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Red High Heels
Red High Heels
Red High Heels
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Red High Heels

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This is not a humorous book, but a joke started a whole train of events: A research scientist books into a hotel before attending a conference on stem cell research, and whilst at the conference the hotel accidently allow a young lady with a very similar name to move into his room. They find themselves facing one another wearing only towels wrapped around them! When they decide to have dinner together the lady wears her red high heels, and this prompts a joke about red high heels, and wild horses. The young lady had just run away from a potentially disastrous wedding, but has to make peace with her parents. Fortunately, she is introduced to other scientists as the man’s fiancée, and she allays fears in her parents with the same ruse, which then turns into reality when she is presented with an antique Victorian engagement ring! Please have a box of tissues handy as you read!

Release dateAug 10, 2014
Red High Heels

Adam Mann

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and then Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, and even had a marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner.Adam Mann is a pen name.

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    Book preview

    Red High Heels - Adam Mann

    Butterfly Books

    Red High Heels

    By Adam Mann

    © Adam Mann, 2014.

    20,190 words.

    ISBN: 9781310212499

    This novel was previously published by the author and Butterfly Books at Smashwords and Amazon, but has been completely revised, extended and edited in January 2021.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This work in this book has not been copyrighted. If you would like to reproduce any part please acknowledge the published and the author.

    Red High Heels

    Roger arrived at the venue for the conference and then went to his hotel to check in. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the hotel was immediately next door to the Conference Hall which he would be attending.

    Yes sir, the busy receptionist said we have a booking for you, sir. and handed him the usual type of registration form to fill in.

    Two nights, said the flustered and overworked receptionist having to deal with a host of people attending the conference, and your bill has been paid for in advance, but may I have your credit card for anything from the mini-bar, or the restaurant, that you may need?

    Roger handed her his credit card, and she took a print, and gave him back his card and the room key. She rang a bell on her desk for the porter, but nothing happened. Just then the porter was also too busy with other guests.

    Room ten oh seven, said Roger to himself looking at the green key fob, and picked up his overnight bag.

    Roger went up in the lifts, already crowded by people planning to attend the conference, and on the tenth floor found room seven, quite close the lift gates.

    He went to the bathroom leaving his overnight bag unopened on the floor near to a low table. He stretched his tall frame and looked briefly into the long wall mirror. His dark hair was just turning grey, but he had managed to keep his slim figure by frequent games of squash in the evenings.

    He decided not to change but to go and register for the conference, and to see who else he knew who would be attending the conference. He put the room key with the large green fob in his pocket.

    Roxanne arrived at the hotel reception desk about thirty minutes after Roger left to go to the conference hall.

    Another receptionist attended to her.

    You’ve already been checked in, madam, the flustered receptionist said, and was then immediately distracted by another impatient guest who had just arrived.

    Roxanne looked across the reception desk at the computer screen. She could see a list of guests easily; R. Browne, room 1007, she read.

    Spelt my name wrong, again, she muttered to herself.

    She found her way to the lifts, carrying her own two bags without a porter to assist and went up to the tenth floor.

    There was a cleaner’s trolley close to the door to room 1007, and the cleaner smiled and opened the door for Roxanne as she saw her approaching with two heavy bags, and looking at the room numbers as she walked.

    Roxanne was not a big person, in fact, rather small in stature at about five feet two, but she had a vibrant smile, and had cut her dark curly hair short so as to ‘frame’ her face. She frequently wore high heel shoes to bring her head up nearer to the level with men with whom she worked.

    She shut the door and took off all her clothes, leaving them spread across the floor as they fell, and stepped into the bathroom. She adjusted the water temperature and stepped into the shower, washing off the grime and stains of two days travel. She dried herself and shook her head, and wrapped a large hotel towel around her body.

    She went into the bedroom and sat on the bed nearest to the windows that overlooked grimy and presently overcast London. The pillow looked inviting so she lay down and relaxed and almost immediately fell asleep.

    Roger, meanwhile, had collected his Members’ File for the conference and had seen a list of people attending, some of whom he knew, but he did not see any of them immediately.

    "Not to worry, he said to himself, I’ll see them in the morning when the conference starts. And I’d better read this file first!"

    Hey Roger! a voice hailed him as the turned back towards the hotel.

    Two men he knew suggested that they all go for a meal, but they were planning a large meal and with night club aperitif, they said grinning.

    I’ve just arrived, pleaded Roger, so let me go and change first, and I’ll meet you in the bar for a drink later.

    He walked back to the hotel, which was next door to the conference centre, and went up the tenth floor again. The frenetic atmosphere in the hotel had calmed down and the evening had darkened the sky and there was nobody in the main corridor. His room was close to the lift gates and he opened the door with his key.

    He took off his clothes as he went in and dropped them on the floor, and headed for the bathroom. He did notice the floor was a bit wet, but it did not worry him so he stood under the hot shower until he felt better.

    As he dried he looked in the mirror over the hand basin, but decided not to shave until the morning. He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the door to the bedroom.

    Roxanne had heard the noise in the bathroom and decided to investigate. She stood up and adjusted the towel around her breasts and walked towards the bathroom door, not really noticing the debris of clothes lying on

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