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Feelings Within
Feelings Within
Feelings Within
Ebook60 pages52 minutes

Feelings Within

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Couple of months passed after Walkar and Corin nearly kissed. Walkar is sad and wants to leave the place, but there is nowhere to go. After he injures Keltas during training, an old monk helps him find out who he really is and where his future lies. Dark secrets and questions unravel from his past and Corin tries to protect him, even if it can cost him his place in the Order.

Release dateJul 11, 2014
Feelings Within

Jonathan Mason

I was born on 3rd December, 1981 in Eastern Europe. I was always attracted to arts in any form or shape: painting, drawing, dancing, writing and acting - you name it, I tried it all. Even modeling. Yes, I was a model, a teenage model. For three months. It was fun and everything, but I wanted to express myself differently all the time. Now, I'm sticking to writing for a while. Would like to see how that goes. Wish me luck.

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    Feelings Within - Jonathan Mason


    Feelings Within

    Author's notes

    Feelings Within

    Oh man, why the long face? Keltas asked Corin when he saw him standing on the stairs. Aren't you happy your shift is over?

    They helped the mayor as a cheap alternative to city guards and night watch since beginning of spring. It was dark outside and Keltas preferred night shifts to day ones and Corin was glad. It was more tiresome and less dangerous – not that he was scared, but he could meet other people and just daydream. A novelty that a new paladin is on watch became old news way too soon and the criminals stopped caring –  it seemed everything was back to normal.

    Keltas had plenty of time to waste and send love letters to his beloved Lenalla while finishing paperwork from day shifts. When he walked around the perimeter he was watchful and sharp, signaling everything was alright to the bowmen up in the watchtowers in regular intervals.

    I am. Just not in a mood, Corin noted detachedly and his stare was blank. They stepped inside the headquarters of the watch. It was a small building with room to change clothes and one office to do paperwork and official business. They needed nothing more – a good guard should be outside on the streets anyway. There was an unwritten rule that the lights should be out, leaving only one torch above the front door – so criminals and thieves wouldn't see them inside, thus having to guess if the guards are walking the streets or not.

    You have been like this since winter. Are you sure there is nothing troubling you? He asked while looking around. The place was clean, he didn't like weapons laying around and would confiscate them right away. The other men learned that quickly.

    Yes, I'm sure. What was he supposed to say? That a man he loves doesn't love him back? That his prayers go unanswered? It was hard to describe what he felt inside. He avoided Walkar as much as he could and was distant to him during trainings as well. The only thing he could do was to man up and take it as it is. The best day of his life turned the worst, but life went on. That was nearly three months ago.

    Look, I don't want to intrude or anything, but I don't like seeing you like this. I'm worried. He made a softer face and his lips curled a little bit.

    I told you I'm alright, but thanks, Corin answered and looked the other way.

    Is this about a woman?

    No, he said quickly and started to remove his breastplate. It was hardened leather, old and itchy like hell, and it was a long warmer day. When he opened his locker and stuffed it in, he noticed Keltas was looking at him, not willing to give up.

    Is any of the lads giving you trouble?

    Keltas, I'm not doing this for the first time and I wouldn't care less what others think or do behind my back. It's just something I don't want to talk about. He slammed the locker door shut and sheathed his sword. The papers to sign are on the table.

    Not even with me?

    Corin looked at him surprised, Not even with you. He knew exactly what Keltas was going to do. He will tell the elder paladins and they will force him to explain himself. And don't even think about talking to the elders if you value our friendship.

    It's either me or them. It was a resolute statement and Corin understood why he was doing it - he considered it his duty. To take care of someone who was in duress. We fought side by side, protected each other, work with each other and you don't even value me enough to tell me what's going on? How dare you threaten me so cheaply? You are my best pal and I'm not going to look how your life is leaving your eyes day by day. You can think I'm just a knight and you endured the Descent, but I know what's right. I don't want to see you like this. He stood firmly and added, It's me or them.

    Corin had two choices. Either telling him and hope for the best, or facing the elders who made him a paladin months ago. Or, he could just

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