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Spiritual Light
Spiritual Light
Spiritual Light
Ebook84 pages53 minutes

Spiritual Light

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About this ebook

A long time ago we, a group of souls, began our journey on this Earth. A journey in the form of a cycle of birth, death and rebirth. We meet one another again in every lifetime, but always in a different role. Because of this role-play we have certain feelings for one another, which at first seem inexplicable.
For the soul, life on Earth is like going to school. Its learning process is comparable with that of school-age children. Each soul finds itself in a class that matches its level of spiritual awareness and follows the same lessons. The goal of the soul’s journey is to gather experience, it is enriched by each life. The soul stores everything. Nothing is lost.
We are not alone on our journey. The spiritual world supports us every moments of every day and each person has their own guide. This is true even for those who do not believe in a spiritual world.
The universe is created by a pure form of energy. This is an energy that creates without any limitations or conditions. Everything is balanced without the need for judgements, values or standards. I realise this all sounds very abstract, but I cannot find a better way to express it. Perhaps our language simply does not have the means to truly reflect this core concept.
The single building block of the universe is energy. Its density, the way it moves, varies across the cosmos, but it is still energy. The entire universe can be explained on the basis of this premise.
Thoughts are energy as well and with these thoughts we shape our environment. This is the theatre of life, a wonderful stage on which anything is possible. It can put on any play and its number of actors is unlimited. This stage is everywhere around us – there are no limits. We are writing the next scene of our personal play every day.
Sadly most of us have forgotten this knowledge. At one time we all knew the full extent of our power, our creative potential, an intelligence that we used to create miracles.

Release dateAug 17, 2014
Spiritual Light

Marten Brinkhuis

Following my studies in economics I started work for a big insurance company. My career in the insurance company had reached its 15th year when I sensed it was time to reconsider what I was doing and do something else.So I sold my house in the Netherlands and found a nice spot in Italy. I enrolled into a series of different workshops and finally ended up learning Sat Nam Rasayan Healing (Practitioner Amsterdam).Besides developing workshops meditation&healing I write spiritual books.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book on spirituality. It will make you think. Wonderful explanations. Thanks for writing a great book!

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Spiritual Light - Marten Brinkhuis

Spiritual Light

By Marten Brinkhuis

Published by Centro di Luce at Smashwords

Copyright 2014 Marten Brinkhuis

First published in Dutch as Licht Spiritueel

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

Thank you for downloading this ebook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

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Table of Contents



The soul

The spiritual world



The energetic imprint

Free will

The thought process

Thoughts, words and actions


Polarity consciousness


The mirror



Heaven and Earth







About Marten Brinkhuis

Connect with Marten Brinkhuis


Why write a spiritual book? There are so many out there. I cannot really answer this question. I followed my intuition and decided to write down a number of thoughts. Thoughts that arose spontaneously.

Is this book unique? I do not believe so. A lot of what I have written can be found in other books as well. Perhaps my approach and choice of words allows the reader to see the same context in a new light. I trust that the book will find its own way, crossing the paths of those for whom it is intended.

Often the subject matter is quite complex and each chapter deserves an entire book of its own. I have deliberately chosen to keep the content concise in the hope of making the book accessible.

The universe still holds many riddles for mankind. I do not pretend to know the whole truth. The truth is different for each one of us. It is not my intention to convince people or to show them the way. Everyone chooses their own path. There are no mistakes in life. We are here on Earth to learn and falling down and getting back up again is part of it.

I would like to thank Dana for her wonderful translation.

Enjoy the book, read it and any thought that occurs to you is useful. Trust your own intuition.

31st December 2013,



A long time ago we, a group of souls, began our journey on this Earth. A journey in the form of a cycle of birth, death and rebirth. We meet one another again in every lifetime, but always in a different role. Because of this role-play we have certain feelings for one another, which at first seem inexplicable.

For the soul, life on Earth is like going to school. Its learning process is comparable with that of school-age children. Each soul finds itself in a class that matches its level of spiritual awareness and follows the same lessons. The goal of the soul’s journey is to gather experience, it is enriched by each life. The soul stores everything. Nothing is lost.

We are not alone on our journey. The spiritual world supports us every moments of every day and each person has their own guide. This is true even for those who do not believe in a spiritual world.

The universe is created by a pure form of energy. This is an energy that creates without any limitations or conditions. Everything is balanced without the need for judgements, values or standards. I realise this all sounds very abstract, but I cannot find a better way to express it. Perhaps our language simply does not have the means to truly reflect this core concept.

The single building block of the universe is energy. Its density, the way it moves, varies across the cosmos, but it is still energy. The entire universe can be explained on the basis of this premise.

Thoughts are energy as well and with these thoughts we shape our environment. This is the theatre of life, a wonderful stage on which anything is possible. It can put on any play and its number of actors is unlimited. This stage is everywhere around us – there are no limits. We are writing the next scene of our personal play every day.

Sadly most of us have forgotten this knowledge. At one time we all knew the full extent of our power, our creative potential, an intelligence that we used to create miracles.

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The soul

The soul

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