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Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended.
Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended.
Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended.
Ebook45 pages42 minutes

Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended.

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Jesus and the “G” Spot...Where Spirituality and Sensuality come together as God intended, is a book, simply remove the nasty from sex in the lives of people who live for God.
By addressing the pitfalls of both your relationship with God and your partner such as pornography, infidelity and divorce followed by my interpretation of what is acceptable while doing the “horizontal mambo” I pray that you are blessed, enlightened and healed.
If you fail to recognize the significance of a healthy, and loving sexual relationship as a vital part of your Spiritual life, you will never understand nor implement a plan for a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, much less your partner and certainly NOT God.
Please know, this book is from the depth of my soul and the purest of my heart. If I have offended you, my apologies, however, if anything I have written has made you research what I have expressed, the purpose of my message is fulfilled. I pray you seek God diligently in all areas of your life. HE loves your praise and worship...mind, body and soul!

PublisherMama Char
Release dateAug 16, 2014
Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended.

Mama Char

Mama Char is a #1 International Best Selling Author, Speaker, Radio Host and Angel Card Reader. Widowed after 42 years of marriage, she currently resides in Oklahoma with her five cats. Mother of two sons and one grandson, she prides herself on loving others and being a service to them anyway she can.Her first published piece is an anthology “Pebbles in the Pond, Wave 3” where her chapter “The Power of Love” depicts a spiritual awakening after the death of her husband. She is co-author with 24 other talented writers who share their stories of tragedy to triumph.As an inspirational entertainer and “Jill of all Trades”, Mama Char’s life passion is to promote others and incorporate the gift of healing laughter into all. Often referred to as the “Queen of Silver Linings”, her winning personality of and “Where Dear Abby collides with Joan Rivers” allows her to speak the truth with passion and sincerity.To follow her quirky outlook on life and realign your life, you can catch her over at, and connect with her on any social media site at @MamaCharBlessed. Her Facebook pages are Mama Char Blessed and Hear from Angels.Her mantra is “If God had meant for us to focus on our past HE would have put eyes in the back of our heads.”

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    Jesus and the "G" Spot. Where Spirituality and Sensuality Come Together as God Intended. - Mama Char


    Where Spirituality and Sensuality come together as God intended.


    Mama Char™


    Smashwords Edition


    Copyright @2014 by Mama Char™

    First electronic edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    1 Why are women and men of faith afraid to be themselves in the bedroom?

    2 Why are there so many broken homes in the Church?

    3 Where do I start?

    4 The Talk

    5 OMG! Now What?

    6 God can’t surely approve of this, can HE?

    7 My secret to a successful relationship


    Author Stuff


    In 2011 God lay in my heart to write this book and HE even gave me the title. Like Jacob in Gen 32:22, I wrestled with God, but I didn’t win. God began opening my eyes through prayer/meditation and hard facts...and you can’t fight statistics y’all! I kept putting stumbling blocks in front of God (I demanded, if this is Your Will and purpose, then give me a sign. I made such demands over and over) until finally, HE led me to startling statistics regarding pornography, infidelity and divorce in the lives of Believers.

    Porn? Really? At first thought I had to check myself and disengage my spiritual gift of criticism (yeah! I unfortunately have been known to utilize this ungodly gift) and ask why the attraction to someone that can’t touch back? Much to my surprise the statistics were staggering. Relationships are hurting and misguided to the tune of a 50% divorce rate...and that’s the documented relationships folks that can be tellin the true hard facts about broken homes because of the lack of intimacy and misdirected affections. That’s a lot of pain and heartache and I found myself saying but it is so simple! Why, when you don’t have to? Thus Jesus and the G Spot was birthed.

    I am neither a therapist, nor clergy...but I am a God-fearin and Jesus-lovin widow with something to say about today’s relationship stumbling blocks, based on my healthy relationship with God, and my loving and successful marriage of 42 years. In this book, using scriptures and quotes, I will share not only my opinions on why God is okay with fetishes, role-play and more, but why it is vital to your

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