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I Crossed A Trixster
I Crossed A Trixster
I Crossed A Trixster
Ebook49 pages46 minutes

I Crossed A Trixster

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About this ebook

Karen is a struggling actress who has become frustrated with her current life and lack of success. She turn’s to her friend Natasha who reluctantly introduces her to a gentleman named Markus Johnson that seems to be able to change peoples lives. What Karen doesn’t know is that Markus is a powerful magical being called a Trixster. A creature that possesses many magical skills & abilities, some of which include altering a person’s reality, changing peoples personalities and transforming there bodies into something completely different. Also for a Trixster mind control and programming a humans mind is little more than child’s play. What Karen doesn’t know is that she will unknowingly be drawn into the Trixsters twisted world and will become his new favorite play thing. Follow Karen as she is transformed into Jessi Juggs and is plunged into a life as a fetish pornstar where her limits will continually be pushed.

This story contains elements of
Breast Growth, Piercing, Tattoos, Body Modification, Bimbo Transformation, Humiliation, Interracial, Gangbang, Anal, Creampie

Revisions: 1/26/2015 Edited for spelling, punctuation and grammer by Flick Boyd at

PublisherKaren Barnes
Release dateAug 4, 2014
I Crossed A Trixster

Karen Barnes

Karen Barnes is an author of erotic tales set around a magical being called a Trixster. A being that turns wishes against people. A lot of strange things happen when you meet a Trixster. Do you think your smart enough to out smart a Trixster? when very few people are.eMail:

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    I Crossed A Trixster - Karen Barnes

    I Crossed A Trixster

    By Karen Barnes

    Copyright © 2014 Karen Barnes


    These stories contain strong adult content and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18. All characters found in the following stories are 18 or older.


    This story is owned and copyrighted © by author Karen Barnes


    This is a work or fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or deceased, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


    This story was inspired by Tabitha Kohls Gender Transformation Revenge. Pick up a copy at

    Edited by: flick_boyd at

    The Wish

    My tale begins about a year and half ago. I was a struggling actress trying to keep my head above water. To keep a roof over my head I was working as a part time assistant at a talent agency. I had huge aspiration for my life and was desperate to break into show business. I couldn’t wait to be the next super famous actress. But I was having a serious failure to launch. I was, feeling pretty depressed and completely alone. I desperately needed to shake these feelings so I called my girl friend Natasha and asked if she wanted to grab a bite to eat and chat. We met at a local restaurant and as we ate I started to open up to her, explaining my situation. I told Natasha that lately I was feeling really depressed and that I had seriously thought by now my acting career would be on fire. I said, Why can’t I catch a break?

    Natasha could see that I had reached an all time low and that’s when she broke down and responded, Well, Karen, I’ve been reluctant to tell you this but I may know a way to help you, Hun. You see, I know this guy. I don’t know how he does it but I’ve seen him transform lives. You basically tell him what you want most in life and the next morning you wake up to a new and different life.

    What Natasha didn’t know or was unable to tell me at the time was that this guy was what you call a Trixster, a magical being that uses wishes as a weapon - often times for their own perverted entertainment and enjoyment. They possess the power to reshape an individual’s reality, and the ability to read a person’s thoughts and push commands and ideas into their subconscious mind. This made these beings very dangerous if you crossed one. What I didn’t know at the time was that a Trixster was actually required to grant your wish in the manner you stated, so a well thought out and detailed wish could turn out awesome but a poorly constructed wish could be truly scary. Suffice to say, you surely wouldn’t want to wish for something as simple as fame like I did.

    Natasha said, I have been reluctant to say anything because I’ve heard both amazing and scary stories when it comes to this guy. It seems like dealing with him is a mixed bag of results. If you’re interested in taking a chance and your desire for fame is that bad, I could set up a meeting for tomorrow with him if you like. But I have to warn you, Karen, I don’t think I would be brave enough to chance it if it was me.

    Natasha, I’m so sick of my life. It’s going nowhere fast and I need something to change so please set up the meeting, I said. Natasha pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number. She put the call on speaker so I could hear.

    Hello, Markus speaking.

    Markus, it’s Natasha. I have a girlfriend who is in need of your assistance. Can she meet you somewhere tomorrow night around 10pm?

    "Yeah, baby, send her over. Have her meet me at Club Black. I’ll text you the address - tell her 10pm promptly. I have other

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