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Book 4 in the Council of Three series, begins when Amy, Paul and Frank arrive at the old priest’s home planet only to face those who oppose anyone who could be named as the Council of Three. Fortunately they have some allies, but will they be enough?
It seems that they have yet another situation to deal with. Was all of this planned? A coup has put some very dangerous people in charge of the planet, people who don’t want the Council of Three to survive. They put ‘the three’, Amy, Paul and Frank, on trial for claiming to be the Council of Three, the alleged top judges in the galactic society, and the guilty verdict is already decided.
‘The three’ are forced to flee to another planet. Facing this threat makes them ask themselves, do they want this job? Is it a role that they’re ready for?
The One Who Tests intervenes, providing their Councilors’ staffs. People say it is a sign from God. With the new powers promised with their new staffs, they are frustrated by the realization that there is no one alive to train them. Their only hope is to find eight books left by the last Council of Three which should have the information they need. Unfortunately the books were left on different planets and no one knows where they all are.
‘The three’ are instructed to return home. Earth has been condemned as a barbaric planet and it is up to them to get Earth to change its ways. During the journey home Amy receives another sign from the One Who Tests, and is given a strange yellow uniform. She is told to wear the uniform all the time. Why?
Contact with the Councilors’ staffs start physical changes in Amy, Paul and Frank, as they are being transformed to use the staffs’ powers. They must get to Earth quickly as they are told that only an Earth hospital has the equipment that will help them survive the transformations that they are not ready for.
To complicate things, a spaceship is following them from planet to planet. When it follows them home, what will people do when it appears in Earth’s sky?
What will happen when they tell the people of Earth that they must change their ways or face extermination? How will the people of Earth respond? Will it be the dawning of a new age of Earth’s civilization, or will it be anger, panic, war, and the destruction of humanity?

PublisherDoug Plamping
Release dateJul 28, 2014

Doug Plamping

Doug Plamping has recently taken his writing hobby to the new level of published author. Step on the Sun is his first book, with a number of books in the Council of Three series being prepared for publication. Doug has been a science fiction and fantasy fan since he was a boy growing up in the United Kingdom. A Canadian for 40 years, he enjoys rural living north of Calgary, Alberta, and spending time with family and friends.

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    Book preview

    Return - Doug Plamping

    Chapter 1 – Entry Denied

    The guards outside thought that Amy and her friends were trapped. They were wrong.

    Amy was wrapped in her sleeping bag, lying on the stone floor of a Transit Station on planet Quenlac Three. Daughter, a baby spider, four feet across and growing, was crouched motionless on one side of her, and on the other side Trackerguard, a wolf-like policewoman, was sitting, alert, ears twitching to every noise. Paul, Frank, Amanda, and Sammy filled up the remaining floor space. They had six hours and then they might have to fight their way out of this building and off the planet.

    It was dark inside the tube shield she’d created, but it wasn’t quiet. There were gaps at the floor and the ceiling. She’d been careful not to bring the stone roof down on their heads. Through the gaps they could hear the guards talking, speculating on who they were, and what this meant. Amy had listened carefully at first, but now the guards talk was becoming repetitive.

    Their group had travelled across the Isolated Planets from Earth. She, with Paul and Frank, had promised Simon that they would return his staff and journals to the Wayfarer Guild here on Quenlac Three. Simon had taught them how to use the pillars and archways to travel from planet to planet. The journey hadn’t been easy. They’d been attacked or threatened by giant spiders, bandits, slavers, bears, empires, intelligent wolves, and even dinosaurs. And finally, what really pissed off Amy, when they arrived victorious on Quenlac Three, the guards had tried to disarm them and lock them up.

    Amy wished they’d never come. Almost.

    In the morning, if it came to a fight, Amy planned to use her powers from Staff to create shields to escape; she just had to do it right this time.

    * * *

    Captain Firstline! the voice shouted as someone banged on the outside door.

    Hold on, I’m coming, she called back, being careful not to pull the sheets off her partner as she got out of the bed, the tropical night was cool. Throwing a robe on she left the bedroom, crossed the courtyard, and removed the wood plank holding the door closed. Guard Quicksword. I didn’t hear any alarm?

    Captain, Sub-Officer Strongfighter sent me to alert you to a problem at the arrival pillar.

    Come in, keep it quiet and tell me what happened. She closed the door gently behind him.

    Seven strangers arrived at the pillar, five human, one Spider kind, and one Lupdess kind.

    Unusual, the Captain thought. Spiders usually didn’t use the Human kind pillars. Then what happened?

    One of the strangers asked to see Master Wayfarer Arkturus. Sub-Officer Strongfighter demanded that they disarm...

    Captain Firstline interrupted in a harsh whisper, He demanded that one of the Spider kind disarm! Idiot! Don’t repeat that.

    No Captain.

    Then what happened? she asked, expecting more trouble.

    The leader, a young woman, said that they would wait and be back in six hours, and then there was a black shield around them, from the floor to the ceiling. Nothing else had happened when I left.

    A black dome? asked the Captain, puzzled. A black dome wouldn’t have enough air for six hours?

    No Captain. I think its round, like a lamp chimney, open at the top. Never seen anything like it.

    The Captain sighed, no more sleep tonight. I’ve never heard of that either. We’d better wake Master Arkturus.

    * * *

    Master Arkturus asked, They said they were instructed by Master Wayfarer Hillseeker of Bayside City to ask for me? Seeing the nod from the guard, he continued, "They used the words ‘the three’ in the introductions? Can you remember the introductions exactly?"

    "They used some very strange names, but I’ll try to duplicate how they sounded. The young woman said, ‘I am Amy Elizabeth La Reine, and this is Frank Bristol Wiseman, and Paul’ then a word I missed, ‘Fortezza.’ She then said, ‘I also introduce Samuel’ another word I missed ‘ Johnson, and Amanda Stephanie Andrews, our protectors, Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite, one who travels with the three, and Trackerguard of the Guardian Two One Four Two Family of the Lupdess kind, one who travels with the three.’"

    Master Arkturus pondered that for a while. Thank you Guard Quicksword, you have a good memory; I need to talk to the Captain alone for a moment. Please wait downstairs.

    Captain Firstline asked as soon as the door closed, This is significant?

    Smiling, he answered, Yes, sister, it is. First the arrival yesterday of a spaceship in our sky. Now this. Master Hillseeker told me that he would send me the candidates for the Council of Three. I expected three old and wise humans. From Quicksword’s description, they’re not old. From the way they handled Sub-Officer Strongfighter, they may be wise. They shared a smile. As brother and sister, they had shared more than was normal about the problems in their guilds. "Master Hillseeker has searched for the candidates for a long time, believing it was the task set for him by the One Who Tests. Did he find them? Maybe. They’re led by a woman, and they have a member of the Spider kind with them. That’s significant. The Lupdess is a senior official of their kind. That’s significant. The ‘One’ in the family name means that a prime Lupdess of that family is a child of one of the First Primes, rulers of the Lupdess kind. If the female leader carries a Master Wayfarer’s staff then they have met both conditions of the secret second part of the prophesy;

    And the One Who Tests says that you shall know them as candidates for the council of three by this, she who leads shall carry the staff of a Master Wayfarer, a member of the eighth kind shall travel with the three."

    Firstline asked, "What about the Spider and the Lupdess saying they are ‘one who travels with the three.’?"

    "Yes, as written in the prophesy. But we don’t know why the prophesy uses the words ‘the three’ instead of saying the Council of Three a second time."

    So, what do we do?

    Chapter 2 – Entry Gained

    Frank’s alarm woke Amy. The noise also caused talk and orders between the guards.

    Sammy was already up and had his gear on. He whispered to her, Make me a small opening in the shield at standing height.

    Amy stood up. She held the staff by the symbols carved in middle. She thought the command to Staff, as she called the being that talked to her through the staff, imagining the opening as a round access cover which she removed. Bright sunlight streamed in through the small hole.

    Sammy bent his rifle, a Corner Shot, so he wouldn’t be behind the opening; they’d discovered that arrows could be very accurate. He examined the outside through the rifle’s screen. Sammy told them quietly, The idiot officer is gone. There’s a new officer and a new bunch of guards, which includes archers, be careful. The gate is unlocked and open. There’s two people sitting on a bench outside. They’re both wearing Master Wayfarer robes like those Simon wore, except newer, and carrying staffs like Amy’s. The officer is female, and she’s armed with a sword and dagger. Pack up and get your gear on. Full body armor and helmets. Lock and load.

    They were ready, crouched down facing the location of the gate in the grillwork, the only way out of the Transit Station, weapons ready. Corner Shots for Paul, Amanda and Sammy, a shotgun for Frank as he was a lousy shot, and Amy was holding Staff, ready to put a shield back up. She was also ready to use her sidearm. She had most of their remaining sidearm ammunition as she was the fastest and most accurate shot, a result of years of youth pistol competition shooting. Sammy signaled to cancel the shield.

    Amy did and was pleased to see that she hadn’t damaged the floor or the roof. She had once used a tube shield to cut a stadium roof, dropping it on top of a regiment of troopers, killing or injuring hundreds. It was an accident; she’d just meant to stop them killing people, but Amy still felt guilty about it.

    Sammy wanted it replaced by a shorter tube shield, one they could shoot over. He also wanted it cut into the floor so no arrows could come underneath. Amy had done this before; getting the height right was the hardest part. She created a new tube shield in the same place, but 1.2 meters high this time. Amy winced as the shield crunched into the beautiful mural that was the building’s floor.

    The noise of the mosaic tiles breaking was immediately followed by shouts from the guards. The guards with shields made a wall and the archers started firing from behind the shields. Some arrows hit the shield and dropped to the floor. Other arrows came over the shield to pass either completely over them or hit the far side of the shield. Those were the arrows they had to worry about. They all crouched further down and tighter to the shield.

    A female voice shouted, Cease fire. Cease fire.

    The arrows stopped.

    Now it was Amy’s turn. She shouted, We were instructed by Master Wayfarer Hillseeker of Bayside City to ask for Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City when we arrived here. Is Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City available?

    The female voice answered, The Human kind must disarm; it is required by the Wayfarer Guild Council. We intend you no harm if you have told the truth. The Spider kind and Lupdess kind are free to go.

    Amy knew they couldn’t disarm, they’d learned the hard way that they shouldn’t trust anyone until they knew what was going on, and maybe not even then. It looked like they would have to fight their way out. Amy looked a Sammy. He didn’t look happy either. They needed another option, but Amy didn’t know what.

    Daughter spoke into the silence, "I am Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite, representing the Spider kind. In the battle to come the Spider kind will support the three, the Leadercouncilor, the Warriorcouncilor, and the Wizardcouncilor, as anointed by the One Who Tests."

    In the silence that followed Amy heard the female voice quietly say, Now what!

    Daughter’s announcement had made an impact. There was a lot of quiet talking going on between the guards. Amy heard two male voices arguing. As the argument got louder, and the guards quieter, she could understand some what was being said. She wanted to see what was going on.

    The older male voice getting louder said, They’re just procedures, Master Yellowlight. They can be changed.

    A younger male voice answered, that must be Master Yellowlight. You’re going beyond your authority. Only the Council can change the security procedures.

    The older male voice said in a reasonable tone, But the Council is not here. We are here and I am senior Master present. Therefore it is my responsibility to deal with this unprecedented situation.

    Master Yellowlight objected. These are dangerous criminals. You have heard the reports on how they have slaughtered Human kind as they travelled.

    The older male voice responded firmly, Bandits and slavers. There’s no crime in that. I have the authority. I will let them in.

    Master Yellowlight answered, I am going to take this to the Council. Enough of the Masters may have arrived by now.

    The older male voice answered, That is your right Master Yellowlight. Please advise the Wayfarer Guild Council that I will brief them as soon as circumstances allow.

    Amy heard someone walking away.

    The older male voice asked, May I come forward alone. I am unarmed.

    The female voice objected, I’m responsible for your safety.

    The male voice added, Captain Firstline also wishes to come. She also will be unarmed.

    Sammy pointed at the shield. Make me a hole here.

    Amy made the hole.

    Sammy told Amy, There’s two older people by the gate. The other guards have backed off. The man is one of those two who were on the bench before. The woman is the Guard Captain. She must be the one we’ve been talking to.

    Amy answered, Come forward. We will not fire on you.

    Sammy said, They’re walking this way. The guards are staying back. Seems OK. Amanda and I will get up first.

    As Sammy and Amanda put their heads above the shield, checked and then stood up, the footsteps on the mural stopped. Sammy said to the people approaching them, No problem. Come forward. To Amy he said, It’s safe. Amy, Paul, and Frank stood up cautiously.

    The Master Wayfarer and the Guard Captain stopped a meter from the shield. The Master Wayfarer addressed Amanda, First let me apologize for any insult that you may have perceived. Our procedures have kept this planet, the home of the Wayfarer Guild, secret for thousands of years. Captain Firstline was merely doing her duty.

    Amy didn’t think the Captain looked apologetic.

    As the senior Master Wayfarer present I can take the responsibility for your presence here. You are not required to disarm, provided that you agree to only use your weapons in self-defense.

    Amanda looked to Amy. The Master Wayfarer was startled; he’d assumed Amanda was in charge.

    That is acceptable, Amy answered him and with a thought she dismissed the tube shield. Sorry about the floor.

    The Master Wayfarer examined the circle of cracked mosaic tiles. We can have it repaired. Please come outside. Captain Firstline will dismiss the guards.

    That was a hint. The Captain nodded and left through the gate ahead of them, ordering the guards to return to their posts.

    After Sammy and Amanda checked the area outside the building, they signaled Amy, Paul, and Frank to come out. Outside of the gate in the grillwork they saw that the Transit Station was close to the top of a hill covered in large stone buildings. Birds were singing in the jungle below them. Across a valley was another hill with a typical Isolated Planets city; the temple and other major buildings at the top of the hill, and one and two floor white buildings and winding streets cascading down the hill. The morning air was cool and still. The sun was just above the horizon.

    Amy made the introductions again, adding, We’re happy to have completed the journey safely. Sammy barked a laugh, but Amy ignored him.

    The Master Wayfarer and the Guard Captain gave them the short bow used in the Isolated Planets. The man spoke, I am Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City, and this is Captain Firstline of Bayside City. We are pleased that you made it here safely. Amy recognized the man’s name; this was the man Simon had told her to ask for. He pointed up. They could see a small metallic globe glinting in the sunlight. We apologize for any misunderstanding. People are not acting rationally as they’re frightened by the spaceship in the sky. It may be the Enemy.

    Frank used his telephoto and showed them a picture. All they could tell was that it was metallic, a globe, and it had some flat areas.

    Amy said, Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City, Master Wayfarer Hillseeker of Bayside City, known to us as Simon, instructed me to tell you that he sent us to you, and that he took on the three of us as Apprentice Wayfarers. That shocked Captain Firstline, but Master Arkturus didn’t react.

    You can call me Master Arkturus. Why is Master Hillseeker not with you?

    Amy had been expecting this question. Master Hillseeker, Simon, died before our journey began. He instructed us how to undertake this journey, one which he said would teach us about the Isolated Planets. Arkturus just nodded and was not surprised by the news. Amy asked, Why aren’t you surprised that he died?

    Master Arkturus sighed, a painful memory bringing sadness to his face. The last time Master Hillseeker was here, he told me that the One Who Tests had given him a vision. In that vision he saw that he would send the Council of Three here, to me. He wouldn’t bring them because his life will have ended.

    He died quietly in his sleep, Amy told them. Amy could see that Frank was about to tell them something; probably because they suspected Simon had been poisoned. Amy hip-checked Frank, distracting him, and quickly continued, Before he died he changed his name to Simon.

    Simon? Master Arkturus asked, trying out the pronunciation.

    Yes, Simon, Amy pronounced it slowly. I know that changing names is significant here. The name means listening. The most famous Simon founded the largest organization serving God, the One Who Tests, on our planet.

    Arkturus thought about that before asking his next question, Anything else?

    Yes! said Amy reluctantly. Simon asked me to bring Staff back to you. Amy held out Staff, but Arkturus didn’t take it. She felt like a dork standing there with her arm out.

    Arkturus smiled as if he knew what she was thinking. Have you become attached to the staff?


    Have you heard the voice of the We?

    The We? Oh! Staff. I called it Staff.

    Frank added, Amy’s told us about that. Two words per communication. Warnings and instructions.

    Hmmm, Master Arkturus pondered, then you’d better keep Master Hillseeker’s…Simon’s staff until you get your own. Anything else?

    Frank pulled out a nylon bag from his backpack containing Simon’s journals. Simon asked us to deliver these to you. Frank showed Arkturus how to open the bag. Frank inventoried them, Three of the journals are Simon’s notes in some kind of substitution code. These two are dictionaries and have Spanish and English words alongside the Galactic words, two of the languages on our planet.

    Arkturus commented, I wondered about your accents. You said ‘two of the languages’. How many languages on your planet? He put the journals back in the bag.

    Paul answered, My native language is Italian. There’s close to 7,000 languages, but only a few, maybe eight languages, have over a hundred million speakers.

    Master Arkturus was stunned, There’s over eight hundred million people on your planet!

    No, said Frank, there’s over six billion, that’s six thousand million. We count in tens. Counting in eight’s that’s over 50 thousand million. That statement was met with startled looks.

    Arkturus looked at Amanda and Sammy. Now you’ve completed your journey, will your protectors be staying?

    Amanda answered firmly, We’re staying. Arkturus smiled and nodded.

    Arkturus bowed to Daughter. "Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite, one who travels with the three, will you be staying here on Quenlac Three?"

    Daughter answered, Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City, and Captain Firstline of Bayside City, I give no answer to that question; the One Who Test’s purpose will not be served. I have a message to be delivered to the Wayfarer Guild Council.

    Arkturus responded, Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite, we welcome you, if you wish to stay or travel, our pillars and archways will be made available for your use. The Wayfarer Guild Council has been summoned for an Emergency Meeting. As soon as the Council convenes, a meeting with you will be arranged. Daughter didn’t answer. Arkturus waited a few seconds, but Daughter said nothing else. "Trackerguard of the Guardian Two One Four Two Family, one who travels with the three, will you be staying?"

    Trackerguard moved forward, "Master Wayfarer Arkturus of Bayside City, and Captain Firstline of Bayside City, I will stay for the most dangerous part of the journey of the three; then I shall leave and return again."

    What did that mean? wondered Amy. We’re here! What’s the most dangerous part of the journey? Amy looked at Paul and Frank; they had no idea what Trackerguard meant either. Sammy and Amanda looked even more tense, if that was possible.

    Chapter 3 – Their Story

    Master Arkturus invited them to join him for breakfast. He led them to one of the stone buildings in what looked like a college campus.

    On the way Amy whispered, Trackerguard. What did you mean by the most dangerous part of our journey?

    Trackerguard came close and answered loud enough for her, Paul, and Frank to hear. As a friend of ours says, I give no answer to that question; the One Who Test’s purpose will not be served. Stay alert young Humans. Stay alert.

    Amy, Paul, and Frank looked at each other. Frank shrugged. That seemed to sum it up.

    Master Arkturus announced as he led them into a room, This building is the Wayfarer’s Hall, and this is the Apprentices Food Hall.

    A long table at one end had trays of hot and cold food. The smell was delicious and Amy’s mouth started watering. In a kitchen behind the long table, wood stoves were being used to cook the food. The rest of the room was filled with wooden tables and benches. There were only a few apprentices in the cafeteria, but other Masters and apprentices were coming to look in through the doors and windows.

    Amy saw that Amanda and Sammy were exchanging anxious looks. Amanda shook her head to Amy. She got the point. Master Arkturus, this location is not secure enough. We need a more private location, one where our protectors can eat as well.

    You don’t trust us?

    Amanda answered, So far you have ordered us to disarm, threatened to lock us up, and fired arrows at us.

    Master Arkturus protested, Not me! But I see your point. He went quickly to the kitchen and spoke to one of the cooks. He then told them, The kitchen will send human and Lupdess food to an upstairs meeting room. Follow me.

    Amanda and Sammy were more relaxed upstairs. The room was at the end of a corridor, and they could see anyone approaching. The shutters were open and Amy could smell the jungle and hear the birds in the trees. Sammy was happy enough that he allowed them to take off their helmets and body armor. Captain Firstline was fascinated, examining the helmets and asking questions on how they were made.

    Once they had taken a few bites, Amy, Paul, and Frank took turns to tell their story from when they met Simon to their arrival on Quenlac Three. Amy noted that Captain Firstline whispered comments to Master Arkturus, but not directly to them. Master Arkturus was in charge here, and he only interrupted at a few critical points.

    When Amy had quoted Mother of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite’s statement, Master Arkturus asked Daughter, Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite, when does ‘participate in your journey’ end?

    Master Arkturus, that will be a decision of the Spider kind.

    About the voice in the storm, Master Arkturus asked, Did you know it was the One Who Tests?

    Amy told him, Not at the time, but that answer was clearer later.

    After telling them about Staff transporting itself to Amy’s bed, Master Arkturus had smiled and nodded, so Amy asked, Is that the way it happened to you? Is it necessary for the transformation?

    Arkturus paused for a couple of seconds before answering. That is a Wayfarer Guild secret, and must not be repeated outside of this room. Part of our training as a Master includes the requirement to sleep with a Master’s staff every night. For some the dreams of yellow domes come, and with the dreams, a transformation of the body that enables the use of the powers gifted by the One Who Tests. You need to be aware that for some Masters, Master Yellowlight of Plateau Grasses being one, the dreams have never come, and yet they hold a position of Master Wayfarer and may even be on the Wayfarer Guild Council.

    Amy noted the not so subtle warning.

    Frank asked, Does this mean that we will have the yellow dome dreams as well.

    Yes, I expect so, as soon as you have your own staff.

    When Amy mentioned the warning from Sandspour of Oupavok One given in the dorm, Master Arkturus asked, Can you all remember the Angel kind?

    Paul and Frank shook their heads. Amy told him, I’m the only one who can remember Sandspour. Paul and Frank have to be introduced each time. It seems the Angel kind can erase their memories, but not mine.

    Arkturus was amazed when Amy told them that Staff had taught her how to make shields so she could escape, and even more surprised by her escaping by using a tube to slide to the ground. Seeing the reaction Amy asked, Can Wayfarers do that? I was using a Master Wayfarer’s staff.

    Master Arkturus shook his head. Making a shield, except over a pillar, is unknown to us. As far as we know it not a power that Wayfarers are granted.

    Amy asked, How about changing something to have no mass?

    What do you mean? asked Arkturus, not understanding her question.

    Amy pulled out a key, and left it floating in the air in front of Master Arkturus and Captain Firstline.

    Frank commented, Cool, eh?

    Captain Firstline reached out and hesitantly touched the key, causing it to tumble briefly. She asked, May I borrow it? This is not a power that anyone has ever heard of.

    Amy said, Of course. Keep it. The keys help convince people that what is happening is real. She took out a second key and gave it to Master Arkturus. They examined them for a while.

    There was one last interruption. When Paul talked about finding a Landing Craft on the planet Lakerdiisk and how they found a hologram in a crescent shaped desk that gave them instructions, Arkturus asked him to confirm something. The hologram told you that each of the Councilors had taken a landing craft from the Human Council of Three Command Ship and landed on uninhabited planets out of Library update range?

    Paul responded, Yes, that’s right. Why is that important?

    Quenlac Three has no crescent desks, no Library, and is outside of update range of any other Library. It makes you wonder.

    Chapter 4 – The Old Residence

    Master Arkturus pointed out the window to three buildings. The one to the south is the Women’s Residence and the two others are the Men’s Residences. As Apprentices you will stay there. Your protectors and Daughter of the Clan Adv’fr’gaite and Trackerguard of the Guardian Two One Four Two Family of the Lupdess kind will be provided rooms in the Master’s Residence.

    Amy looked at Trackerguard. Trackerguard didn’t look at her, but her ears turned towards her. She wasn’t going to get any help there. Amanda and Sammy were watching her intently. She wasn’t going to get any help there either. A phrase came to mind, ‘divide and conquer’. They had to stay together.

    "Master Arkturus. We can’t be protected if we’re divided up, and Daughter and Trackerguard will be staying with the three. Master Arkturus took on this professorial look. Amy resisted a smile. She put up her hand to stop his comment. I realize that this is an unprecedented situation, as you said earlier. Now she did smile. To emphasize her point, Amy held Staff horizontally in front of her, commanded it to stay there, and let go. I’m sure we can find a solution that doesn’t bend your rules too much."

    Staff hovered in the air in front of her. The protest that Master Arkturus was about to make devolved into a gasp.

    Captain Firstline laughed. You three are going to be so much trouble.

    You’re not helping Sister, protested Master Arkturus, but then smiled and shrugged. He rubbed his chin and looked out the window.

    Amy suggested, We can find a secure location in Bayside City, somewhere else on this planet, or any other planet accessible by pillar or archway. We can travel to and from that location every day. I’m sure you’ve had exceptions to the residence rules before.

    Master Arkturus turned back from the window and gave her a weak smile. I appreciate your suggestions. I think I have an easier answer. Let me show you. You can leave your possessions and weapons here for now.

    Both Amanda and Sammy shook their heads. Amy answered, We’ll carry everything.

    Master Arkturus looked disappointed but resumed his cheerful attitude. As you wish. He led them away through the stone buildings to a dilapidated wood building near the jungle. He opened an impressive carved wood door and led them through a short corridor into a courtyard. This is called the Old Residence. It was once used by the Wayfarer Guild Council members. Upstairs there are four bedrooms and two workrooms, and on this level there are more rooms, staff quarters, a kitchen, a dining area and a meeting area. Washrooms upstairs and downstairs. It needs some repairs, and there’s no furniture.

    Captain Firstline added, The presence of the Spider kind and the Lupdess kind will cause less problems here. Most of our apprentices have not encountered any other kind yet. It gives you better security; no outside windows on the main floor, and only one entrance. As you’ll need to leave your personal possessions and weapons here during your lessons and meetings, you will need someone to secure the building. As I expect your protectors to be with you, we can provide guards outside the building to secure it. You may prefer to have some staff live in. That would be normal for a building this large.

    Staff? Who would that be? asked Paul.

    I have a couple, Silentgull and Brightbush, who I can recommend. We can solve two problems at the same time, answered Captain Firstline. Let me explain my problem. Silentgull was a City Guard until both his legs were broken in an accident. He is not agile enough to be a guard any more, but is good enough to catch a thief. If they were living here there we would be less concern about your weapons.

    Paul commented, And Captain Firstline, you would get regular reports on us?

    She smiled. True. But I would anyway.

    Paul laughed. That’s honest!

    Master Arkturus turned to Amy. I know this couple; they would be a good choice. If you’re not happy you can change it later. Brightbush is an excellent cook and she would prepare meals for you.

    Why would they do this? asked Amy. Having someone to cook for them would reduce the risk of poisoning, that alone made this a good idea.

    He’s a reserve City Guard, said Captain Firstline, called up only for emergencies, and he gets a small daily payment for that. They make a living by buying and selling goods for the merchants, which they don’t like. You would pay wages; they would prefer that.

    Can we ask them ourselves?

    Of course, said Captain Firstline. I’ll send a runner.

    The tour continued. In the middle of the courtyard was an empty fountain, surrounded by the remnants of a garden. There were decomposing leaves in every corner, and from the rustling of some piles, snakes or mice. The lower level was only closed in across the entrance and back walls leaving large shaded spaces under the second floor.

    Master Arkturus explained, I can bend the rules a little because a member of the Spider kind and the Lupdess kind will be staying with you. I can have any rotted timbers replaced, fix the doors and shutters, and provide you with some basic furniture. Let’s take a look upstairs. He led them up the closer of the two stairs to the second floor balcony, pointing out a couple of rotten stair treads on the way up. He seemed to be enjoying his role as guide. Daughter suddenly leapt from the ground to the railing around the balcony, surprising all of them and chilling the conversation for a while. The leap had reminded them all how dangerous the Spider kind could be.

    They checked each of the upstairs rooms. The bedrooms were large, each with enough space for a sitting area, a study desk, and a bed.

    What do you think? asked Amy. She hadn’t mentioned that she lived in a house far larger than this. She’d always been careful not to let people know about that, it got in the way of friendships.

    It’s like a palace, or it could be, said Frank, eyeing a pile of leaves that was making rustling noises.

    This would be a good solution, better security, said Paul.

    Sammy nodded. If you agree to sleep here, Amanda and I need to take the rooms at the top of each stair.

    Paul pointed out, That leaves someone to take a long narrow room.

    That’s not a problem, said Frank. I want one of them. I can set up a bench on a long wall for my computers and projects. Arkturus had Frank describe what he needed.

    We can use the other long room as a meeting room, Amy suggested. Paul and Frank nodded.

    Silentgull and Brightbush joined them on the second floor. Amy noticed that they were not surprised by Daughter or Trackerguard. Talk of their arrival must have spread to the city.

    Captain Firstline introduced them and explained the proposal to them.

    After whispering together for a few seconds, Silentgull answered, Brightbush needs to see where we would live, and an agreement on wages will have to be reached.

    Amy asked, Where would they be staying?

    Master Arkturus took them back down to the ground level and took them into the rooms to the right of the entrance corridor. The space was about the size of an Earth style two-bedroom apartment, but with no kitchen or washroom. It seemed that everyone would use the same ones. The area had a number of partitions dividing the space, but it was a mess. Amy wasn’t impressed. Is this acceptable?

    Yes, answered Brightbush, grinning. We’ll live in these rooms, maintain, and clean the residence. Silentgull will provide security and I will prepare meals.

    Would this space be big enough? asked Amy, still not sure about the space.

    Brightbush and Silentgull were amused. Brightbush answered, It’s large enough for two adults with six children. It is much larger and nicer than what we’re living in now. As soon as we clean it up, we’ll move in and supervise the repairs.

    What would you expect as wages? asked Frank.

    Silentgull answered, It would be the normal rate for these duties. One it-kad per day each, as you are providing our rooms and food.

    Brightbush added, I will go to the market every day for food and other supplies. Silentgull’s legs are not up to long walks every day.

    Master Arkturus quietly said to Frank, One it-kad each is a fair wage.

    Silentgull and Brightbush were likeable people, and old enough to be their grandparents. Amanda and Sammy seemed neutral, probably wanting to check them out somehow. Amy said, after getting a nod from Paul and Frank, We agree.

    Frank explained, We don’t have local coins, but we have trade goods. We traded one item for a week’s lodging, food, and tutoring. Can you trade our goods for coins and supplies?

    Silentgull laughed, We’ll do that! We don’t like trading, but are good at it. Besides, anything you have is going to be exotic; we’ll have to fight them off!

    Good, said Amy, smiling, liking them more every minute. Frank and Paul will give you some items right away and you can use some of the coins to move your possessions up here, for food, and care of the building.

    Paul added, We have some pocket binoculars. Seeing the puzzled looks, he explained, They let you see things a long way off. Those should only be sold to the Guard Guild. We don’t want the bandits or slavers getting them.

    Amy hadn’t thought of that. Paul’s right. We’ll have to be careful who gets our technology. Silentgull and Brightbush, after trading for some coins, if you can focus on cleaning up your rooms and our bedrooms, I’d appreciate it. We’ll just camp on the floors tonight until we can get some furniture.

    Amy offered her hand to seal the deal. From the puzzled looks, Amy saw that they didn’t understand what she wanted. She grasped Silentgull’s hand, explaining, On Earth, our planet, this is how we agree to a deal. Amy then shook Brightbush’s hand, who now understanding, shook Amy’s hand with a little more enthusiasm.

    * * *

    Captain Frontline said she’d see them for the evening meal and left. Master Arkturus took them back to the main buildings, and into a classroom. Instead of desks there were hand carved wooden tables and benches. One familiar touch was that the end wall was painted black, and chalk marks showed the remnants of previous lessons.

    Chapter 5 – Wayfarer Guild Council

    While the three were having their lunch in the classroom, Master Arkturus went to the Council Room where the other Masters were waiting. Arkturus saw that the full Council was not yet present, but he couldn’t wait. He needed to return to the three to continue building their confidence in the Wayfarers.

    Everyone, please take a seat. He went to his regular place at the square of wood tables they used for the Wayfarer Guild Council, but remained standing. He addressed the Chair, As you have no doubt heard, he resisted looking at Master Yellowlight, who was sitting with a group of Council members who had never shown any Master Wayfarer powers, there has been an interesting arrival. That understatement got a few smiles.

    "I have spent the morning talking to the three young people who were sent to us by Master Hillseeker. He believed them to be the candidates for the Council of Three. The young woman, Amy Elizabeth La Reine, is able to talk to the We, there were gasps from some of the Masters, has exercised Master Wayfarer powers, has been spoken to by the One Who Tests, can create shields in many shapes, and she has demonstrated other powers that are not known to the Wayfarers."

    Dangerous powers, stated Master Yellowlight.

    Ignoring the comment, he released the key in the air in front of him. Shocked silence was replaced by everyone asking questions. He put up his hands for silence. "As required by the prophesy, the female leader carries the staff of a Master Wayfarer, and a member of the eighth kind, the Spider kind, has attested that she travels with the three."

    He paused to let them absorb that. I need to get back to them to learn more about what has happened to them, but before I do I will give you a quick summary of what I have learned so far. The One Who Tests spoke to…

    * * *

    Amy looked out the window. The scene could have been any college on Earth. Except for people in only two colors, brown for Wayfarers and blue for Guards. Except for the jungle around them. Except for the different sun shining on them. Except for a silver spaceship in the sky. Except. Except. Except.

    Master Arkturus was meeting with the other Masters. Reading between the lines, Amy now realized that their acceptance as the Council of Three would be opposed by some of those Masters. She’d actually hoped that their problems would end when they got here and delivered the staff and journals. Was nothing ever easy?

    * * *

    After he finished his summary he told the Chair, "I should get back with the three as quickly as I can."

    Master Yellowlight said loudly to those around him, "It’s not proven that they are the three."

    The Chair of the Wayfarer Guild Council, Master Farmountains of Clearwater City announced, "There’s no reason not to believe they are the three, especially when it is attested by the Spider kind and the Lupdess kind. Perhaps Master Yellowlight you would like to tell them that they are wrong? There was no response. These three have met the secret second part of the prophesy, but the prophesy also says that

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