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All That She Knows
All That She Knows
All That She Knows
Ebook21 pages22 minutes

All That She Knows

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24year old Taryn has to share a room with Vida when there is a mix up with the rooms on a family holiday to Fiji,, Vida is an openly gay woman smoking hot, And teaches Taryn all that she knows

PublisherSky Bailey
Release dateJul 22, 2014
All That She Knows

Sky Bailey

from AustraliaI love to delve into the cerebral erotic side of my brain which I am sure takes up three quarters of my grey matter. And hopefully entertain people at the same time. I hope for just a few short moments I can make you forget about the world around you. I love to drink wine eat chocolate and love the smell of the first rain after a long hot Australian summer. I hope you enjoy what I write.Sky BaileyIf you would like to contact me you can find me on face book or at

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    All That She Knows - Sky Bailey

    Published by Sky Bailey at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Sky Bailey

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    I was 24 years old when I had my first lesbian experience with a smoking hot cougar twice my age - she taught me everything she knew from all of her 48 years of wisdom. It happened in Fiji I went on a small family holiday with my dad, my stepmother Jody and her best friend called Vida.

    Vida is my step mother’s best friend and an openly gay woman. We had just got to the hotel and my step mum Jody was up at the service desk. I can hear her become agitated and my dad goes to her aid to help her sort out the problem; but she soon comes back all flustered. She looks at me with big apologetic eyes.

    "I’m sorry Taryn but the separate rooms I have booked for you and Vida are not available. Is

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