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Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall
Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall
Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall
Ebook51 pages52 minutes

Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall

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About this ebook

The first part in a new series, following greedy CEO Dorothy Zucker as she is slowly transformed from a successful businesswoman into the office bimbo.

This 13,000 word erotic tale includes themes of coercion, female domination, oral sex, role reversal, status reduction, and bimbofication.

PublisherTabitha Kohls
Release dateAug 27, 2014
Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall

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    Book preview

    Chief Executive Bimbo - Tabitha Kohls

    Chief Executive Bimbo: Dorothy's Downfall

    by Tabitha Kohls

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014

    * * * * *

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with other people, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without direct permission from the author.

    This ebook is a work of fiction and the characters are purely productions of the author's imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

    Adult Reading Material

    * * * * *

    Open already!! Dorothy Theresa Zucker hissed at the elevator, glancing anxiously around the lobby. The executive elevator descended painfully slowly,.

    She'd left for work early precisely to avoid meeting anyone, but a hard storm had blown up just after sunrise, flooding the highway near her estate. She'd been forced to take another, longer route to the office, and now she was nearly ten minutes late. The office building was no doubt already filled with her employees. And yet, the lobby around her was still empty.

    Maybe I got lucky after all, she mused, stabbing at the elevator button once again. Perhaps everyone else is late too?

    As she pondered docking her staff an hour's pay for being late to work, a loud chime suddenly issued from the elevators at the other end of the long lobby hall. Sighing with relief, Dorothy marched hurriedly toward the opening doors, wincing at the way her heels click-clacked noisily on the hard tile floor.

    Her momentary relief floundered as the doors slid open, revealing a crowded elevator full of her own employees. She froze in place, too surprised to think, as a wave of dread washed over her.

    Oh shit, I forgot! This is the employee elevator, for the basement parking lot!!

    Um... aren't you getting on, Miss Zucker? Asked a young blond typist, as she held the door open for the flummoxed executive. She flashed a cautious smile, and averted her eyes from Dorothy's own.

    Y-yes, of course. Dorothy said, the young woman's obvious nervousness eased her own nerves. Taking a deep breath, and straightening her posture, she stepped forward with all the confidence she could muster. She hardly noticed the loud clack of her heels on the elevator floor. Thank you, miss...

    Uh...Gloria, ma'am. The typist's smile brightened at her boss's words, but again she averted her gaze from Dorothy's own.

    She noticed, with more than a little satisfaction, that the other people crowded in around her were looking away as well, clearly frightened just by her mere presence.

    As well they should be, Dorothy thought, a cold, confident smile crossing her lips.

    The smile died instantly as the elevator doors shut, revealing, not the warm, walnut paneling of her own private executive car, but instead cold, polished stainless-steel panels. With a mirror-like finish!

    Facing her own startled reflection, Dorothy couldn't help but notice the way the typist's reflected eyes slid down to gawk at her boss's new shoes.

    Goosebumps popped out over the back of Dorothy's neck, as all around her, the other workers began glancing down, doing shocked double-takes, and then desperately trying to look away again.

    Her own eyes were drawn down the reflection, to where her shiny new heels shone in the elevator's harsh lighting. She scooted her feet back, trying to hide them under her still dripping wet trench coat, but the fabric ended at her knees, and the shoes were far too loud and garish not to draw the eye. Her suddenly renewed confidence shrank away to nothing.

    She wriggled uncomfortably as the office employees around her began to murmur softly. She could just imagine what they

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