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Paths and Places
Paths and Places
Paths and Places
Ebook298 pages4 hours

Paths and Places

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About this ebook

The mind has its roads, its paths and places
Larger than life, smaller than traces
Where the heart goes, where the heart has been
Paths of need, places of finding
The mind goes where the heart has seen.
- Riv Loomis

Stories of adult romance.

PublisherRiv Loomis
Release dateJul 24, 2014
Paths and Places

Riv Loomis

Riv Loomis served in the navy, patrolling the Persian Gulf during the Iran/Iraq war. He holds a degree in English literature from Yale and is now a professional living in New York.

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    Book preview

    Paths and Places - Riv Loomis

    Paths anD PLAces

    Book One

    First published in the United States 03/14/18

    Copyright © Snowdrop Publishing

    ISBN 13: 978-0-9911627-1-0

    First published in the United States 03/14/18

    Copyright © Snowdrop Publishing

    ISBN 13: 978-0-9911627-1-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be circulated in writing of any publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    The mind has its roads, its paths and places

    Larger than life, smaller than traces

    Where the heart goes, where the heart has been

    Paths of need, places of finding

    The mind goes where the heart has seen.

    - Riv

    Table of Contents



    Stuck in Traffic


    Surreal Massage


    What I Want

    Show Me



    What I Need

    So You Want

    Cards on the Table


    Truth Spread-Eagled

    I Feel the Need

    We Meet Again

    Summer Poem

    Take It Slow


    Good morning

    It is cold


    Another Day

    Late Night

    Oh, No




    Hidden Eyes

    Neglecting You

    Hey You


    I Can’t Exactly

    Another Day

    Happy Friday


    Wild at Heart


    Secret Desire


    Deep in Thought

    Giving in


    On the Couch

    At the Meeting

    Two Hearts

    Closed Door

    Here and There

    Long Week




    Staring Out the Window

    Kicked Away Sheets

    Feeling Sexy




    Tell Me Again

    Curling Up

    Heavy Coat

    Out by the Grill




    Sometimes Eyes Closed


    Barest Touch

    Right There


    The dimmed of the lights and the busy loud of the party, everyone talking over beers, glasses of wine, your standing behind the bar and the computer in front of you, the casual way I came behind the bar and was standing near weren't sure where the song lists were, there was a song you wanted to hear, our friends on the other side of the bar, in the middle, in the corners, everyone chatting, the two to us busy looking at the computer for leaning in and your turning to suggest something, our faces close and the moment happening, your honest question eyes and my honest helpful eyes, your question left in the close space between us as our expressions changed, the sudden sparkle intense of my eyes and your adrenalin, the quivery warming in your pussy and your staring back, my staring into your eyes and breathing out, your instinctual knowing in that instant of how badly I wanted to fuck you and your staring back, your eyes going knowing sexual and your tongue touching to your upper lip, my breathing out again and swallowing, holding you in a stare you thought would already be an embarrassed glancing around and the stakes going higher, your face going calm and your eyes seductive, coy and inviting if I dared, your eyes in mine and your turning slowly back to the computer, your leaning in to look at the screen, your back arching down and your ass going back, the way you saw me looking at it since you got here, since we were introduced, my hand down at the keyboard near yours in the next instant, my mumbling hoarse and whispered something about songs, the sudden pressing at your ass and the hard of it, the thick and lengthed of it, you had no idea she never said anything and your staring at the screen, maintaining, the hard of cock pressing against your ass and pussy in the close of us and the both of us staring at the screen, seeing nothing, your glancing up at the busy not noticing of the group just over the edge of the bar as you feel yourself push back, onto the ridged that cock, the shuddery of your breath and the calm of your eyes, your pussy going to a hot wet mess...

    Stuck in Traffic

    The way traffic starting moving and you both laughed and he pointed, your looking and seeing the exit and your staring and his come on said without your hearing it, his eyes and his mouth moving like that and the muscled of his arms casually resting as he was leaning toward you and your pussy going wet, your pussy getting that throbby wanting cock wet and your shrug, your nod, his car ahead of yours down the ramp and your going to turn, your going to go back onto the highway and home and his car going to those trees, those trees and the shade and the corner of the commuter lot and your gut twinging, your nipples hardening and your tongue tip touching to the dry of your lips and your drive over there too, parking next to him, the next moment of you on your back in the back seat of your car and his over you, the soft hard of his eyes and the sincere of them and the fun of them and your hands into his hair, his eyes closing lunging forward thrusts and the owned of your pussy with each stroke, the out to cock head at your pussy lips and the muscled rounds of his ass back into your hands with each pulling back, his lips kissing at your neck harshed breath as he rammed himself back into you and then it all going to fucking, your bucking hips into his pistoning cock and your cumming together, your body tensing pants downed bared foot pressing at the car door turning slow into a lurching shuddering ohhhhfuck orgasm as he fucked you muscled legs and all body and your pussy went to mush, you cumming multiple times as you pussy went to fucked pulp and he came finally, to your relief and your sad and your wanting more, your cumming around his pulsing ejaculating balls emptying thrusts, his face close to yours and the soft of those kisses, the steamed of the windows and your both going to a laughing giggling fit...


    At your desk, typing out your post on self-discipline, the noon hour arriving and my coming in from the yard, the white cotton dress shirt and snug well-fitting jeans that is your preferred dress for me around the house, the quiet knock and your glancing up, your small I'm busy smile and your nod, your turning back to your writing and my coming in, standing for a moment, my hands going to the front of my jeans and your hearing the zipper eased down, your side glance and the stud unbuttoned, hands at the sides and those jeans eased down, the thick of half-hard cock and your looking back at your laptop, concentrating, adding a bullet point about spending twenty minutes on something, my going to my knees, my kneeling to your side, my hands at my shirt and unbuttoning, the shirt opening as my hands go down and the shirt hanging, open and from my very adequate chest, your leaning in to look at your words and my hand going down, down to my cock, the loose grip on my balls and then to the shaft, your typing again and looking at the screen, your side glance and the hardening of my cock, my hand loosely gripping, working it, lunchtime almost here and the tightening of your stomach, the tingle in your pussy, dressed in your business suit, your dark blue slacks and your heels, the afternoon appointment you have to get to and your remembering to check that, opening the calendar and checking, my breathing out and your turning to me, the muscled of my thighs and the hard of my cock, purpled head and gripping fist, your eyes in mine and your leaning back in your chair, watching, my face going tense slack and my shuddering breaths, my other hand and the plate, fine china white and small, the caning I have received in the past for letting even a drop miss the plate, the look of intense concentration on my face as I lean forward, fisting hard, my mouth going to a slack open, my fisting hand and my pointing my hard cock down, the head close to the plate, the throb in your pussy delicious as you watch, your eyes down and staring, the head purpled and reddened, the dark slit, my fist tight and stroking and the sudden hunching of my shoulders, the barely heard of a muffled groan, the sudden white of ejaculate, warm cum, spurt splooging onto the plate as I stay hunched, fisting, the rapid individual lines of cum on the plate puddling, the plate held level, the shudder tensing of my body as I finish cumming, my hard swallow and recovery breaths, the pleased look in your eyes as you lean yourself forward, the creamy pooled of cum on the plate and the plate resting on top of my fingertips, the fine dining spoon dabbing into the cum and scooping up, the spoon lifted carefully and offered, your leaning in just a little more, your eyes half closing as you open your mouth, moaning a soft appreciation as the spoon enters and you start your lunch...

    Surreal Massage

    And…she’s back.

    The quiet calm giggle of her, the quiet calm chuckle of him and the hand on your ass, her hand, your mind processing and moving slow in a waking sleep and her hand moving softly around, the white of the sheet under your chin and the feel of a towel over your hips and your coming to, putting it together, your face in the face rest and your seeing not seeing the floor, her at your side and her hand down there under the towel and the massage in progress, the not moving of you blinking eyes and thinking hard, the oiled massaging hand on your butt cheek and the ethics of that, the allowed of that, the oiled hand warm and soft and massaging around, the oiled hand to thin finger down between your cheeks with a quick over your asshole and back up, the single finger back to hand rubbing on your ass cheeks and your breathing out, your touching the tip of your tongue to your lips breathing out and the finger back down, the fingertip rubbing young woman trying awkward and his here let me show you, the small soft hand going away and a bigger hand replacing it, a bigger hand oiled and massaging over your ass cheeks and your deciding to say something, your pressing your lips to about to speak and the finger down between your cheeks, the middle finger down between your cheeks and finding blunt tip rounded fingertip on your asshole, pressing in with a knowing practiced way and your face in the face rest, your mouth opening eyes going staring oh fuck whispered silent coping, the middle finger cock firm and thick and into your ass and the gut throb in your pussy, the middle finger in and backing out and in again and your mouth opened staring caught breaths, the sound of the two of them discussing something and the feel of his other hand placing down on your other ass cheek, his responding to her and her saying something and the calm of them both, the middle finger into your ass with a massaging fucking intent and your back arching down slightly hips lifting slightly, the knuckles at the top of your crack and the middle finger in your ass with butter churning massage oiled strokes and the orgasm coming up, the so wrong of this what the hell of this and the orgasm coming up, the middle finger cock to out and pony stroking gentle strokes on the oiled puckering tight sensitive hungry of your asshole and going back in with a entitled pressing in shove and your going over, the middle finger calm fucking your ass with muscled hand closed fist single finger strokes and your orgasm exploding inside you, your gasping moaning face down in the face rest cumming from your deep place, the distant vague of the finger hooking in your ass and pulling gently and the orgasm exploding inside you, your legs down toes down fronts of your thighs pressing to the table shuddering orgasm, the finger easing out and gone, the distant of small soft hands placing the towel back over your hips, the soft of her kiss at your ear, the quiet of the room and the both of them going out, the soft click of the door closing, your face down gasping breaths, your quiet oh my gods, your mind and the weak attempt to process happening in there somewhere, the weak of you, the orgasmed spent recovering technically thoroughly relaxed of you, your mind offering nothing...


    The warm of the evening, the open of your bedroom windows and the dark outside, the flickering of the TV set on your dresser and the sound down low, your watching it on your bed, shorts and t-shirt, your hand in your shorts casual playing on the hard of your clit...the car in the driveway, the car passing at the same time and your hearing both, your eyes opened and blinking, listening, the front of the house silent, the side of the house a noise or maybe not, your listening hard, the sound of the side door...your quickening breaths, your heart pounding in your chest, the flickering light of the TV, the sound of the stairs, the sound of the stairs again and nothing else and your staying on the bed, head in the pillows on your back and one knee up and watching TV, the door knob turning slow and your bedroom door opening, your eyes going closed and sleeping and staring hard, two guys through the door masked and onto you with a physical and suddenness and your crying out, the hands on you and your leg swinging around making solid contact and an opening happening, your clawing punching hands and kicking feet getting off of the bed and one of them beating you to the door, your slamming into his body and the door behind him, hands at your shorts and tugging them down and your kicking back missing, the guy at the door grabbing onto your head and kissing hard at your mouth and your growling grunting no, your shorts down at your ankles hampering and the hand down over the crack of your ass cheeks down between your legs to a middle finger into your pussy with a single forcing in thrust and hooking painfully lifting you to your toes, your arms in the hands of the guy at the door and the two of them turning you back to the bed, your twisting kicking turning frantic, arms tight gripped, middle finger two knuckle deep hooked in your pussy guided to the bed and pushed down onto it, the instant and heavy of a guy on you, the feel of his hand down between and groping feeling up on your pussy and your please don't throated out, your arm to behind your back and your fucking let me go, the handle of the bat up and down your slit and in with a metal and rounded and wrong and too big into your pussy turned raped cunt, the stretching tearing numbing of the end of the bat handle into your pussy cunt channel and your orgasm exploding, your arm behind you and the knee in your back, the bat handle metal and cock into you with pushing forcing thrusts and your cumming again cumming multiple times head down face down in the pillows, the guy on you and the knee between your shoulder blades, the middle finger rough stroking fingering finding in on your asshole and pressing in fucking it, the orgasms forming up and flowing exploding too many to count, the maybe fifteen minutes and the two men off of you, the swollen reddened fucked gaped wet mess of your pussy and your legs staying spread, the spent of you, the hissed groans and the cum landing on you from two cocks, the cum on your hair on the back of your head and your back, the cum on your ass and legs, the door closing and the stairs, the side door, the car starting and pulling out and gone, the silence in the room, the light from the TV, the closed of your eyes and your gasping breaths, your hand going down by itself to check on the throbbing swollen ruined deeply pleasured of your pussy...

    What I Want

    Sitting at the bar, your sip of your drink, the cocktail dress no panties no bra of you and the stag party going on in the back room, the friend of a friend mentioning the stag party in passing and your picking up on it, the calm of you and your barely nodding boys will be boys, the conversation moving on, the hard nut throb in your pussy knowing what you didn't dare say, what you didn't let on...the stag party in the back room, the guys that passed you going back there confirming what you hoped, your hand in your glass and your finishing your drink, the warm and pleasantly buzzed relaxed adrenaline nerved of you sliding off of your seat, the calm nerves adrenaline shaking inside of you walking unnoticed to the door to the hallway and then down the hallway, to the closed door of the stag and the laughter yelling inside, the guys that passed you out in the bar most probably in there and your tongue touching to the dry of your lips, your hand up and your discreet knock on the door, the obvious hard of your braless nipples and your cover story and your oh this isn't the other party, the door opening suddenly to men, to crowded drinking rowdy men and the male heat coming out to you, the heat and scent and arousal of men and his eyes in yours, the man holding the door and his eyes in yours, his wordless staring checking if you were the hired entertainment and your eyes in his, your cover story at your lips but not coming out and your not saying no and the door opening more, welcoming you in and your stepping in, the sudden wall of men turned to you looking at you and the loud of everything, the staring calm excited eyes, the loud talking and full balls and hard cocks and expectations of the men pressing to you, your not hearing the door closing behind you, the pressing men and the hard kiss on your neck, the rough hand up your dress and gripping groping on your ass cheek, the sensing of the crowd and the rising quickly of the interest, of the intentions, the hands at the front of slacks, the pack of males hands on your shoulders urging you down...

    The six or seven tight circle of men and the hands lowering zippers the hands pulling out cocks and hardening cocks and your going adrenalined and shaking and about to speak about to offer your other party excuse and the handkerchief pressed quick rough at your face, the strong scent of poppers whiff and your surprised breathing in deep and the laughing, the going spinning of the room and your dropping down to your knees, the going just big enough just stepping back enough of the circle for you to drop seriously partially compromised woozy to your knees and the circle pressing in, your hands to thighs and downed pants and the cocks at your face, the cocks at your hair and neck and forcing into your hands and your turning on your knees to laughs and more cocks, the complete and endless of the circle and the tight pressing of it, the lack of air and your gasping open mouthed, your gasping out wordless help me stuffed back down into your throat by cock, by a cock fat sausage and stretching into your mouth, your pushed from behind by pressing legs and your going face down into crotch, group hands at your head and the cock more into your mouth, cock head stuffing at the back of your theist and the in trouble of you, the hands at your sides and your shoulders and the feel of your dress tearing off, the distant hoots and animal noises of the crowd, the made suddenly naked of you and the glimpse of your dress gone completely away into the crowd, the sweaty gone bonered insistent of the cock in your mouth, the gripped on and shoved of your hand up into sweaty cum swollen heated balls...

    Show Me

    The roses, the rose petals on the bed, the arm strong and familiar around your waist as you stepped into the bedroom from your run, swept tender hard to the bed and into the roses and my on you, my muscled forearms down on the sides of your head kissing you with a Passione slow soul touching force, your going floating, going still, your hands rising up touching fingertips to my arms in the rising heat of our kiss, in the rising primal of us and our lips parting barely breathing, our eyes locked and our thoughts as one, the soft sparkling warm of my eyes for you, the rising heat and lust for you, my arm down, the feel of my hand gripping into the band of your shorts...our eyes locked in the lovemaking fuck lusting of our staring, the feel of your shorts into a gripping intentional fist and yanked down hard, yanked down burning on the tops of your thighs and the hand already and directly into the running damped pussy damped of your panties, my eyes hard in yours and the middle finger down the length of your slit and up, down the bottom of your slit and up and your eyes going coy soft and intense and wanting, my arm down and my hand at your pussy, the middle finger thick and cock firm up and down in the juices of your pussy and your going to mine, your going to safe in my arms and your place deep in my heart and the freedom there, your hips twisting into the sliding middle finger and taking it in, the wet tight of your pussy taking in the thick hard finger familiar and filling and foreplay, the feel of your core going inner taut and ready to fuck as we breathe out lips touching to kiss...the soft of my kiss to your lips again, the slight of my nod and the change in my eyes and your breathing out, the mature adult beautiful sexy woman of you to me, your almost whispered out no daddy please not now as I go to sitting up, as I go to sitting on the edge of the bed and my hand gentle firm gripping your wrist, urging you to me and your going to coming over crawling over going to over my lap tummy down and breathing out, the feel of my hands at the top of your shorts tug pulling them down and your knees bent, your toes down on the carpet, your shorts and then your panties too being pulled gentle efficient down to almost your knees, your head down and your arms down and your breathing faster, your hair down around your face and your hands down on the carpet, the room air on the bared of your ass, the hand warm and flat, placing on your cheek and grazing slow, grazing around in slow gentle circles, the warmed of your face in the private of your hair, the beating of your heart in your ears, the going swollen wet of your pussy, the spanking surely coming, the bared of your hiney under daddies gentle hand…

    Your hands placing down and placing down again as you breathe out head down,

    gasping, as you try get yourself steady, stabilized, the gentle roving hand going to a single middle finger down quick and checking to the wet of your pussy and back up, back to a flat hand roving over both cheeks and then to a single middle finger down between your legs and hooking into your pussy and your going bent knees, the middle finger deep and hooked in your pussy and your going bent knees toes bent pressing thighs to my thigh for a long moment, the going to edged almost cumming gasping straining of you for a

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