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Four Short Stories of Suspense
Four Short Stories of Suspense
Four Short Stories of Suspense
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Four Short Stories of Suspense

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A camping trip that went Very bad, running for your families very life, a writer whose words come to life in a horrible way and a magical wall, so thin it can be torn by a whisper. These are the stories that come to life and pull you inside their pages.
"Life is busy and there isn't always time to sit and read a 400 page novel. Inside the pages of this book, you will find stories as alive and contagious as any full length novel. The difference? The stories are 1/4 the length of the full length novel. Here, you can read four short stories, one at a time and still live life to it's fullest.
I promise, you won't be disappointed."

PublisherDarrel Day
Release dateNov 2, 2011
Four Short Stories of Suspense

Darrel Day

Darrel Day has written and published 12 novels and writes in the genres of Suspense, Sci-fi, and biography. He has a published a biography for a victim of Domestic Violence titled "Stolen Years {A True Story of Domestic Abuse and Survival}" and a biography of a law enforcement agent. He is the singer/lyrics writer of over 100 songs and has produced a CD titled "SimplyD" that includes 13 of his favorite songs. Darrel has a great passion for the outdoors and spends as much time as life allows at a lake near his home. He takes what he sees and transfers the scene to the written word. Life experiences have given him the ability to feel what he sees and create a novel from it. Darrel continues to write and is presently working on publishing his 13th novel.

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    Four Short Stories of Suspense - Darrel Day


    I would like to thank the following people for their help in making this book happen.

    Heather; for your endless hours of editing my novels. Without you, I would not have time to do what it is I do best... Write.

    To Susan, I say thank you for all of your hours and hours you have given to me. I could not have seen the end results nor had my novels to offer without your skills and time.

    To all the readers who daily encourage me and asked to see my short stories as a novel, I say thank you. There will be more to come.

    Four Short Stories of Suspense

    By Darrel Day

    Copyright 2011 Darrel Day

    Smashwords Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    What Makes You Scream.

    Chapter One

    Barbaric... that's what you are! I have never met a more selfish animal in my life! The winter had been long and Margo was testy. James did not help the situation at all. She loved him, that much was for certain, but sometimes she really did Not Like him. After 18 years together she had hoped a little bit of her ways would have rubbed off on him. Still, he did have that smile that said, Come here and she knew she would not be angry with him for long. The problem was... He knew it too.

    Now listen Margo, sweetheart, ba-a-a-a-abydoll, and he smiled. I know that it seems like I am always doing what I want but really, will it be so bad spending some very alone time with me in the forest? We can just be ourselves and enjoy nature at its best. Ple-e-e-ase. There were those eyes again. They were the bluest blue and they sparkled when he was being devilish. Between that and his smile, she was unable to say no to him. He kissed her tenderly and she decided she would be mad at him later. James smiled at her and stepped back a bit. He smiled at what he saw. She was perhaps the most beautiful woman in the world, he thought. Her emerald green eyes and thick, full auburn hair had grabbed and enchanted him from the first time he had seen her. He was in love with her from the very first hello. Her tall slender body, 5'9", tall for a woman, made everything she wore look like it was molded to her body. The only thing that made it better was a pair of tight blue jeans and a T-top. He winked at her and went to finish packing for the trip. Two hours later, they were ready to go. As they drove away, James began laughing.

    Did I miss something, sir? Do I dare ask why you needed two backpacks for the trip? We are supposed to be roughing it, remember? I realize that you can wear the same stuff and not worry about it but we might decide to eat in town one night and so I brought clothes for that in case. I also have a lot of girly" stuff, as you call it, which is essential to my daily needs. I also tossed in several food items in case you don't deliver on the meals.

    James shook his head and smiled at her. I knew better than to ask." The trip took nearly 4 hours, half of which Margo spent sleeping against the window. When they turned off the highway, the rough gravel roads woke her. She looked out the window and sighed. She was determined to try to enjoy the trip as much as she could. James was a good man and he worked long, hard hours to provide the good life they lived. She smiled at him and touched his arm.

    Well Grizzly Adams, it looks like we are there, huh?

    Almost Love. We will be about four miles back in the woods once we get to where I want to camp. Very rare to see other humans there and that means we can do what we want, when we want to.

    "It does sound perfect and with your hours lately, it will be nice to catch up on some of the extra-curricular activities we have missed for a while.

    Not to worry, Love. You will enjoy me and my activities. They both laughed at his words. A mile away from the campsite, James saw a Forest Ranger standing in the road. He was waving his arms for them to stop. James pulled the truck over and rolled his window down.

    The Ranger walked to the window. How are you doing today? Did you two miss the sign a few miles back?"

    I didn't see a sign anywhere on the road. Is there anything wrong? James just looked at him and waited to be answered.

    We have a situation we are trying to resolve,

    Margo leaned down to look out of James' window.

    What kind of situation, Sir?

    We have a family that is missing and we are doing a search. You didn't see anyone on the way here, did you?

    No we didn't pass anyone. James was waiting for the Sorry, you will need to turn around statement.

    Well, I am going to let you pass but if you see anyone wandering send them our way. The Ranger stepped aside and let them through

    .I hope they find them soon and that they are alright.

    I am sure they just got turned around out here. It is easy to do. We can keep a watch out anyway. Arriving at the campsite, they got set up and James started a campfire. They settled in and were enjoying the beauty of the surroundings. The trees were full and the smell in the air was fresh and pleasant.

    Can I ask a question here? Where exactly do I use the bathroom?

    James laughed aloud. Nature provisions aren't good enough?

    Barbaric! I am saying it again, James Malloy! I am not relieving myself behind a bush! Still laughing, he pulled out a port-a-potty and set it near some brush.

    There, My Lady is your throne. Feel free to use it anytime.

    Oh God, is all she could mutter. As she walked past a small stand of trees, she swore the leaves moved before she touched them. She stopped and looked at it. Whatever it was seemed to have left or stopped moving. She walked past the trees without looking back again. The eyes watched her closely. They followed her every move. Moving slowly, crawling on its hands and knees, the unseen visitor stopped moving only when Margo did. As she stood near an opening in the trees, an arm slipped out of the brush. The long fingertips reached out and touched her heal. She slapped at it, thinking it was a bug. She screamed a little and the arm slid back into the cover of the brush. James came over to see what made Margo scream. "Bugs; that is why I screamed, Davy Crockett! God, I hate bugs!

    James laughed and put his arm around her. Come on, City Girl, let's go eat." The movement in the trees behind them went un-noticed. The eyes continued to watch their every move.

    Chapter Two

    Margo was beginning to settle in to the outdoors a little. She enjoyed the fresh air but still preferred the sounds of the city to the silence that enveloped them in the forest. Quiet? What do you mean by quiet? You have to tune in your ears, your senses to be able to notice the sounds out here, Margo. There is running water, birds, and animals moving through the trees. Mother nature is alive and well for us.

    It isn't Mother Nature I am worried about, James. It's the animals moving thing that bothers me.

    It is Friday so we will start seeing campers soon. That's why I wanted to get here first, so we didn't lose the best spot. James put his arm around her waist and walked with her to the edge of a small cliff. There was a waterfall cascading down the other side of the ravine. A rainbow formed at the water’s edge where the sun shined down on it. The trees moved slowly in the breeze and a deer walked down to the water’s edge to drink. Look at all of this beauty, sweetheart. Tell me where else you are going to find this scene.

    That my dear James is why we have the Discovery Channel, she answered with a smile. A sound behind them made them both turn. The snap was loud and came from the heavily wooded area just beyond their campsite. They both stared in the direction of the sound. Nothing moved.

    What the hell was that?

    It was probably just a deer walking past us. You need to relax, Love.

    Then why didn't I see any trees moving? There was another loud snap, this time behind

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