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Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon: A Vampire Paranormal Romance
Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon: A Vampire Paranormal Romance
Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon: A Vampire Paranormal Romance
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Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon: A Vampire Paranormal Romance

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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Starting over takes a strong heart. Even stronger when it's no longer beating - what kind of price will one man pay to capture a secret love?

On the eve of Jessica Stephens's college graduation, she is sucked into an secret world from which she cannot escape. A drunken evening of partying with friends brings her face to face with a dangerous creature that craves much more than her blood - her life would never be the same.

Despite her new found hatred for the creature that changed her life forever, Jessica soon realizes that the best thing she can do is be tutored by her reluctant master in the ways of being a vampire. Enter a helpful stranger named Robert, and you have the setup for an exciting love triangle between two paranormal beings and a human.

Release dateAug 3, 2014
Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon: A Vampire Paranormal Romance

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The writing style by this author consists only of telling, no showing.
    Makes the story flat and boring.

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Blood Sucker, Secrets Under a Blood Red Moon - Susan G. Charles

Chapter 1

WATERVILLE, MAINE, right beside the Kennebec River, is a small college town, currently the home of Thomas College. And it is also the home of an ordinary girl named Jessica Stephens. Turns out too, that this particular girl was also a highly popular girl on campus. She was also a fiery-tempered, outgoing, energetic college student finishing up the last few classes of her college degree.

Jess, as she was known by all her closest friends, was also a member of several committees at her school, had countless friends and loved to party and live life in the fast lane. Her long hair, a beautiful shade of auburn, was her badge of courage and probably the one thing she liked most about herself. She had hazel eyes, freckles, a light complexion, and was naturally beautiful in an athletic kind of way – not that stick thin model way that so many of her peers opted for.

No longer living at home, she was always on the go, staying out late at night yet waking up early in the morning to start the process all over again. She worked with the local ambulance service part time for now, just to help her keep her feet wet in the medical field. Plus, she had loads of experience in working with patients already and was well ahead of many of her med school peers.

She loved life and surrounded herself with all the in people and always knew the best things to do, the best things to eat or drink, the best places to party at, the best clothes to wear – best, best, best. If it was the best, Jessica already knew about it weeks ago.

Yet, despite the lifestyle she currently led, she had never shared her fear of abandonment with anyone and just kept herself busy because she was so afraid of being alone. She knew her current partying ways would end soon enough, but for now she was milking every last bit of fun that she could out of them.

But this one particular winter night, while out partying with friends at a local bar, Jess had way too much to drink and somehow found herself left alone in the club after it had already closed. Sometime later, who knows how long exactly, Jessica awoke, completely aware that she was in a strange place. All alone.

Where am I? In the bar. Lights out... all alone. Where is everybody?Why did they leave me? She finally managed to get her bearings somewhat, got up and found her coat. As soon as she reached the front door though, she found out that it was locked from the outside. Crap!

Still pretty muddled after having a few too many cocktails, she decided to try the back door. So she worked her way back through the maze of pool tables, trash on the dance floor, behind the bar and then back into the kitchen, heading straight for the back door. Once there she pushed the bar on the back door hard, and it gave way with no objection at all. Not quite what she was expecting. In fact, she pushed so hard that she stumbled out into the dark alley way behind the bar and almost fell face first into the snow.

Without thinking twice she pulled her cell from her unbelievably small purse – and noticed that she no bars. No signal. No service! Damn. Now what? Since she had ridden to the club with friends, her main idea now was to stumble her way back to her apartment as quickly as possible.

Since the temps had dropped quite a bit since she had first arrived at the bar, and she had no cell service or no car, she hoped a friend might drive by, recognize her and give her a ride back to her apartment. But right now, as she stood in that dark alley, all she could think about was that she was cold – and alone.

Her outfit was beautiful and trendy, but not really cold weather ready. She was instantly aware of that. But before she had a chance to put on her coat and

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