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Coming Home
Coming Home
Coming Home
Ebook272 pages5 hours

Coming Home

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About this ebook

Sullivan, Georgia hasn't been Emmie Winters’ home for ten years. Her successful career in California has kept her away from the town where she grew up for an entire decade. An invitation to her high school reunion sets the stage for her big return to the small town.

Emmie’s long weekend begins with her being reunited with her best friend and her best friend’s older brother, Hicks. Her small crush, which she’d been harboring since grade school, turns into a full blow obsession the instant she lays eyes on him for the first time in years.

Their instant chemistry evolves into a whirlwind weekend fling leaving both of them wanting more. Can they make it work with their lives on separate coasts? Or will outside influences tear them apart before they can even begin?

PublisherA.C. Dupuis
Release dateAug 8, 2014
Coming Home

A.C. Dupuis

A. C. Dupuis is a romance novelist whose love for reading developed into a love for writing. She lives in the South with her family and many furry babies.

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    Book preview

    Coming Home - A.C. Dupuis


    Emmie straightened her emerald green dress nervously as she stood at the perimeter of the dance floor watching Phoebe and Bobby slow dance. Her best friend was totally lucky that she had a boyfriend. The DJ had just announced that the next song would be the last song of the night. Unfortunately, Emmie didn’t have a date. She hadn’t danced to any of the slow songs that night, so she really wasn’t upset that it was the last one. Her eighth grade year was finally over, and she was headed to high school. Maybe, she’d finally get a boyfriend and wouldn’t have to sit there and watch her friend anymore; she could possibly dance alongside her.

    Hey, Emmie. You look pretty.

    Emmie looked up to find her best friend’s brother standing there. Her heart raced, and her hands were so sweaty every time she was in the same room as him. If Emmie’s hearing wasn’t off, she could have sworn that he said she looked pretty. Her knees suddenly became weak and if she didn’t get control of herself, she’d be face down on the floor in a few seconds.

    Aren’t you a senior? Emmie mentally smacked herself on the forehead. That was her response to a compliment from one of the most gorgeous boys she had ever laid eyes on. IDIOT!

    His blue eyes widened with delight and a gorgeous, white smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head and said, I am, however my mom asked for me to come here and pick up you and Phoebe. Are you here with anyone? He looked around to see if one of the boys were her date.

    Emmie shook her head and pursed her lips as she answered, Nope. She pointed over her shoulder arbitrarily and said, The DJ said that there was one more slow song and then the dance would be over. I’m sure Phoebe will want to stay until the end.

    Do you want to dance?

    Emmie looked up and said, Yes, but no one has asked me all night, so I doubt my luck will change in the next three minutes.

    His laughter filled the space in between them, and Emmie may have fallen in love with him right there. His laugh was powerful and melodic and caused an uncontrollable smile on Emmie’s’ face. He said, You’re funny. He placed his hand over his chest and said, I meant do you want to dance with me?

    Emmie blinked rapidly as she felt her heart rate elevate beyond what she interpreted to be healthy, even for a fourteen year old girl. She smiled, nodded, and said, Sure. I’d love to, Hicks.

    Chapter 1

    Going Home

    Hey, Emily. I just got off the phone with your British lover.

    Emmie rolled her eyes at her assistant’s statement as she continued to throw clothes into her luggage. First of all, Amanda, he wasn’t a lover. Second of all, I’m in hurry to get out of here. So why are you calling me?

    Emmie looked in her closet deliberating if she should bring her cowboy boots. She had to make a decision quickly because the car service would be here shortly to bring her to the airport. She was heading home for her ten year high school reunion, and cowboy boots were a staple in any closet in Wilcox County, Georgia where Emmie grew up.

    Amanda continued, Well, he’s hot and British and could have been your lover if you weren’t a stickler for not mixing business and pleasure. I saw the way he looked at you when we were at the table doing the final paperwork. He wanted you.

    Amanda was talking about the in-house council for a British fashion house that Emmie worked with in a merger of a San Francisco-based sunglass company she represented.

    Been there … done that … learned my lesson. Emmie stated bluntly. She went on a few dates with one of the lawyers from her law firm her first year working there. She hadn’t been able to live down the mistake since then.

    I’d learn a lesson from him any day. Amanda’s voice dropped an entire octave. She was a total pervert. So, I was calling for the gossip. Did the partners tell you that we may be working with the fashion house again?

    Yes. Emmie said dryly. Croft mentioned it to me. I think they’re courting U.S. firms, and we are one of them because of how well we did on the other side of the table with their merger. I’ll worry about it when they actually hire us. Emmie was looking forward to the job if they got it. She wanted more international experience and it sounded like she may get it.

    Well, Alfie called himself and asked for you. Amanda was literally singing her words. She was a wonderful assistant who Emmie occasionally confided in, but she was also a sexaholic. She could turn every conversation into one that caused Emmie to blush. Maybe he wanted to give you the good news in person.

    Emmie smiled at the thought of Alfie Levenworth. Amanda was completely right. He was absolutely gorgeous and naturally charming, but if she would be working with him on a new merger, he was completely off limits. End of discussion.

    I don’t care if Alfie called himself. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish packing so I don’t miss my plane. Emmie was still looking down at her cowboy boots and twisted her lips. Do you think I should bring cowboy boots with me? She asked Amanda.

    You own cowboy boots? Amanda said with a tone of disgust.

    Never mind. I’ll talk to you later. Bye! Emmie ended the call.

    The dilemma was that Emmie hadn’t been back to her home town of Sullivan since her high school graduation and didn’t know if she could still rock those old boots.

    Sullivan was a small rural farm community south of Albany. It was a typical small town where everything shut down during the Friday night high school football game, church attendance was mandatory on Sundays, and everyone knew everyone else’s business every day of the week. There were parts of that world that Emmie loved and parts that made her decision to move away all those years ago very easy.

    Emily Winters left her small home town in Georgia at the age of seventeen for a life in California where she obtained her law degree from Stanford University. She was currently an associate at Morgan, Croft, & Zilenski in San Francisco on the fast track to becoming partner. Her life was cozy in San Francisco with her only roots in Georgia being her grandmother, Honey.

    Honey was her legal guardian since the age of eight when her mom and dad were killed in a car accident. Her grandfather had passed away when she was five, leaving Honey a huge estate, land, and a life insurance policy that could support a small nation. Honey, in her hay day, was an auburn haired beauty queen who had aspirations of being an actress. Emmie took after her grandmother as far as looks were concerned. It just took a while for her to grow into the beauty queen that she now was. High school may have been a lot easier if Emmie looked like she did now.

    Honey met Emmie’s grandfather at a state fair where she fell in love, got married, and had a baby before the state fair rolled around again the following year. Honey’s dreams were put aside so she could raise her family. Because of that, she always pushed Emmie to do her best and follow her dreams. Honey didn’t want Emmie to miss home causing her to deter from her goals, so she made two trips to California a month to visit Emmie, so there was never a need for her to go back to Georgia. However, when her high school best friend, Phoebe Hayes, gave her a call to beg her to come to their high school reunion, she couldn’t turn her down.

    Emmie was excited to see Phoebe. They were best friends growing up. Emmie was a big nerd who was outspoken which helped guide her into her current career, but not so much with her high school one. On the other hand, Phoebe was, well, Phoebe. She was the homecoming queen, head cheerleader, and most popular girl whose boyfriend was the quarterback of the football team. She was Ms. Small-Town, USA who was the typical blonde southern beauty. Phoebe was always invited to the best parties and most people wondered why she hung around with Emmie, but Phoebe never cared much of what other people thought, just like Emmie, which was what made them get along so well. Her family was Emmie’s second family, and Phoebe’s older brother, Hicks, was Emmie’s first crush. The thought of Hicks Hayes brought an uncontrollable smile to her face.

    It was sad that it had been ten years since she had seen either of them. Their lives all went in such different directions after high school where Phoebe married her quarterback and had a few kids. Unfortunately, Phoebe’s husband was in the military and was killed overseas over two years ago. Emmie was in London working on the merger with Alfie when Honey called her with the news. She had made contact with Phoebe at that time and that’s what got them connected again. That’s why when Phoebe called about the reunion, it was a no brainer; Emmie was heading back to Sullivan.

    Emmie’s road forked in a much different direction than Phoebe’s after high school. She was catapulted out of the house, and Sullivan, by Honey, who refused to let her go to college in state. Honey supported her to get out of the small town and follow her dreams in California, promising that she would come to her any time she wanted her to visit. Now, Honey’s standing two week appointment was filled with shopping, a little home cooking for Emmie, and playing matchmaker with any man who looked in Emmie’s direction. She meant well, but Emmie was focused on her career and chose more casual situations with men.

    Oh, what the hell! Emmie rolled her eyes, finally deciding that she would pack those cowboy boots. She needed to get her ass in gear because it was close to 9 am when her car was scheduled to arrive, and her flight was leaving at 10 am. With the time change and the duration of the flight, she was scheduled to get to the airport in Albany at 4 pm where Honey would be picking her up at the airport.

    It was Thursday morning, and there were reunion festivities scheduled all weekend. Tonight was the bonfire, tomorrow the homecoming parade and football game, Saturday night was the big dance, and she would be leaving Sunday afternoon to come back home to San Francisco. Emmie was excited about her busy weekend and couldn’t wait to see what Sullivan had to offer after all these years.

    Chapter 2


    Emmie was powering on her BlackBerry as she grabbed her carry-on bag. She wanted to keep abreast of what was going on at the office while she was in Georgia. She didn’t know how to power off her career, which was something that one of the partners scolded her on regularly.

    You’ll work yourself into a burnout, Ms. Winters.

    She could hear Mr. Croft now. Maybe he was right. She threw her BlackBerry in her purse and grabbed her personal cell phone and powered it on next.

    She was heading towards the exit when she heard a shriek, EMMIE! When Emmie looked up, her old friend Phoebe was racing towards her. Her long blond hair was bouncing as she literally ran in Emmie’s direction. Emmie wouldn’t be classified as emotional, but when she saw her friend, tears filled her eyes. Her friend was just as beautiful as ever and hadn’t aged a bit in ten years.

    Phoebe wrapped her arms around Emmie and hugged her tightly, Jesus, Emmie. You sure are a sight for sore eyes.

    Emmie’s tears streaked down her face as she embraced her friend, I’ve missed you so much. How could I let ten years go by?

    Aw Emmie. You’re here now. Phoebe pulled back and wrapped her arm around Emmie’s. Come on. You’re staying with me for a few nights.

    Emmie was puzzled. She looked over at Phoebe and said, Wait. Where’s Honey?

    Phoebe smiled and said, She said she had to take care of a friend out of town and asked me to pick you up. I asked her to keep it a secret so I could surprise you.

    Even though the explanation sounded good, who the hell was Honey taking care of out of town that was more important than Emmie. This was the first time in ten years that she would be back home, and Honey disappears mysteriously. Plus, why wasn’t Emmie allowed to stay in her home without her being there? It had to be an inconvenience to Phoebe. Something was up. Emmie was going to call Honey as soon as she got to Phoebe’s to see what the drama queen had up her sleeve.

    Well, I am surprised and excited. Let’s get over to your place. I can’t wait to meet your kiddos.

    Phoebe led Emmie over to a black Jeep Wrangler that had its top down. She pointed to the back seat and said, Just put your bag in the back, Phoebe frowned as she said. We won’t be seeing the kids today. Momma’s gonna pick them up from daycare since by the time we get back to Sullivan, we’ll have to start getting ready and leave shorty after.

    Emmie nodded and shrugged her shoulders, Ok, cool. Tomorrow then. Nice Jeep, by the way.

    Emmie looked forward to making the forty minute trip to Sullivan on the back roads of Georgia with the top down. The October wind whipping through her hair as they drove down a two lane road with no traffic would be one of the things she missed about living in Georgia.

    It’s Hicks’. My Camry has two car seats in the back, and I wasn’t sure how much luggage you’d bring. He just told me to take his Jeep.

    Emmie’s heart raced at the sound of his name being spoken aloud. So, Hicks is visiting? Emmie mentally crossed her fingers and her legs. The word yummy could accurately describe those big blue eyes and dazzling smile. A hot flash rushed through her body.

    Phoebe shook her head answering, Nah. Hicks lives in Sullivan. He moved back after daddy died about four years ago. He takes care of the farm now.

    Emmie was shocked. Hicks Hayes was super smart and had plans beyond the small town where they grew up. He went to Cal Tech and graduated from there the same year that Phoebe and Emmie were graduating from high school. The last time Emmie saw him was at the eighth grade end-of-the-year dance when he picked up the girls after the dance was over. He was moving to Pasadena that weekend. He had rarely visited Sullivan, only every now and again while they were in high school, but Emmie was never around when Hicks was. The last she heard, he was in Silicon Valley working for some computer company with robotics, or something like that. She could believe that he was now just a farm hand working his daddy’s land.

    So I’m staying with you since Honey’s out of town? Emmie tried not to sound like she was baiting Phoebe for more information, but in actuality, she was. This had to be an inconvenience to her and her kids.

    Yes. If you don’t mind. Me and the boys moved in with Momma after Bobby, Phoebe cleared her throat, you know. Phoebe couldn’t actually say the words, which just broke Emmie’s heart. But, we’ll actually be staying at Hicks’ house for the weekend since it can get kind of crazy at Momma’s house. Hicks is totally cool with it and Tommy … do you remember Tommy Motts? Phoebe looked over as she pulled the Jeep out of the airport and onto the road leading away from Albany.

    Emmie squinted her eyes and nodded her head as she recalled an image of a boy that she had thought of in years, Yeah. Tommy and Hicks were best friends, right?

    Phoebe’s face softened as she smiled and continued, Yes. Still are. Tommy and Hicks really help me out with the boys. They’re godsends. Well anyway, Tommy said that I deserved one weekend as an adult, so he will be helping out Momma with watching the boys while we are at our events. He’s the one who suggested that Momma just go pick them up from daycare. He knows how hard it is for me to spend time away from the munchkins.

    Emmie remembered Tommy being a really nice, quiet guy. He was a really big guy with a really big heart, which explains why he helped out with Phoebe’s kids. She always thought of him like a big country version of Clark Kent with his black hair and broad shoulders. Now it sounded like he was Phoebe’s personal superhero, So what does Tommy do? Emmie was trying to get the updated Sullivan dossier before she was thrown into the mix of having to deal with all these people tonight.

    He and Hicks take care of the farm. Tommy manages all of the employees and splits time with Hicks on doing a lot of the work. Tommy had worked for Daddy since high school, so when Hicks moved back from California, he helped Hicks get everything under control. They’ve been doing an excellent job and the farm is making more money than it’s ever had.

    Emmie smiled at that thought. Hicks was destined to be successful in anything that he did. He was charismatic, smart, and was good at everything. It was no surprise that he could ease into the role that he was forced into and still come out smelling like roses. Emmie decided to probe a little more about her school girl crush, So does Hicks have any kids? I’m assuming he’s got to be married by now? Emmie prayed that the answer to both of those questions were ‘no.’

    Phoebe looked over at Emmie like she was joking, Oh, God no! Momma and I think Hicks will never getting married. The closest he came was a serious relationship with some girl back in California, but all that ended when he moved back to Georgia. She must not have been that special because he never introduced us to her, and he didn’t seem to be too heartbroken that she didn’t want a long distance relationship.

    Emmie’s heart felt like a herd of horses were crossing her chest. She couldn’t help the cheesy smile on her face with her new knowledge that Hicks was single.

    What’s with the smile? Phoebe raised one eyebrow and looked at Emmie sideways.

    Emmie blew out a deep breath and admitted, Ok. So I’ve never told you this, but I had the biggest crush on him. Emmie bit her bottom lip waiting for Phoebe’s response.

    Seriously? Phoebe looked over wide-eyed with a smile as Emmie nodded. Well, Hicks is single. And to be honest, I think he’ll flip when he sees you. Emmie, you are freaking gorgeous! California must do that to people. Hicks came back with a different air about him, too.

    Emmie blushed, Thanks. And what about you, Hot Momma? You could literally be wearing your homecoming queen sash and no one would be the wiser. Those boys must keep you young. You’re still the pretty prom queen I remember.

    Phoebe made a face, Well now the pretty prom queen is the town’s hair stylist who works her ass off trying to make sure my boys have dinner at night. She put on the turn signal and then made a right onto County Road 335 which led to Sullivan.

    Did you not get anything after Bobby, you know? Now, Emmie couldn’t bring herself to say it, but she had to know if Phoebe needed her help getting benefits she deserved.

    Phoebe nodded emphatically reassuring Emmie, Yes. It’s all in a savings account for the boys’ college fund. They are so smart, just like Hicks. Jackson is my four year old. He’s into anything mechanical. He likes to take things apart and put them back together. I remember Hicks doing that when we were kids. Momma used to fuss at him, but Daddy always reassured her that he would put it back together in better shape than it was in when he took it apart. Phoebe laughed at the memory. Emmie remembered him always tinkering with stuff which explains the degree from Cal Tech. My youngest is two. I was pregnant with him when I got the knock on the door about Bobby. Rhett is a sweetheart. He likes books. He always wants to be read to. Tommy and Hicks are the only male figures in their life so I think they’re taking after both of them – Tommy’s kind heart and Hicks’ big brain. Phoebe looked over as her blond hair whipped around from the wind. She was proud of her boys.

    So are you and Tommy seeing one another? Emmie asked innocently.

    Phoebe’s face turned solemn, No. He’s just a friend. He’s such a big help. Plus, I don’t think I could. All I’ve known since seventh grade is Bobby. She looked like she was struggling with what she felt and what she thought was right.

    Emmie followed up with another question, Do you have feelings for him?

    Phoebe swallowed hard. "Shit, Emmie. You’ve been back for thirty minutes, and I’m spilling all my secrets like we used to in the loft of the barn. I sure

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