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Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction): My Love Is Real, #2
Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction): My Love Is Real, #2
Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction): My Love Is Real, #2
Ebook28 pages23 minutes

Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction): My Love Is Real, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Realizing it takes more than sex to win Brain over, Sean tries to prove himself in other ways. But Sean just can't help it if he has only one thing on his mind. Will his sexual demands keep him from furthering his relationship with Brian?

Release dateAug 20, 2014
Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction): My Love Is Real, #2

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    Benson Brothers Story 2 (Gay Fiction) - Trina Solet

    Benson Brothers Story

    My Love Is Real 2

    Gay Fiction

    By Trina Solet

    Benson Brothers Story

    My Love Is Real 2


    For days, Sean couldn't shake the terrible sense of loss he experienced when Brian walked out on him. He was at war with himself, fighting the urge to go back to that one room apartment. No matter how much he wanted to push Brian to admit what he felt, Sean forced himself to wait. As he struggled with his need to see Brian, Sean didn't know what to regret. He should regret rushing in, but his mind was clouded with all the things he wanted to do to Brian, with Brian. All the things they hadn't done swirled in his mind alongside the things they did. The memory of how Brian's body felt under him drove him crazy, almost drove him right back to Brian's place. But Sean knew he couldn't afford to piss him off again and lose him for good.


    Sean waited a week before he went to Brian's crappy apartment again. After several attempts to get him to open the door, Sean waited for hours for him to either come home or leave his apartment if he was in there and ignoring him. Then a very pregnant neighbor stepped out of the elevator. She was startled to see Sean waiting just outside Brian's door. Sean did his best to look harmless and asked her about Brian. She told him Brian had moved out. Panic hit Sean so hard, Brian's neighbor started to back away from him. For her sake, he settled down by telling himself he would find Brian again. Nothing would stop him. Sean asked the neighbor if she knew where Brian moved, but she shook her head.

    The next day, Sean came back asking the building super to show him Brian's former apartment. He pretended he was interested in renting it. As he let him into the apartment, Sean hoped that the super would leave him alone, but he lingered just inside the door like

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