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Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1
Ebook20 pages20 minutes

Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1

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Warning. This 4500 word story contains graphic language. It is for adult audiences only.

John and Marilyn have worked hard to escape their sordid past. After Marilyn spent months cuckolding and humiliating John with his black boss, the pair decided to move away from the city, to a small town far away. John hoped for a fresh start, and a loyal wife. But things are turned upside down when John's small legal practice is bought out by a large mega-firm. The firm is sending a new boss to oversee operations, and Marilyn won't be able to keep her hands to herself...

Excerpt: The man next to him filled me with anxiety. He was black, with a shaved head and erect posture. His suit was impeccably tailored around his frame. His shoulders were broad, his waist was lean and narrow. He could have modeled the suit in a catalog, if he wasn't already a more successful lawyer than me. He looked like a younger, more charismatic version of my old boss. My heart sank.
Still, I knew I needed to charm the pair of men. I smiled at them and shook their hands. In my mind I repeated a phrase over and over to myself: My wife loves only me. The cheating and cuckolding are behind me now.

Release dateJul 22, 2014
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1

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    Book preview

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Part 1 - Lisa Winters

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again! Part 1

    Lisa Winters

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Winters-Marazza Publishing

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    Table of Contents

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again Part 1


    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again! Part 1

    I nearly crashed the car driving home. I was speeding through the neighborhood, barely able to contain my excitement. I pulled into my driveway and nearly slammed the bumper of my car into the pristine white garage door. I just had the door repainted, and Marilyn would never forgive me if I destroyed it. The car lurched into park and the engine shuddered off. I grabbed my briefcase, coat, cell phone, and

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