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Essential Church?: Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts
Essential Church?: Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts
Essential Church?: Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts
Ebook294 pages4 hours

Essential Church?: Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Why do so many young adults (18 to 22) leave the church, and what will it take to bring them back? This important question is examined and duly answered in Essential Church?, a follow-up to Thom S. Rainer’s best-selling Simple Church cowritten this time with his son, research expert Sam Rainer.

The book is based on a study of one-thousand so-called "church dropouts" who were interviewed about why they left. Their answers are quite surprising, having less to do with "losing their religion" and more about the desire for a community that isn’t made stale by simply maintaining the status quo.

In turn, the Rainers offer churches four concrete solutions toward making their worship community an essential part these young people’s lives again:

 Simplify - develop a clear structure and process for making disciples.

Deepen - provide strong biblical teaching and preaching.

Expect - let members know the need for commitment to the congregation.

Multiply - emphasize evangelism, outward focus, and starting new churches.

Release dateOct 1, 2010

Thom S. Rainer

Thom S. Rainer (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources in Nashville, Tennessee. He was founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and, Church Growth at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His many books include Surprising Insights from the Unchurched, The Unexpected Journey, and Breakout Churches.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This work of Rainer (this time with his son, Sam) focuses on the challenge of maintaining the 16 to 22 demographic in churches. The authors have again done excellent research, made evident in the book, and do well at showing both the difficulties and the possibilities in working with this age group.The authors have perceived that certain churches have learned how to maintain this demographic or to reclaim them to church, and these churches are deemed "essential" churches, since they do well at demonstrating why the church is essential for the lives of these young people (and others). These churches have simplified their structure and efforts and maintain clear purpose that is easily communicated (see Rainer's "Simple Church" for more), provided meatier lessons and material, provided clear expectations and expected people to get to work, and have encouraged evangelism and service. The authors do well at providing wisdom and guidance as to how to encourage a church to become an "essential" church.An excellent read; any concerned about the health of their local congregation should consider it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This follow up book to "Simple Church" takes a look at why the 18-35 year old group drops out of local church participation. The church needs to find new and creative ways to make faith essential to the lives of its younger members in order to retain them.

Book preview

Essential Church? - Thom S. Rainer


Why People Leave the

Nonessential Church


My Faith Is Not

My Parents’ Faith

Joe chuckled at the question, but we could tell it made him uneasy. Up until this point in our interview, the conversation was lighthearted. Joe bragged about his children, his wife, and his family in East Tennessee. He's a clean-cut, corporate guy, but we were surprised to hear he wanted to be a rock star as a young adult. Apparently his father didn’t take too kindly to his vain attempts for a rock ’n’ roll mane. Today he helps to lead music for his church's praise and worship team. Joy, love, and passion exude from him; his commitment to his church is readily

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