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The Queen's Decision
The Queen's Decision
The Queen's Decision
Ebook281 pages3 hours

The Queen's Decision

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The second book in "The Royal Consort" series continues the tale of the lives of Queen Marie, King Alex, Prince Jonathan, Princess Annalisse, Prince Ernest and his beloved Donna.
After becoming Queen of Zambelia, Lady Marie of Vesek finds that her elevation brings with it not only the love of her husband, but the jealousy of those seeking to control her husband and his kingdom. Longing to silence those who grieve her husband, Marie is approached by a beautiful and mysterious woman who promises that she can solve all of Marie's problems if she will but grant her one, simple request. Will Marie entrust her happiness to the powers of a sorceress or will she trust in the love and life she has built with her husband and family? Discover "The Queen's Decision" and continue the adventure!

PublisherMac Zazski
Release dateAug 6, 2014
The Queen's Decision

Mac Zazski

Mac Zazski was born in the beautiful borough of Brooklyn, New York in 1962. Currently a resident of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, Mac continues to enjoy writing on a wide variety of topics and in multiple styles. Happily married for over 14 years to his wonderful wife, Mac is grateful for those who enjoy his work and who take the time to let him know how they felt about it. He looks forward to your comments and encourages you to share them with him via email at .

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    Book preview

    The Queen's Decision - Mac Zazski

    The Queen’s Decision


    Mac Zazski

    Smashwords Edition


    Copyright 2014 Mac Zazski


    Discover other titles by Mac Zazski at


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it or it was purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 1

    Alex, King of Zambelia, awoke in the gray/blue twilight of early morning and peered down at his wife as she lay sprawled across his chest. He smiled for a moment, reveling in the sight of her nude form draped so gracefully upon him, her auburn hair fanned out about his chest, her face up turned towards him. How he loved her face, that beautiful visage had enchanted him since he had first seen her, so perfect in repose, so delicate. He ever so gently reached down and stroked her hair, the silken mass gliding like water through his fingers.

    With regret, he twisted slowly from beneath her, lowering her gently to the mattress. Just as he was about to rise, her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him a moment before a tender smile turned her lips upwards in a subtle curve.

    Are you leaving me? she asked softly, wrapping her arms about him and placing her chin upon his chest.

    You know how much I hate to leave you, he said truthfully, but I promised Albert that I would answer the dispatch I had received from the royal governor of Vesek as soon as possible. He was most anxious that I send him implicit instructions on how to deal with the nobles who are grieving him…

    Gliding up to him, she kissed him softly on the lips, the feeling of her smooth skin upon his own driving him to distraction.

    I understand my love, she whispered, nuzzling his neck, her scent causing his senses to reel.

    Wrapping an arm about her waist, he pulled her towards him, his lips seeking hers, his hands exploring her body, caressing, exciting her. He heard her breath catch as his hand slid between her thighs. Locked in a passionate embrace, he gently positioned her above him and she reached between them, guiding him to her most secret place.

    With a moan, she threw her head back, her arms extending and forcing her body upwards as she began to ride him. He grasped her, his large hands encircling her tiny waist as her hands clenched and unclenched on his chest, her moaning increasing in volume with each thrust until neither could contain themselves any longer. Together they reached their climax and with an oath, she lurched forward and then drifted slowly down to his chest, descending into his embrace.

    Don’t leave, she gasped; her skin moist and warm to his touch.

    Oh my love, he moaned as he kissed her neck, her face, her lips.

    Looking down at him, her eyes grew sad and she offered him a brave smile.

    I must not be selfish, she said softly, regretfully. Albert would not ask you to attend to the matter as quickly as possible unless it was urgent. I must put others needs before my own. You should go.

    He kissed her and then, pulling her to him, held her in his arms, never wishing to let her go.

    How I wish I could spend the rest of my life here with you, together in bed.

    She laughed but squeezed him ever tighter.

    No, my love, we have responsibilities after all, she replied. Go now, before I change my mind and never let you go. Go and tonight, we will take up where we have left off.

    Closing his eyes, he nodded, feeling her body retreat from him. Slowly he rose and reached for his robe, wrapping it around him with his back to her. He could not look at her now; she was never more beautiful to him than when they had just finished making love.

    I will go and bathe, he said softly. I will not forget what you said about tonight…

    I will think of nothing else all day, she replied.

    Slowly, Alex shuffled to the bedroom door and opened it with regret. The guard standing outside snapped to attention. Alex shook his head mournfully and then offered the guard a tight smile.

    Good morning, Joseph, he said softly.

    Good morning, sire, replied the guard.

    With a sigh, Alex headed down the hall to bathe and prepare for his day.


    Marie, Queen of Zambelia, lay in the warmth of where he husband had lain all night and smiled as the light in their bedroom grew ever so slowly. Daylight brought with it the light and life of colors that had become cold and grey during the night. She peered for a time at the curtain that separated their bedroom and sitting room and through which her husband had disappeared. She loved him so deeply she could scarcely believe her own emotions. Alex was unlike any man she had ever known and she thanked God each day for the favor of having him for her spouse.

    She thought back upon the last few years of her life and it all seemed like a dream. She had felt that the death of her first husband Robert had been a blessing; he was a cruel, abusive man who beat her and their two children. She had been pregnant with their third child when Robert had beaten her and thrown her down a set of stone stairs causing her to lose both her unborn child and the ability to have more children.

    She thought of her scheming brother, Jeftus, King of Vesek. It was he who had arranged for her to become the royal consort of the King of Zambelia in order to stop the disastrous war that had brought her country ruin. Originally, she was to have married Alex’ father, King Joseph, but when Joseph suddenly died, she was betrothed to the new king, his son, who was more than ten years her junior. Entering the marriage, she had intended to do no more than her duty, but despite her reservations, she found herself falling in love with Alex. He was all she had ever dreamed of in a husband and lover and he loved her son Jonathan and daughter Annalisse as much as he did her.

    When her brother Jeftus once again declared war on Zambelia, she had lived in fear for months that her beloved would never return to her and he almost had not. She shuddered, thinking of him being brought back to his castle at Wharton, his body cut and torn. She had nursed him back to health, she and the children never leaving his side.

    It was after his recovery that he had defied the advice of his counsel and had proclaimed her his Queen. Alex had also named Jonathan a prince and Annalisse a princess which had caused a great deal of resentment and anger from many of the hereditary nobles. She had heard of many jealous and angry accusations aimed at her and her children by those who felt they had usurped their positions.

    Alex’ actions had spurred many wild rumors regarding who would succeed him as king, but only Marie, his brother Ernest, his closest advisor, Albert and Albert’s wife, Stasha, knew his heart in the matter. Jonathan would be his heir, but he had decided not to formally announce it until Jonathan had turned eighteen years of age.

    Marie smiled, knowing better than anyone how shy her husband actually was and how he had never truly wanted to be king. He felt such empathy for his son that he would not proclaim him his successor in hopes that he might enjoy something closer to a normal childhood. Though the pressure was mounting upon him, Alex steadfastly refused to discuss the subject with anyone, preferring to protect his son.

    Turning on her back, she stretched her arms over her head and smiled. She would have never thought of sleeping in the nude before, but somehow, next to the love of her life, it seemed natural. She would have to rise soon, she had many things to do today but there were still a few precious moments to enjoy in the warmth and softness of their bed. Their bed; she had given up hope on sharing anything with anyone before she had met Alex. She cared nothing for titles or riches, none of that matter. Her husband and children were all that mattered to her and as she stretched her arms once again, she could not suppress her smile; she was a truly blessed woman indeed…


    Alex was halfway down the stairs to his study when he remembered that he had left several of last night’s dispatches on the table near the fireplace in the sitting room of their chambers. Returning to the suite, he found the rooms empty, spying Marie’s rust colored gown hanging on the hook outside of her wardrobe through the curtain that separated the rooms. Alex smiled; she would be off on her mission today. He had to subdue his pride slightly as he picked up the dispatches. He was not supposed to know about this aspect of Marie’s charity work. Her modesty kept him from recognizing it in any fashion, but he was so proud of her that he could barely contain his words at times. With a smile, he retreated back into the hallway and down the stairs just before he heard the guards snap to attention as the Queen made her way back to their room.


    The passageway Marie took brought her to a door just beside the gardens and then it was but a walk through an underground passage and through a thick wooden door guarded by several of the king’s men. They all bowed as she appeared, quickly opening the door and saying nothing as she floated past them and out into the morning sunshine beyond. Up a winding staircase and through a grove of fruit trees, she finally obtained the gate that opened out onto a worn dirt path that led down into the village. She had gone but a short way when she encountered an enormous man standing beside a tree.

    He was not quite as tall as her Alex, his round, bald head sitting upon a heavily muscled neck and large, powerful shoulders. He wore a black mustache and his dark eyes seemed to possess no whites, giving him a fierce, angry look. He was dressed in worn boots and brown, worn pants with a white smock which seemed to be working hard to cover his massive upper body. He stood holding a straw hat in his hands and he stared intently at the Queen as she approached. Looking up at him, she could not contain her smile.

    Brogdan, what are you supposed to be today? she asked.

    I’m disguised as a farmer, your highness, he replied in a deep, heavy voice.

    Marie circled him, shaking her head, You look nothing like a farmer. You look like a soldier pretending to be a farmer. No, I’m mistaken. You look like a soldier who stole some poor farmer’s clothes.

    Had a devil of a time finding these, your majesty, replied Brogdan. Not many farmers my size…

    Not many farms your size, she laughed. You really don’t have to go with me, you know…

    I’m sorry, your majesty, but I’ve got orders, replied Brogdan. I’m to follow you inconsiqences…

    Inconspicuously, she grinned.

    How you said it, your highness, replied Brogdan good-naturedly. Anyway, you’re not supposed to see me, that’s all I know and I’m to make sure that no one tries in any way to harm you.

    Does my love ever ask you WHERE I go? she asked gently.

    Brogdan shook his head, Never, your majesty, not once has he asked. I tried to tell him the first time, but he held up his hand and said, She goes to do good, I need know no more, I trust her. My only concern is for her safety, she must return to me, that’s what he said and he never asks me anything but are you safe or were you bothered.

    Marie smiled at the thought of her love caring so much for her and yet respecting her privacy as well. She looked at Brogdan and laughed. She had spotted him the very first time, the man’s manner and look screamed soldier. When she confronted him, he begged her not to tell the king and she had agreed. Instead, he had become her helper and a friend and together they helped the less fortunate. Still, no matter what disguise he attempted, it was always Brogdan the soldier who was by her side. He had attempted being a merchant, a mule driver, a traveler, and bowman and now a farmer, but he could do nothing to hide what he was.

    Do you have a basket, your highness? asked Brogdan softly.

    Throwing back her cloak, she held a basket filled with food and flowers out to him.

    Come along, she smiled, we do not want to be late.

    And you won’t tell the king? he asked softly, falling into step with her.

    I would never tell him, she giggled. It would upset him to know that he employed the worlds’ most obvious spy to watch over me…

    Brogdan laughed, We all have our talent’s your majesty and obviously, this isn’t one of mine…

    Well, I’m sure we BOTH appreciate your help, she replied. And remember not to call me your majesty when we’re out and about...

    I’ll try, but it’s not natural… he replied.

    Neither are you in those clothes, but we all have to try our best, she giggled.

    With a sidelong glance at one another, they both laughed and continued down the lane towards their destination.


    I confess, I was surprised, stated Wilton. He was a boy of about thirteen, chubby, with dark hair and a round face whose expression always seemed to waver between curiosity and confusion. Throwing another pitchfork full of hay into the stall, he continued, I admit it, but in the three months since we all started training, I’ve become convinced, he’s one of us. To tell the truth, I don’t know if I could be as nice as he is if the situations were reversed...

    I’ve liked him from the first, replied Randy, another boy of the same age. He was slightly taller, thin and gangly, his red hair forming a halo around his face in the early morning sun. He stopped a moment to wipe his brow with a large, gray handkerchief, He never says anything about being a prince. He cleans the stables, waters and feeds the horses and is always first to run errands. I like Jonathan, he’s quiet, but I really like him.

    I’m glad that the three of us are squires together, stated Wilton, rubbing the sweat from his round face with his shirt sleeve. Lord Albert doesn’t show him any favors, that’s for sure, but I kind of like it that way. It’s just the three of us, working and learning together. I think we’re a good team. I don’t mind telling you I had my worries…

    Well I’m glad he’s on our team too, replied Randy. Besides, he’s not all that quiet, not really. No one talks as much as you, but he can tell a joke.

    What do you mean no one talks as much as me? replied Wilton. You’d talk too if all Lord Albert had you doing was announcing people half the day. I thought I would be allowed to talk, to make comments, but no, all you do is repeat whatever it is they tell you to say and then stand there and say nothing at all. You’re not even allowed to ask questions, you just stand there! It’s the most boring part for me of being a squire…

    Good morning, Wilton, good morning, Randy, called out Jonathan as he wandered towards his two friends, pitchfork in hand.

    Good morning, your highness, replied Wilton and Randy.

    Don’t call me that, replied Jonathan softly, checking over his shoulders to see if anyone else was present, not here anyway. I’m just Jonathan here and I’m glad of it. Did you see the entertainment last night?

    Of course we did, replied Randy with a laugh. Who do you think was serving the wine and the water while you sat in your fancy clothes?

    I’d have rather served the wine and water, smiled Jonathan with a roll of his eyes. At least you didn’t have to sit there for hours on end while your backside falls asleep.

    You did look rather bored, replied Wilton.

    Annalisse loves those things, but I find them very boring, confessed Jonathan. I always feel like a suit of armor set on display for everyone to see. There is no reason for it, I tell you, in fact it makes about as much sense as displaying armor. What’s the point of displaying armor? Either put it on and fight or put it away, I say. It makes more sense to hang up a tapestry than to display armor and I have no wish to be a tapestry.

    "I heard that Lady Antewon

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