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Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)
Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)
Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)
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Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)

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Box set of four Paranormal Romance stories by award-winning author Helen Scott Taylor.

Sample four mythologies in this varied box set. In The Feast of Beauty catch a glimpse of Celtic fairy lore with the mysterious people of Lir. Try dark, gothic witchcraft in Cursed Kiss. Mix with followers of the ancient Egyptian gods in Warriors of Ra, and experience the cold wonderland of the Norse gods kingdom in Ice Gods.

Ice Gods
A trip to Iceland to find her father turns into a nightmare when she is transported to the icy palace of Valhalla and lands in the middle of the Ice Gods family feud. Odin's son has loved and protected her from afar. Now she is in his world, he can finally make her his.

Warriors of Ra

Christian Lefevre broke Trisha's teenage heart, but twenty years later she must seek him out to identify a rare Egyptian artifact. The fire-filled pyramid holds the secret to the danger that caused Christian to send her away, the secret to his roots buried deep in the mythology of ancient Egypt. Where warriors gifted with power from the ancient gods battled to protect the innocent and claim their special women. Trisha might be one of those women, but she has no intention of becoming the property of any man, even a wealthy titled man. She wants love on her own terms. And when help comes from a surprising source, she might just get love and a power that she had never dreamed of.

Cursed Kiss

Clare is whisked from modern day New York to a chateau in France to a medieval alternate world in her search for a secret ingredient that restores youth. Darkly enigmatic Luka Vlad seems to have the answer, but he is not what he seems--he may have love in his eyes, but he has death in his kiss.

The Feast of Beauty
Kate's grandmother's dying wish is that she should return her pearl pendant to Knocknapog, the tiny fishing village in Ireland where she was born. As production assistant at a television company, Kate is able to book a shoot at the village's mysterious Midsummer Feast of Beauty. She and her colleagues stay with the wealthy local landowner Esras Mac Lir, who organizes the midsummer celebration. But he is not what she expects. With his unearthly silver hair and emerald eyes, there is something magical about him, something compelling and seductive that mesmerizes her and invades her dreams. And when he claims to have been waiting for her all his life, she doesn't know whether he's a romantic, or living in a fantasy world--until he proves that they share a magical heritage and that she truly is his Feast of Beauty Queen.

Release dateJun 2, 2014
Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)

Helen Scott Taylor

Helen Scott Taylor's first novel, The Magic Knot, won the American Title contest in 2008, was a Golden Heart® finalist, and was chosen as one of Booklist's top ten romances of 2009. Since then, she has published other novels, novellas, and short stories in both the UK and USA. Her published works have been finalists in a number of contests including the Holt Medallion, the Lories, the Prism Contest, the Write Touch Award and the Maggies. Helen lives in South West England near Plymouth in Devon between the windswept expanse of Dartmoor and the rocky Atlantic coast. As well as her wonderful long-suffering husband, she shares her home with a Westie and an aristocratic chocolate-shaded-silver-burmilla cat who rules the household with a velvet paw. She believes that deep within everyone there's a little magic.

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    Book preview

    Dreamy Kisses (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set) - Helen Scott Taylor

    Ice Gods

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Warriors of Ra

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Cursed Kiss

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    The Feast of Beauty

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Other Books By Helen Scott Taylor

    About the Author

    Ice Gods


    Helen Scott Taylor


    Copyright © 2012 by Helen Taylor

    Cover design © Helen Taylor

    Chapter One

    Annika approached the grand entrance to the hotel at Santa's Magical Wonderland in Iceland and halted beneath a banner that read: LIVE YOUR DREAMS THIS CHRISTMAS. Against a backdrop of snow-cloaked wooden lodges, shuttle carts shaped like white cats zipped along carrying smiling mums and dads with giggling kids.

    A cacophony of Christmas tunes blasted from the rides in the nearby theme park, lending the whole scene a manic out-of-this-world feel, as if a cartoon had come to life.

    Despite telling herself numerous times that this business opportunity was an unmissable chance to finally visit the land of her birth, Annika couldn't quash the horrible feeling of trepidation at coming here without telling her aunt Una. What if she botched this lucrative travel deal and lost Una's company the business? The woman would have her head on a plate. Her temper was legendary.

    Annika's neck prickled. Two scruffy, black birds perched on a wire over the road were staring at her. She squinted at them, a sense of unease wriggling up her spine. This Christmas resort had a weird atmosphere, or maybe it was just her strange mood.

    She closed her eyes for a few seconds and silently called her spirit guide for reassurance. His warm, loving presence flooded her mind and she immediately felt better—stronger—ready to negotiate her first contract alone.

    Gripping her briefcase handle, she sucked in a steadying breath, and walked under the impressive ice-palace facade of the Magical Wonderland hotel. A familiar sense of isolation closed around her as she threaded her way between the happy family groups.

    Twin girls dashed past, holding a younger boy firmly by the hand. She paused to watch them catch up with their mother and have a group cuddle. She'd longed for a brother or sister, although she'd have been satisfied with just a mother or father. All she'd had was the aunt from hell.

    With a sigh, she turned her attention to the building. The hotel had a welcoming ambience. A huge Christmas tree hung with shiny decorations towered to the apex of the glass-domed atrium. Mock ice walls and dangling icicles gave the feel of a frozen palace, while characters dressed as elves mingled with the visitors, offering photo opportunities to the excited kids.

    The resort staff wore green velvet outfits trimmed with white fur. A receptionist looked up and smiled as Annika approached the check in desk.

    May I help you, ma'am?

    I have an appointment with the managing director.

    The woman's gaze sharpened with interest before she checked her computer screen. You are Annika?

    At her nod, the woman extended a hand, indicating she should come around the end of the reception desk to a door marked PRIVATE. As she passed a display of resort freebies, Annika grabbed a red and white button with the slogan LIVE YOUR DREAMS THIS CHRISTMAS. Perhaps it would bring her luck. If she negotiated a good deal, her aunt might trust her to take on more responsibility. She was fed up with being chained to her desk in the London office.

    The receptionist punched in a security number and opened the door to a plushly carpeted hallway. She indicated Annika should proceed to the far end. Another woman dressed in uniform admitted Annika to the MD's inner sanctum and gestured her towards some leather chairs arranged around a low glass table.

    Would you like a cup of coffee, Annika?

    No thanks. Her stomach did nervous somersaults as she dropped down onto the soft leather seat. She closed her eyes and opened her mind to the loving presence of her spirit guide. His quiet strength filled her, steadying her nerves.

    She called the presence in her mind a spirit guide, but in truth she had no idea who or what he was. When she was a little girl, she'd assumed everyone had someone who talked to them inside their heads when they were frightened or lonely. She'd soon learned to keep it a secret when other kids at school told her it was weird.

    Silently she rehearsed what she would say to secure a good deal for Una's travel company. If she did well this time, Una would have to admit Annika was ready to handle the foreign destinations alone.

    A buzzer sounded. The second receptionist ushered Annika towards a set of double doors. Tyr will see you now.

    Annika's heart jigged. Her fingers touched the button in her pocket. May my dreams come true, she whispered. She would secure this deal then take a few days to sightsee and research into her family. If she had any living relatives, she was determined to find them.

    She swallowed a few times and cleared her throat, then breezed through the door, trying to imitate Una's confidence. One look at the man who rose from a chair to greet her and her step faltered.

    Tyr stood tall, his powerful physique showcased by a dark suit. His shaggy black hair gleamed under the office lights while stubble shadowed his lean, bronzed face. With that coloring, he obviously wasn't a native Icelander. Her research indicated he'd founded the resort in the late fifties, but it must have been his father who did that. Tyr only looked to be in his thirties.

    He stepped out from behind his desk and extended a hand, his lustrous golden gaze sweeping over her. Annika's heart thumped as the firm warmth of his palm swallowed her hand.


    He spoke her name in a thick velvet whisper, as if it were sacred. The seductive foreign lilt of his voice zinged along her nerves. She had the weirdest feeling that she recognized his voice, even though she'd never talked to him before.

    Hello, Tyr. It's nice to meet you.

    For long moments he scrutinized her, and she couldn't drag her gaze away from his compelling golden brown eyes.

    Where's Una? he eventually asked. I was expecting her as well.

    His question broke the spell. He used her aunt's Christian name as though he knew her. Annika had thought the email Tyr sent was an initial inquiry into a business arrangement. If Una already had a deal with him in the works, Annika was going to be in so much trouble for interfering.

    She pulled on her hand, but Tyr's grip tightened, not releasing her. He raised his eyebrows in question and Annika remembered to answer. Una's on a martial arts course in South America for two weeks. I thought you might not want to wait until she's back.

    Hmm. Even his murmur had a husky foreign tone that stroked across her senses.

    I have my aunt's permission to negotiate on her behalf. It was a lie, but officially Annika was a partner in the travel company. She shouldn't need permission to help run it.

    Finally, Tyr released her hand. He waited for her to sit in the leather guest chair before he dropped back into his seat on the other side of the desk.

    What are your first impressions of the land of your birth?

    His question took her by surprise. She'd been all ready to start discussing contracts. And how did he know her personal history?

    Your aunt told me you haven't visited since you left as a baby, he added, obviously noticing her frown.

    A hint of disquiet fluttered through her. Why had Una been discussing her with this man?

    Annika shrugged. I knew what to expect. This might be my first visit, but I've researched Iceland on the internet. She'd had to research it herself. Her aunt flatly refused to tell her anything about the country of her birth or her parents.

    Tyr stared at her some more and shook his head to himself.

    Annika fidgeted, uncomfortable under his scrutiny.

    Sorry I'm staring. I know your father, and you look so much like him it's almost unnerving. He gestured at her. Exactly the same blonde hair and blue eyes.

    You know my father! Who is he? Where is he?Annika leaned forward eagerly.

    A look of discomfort passed over Tyr's face before his expression blanked. If I can arrange it, would you like to meet him?

    No…Yes. Annika's pulse raced. She pressed a hand to her heart. As a child, she had fantasized about her father coming to rescue her from her strict aunt. But in twenty-six years, he hadn't even sent her a birthday card. She'd long since stopped hoping he would be her savior. Now she just wanted to tell him what she thought of jerks who abandoned their kids.

    He'll be at the Yule Fest I'm attending tonight. You can tag along if you like.

    She imagined coming face to face with her father in the middle of a party. Would he even recognize her? How embarrassing it would be if she went up to him and he didn't know who she was.

    So do you want to come with me?

    I don't think so.

    His elegant dark eyebrows rose. Don't you trust me?

    Not trust you? Why would Tyr immediately think that? Although he was a stranger of course, and she wasn't in the habit of accepting dates from men she hardly knew. Not that tagging along could be classified as a date.

    Annika pressed her fingers to her temples to calm her thoughts. Attending a party full of strangers with a man she didn't know to face the father she'd never met…She wasn't that brave. If you give me my father's name and mobile phone number, I'll call him. Then she could gauge his reaction to her. And if they met up, she could choose the time and place.

    Tyr laughed—a low amused chuckle, as if she'd cracked a joke. Your father is not the sort of man you just call. If you want to see him, your best chance is tonight.

    Annika picked up her briefcase and fiddled with the catch. Look, she started, thinking out loud. I would like to meet my dad, but I'd rather give him time to get used to the idea first. It doesn't seem sensible to just turn up at a party and surprise him.

    Tyr laughed again, this time a weary, self-mocking sound that disturbed her. Nothing surprises your father, Annika. I'm sure he already knows you're here.

    He does?

    Something tapped on the window and Tyr glanced over his shoulder. He turned back with a frown. I have to get on now, Annika. We'll sort out a room allocation for your company after you attend the Yule Fest with me. He pressed an intercom button on his desk. My guest is leaving, Hildur.

    Tyr rose. Annika had no option but to follow suit, her mind churning with unanswered questions. But one was foremost in her mind. How does my father know I'm here? I only landed a few hours ago.

    Don't be nervous about meeting him. I'll be with you, Tyr said, ignoring her question. You look weary. Try to catch a few hours rest before I pick you up.

    She hesitated, another query on the tip of her tongue when the reassuring presence of her spirit guide flooded through her. Her concerns slipped away, and she realized that she must take this opportunity to meet her father. She would be safe with Tyr.

    Where is the Yule Fest?

    Valhalla—that's Odin's ice palace. There'll be a lot of people there.

    The resort's theme was a combination of Norse mythology and Santa Claus folklore. She couldn't come to much harm surrounded by the other guests. All right, I'll look forward to it. Thank you.

    I'll collect you from your cabin at around six. For the first time he gave her a genuine smile, a slow stretch of his lips and a sparkle in his eyes. A shiver of awareness fluttered through her.

    Only when she was outside his door did she wonder why she had agreed so easily when she normally would have been far more cautious.


    Tyr stared at his office door, the memory of Annika's slender form and her silky fall of blonde hair replaying in his mind. He'd kidded himself he could remain detached from this latest of his father's revenge schemes, but without Una to help, it fell to him to take Annika to the Yule Fest.

    The last time he'd set eyes on Annika she'd been a tiny baby. He'd been curious to see how she'd turned out, to put an adult face to the child he'd protected over the years. He knew the feel of her mind, enjoyed the mental bond they shared, but he'd always intended to keep his distance from her physically.

    Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined she'd be so beautiful. He'd expected her to resemble Vali the Slayer as she carried his genes, and she did. But somehow on her the look was feminine and attractive. How could he want to kiss her when she reminded him of Vali?

    Whatever his feelings, he must resist. He intended to make sure to send her safely out of Iceland as soon as her part in Odin's warped plan was over.

    Sharp tapping sounded on the window behind his desk again and he gritted his teeth. Why couldn't Odin's damn raven spies leave him alone? He wrenched open the slider and the two birds swooped into the room.

    The air around them shimmered as the birds took human form, their straggly black hair trailing over shoulders hunched beneath long dark coats. Why did Una not accompany Vali's daughter? Huginn demanded, while his brother Muninn cowered behind him, afraid to meet Tyr's gaze.

    He wanted to throw the creeps out. But if they failed to report to Odin it would condemn them to suffer at his father's hands, and more than likely he'd also earn a night of torment through the hated slave ring on his little finger. Una's away. It sounds as though Annika came without her knowledge.

    We'll report to our lord Odin.

    We don't need Una. I'll bring Annika to the Yule Fest myself. If he were there, at least he could protect her.

    The ravens sidled towards the window then changed into their feathered forms and flapped away.

    Odin claimed he was not afraid of Vali the Slayer, but in truth, the old man shivered in his boots at Vali's promise of retribution. Tyr's father planned to threaten Annika's safety to make sure her father behaved. The flaw in Odin's plan was that Tyr would never obey an order to harm her. On the contrary, he'd fight to his dying breath to protect her.

    There was no way to spare her from the shock of discovering her heritage. But if he were careful, he might protect her from learning the full extent of the feud between their families.

    He had only bonded himself with her to save her life, but over the years that bond had been the one thing that kept him sane, trapped here in this icy hell as he was. At the deepest spiritual level, she belonged to him, and he'd grown to love Annika's gentle spirit and quick mind.

    If she was dragged into the family feud and shut him out, he would have little to live for.

    Chapter Two

    At six p.m. sharp, a knock sounded on Annika's log cabin door. She bit her lip. Once she'd left Tyr's office, she'd started to doubt if she wanted to attend the Yule Fest and meet her father. This was all happening too fast and something felt off somehow. Although she couldn't put her finger on what.

    A second knock roused her from her indecision, and she opened the door. Tyr stood outside, swathed in a long fur coat, the hood framing his face. With his unusual golden brown eyes and tawny skin, he looked exotic and out of place in this snowy world.

    Good evening, Annika. Are you ready?

    Strangely, as soon as Tyr was with her again, her confidence returned. Yes. If she were ever going to make her mark and impress her aunt, she must start to take risks to get what she wanted. And this might be her only chance to meet her father.

    Over her pantsuit, she pulled on her champagne wool coat then added her pink gloves and matching beret. When she stepped outside, Tyr scanned her from head to toe.

    You'll need a warmer coat.

    Isn't the party inside?

    He gave her a veiled look. Sort of.

    She spread her arms and looked down at herself. I only brought an overnight bag. This is all I have.

    Never mind. I have a coat you can borrow. He ushered her into one of the resort's shuttle carts and squashed into the driver's seat beside her. She hugged her coat close, acutely aware of him pressed against her in the confined space.

    The cart headed out of a small gate manned by a security guard and took a narrow snow-covered track into woodland. Annika peered back at the receding lights of the resort. Apprehension fluttered in her chest. I assumed the Yule Fest was in the theme park.

    Uh-huh, he said, as if his mind was elsewhere.

    Tyr! He glanced her way at her sharp tone. Where're you taking me?

    The soft reassurance of her spirit guide swept through her like a gentling hand smoothing out her worries, even as her mind told her something was wrong.

    The Yule Fest is a little out of the way, he said. One corner of his mouth quirked. On the plus side, the journey is quite spectacular.

    He stopped the shuttle and cut the engine. Annika had been so focused on the resort disappearing behind them that she hadn't noticed what lay ahead. Her breath caught at the sight of a glittering sleigh harnessed with a white horse. Decorated with golden lanterns and colored bows trimmed with silver bells, the magical carriage rested on a patch of pristine snow.

    It's beautiful.

    I arranged it especially for you. I wanted to make the trip memorable.

    It was certainly going to be that!

    He grabbed a fleecy blue coat from the sleigh and tossed it to her. This should keep you warm.

    While Tyr checked the horse's harness, she changed coats. She slipped in the snow when she climbed out of the shuttle, but before she could blink he had a steadying arm around her waist. Her heart skittered as he hugged her to his side and guided her to the sleigh. She could get used to this type of gentlemanly behavior.

    Once she and Tyr were seated, the sleigh glided forward, bells jingling. A thrill zinged through her. This makes me think of Santa Claus. All we need is a sack of gifts and some reindeer. If only she had a family to share Christmas with, it would be wonderful.

    Tyr squeezed her hand at the exact moment her spirit guide's familiar loving presence swept through her like a warm wind chasing away the clouds. She glanced at Tyr, confused by the strange coincidence, and the way it made her feel.

    You're in the right place to enjoy Christmas this year, he said. Perhaps you should try some of the rides in the park. Maybe I'll join you.

    For the first time in years, a magical anticipation filled the air, as if Christmas morning had arrived and anything was possible. Her fingers strayed inside the borrowed coat to her jacket pocket where she'd stashed the resort button. Maybe dreams did come true. After a lifetime of hoping, Annika was about to meet her father. She didn't kid herself he'd be pleased to see her, but at least he might explain what had happened to her mother and why he'd deserted her.

    Tiny flakes of snow swirled around them. The forest thinned and the track became less defined. In the far distance, jagged icy peaks pierced the leaden sky. Annika's face stung with the cold, so she pulled the hood of the blue coat up over her hat.

    Where are you taking me? she shouted, the wind whipping away her words. Tyr just snapped the reins, making the horse move faster. Out of the whiteness, a deep shadowy ravine loomed in front of them.

    Tyr, stop! Annika's heart slammed painfully.

    You're safe, he shouted. A whisper of calm stroked across her churning thoughts. Sit still and hold on.

    She clutched his arm and pressed her face into his fur-clad shoulder.

    I'm not going to kill us, he breathed against her ear.

    Her rational mind knew his words made sense, but her survival instinct wasn't taking any chances. She dragged her face up and glanced at the rapidly passing ground, wondering if she dared jump.

    Trust me, Annika. His words flowed into her, soothing and reassuring.

    Then the horse leaped over the precipice. Her breath jammed in her lungs. Annika squeezed her eyes closed. But the sickening stomach-flipping fall she expected didn't happen.

    The sleigh shuddered and bumped, then the ride smoothed. After a few frantic beats of her heart, she cracked open her eyes. Instead of falling, they climbed into the swirling cloud of snowflakes.

    With her gloved fingers still fastened in a death grip around Tyr's arm, Annika peered down at the snowy valley hundreds of feet below. She scrabbled to make sense of what was happening. They were at least two miles from the resort, so the sleigh couldn't be a theme-park ride.

    How are you doing this?

    A flash of remorse chased the pleasure off his face. I live in a different world than you, Annika.

    You're telling me flying horses are normal in Iceland?

    It's not a horse.

    Her gaze jumped back to the creature pulling the sleigh and her eyes bugged. A huge white cat the size of a tiger strained against the harness. A little squeal broke from her throat. In Norse mythology, the goddess Freya had a flying carriage pulled by giant cats. Like any sane person, she'd assumed that was fantasy.

    I'll stay by your side at the Yule Fest. You've nothing to fear, Tyr promised.

    The Yule Fest! They were hanging in the air in a sleigh pulled by a giant cat and he thought she was worried about a party? Take me back to solid ground. Now, she shouted.

    Don't you want to meet your father? We're nearly there.

    Her breath rushed in and out, in counterpoint to the thudding of her pulse in her ears. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and tried to calm down. Where exactly is this Yule Fest?

    My father's place.

    His father lived in the freaking sky? Who is your father?

    I'm sure you've heard of him. He's called Odin.


    Odin—as in the Norse god? Annika wrinkled her cute little nose at Tyr, obviously wondering if he were mad.

    Tyr nodded, wishing he could protect her from the horrors of his world—namely his father.

    He couldn't resist slipping along their mental link into Annika's mind to sense her reaction as the glittering icy turrets of the gods' kingdom of Asgard came into view. Her wonder mingled with apprehension, but she didn't panic. He was proud of how well she coped. But he shouldn't have expected anything less. After all, she was the daughter of a man notorious for his emotional control.

    Tyr steered his snow cat, Helga, to the icy ledge and halted the sleigh among the parked vehicles. Helga stretched, raking her claws across the ice. He jumped out and patted his cat's flank. "Hey, girl, play nice. No fighting while I'm inside.

    Surely that's a dangerous animal. Annika pressed herself in the corner of the sleigh, starring wide-eyed at the big cat.

    They can be, but I've had Helga since she was a cub. He held out a hand to Annika, crushing down his pleasure when she trusted him enough to leave the safety of the sleigh with him. He mustn't forget why they were here and start treating this like a date.

    This is your father's palace?


    She ran her hand over a wall of ice. It must be damn cold living here.

    A startled laugh burst from him. My thoughts exactly.

    She halted. If my father's here… She turned uncertain blue eyes on him and something inside him tightened to the point of pain. If she were hurt tonight, he would never forgive himself for not fighting harder to keep her out of the conflict between Odin and Vali.

    Your father, Vali, is of the ice gods world, Annika.

    Her fingers tightened on his arm. Vali. She whispered her father's name to herself as if testing it out. So do I come from here as well?

    Come and meet Vali. See for yourself. Now was not the moment for a history lesson—especially one that might upset her.

    Tyr pushed down her blue hood and smoothed out the long golden strands of her hair with his fingers. Her soft pink beret was somehow innocently cute and damn sexy at the same time. And he shouldn't think about her like this. He needed to get tonight over and send her home safely.

    They approached the high arched entrance to the palace. The tiny gold fire imps and multicolored flower fairies decorating the tall Christmas trees on either side of the doorway swooped out of the branches and buzzed around their heads in a glittering cloud. Annika pressed against his side with a squeal. My god. I thought they were decorations.

    They are. Hungry ones. Tyr dug a jelly bean out of his pocket and handed it to her. Hold it out on your flat palm. The dominant in the troop will take it. She gave him an uncertain glance but did as instructed. A tiny pink woman landed on her hand, wings buzzing too fast to see. She curtsied, then grabbed the treat and flew back towards the Christmas trees with a cloud of colorful fairies in her wake.

    Annika laughed and held out her hand for another jelly bean.

    Let the flower fairy queen eat hers first or you'll upset her.

    Annika watched the tiny fairies, her blue eyes glowing with wonder as Tyr led her past the Christmas trees and into the entrance hall. The six female Valkyrie warriors on guard tensed visibly while their gazes tracked Annika across the room. And they were wise to be wary. Odin had stolen Annika's power when she was a baby, but any child of Vali's was potentially dangerous.

    A pine Yule log burned in the center of the palace's cavernous main chamber, creating a puddle of melt water on the ice floor. It produced a pleasant smell, and a golden glow that gave the illusion of warmth.

    The low murmur of conversation stopped as Tyr entered with Annika on his arm, then the chatter of speculation rose. Everyone in the room knew why he'd brought her. Everyone except Annika.

    My god, Tyr.

    Annika's eyes rounded as she stared up at the eerie floating light globes illuminating the room. He followed her gaze, trying to see the scene as she did.

    Her perusal of the room stopped on a group of tall silver-haired light elves. Gosh, who are they?

    Light elves, he growled.

    Some of the male elves returned her appraisal, interest clear in their slanted turquoise eyes. Irritation flashed through Tyr as a couple of them broke away from the group and headed towards her. After a fleeting glance at Annika to make sure she wasn't watching, Tyr pushed aside the flap of his coat and rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. The elves glared but got the message to back off and returned to their friends.

    Watch out for them. They use fairy glamour to disguise themselves as human and then seduce the tourists.

    Annika chuckled. I'll add that to the marketing blurb for your resort under unique attractions.

    Tyr stifled an angry breath. He'd come armed to prevent a confrontation between Vali and Odin, not to protect Annika from sex-mad light elves.

    Annika's gaze tracked around the room and settled on Odin. Tyr's father was slouched on his dirty ice throne at the far end of the room, scowling at the revelers with his one good eye. Tyr's half-brother Thor sat on the ground at Odin's side, his scruffy red head rested against the ice throne, already drunk by the look of him.

    There's no need for me to introduce you to Odin and Thor.

    Sorry to be rude about your family, she said, but thank goodness for that.

    Tyr gave a wry laugh at her honesty.

    Annika's fingers suddenly dug into his arm. Is that my father?

    Tyr followed her gaze across the room. Vali the Slayer stood in the center of a group of female admirers, his skin glowing with power, his long golden hair falling like a cloak around his shoulders. A beautiful nature spirit clung to his arm, butterflies and birds fluttering among the skirts of her elaborate trailing dress. Her burnished copper hair gleamed in the firelight. Annika's father always had at least one beautiful woman at his side, usually more.

    Yes, he murmured. That is Vali.

    Vali's ice-blue gaze fixed on them, an arctic whip of accusation in his eyes. The hair rose on the back of Tyr's neck. Odin was a fool if he thought he could control Vali by threatening his daughter. He'd already tried it once and failed. But the old fool would not listen to sense where Vali was concerned. Old hatreds burned too deep for sense to prevail.

    Tyr placed his hand over Annika's grip on his arm, making sure her father understood that he intended to protect her. Vali bent to whisper in the nature spirit's ear, then made his way through the crowd towards them.

    Despite Vali's flamboyant attire, he moved with the controlled grace of a warrior. Tyr prayed that Vali restrained his anger at seeing Annika here. When he finally took revenge on Odin, it was likely the whole of Valhalla would be destroyed—and likely Iceland with it.

    Chapter Three

    Annika couldn't tear her eyes from the man striding towards her through the crowd. Everyone in his path stepped aside as though repelled by an invisible force field.

    This man—her father—didn't even appear human. His skin glowed, and an aura of elemental danger surrounded him. She stepped back into the relative security of Tyr's arm, even though she wasn't completely sure she could trust him either.

    So intently did she watch her father's face, she only registered his ostentatious scarlet brocade coat and the froth of lace at his throat when he reached her.

    Tyr the Valiant. Vali's softly spoken words held little inflection but drove through her with the cold thrust of a blade. He stared at Tyr with lacerating intensity. Then his gaze dropped to Annika and he smiled. His change of expression was as unexpected and shocking as the sun flaring

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