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Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook: A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1
Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook: A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1
Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook: A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1
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Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook: A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 features 72 flowers, 6 for each sign of the zodiac. Whether you’re a feisty fire sign, bright and breezy air sign, calm and collected earth sign or an empathetic and emotional water sign Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook showcases the perfect flower for you. With beautiful, striking flowers ranging from the vibrant and showy hibiscus to the romantic handkerchief tree (davidia involucrate) there is plenty to delight the eye in this photobook.
Each plant has been lovingly photographed to show what makes it special and is accompanied by an explanation as why it goes with the zodiac sign it has been assigned to. The plants have all been photographed in their natural state. They are photographed at their most vibrant and alive.
Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 compliments my previous two photobooks Zodiac Flowers - Flowers And Plants For Each Sun Sign and Zodiac Sign Flowers - Flowers And Plants For Each Sun Sign, and builds on the information contained within them.
In addition to all the flower photographs, Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 contains a brief introduction to each zodiac sign, including an acrostic poem, plus expanded and updated sections on the flowers and plants associated with each zodiac sign.
In Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 you’ll discover:
Birth flowers and plants for each zodiac sign
Which zodiac signs share flowers and plants including birth flowers
Which zodiac sign gets most of the poisonous plants!
Which zodiac sign gets the plants with feathery leaves and/or flowers
Which zodiac signs get the water plants and plants that grow by water
Which zodiac sign gets the star shaped flowers
Which zodiac signs get the carnivorous plants
Which zodiac signs are likely to love red flowers
Which zodiac sign is associated with yellow flowers that are loved by butterflies and bees
Which zodiac signs would most appreciate being given lilies and roses and what colours to choose
Which zodiac signs love and are associated with blue flowers
Which three zodiac signs have a natural way with cacti
Which zodiac signs are associated with climbing plants
Which two zodiac signs are associated with vines
Which zodiac signs go for small, bright flowers
Lucky flowers and plants for each zodiac sign
Which zodiac signs share lucky plants and flowers
Which tree is called the ‘beneficent tree’ and which zodiac sign it belongs with
Which zodiac sign you should definitely buy 'lucky' bamboo for!
Which flowers and plants would be appropriate for and appreciated by each zodiac sign.
Which flowers and plants would make an ideal gift for each zodiac sign
Why certain plants go with certain signs
If you’re wondering what flowers or plants to buy as a gift for the Aquarius (or any other zodiac sign) in your life or if you’re just curious about which plants go with which signs this book is a great place to find out.

Release dateJul 24, 2014
Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook: A Collection Of Flower Photographs For Each Sun Sign Vol. 1

Lorna MacKinnon

Who is this Lorna MacKinnon and why should you care? Because she knows her stuff and everything she writes is about you, about your Sun sign and how you can understand all that you need to know about it. Know yourself as Socrates said, right? If you don’t know yourself and what you want, how can you possibly be expected to get it? Your Sun sign is about eighty percent of your astrological profile. So if you can master your understanding of this and take the appropriate action to obtain your desires, only you know what you can achieve. Given this knowledge and how you apply it, you really can write the narrative of your own life. Work out your strengths and how to really maximise them. Understand your weaknesses and determine how to transform them into strengths. Make your perceived weakest link your strongest. Rewrite your past history and reshape your memories into things that are positive and empowering, so that everything really works out for you. Create a powerful, motivational self-fulfilling prophecy that encourages you to move forward, shaping events as opposed to being their slave, getting what you want instead of accepting what others think you should be content with. These books are about you, not about the author. The only ‘writer’s voice’ you will hear is the one that informs, entertains and encourages you. It’s now time to write your own script and act out the drama of your own life, not ones that you previously thought had been chosen for you. Predestination is passe and karma is callow, right? If you feel that this can spur you to think, strategize and act, then follow the blog, buy the books and take action. Become your best, who you really want to be. Nobody else will do it for you.

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    A better way to know more about your sun or moon sign is to read about it.

Book preview

Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - Lorna MacKinnon


Welcome to Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1; a photobook featuring 72 plants in total - 6 plants per zodiac sign.

Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 compliments my previous two photobooks Zodiac Flowers - Flowers And Plants For Each Sun Sign and Zodiac Sign Flowers - Flowers And Plants For Each Sun Sign, and builds on the information contained within them.

Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 contains a brief introduction to each zodiac sign, including an acrostic poem, plus expanded and updated sections on the flowers and plants associated with each zodiac sign.

In Zodiac Sign Flowers Photobook - A Collection of Flower Photographs for Each Sun Sign Vol. 1 you’ll discover:

Birth flowers and plants for each zodiac sign

Which zodiac signs share flowers and plants including birth flowers

Which zodiac sign gets most of the poisonous plants!

Which zodiac sign gets the plants with feathery leaves and/or flowers

Which zodiac signs get the water plants and plants that grow by water

Which zodiac sign gets the star shaped flowers

Which zodiac signs get the carnivorous plants

Which zodiac signs are likely to love red flowers.

Which zodiac sign is associated with yellow flowers that are loved by butterflies and bees

Which zodiac signs would most appreciate being given lilies and roses and what colours to choose

Which zodiac signs love and are associated with blue flowers

Which three zodiac signs have a natural way with cacti

Which zodiac signs are associated with climbing plants

Which two zodiac signs are associated with vines

Which zodiac signs go for small, bright flowers

Lucky flowers and plants for each zodiac sign

Which zodiac signs share lucky plants and flowers

Which tree is called the ‘beneficent tree’ and which zodiac sign it belongs with

Which zodiac sign you should definitely buy 'lucky' bamboo for!

Which flowers and plants would be appropriate for and appreciated by each zodiac sign.

Which flowers and plants would make an ideal gift for each zodiac sign

Why certain plants go with certain signs

If you’re wondering what flowers or plants to buy as a gift for the Aquarius (or any other Zodiac sign) in your life or if you’re just curious about which plants go with which signs this book is a great place to find out.

And now let’s explore the plants associated with Aries …


A is for Active, you’re always on the go

R is for Rebel, you like to rock the ‘status quo’

I is for Illustrious, your achievements are epic

E is for Eloquent, you’re effortlessly articulate

S is for Steady, you’re a loyal lover and friend

Sun in Aries 21 March - 19 April

The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is concerned with:

Initiation, new beginnings, pioneering

Action, daring, adventure

Challenges, winning

Exploration, discovering



Personal goals

Being in control


Openness, directness, honesty, nobility

Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is the sign of new beginnings. The dynamic Ram is a pioneer in body and spirit, embracing new ideas and personal freedom with incredible gusto! Aries people thrive on challenges and will not be thrown of course, except by their own impatience. Aries energy is motivated by inspiration and aspiration - you crave freedom and opportunity, and demand to be stimulated and stretched by new experiences.

Aries is the most outgoing and impulsive, not to mention wilful of the fire signs - ruled by the planet Mars (the Roman god of war), Aries is the most restless fire sign - don't expect Aries to stick around for the long haul (leave that to an earth sign). It is a sign of fresh starts and new beginnings, of enterprise, dynamism and energy.

Aries' strength lies in its willingness to take risks and to give orders - its ability to inspire the other eleven signs with its fiery and powerful example.

The sign of the Ram is the cardinal fire sign of the Zodiac. If you were to use one word to describe Aries, it would have to be heat. Prone to explosive outbursts of passion or rage, life with this determined childlike sign is never boring.


Watch out. Romance with an Aries is an experience that you're unlikely to forget in a hurry. The Ram is a creature of passion and fire. He or she will often form rash and impulsive attachments and, when in love is unlikely to hold back. He or she will expect to be loved with passion in return and will demand to be the centre of a lover's universe!

Romance with an Aries means activity and excitement. Expect an element of high octane drama too. Remember that these people are fearless and can be expected to bring that courage to their relationships.

Aries is often attracted to its fellow fire signs - Sagittarius and Leo, but unless aspects in the chart suggest otherwise, fire sign romances can be explosive. Aries will get along well romantically with air signs (Aries-Libra is often a great match, Aries-Aquarius less so).

Sometimes an earth sign can ground all that fiery Aries energy. In chart comparisons, a Venus or Moon in Aries placement in the other person's chart would indicate compatibility.


An Aries is terrific at leadership but often makes a lousy subordinate. They love giving orders and are extremely adept at the fine art of delegating responsibilities. They have numerous ideas and can't wait to put them into action but leave it to other signs to finish what the Ram started.

The Ram isn't particularly interested in having power over others - he or she is far more interested in having the power to do his or her own thing.


Aries people often spend money as fast as it comes in, as they are not people who believe in long-term planning.

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