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The Gag Reflex: Episode One
The Gag Reflex: Episode One
The Gag Reflex: Episode One
Ebook32 pages27 minutes

The Gag Reflex: Episode One

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About this ebook

The Gag Reflex is a modern romantic comedy series. An engineer without a funny bone meets a comedian without a cent to her name. They form an unlikely friendship - "friends with real benefits," as she describes it - which has only one logical outcome: they start up a comedy club together. It opens the doors to a series of a comedic misadventures where love, romance, stand-up comedy and the occasional vomit all share centre-stage.

PublisherG. Redina
Release dateAug 18, 2014
The Gag Reflex: Episode One

G. Redina

G. Redina is a comedy writer from Sydney, Australia.

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    Book preview

    The Gag Reflex - G. Redina


    by G. Redina

    Smashwords Edition | Copyright 2014 G. Redina

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.  This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ‘Another day, another Twitter war,’ lamented Beth. ‘Even conspiracy theorists agree that social media has started more wars than the Illuminati.’ Pause for laughs… okay go. ‘I wonder how veterans feel when they hear about a war breaking out on Twitter.

    So what happened to you mate?

    I lost a leg in 'Nam. You?

    MickDawg78 called me fat and it was re-tweeted like five times. It was hell out there.

    ‘Imagine that float at a parade – World War 2, Korea, Iraq... people attacked by trolls in 140 characters or less.’


    Lionel laughed all the way from the bank to the real estate agent’s office. Not at a joke - he gets jokes about as well as a nun gets laid. A bankrupt consortium had sold him a bar, on a rundown corner of a dilapidated commercial precinct for the modern-day equivalent of magic beans. It was a live music venue that died from wounds inflicted by noise restrictions and an apathetic populace that preferred the jingles and chimes of poker machines to the grunts and screeches of pub rock. The only thing that Lionel cared to listen to was the market and it had spoken – more pokies.

    He bought the premises sight-unseen, as the price of missing out was bigger than the cost of it caving in. He knew the vendors would be inundated like a urinal after happy hour, thus took advantage of the fire sale and got his money down while the embers still glowed. A nest egg such as this would have been cheaper in the country, but with his sick

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