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Zoey Rogue
Zoey Rogue
Zoey Rogue
Ebook385 pages6 hours

Zoey Rogue

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“Buffy” meets “50 Shades”

He only needs three nights to make her his ...

With more heart than sense, fearless, beautiful Zoey has saved countless college-aged women from horrifying deaths at the hands of supernatural sadists. She may be a mere half-succubus in a society that views half-breeds with derision, but she still retains the highest rescue rate of any Hunter in the Sucubatti society.

As the calm, disciplined leader of the Incubatti Enforcers, Declan is the polar opposite of Zoey – and the sworn enemy of her society. Forced to rescue her one night, Declan realizes two things: he doesn’t need someone as wild and independent as Zoey in his life – and he can’t live without her.

In this world, there’s only one incubus for every sucubatti and Zoey and Declan are stuck with each other. They’re just as likely to kill each other as they are to yield to each other’s sex magic.

She has authority issues and drinks too much. He is the irresistibly sexy incubus pre-ordained to tame her. Neither can fight their intense attraction, and yet trusting each other is out of the question.

What happens when their worlds crash down around them?

Strike three. You’re mine.

Release dateAug 9, 2014
Zoey Rogue

Lizzy Ford

I breathe stories. I dream them. If it were possible, I'd eat them, too. (I'm pretty sure they'd taste like cotton candy.) I can't escape them - they're everywhere! Which is why I write! I was born to bring the crazy worlds and people in my mind to life, and I love sharing them with as many people as I can.I'm also the bestselling, award winning, internationally acclaimed author of over sixty ... eighty ... ninety titles and counting. I write speculative fiction in multiple subgenres of romance and fantasy, contemporary fiction, books for both teens and adults, and just about anything else I feel like writing. If I can imagine it, I can write it!I live in the desert of southern Arizona with two dogs and two cats!My books can be found in every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was given this book as a gift through amazon!!~~
    Zoey Rogue by Lizzy Ford
    This book has serious sexual scenes 18

    What can I not say about this book? This book has literally knocked my socks off and has me yearning for more! This book is a journey of epic proportion that will have you emotionally racked and hormonally challenged. LOL! I swear this author is getting better with every single book she writes but she has just dropped the gauntlet. All I can keep thinking is WOW oh WOW WOW!!I don't think I can actually truly put in to words the way I feel about this book except that I think I have now found a all time favorite and high!! HOLY MOLY!! WHAT A READ!! A MUST TRY! This book makes me want a drink and a cigarette even though I don't smoke!! I love the relationship between Declan and Zoey and the other characters too!! Zoey is my favorite female lead of all time! She is amazing with her kick butt attitude and ask questions later. Just love her!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Zoey is a independent rule breaking half-succubus who saves countless college-aged women from dying at the hands of the Cambions. Cambions are the offspring of the Incubatti and enjoy killing women through rough sex for the sex energy. Declan is the leader of the Incubatti Enforcers and the sworn enemy of Zoey's society. He also happens to be Zoey's soul mate.

    I loved this book. It kept me on the edge of my couch wondering what was gonna happen next. It took me a day to read the book and as soon as I finished I wanted more of Declan and Zoey. Can't wait for the next book to come out. This is a must read for anyone who loves a sexy action packed paranormal book. Lizzy Ford outdid herself on this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Zoey Rogue by Lizzy Ford is book one of the Incubatti series.

    Zoey Rogue is one of the first Incubus themed books I've ever read and as a paranormal romance it was very unique. I can honestly say that I haven't read another book like it. Zoey is fun loving and outrageous a big drinker since she turned 21 and is living it up as much as she can, she's also a hunter and nothing gets in the way of her doing her job. That is until Declan comes onto the scene and turns her whole world upside down. Declan is supposed to be the responsible one of the two but Zoey tends to throw a wrench in things when she starts to tickle his sex vibe and he realizes he wants more than just a taste.
    Zoey rogue is a fun and enjoyable read I think anyone would like. A girl that kicks ass - literally and a guy that can stand by her side and give her as good as she gives back.
    I was so upset over the ending though because I wanted it to keep going I wanted to find out what happened between Zoey and Declan since I wanted them to find their happy ending. The cliff hanger ending will have me coming back for the next book in the series Zoey Avenger to find out if Zoey can forgive Declan and to find out if they can work things out or not. I can't wait to find out!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm not sure what to think about this story. I liked the overall premise, but it seemed like this book was lacking something, but I still can't figure out what.Zoey is a Halfling (half human, half succubus), who desperately wants to live a normal life as a human, even has a human boyfriend (who has no idea what she is). She is a Hunter on Team R of the Succubatti, and Hunters are responsible for killing Cambions (the sons of an Incubus and a human mother), who sex and kill young women for the sex energy.So apparently she has a soulmate, but not just any soul-mate, an Incubus soulmate. And not just an Incubus soulmate, the the head of the Incubatti Enforcers (clutch your pearls ladies!) So he's supposed to be all bad-ass I guess. What I am NOT impressed with is the lack of world building and explanations about certain events: the story is supposed to take place in the DC area, but you'd never know it based on the lack of descriptions of the location (except for throwing out the names Rock Creek Park and Chevy Chase, which are only small parts of the DMV). How does an Incubus claim his soulmate? Does he just say "I'm claiming you, now we have to go through the three strikes?" What happened during Zoey's early years, before becoming a Team R member? We're given a bit of background on Vikki, but nothing on Zoey. What the hell is Olivia up to? And the thing that really got me was that Zoey wanted Eric to forgive her, but yet she ran away when faced with what happened with Declan, even knowing that he was tricked?Still a good start to the series and I'll be reading the future installments.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    aww man! This is good!! Lol, they get you hooked and than take it away :) liked the book very much. I want to continue reading the series. other books are here. Hey, let me know when the next book is in! I wish we had a feature like that.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Love it and all the twists
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved every moment of this book. Really well written and a great read.