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The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
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The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse

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About this ebook

The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse is about David Bailey's journey of discovery and a recent trek through many countries on a quest revealing more than he bargained for. With over a decade of experience and research behind him he passionately embarked on an arduous search and discovered the secret hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant and Ancient Tablets but also a truth for all mankind regardless of race or creed. It is not about religion, it is a reality that is fast approaching like a runaway train and unless mankind can alter his cycle of behavior risks total annihilation by a domino effect.

PublisherReadOnTime BV
Release dateAug 4, 2014
The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse

David Bailey

David Bailey has worked as a telecommunications design engineer in Europe, Australia, Africa and Hong Kong for the past fifteen years. He built up an excellent reputation whilst working for IDC Technologies as a superb instructor in the area of radio engineering. He currently consults to a number of blue chip clients in the telecommunications industry.

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    The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse - David Bailey

    The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse

    David Bailey

    The Ancient Tablets & Arrival of 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse

    Copyright © 2014 David Bailey

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

    Smashwords Edition

    The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of this publication.

    A copy of this publication can be found in the National Library of Australia.

    ISBN:  978-1-742844-59-6 (pbk.)

    Published by Book Pal

    Other books by the author:

    The Emissary Diaries:

    Part1: Journey of Discovery

    Part2: Lifecycles within the Big Circle

    Part3: Back to Grass Roots

    The Life and Times of ETIL KRAD


    I wish to dedicate this book to Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Order Knights Templar and Geoffrey de Charnay, Preceptor of Normandy, for their enormous courage to both recant their torture-induced confessions at a crucial time in public in spite of their adversity, and to be able to walk their talk knowing they would be declared relapsed heretics and burnt alive at the stake.



    1. The Ark of the Covenant and Ancient Tablets

    2. Uluru/Ayers Rock

    3. Port Arthur/Tasmania

    4. United Kingdom

    5. France

    6. The Rise and Fall of The Knights Templar

    7. France—Continued/Nostradamus

    8. Spain/Italy

    9. Machu Picchu/Easter Island

    10. The Arrival of 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse

    11. End Times


    I believe from the bottom of my heart that I have discovered the secret hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant and the Ancient Tablets. I also feel that the knowledge I have gathered affects every man, woman, and child on earth in this current time frame, regardless of race, color, creed, or current financial status, and I believe our multicultural civilization encompassing this planet is in great jeopardy and is on the brink of collapse and annihilation. I realize making these statements may seem rash and a little crazy at the outset, but I believe when you have finished reading this book, you will perceive in your own way a truth that you did not expect and cannot deny.

    In late September 2013, I completed an arduous solitary trek around the globe visiting many countries. What started out for me as a search for the Ancient Tablets and their secret location saw me discovering their exact whereabouts and fulfilling my quest, which started over a decade ago, but quite unexpectedly raised an alarm as I slowly gathered information at each location.

    Many sites I visited shared something in common; the demise of what was once a proud civilization achieving great heights and from remarkable structures left behind, I could see the remnants of a powerful energy, dedication, and a sense of purpose by its builders. All that’s left behind is an amazing stone monument that outlives its original inhabitants, still standing almost in defiance, possibly surpassing our current civilization, as a blunt reminder of mankind’s vulnerability over the passage of time.

    It can be argued what each of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize, but general consensus is unanimous that world and civil war, mass slaughter, pestilence, famine, and agonizing death play a role. I have found a correlation between the past and present day which places us on the precipice of a worldwide calamity unequalled since recorded history.

    Chapter One

    The Ark of the Covenant and Ancient Tablets

    Biblical accounts and the book of Exodus describe the Ark as being an ornate wooden chest about 130cm long with a height and width of about 78cm, made from shittim wood and then gold-plated inside and out. On top of the Ark of the Covenant is a crown made of gold, and the mercy seat, or God’s throne, which is adorned at either end by a sculptured young angel with wings, referred to as a cherub. At the bottom of each of the four corners of the Ark is a gold ring enabling two gold-plated shittim wood shafts to be inserted to lift and transport it.

    This pristine artifact was built about 1000 years BC by the Israelites to house and transport the Ancient Tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed by the finger of God, and brought back from Mount Sinai by Moses. Agreeing to abide by the Ten Commandments enters into a covenant with God which involves following a life path incorporating both religious obligations and civil laws as set out on the Ancient Tablets.

    According to the Hebrew Bible, King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, known as Mount Zion, to house the Ark of the Covenant. It is written that King Solomon asked God for wisdom so that he could rule his kingdom justly. God granted his wish because he was not selfish and did not ask for a long life or personal gains, and thus he became wiser than Moses and full of all the wisdom of Egypt. He left behind, under the title Song of Songs, his book of adeptship.

    King Solomon is said to have reigned for about 40 years and lived until he was around 80 years old, having 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1400 chariots, 12,000 horsemen, and amassing around 500 tons of gold over a 30 year period, collecting tribute amounting to 666 talents of gold in one year alone, which equates to almost one billion U.S. dollars in today’s language. Solomon spent 13 years building his royal palace in central Jerusalem, and indulged himself with opulence and his vulnerability for beautiful women, some of whom were foreigners with different belief systems who worshipped their own gods. Solomon pampered his favorite lovers by building temples for them which led him away from Yahweh and his faith, toward idolatry. His lack of discretion and fall from grace angered many within his circle, and towards the end of his life Solomon was forced to contend with several enemies including Hadad of Edom, Rezon of Zobah, and one of his officials named Jeroboam from the tribe of Ephrain.

    Rehoboam succeeded his father Solomon to the throne at the age of 41 and reigned for 17 years. Solomon, being accredited as a wise man, would have known Rehoboam’s personality, including his strengths and weaknesses, well before his son inherited his empire. Solomon was also aware of his enemies, and I believe he hid the Ark of the Covenant containing the Ancient Tablets—and perhaps various other pristine artifacts, including gold and relics—before his death. No evidence has emerged of their discovery by conquerors thereafter, especially by the Egyptians who soon conquered his son Rehoboam in only his fifth year of reign.

    Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting Pharaoh Sheshonk the First’s successful invasion against Jerusalem can be found in the Shishaq relief at the Bubastis Portal near the temple of Amun at Karnak. The hieroglyphs make no mention of the Ark being seized or given to the Pharaoh, even though the defeated King Rehoboam, son of Solomon, is said to have given Sheshonk the First all the treasures out of his temples as a tribute, before allowing his domain to become a vassal state of Egypt.

    There is a claim that the Ark of the Covenant found its way to Ethiopia, but to this present day the Ethiopian government and church deny all requests to view the alleged Ark. If Solomon was as wise as the written records claim, it is possible that Solomon made a copy and gave it away to free himself up from the stress and responsibility of being the recognized keeper, which is a more believable outcome, considering it was also written that he fell from grace.

    At the end of Solomon’s reign and soon after his son Rehoboam’s succession, the Kingdom of Judah split from the larger Kingdom of Israel prior to the raid by the Egyptian Pharaoh Sheshonk the First. Jerusalem then suffered many further raids by the Philistines, Arabs, Ethiopians, then Hazael of Aram, Damascus and Jehoash of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital of Judah for some 400 years and survived a siege by the Assyrians in about 701 BC. Jerusalem fell by Nebuchadnezzar’s hand in 587 BC after a 30 month siege, and the Babylonians completely destroyed the city, including Solomon’s Temple, razing it to the ground. Within 70 years, the Babylonians were conquered by the Persians. Alexander the Great invaded Persia around 334 BC and around 330 BC caused its collapse and disintegration. This caused Jerusalem to fall under Ptolemaic control until around 198 BC when Jerusalem and Judea were then lost to the Seleucids, then yet again to the Hasmonean Kingdom for about 103 years before Herod the Great captured Jerusalem, ending Hasmonean rule around 37 BC. Around 4BC Judea and the city of Jerusalem came under direct Roman rule.

    The Jewish population rebelled under the Roman tyranny and around 66 AD a rebellion known as the Great Revolt was quashed by Titus of Rome resulting in yet another willful destruction of the city of Jerusalem, including the second temple.

    Jerusalem became the birthplace of Christianity in the 1st century AD, and according to the New Testament, it is the location of the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. During the 2nd century AD, Jerusalem became a Pagan city ruled by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who put to death over half a million Jewish inhabitants. He was determined to make it a Roman city, and that lasted about 150 years until the Byzantine Emperor Constantine rebuilt Jerusalem again in about 335 AD. The Arab conquest around 638 AD saw about 460 years of control until the crusader period when Jerusalem was captured by crusaders in 1099 AD and declared the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

    On Christmas day 1100 AD, Baldwin crowned himself Lordship of Jerusalem and Christian settlers went about reconstructing the main shrines associated with the life of Christ. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was rebuilt as a great Romanesque church, and Muslim shrines on the Temple Mount were converted for Christian purposes. It is during this period of Frankish occupation that the military orders of the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar have their beginnings; history tells us that the Knights Templar derived their name by living on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

    Many believe that the Order of the Knights Templar were responsible for building many cathedrals and fortresses throughout Europe during the 11th and 12th centuries as their organization grew in size and wealth. The unique method of construction of these massive stone buildings is known today as Gothic Architecture and is very elusive. It appeared suddenly around 1130 AD almost perfect, without being Romanesque, and it erupted on the landscape in nearly 80 various forms in fewer than 100 years, then disappeared very quickly around the same time as the demise of the Order of Knights Templar.

    This coincidence, plus the sheer size, complexity, and precise construction of these massive structures caught my eye, and I decided to visit as many sites as I could to form my own conclusions to their legacy. These monuments were special, surrounded in mystery and scattered across Europe, and being no less spectacular than many other famous stone structures I also intended to visit, such as Machu Picchu and Easter Island.

    Jerusalem had suffered so much devastation from repeated conquest over the centuries by so many empires, it is no wonder archaeologists today are still in debate over the actual size of King Solomon’s mini empire due to the lack of monumental architecture from the era, as no evidence of the temple or Solomon’s palace has been found. The Temple Mount is traditionally thought to be the foundation of Solomon’s Temple with his palace close by, which makes perfect sense. However attempts by archaeologists to extensively excavate the area have been met with protest by Muslims, so little has been done.

    It has been written that the Ark of the Covenant is very powerful, and any uninitiated who touched it died. It was also written that an enemy of the Israelites who captured it actually handed it back because it caused haemorrhoids, sickness, and death among their people. These symptoms are similar to modern day radiation sickness, leading to one hypothesis that the Ark was itself or contained within it, a highly technologically advanced nuclear-driven device. Two well-known identities, Adolf Hitler leader of the Nazis in the 1940s AD, and the American psychic Edgar Cayce of the same era, personally believed something along these lines.

    I mention this to emphasize my point that if the Ark of the Covenant had reappeared since King Solomon’s reign, there would be either a remarkable event in history mentioning it, or evidence would emerge where unexplainable exploits have occurred that defy reality.

    My journey led me to discover a truth I did not expect to find while visiting the various stone structures. By physically experiencing the splendor of the topography at each location, I was able to connect with the symbology and also see a correlation between the past and present civilization, a connection with the people and their environment. I could access information from local people that I would not have learnt from reading a book or from studying on my computer.

    My limited finances caused me a degree of hardship which actually made my journey an arduous quest, rather than a European sightseeing holiday. I slept in the back of a rented car for over 30 nights in succession, and ate only when circumstances permitted, because my priority was maximizing my available time at each place I sought out. Purchasing the cheapest airfares meant having to wait longer for connecting flights, sometimes up to 12 hours, giving me an opportunity to converse with people I would not have met otherwise. Another advantage was that I was able to integrate more closely with the local population, learning their daily routine and habits, sometimes being the only foreigner on a local bus, and occasionally the only tourist sleeping a night in the local area—which at times was frowned upon by the small local community.

    Generally I found that the cost of my travel ticket was directly proportional to the level of comfort and efficiency I received, so consequently I found myself sleeping at an airport or spending the night on a plane. It often slowed my progress and forced me to spend more time than I sometimes needed in a particular area, which meant I could not plan too far ahead or stick to a predetermined itinerary. This also worked in my favour, allowing me the time and freedom necessary to unlock the secrets I found hiding in plain sight.

    Chapter Two

    Uluru/Ayers Rock

    In December 2009, I sold my bakery in rural Tamworth NSW because I needed lower back surgery which I underwent successfully a month later. For the first time since 1990, I was freed up from fulltime work with a completely new perspective on life without continual pain. I needed time to fully recuperate before backpacking my way around Europe, so I felt a good test for my back and my rehabilitation process would be to start my journey in Australia by visiting two famous landmarks, Uluru in April 2010, and Port Arthur in Tasmania, five months later.

    On the 19th July 1873, surveyor William Gosse sighted the landmark and named it Ayers Rock in honour of the Chief Secretary of South Australia at the time, Sir Henry Ayers. The Uluru-Kata National Park is a sacred area to the Anangu Aboriginal people, and they are recognized as the traditional owners of the area and both names have been used for decades.

    Uluru/Ayers Rock is an island mountain standing 348 metres high, with a total circumference of 9.4 kilometres, situated in the southern part of the Northern Territory in Central Australia, with the nearest town of Alice Springs about 450 kilometres away. The sandstone rock is very solid with little jointing and is made up of a composition of quartz, feldspar, and various mixed rock fragments. Over time it has taken on a reddish brown colour caused by oxidation and the weathering process, and appears to change colour at different times, especially during sunset when it glows red. Uluru is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and within the area, evidence of human habitation has been found that dates back 10,000 years.

    Kata Tjuta, also called Mount Olga or The Olgas, is a cluster of large conglomerate rocks of similar origin about 25 kilometres west of Uluru and can be seen by the naked eye from Ayers Rock due to the flat terrain and scrub.

    Around mid-morning on the 27th April 2010, while driving towards Uluru National Park near Curtain Springs, approximately 80 kilometres from my destination, a situation occurred which is etched firmly in my memory. As I was driving along the highway I heard a voice. At first I ignored it thinking it was my imagination, but very soon afterwards I felt goose bumps and a tingling sensation rise up the length of my arms, making me decide to slow down the car, but the sensation passed quite quickly. The same voice repeated itself, saying that it had to do with the trees, which made me suddenly glance at the tree lined road, because until then I wasn’t consciously aware of them. I remember checking the road behind me in my mirror because I was still driving very slowly, genuinely surprised at the information I was receiving. The voice mentioned that each tree on either side of

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