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Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle
Ebook49 pages39 minutes

Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle

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About this ebook

John moved out of the city, and build a new life for him and his wife in order to escape her affair with his old boss. John is now a small town lawyer with his own practice, a new house, and a loyal wife. But when his practice is bought out, John learns he is getting a new boss. Tyrell is everything John isn't, educated, muscular, and charismatic. John's wife Marilyn can't keep her hands off him. John soon realizes that,whether he wants it or not,he is about to be cuckolded by his black boss...again!

This bundle contains:
Cuckolded By My Black Boss Part 1
Cuckolded By My Black Boss Part 2
Cuckolded By My Black Boss Part 3

This collection is over 14,000 words of kinky interracial cuckolding erotica! It is for mature readers only!

Release dateAug 4, 2014
Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle

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    Book preview

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss...Again! Bundle - Lisa Winters

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again! Bundle

    Lisa Winters

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Winters-Marazza Publishing

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    Table of Contents

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again Part 1

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again Part 2

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again Part 3

    Cuckolded By My Black Boss…Again! Part 1

    I nearly crashed the car driving home. I was speeding through the neighborhood, barely able to contain my excitement. I pulled into my driveway and nearly slammed the bumper of my car into the pristine white garage door. I just had the door repainted, and Marilyn would never forgive me if I destroyed it. The car lurched into park and the engine shuddered off. I grabbed my briefcase, coat, cell phone, and wallet. I fumbled to open the locked front door with my arms full. At last the door flung open with a whoosh.

    Marilyn! Marilyn! I did it! I sold the practice! I shouted. It was therapeutic just to release some of my pent up energy and excitement. It reverberated through the house.

    Huh? I heard my wife call to me from the living room.

    I ran through the house to the living room, throwing my things onto the kitchen table in a clatter. Marilyn, my wife, was sitting on the couch watching TV.

    Honey, I did it! I sold my practice!

    She turned to me; her face did not match my excitement.

    Jeeze, calm down, she chastised me.

    I sat on the couch next to her. I had to remember that she didn’t like it when I yelled. I looked at my wife, her thin face framed with a modicum of concern.

    I got the final confirmation today and accepted the offer from the firm. As of tomorrow my law practice will officially be sold!

    So much for wanting to be your own boss. She responded dryly, not sharing my excitement.

    She had a point, I was being a bit hypocritical. Two years ago I had left my job as a high-powered attorney at a large firm in the city. Marilyn had quit her job as a copyright lawyer, and together we had moved out to a mid-sized town a few states away.

    We told our friends and family it was because we wanted to start a family one day soon, that the city was too expensive, and that I wanted to start my own practice. But that was just a cover. The truth was the Marilyn had cheated on me with my old boss; a strapping, masculine, black man. The affair went on for months. She didn’t even bother keeping it a secret. She slept with his friends, and made sure I knew about it every time. Sometimes I even had to watch. It was the most humiliating experience of my life.

    Eventually I convinced her to stop, though I suspect that fact that my old boss found a white girl who was younger and sexier than Marilyn contributed to the decision. We both spent almost a year in marriage counseling. I also spent a long time in therapy to get over my wife’s total emasculation of me.

    But we found some common ground and agreed the best thing for our marriage was a fresh start. And so, rededicated to one another, we put Marilyn’s interracial flings behind us. We moved to the small town of McCuckoldsburg. I started my own practice and put a down payment

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