shirt and those shorts had better wait for you on the bank.” he said. “Some naughty boy might splash water on them if you have them on.”
“Ok, Elmer, but I’m not taking all my clothes off if that’s what you’re thinking!”
“Would I think something like that?”
Tilly giggled. “Of course not!” she said.
She stripped down to her bra and panties and joined him in the water. They began hugging, kissing, and massaging one another, an activity which led to Elmer removing Tilly’s bra and tossing it onto the bank.
“Elmer?” she said.
“Come on Tilly, I’ve seen your tits before and they are so beautiful it would be a shame to cover them up.”
“All right you silver tongued devil, you can see them as long as you ask each of them for permission with a kiss.” Permission was applied for and granted.’

PublisherGene Clements
Release dateJul 23, 2014
Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On

Gene Clements

Gene Clements is an artist, architect, and educator. He began the Tilly and Elmer series by writing a couple of paragraphs about a frisky older couple. His friends thought they were funny and wanted to find out what was going to happen if he finished the story. Now they know, for better or worse.Gene grew up in a small town in the Midwest although he now lives in California. He thinks he’s eighteen, but he’s really the same age as Tilly and Elmer. These stories aren’t necessarily autobiographical. Gene knows a lot of interesting people and has a prolific imagination; a dangerous combination.

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    Book preview

    Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (6) - Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On - Gene Clements

    Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On

    Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX

    Book 6

    Gene Clements

    Illustrations and Cover Design

    Gene Clements

    Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On

    Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX

    Book 6

    Gene Clements

    This is a work of fiction. Events, places, characters or names are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Any references to historical events, places, or real people are used fictitiously. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Copyright 2014, 2015 Gene Clements

    3rd Smashwords Edition

    Discover other titles by Gene Clements at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    "This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Note

    Skinny-Dipping Naked with No Clothes On

    About the Author

    More About Tilly and Elmer

    Other Titles in the Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX series

    Other Tilly and Elmer titles

    Author’s Note:

    These fictional stories chronicle the romantic, usually erotic, and almost always humorous, adventures of Tilly and Elmer, a Midwestern couple in their late sixties. They’ve been married for close to fifty years, and would appear to the casual observer to be the definition of an old married couple. But while they ARE a couple, AND married, they don’t consider themselves OLD. In fact, they still feel like teenagers most of the time, although sometimes events remind them that they aren’t quite as athletic, skinny, or flexible, as they were five decades ago. No matter. They try to recapture their youth anyway; and when they can’t quite recapture it, they at least give it a good chase.

    In this series, Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX, they remember their high school dating years, from their first date to the night they finally go all the way. You may find these stories sounding a little familiar as Tilly and Elmer reveal the clumsy interactions, the shocking

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