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Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ
Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ
Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ

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Revelation! Just the name of the book causes fear and trepidation in the heart of some. Many are afraid to read the book because of the many horrific events that occur in the future. Others just avoid the book due to the many confusing symbols. This eBook series, Revealing Revelation, resolves both issues. It explains the symbolic language in simple, easy to understand terms so that you can enjoy reading the book. And all those scary events... Well, this eBook settles that issue as well. It redirects the reader to the centerpiece of Revelation, the person of Christ. In fact, recognizing that Revelation is all about Christ is the first key to comprehending this marvelous but mysterious book. So this eBook starts where Revelation starts... by revealing the person, power and preeminence of Christ as the One who holds the future in the palm of His hands. Read this eBook and be blessed with new insight and comprehension of this awe-inspiring book.

Release dateSep 4, 2014
Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ

Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery

Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery is an author, and a gifted communicator of God’s Word. She has studied and taught the Bible for over 30 years. Her profound grasp of the Word, combined with the God-given ability to explain deep biblical truth with clarity and simplicity has made her a sought after speaker at conferences, seminars and retreats. Dr. Dennery is also President and Founder of DOCTRINE 101 WITH DR DENNERY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY. This Bible school is uniquely designed for the “person in the pew” whose desire is to study and understand the Word for him or herself.

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    Book preview

    Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation - Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery

    Revealing Revelation: The Series

    Book #1

    Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ

    by Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery

    Copyright 2014 Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery

    Other Books in Revealing Revelation: The Series

    Revealing the Centerpiece of Revelation: Christ

    Revealing the Foundation of Revelation: Covenant

    Revealing the Mystery of Revelation: The Symbols

    Revealing the Beast of Revelation: The Antichrist Exposed

    Revealing the Message and the Mark of the Beast

    Revealing the Counterfeit God in Revelation: The Unholy Trinity

    Revealing the Rapture and Resurrections of Revelation

    Revealing the Judge and His Judgments: The Scroll Opened

    Revealing the Final Conflict: The Battle of Armageddon

    Revealing the Timeline of Revelation: The 70th Week of Daniel

    Christ and Covenant: Key to the Scripture

    The Key to Your True Identity: Tracing Your Biblical Roots

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents





    Chapter 1: The Glorified Christ

    Chapter 2: The Alpha and Omega

    Chapter 3: Conqueror of Death and Hades

    Chapter 4: Head of the Church

    Chapter 5: King of Kings

    Chapter 6: Messiah, the Son of Man

    Chapter 7: Judge of All Humanity

    Chapter 8: Prophet and Fulfiller of Prophecy


    Other Books in the Revealing Revelation Series

    About the Author: Dr. Cecilia B. Dennery

    Connect with the Author on Social Media

    Preview Revealing Revelation Series – eBook descriptions


    To the memory of my mother, Gloria Leona Baptiste, my first seminary professor who taught me the foundational truth of God’s Word during our family devotions that she conducted, morning and evening, without fail, for eighteen years! Thank you Mom!!!


    Giving glory first to God who has truly done great things in my life! I am thankful to my siblings and their support in all my endeavors. For each person who has provided assistance in order to make this book possible, I am truly appreciative.

    Special thanks to Bishop and Pastor Townsend for their encouragement to pursue my dreams and the purpose of God for my life; to my church family for their consistent love and support. I am forever indebted to Bernice Heyliger, my 11th grade honors English teacher who taught me how to write.

    Soli Deo Gloria

    To God Alone Be the Glory


    Revelation! Just the word is enough to spark fear and trepidation in the heart of some. Apprehension and lack of understanding are reasons that some do not read Revelation. Incidentally, these are the same reasons for writing this eBook series, Revealing Revelation: The Series. I have studied and taught the Bible for over 30 years, and am well aware of these three primary attitudes that prevail about this amazing book.

    A Terrifying Book: The Sea turns to blood; the sun becomes dark; 100-pound hailstones pummel humanity; a third of the earth is burned up; a star named Wormwood falls, making the rivers poisonous and a 200-million man army tries to annihilate Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. Without the Mark of the Beast, none can buy or sell; with the Mark of the Beast, none can be saved. These are just a few of the horrific events of the end times that are disclosed in the book of Revelation. It is therefore understandable why some would be afraid to read about these dreadful occurrences, and therefore ignore the book.

    A Confusing Book: Others do attempt to read the book, but get lost and confused with all the imagery and symbols – seals, trumpets, and bowls; the beast with ten horns and seven heads who comes out of the sea; scorpion-like locusts sting and torment people for five months; the woman who is given wings to fly away from the dragon for a time, times and half a times. These and other symbols that are so prevalent in Revelation make it difficult for the average person to understand what is really happening.

    A Blessed Book: There are those however, that fit into a third category. A blessing is promised for those who read and heed this book (1:3). As a result, some people love Revelation, read it repeatedly and are excited about studying it, in spite of the fact that it is scary and full of symbols. If that is your attitude, this book was written for you as well. It will help everyone gain a deeper understanding and love for this marvelous book. If you happen to be scared or confused about Revelation, my goal in writing this series of books Revealing Revelation: The Series is to move you to the place of understanding so that you enjoy and are truly excited about studying this extraordinary book, the book of Revelation.

    Principles For Interpreting Prophecy

    God meant for Revelation to be understood. We know this because of the blessing that God promised for reading and heeding this book (1:3). This blessing would not be possible if one could

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