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French Kiss
French Kiss
French Kiss
Ebook64 pages50 minutes

French Kiss

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"French Kiss" is a romantic novella with a surprising twist. Things are not as they seem in this whirlwind courtship.

As sparks fly, it becomes clear that a larger truth is casting a huge shadow. Will these two young lovers ever be able to live normal lives?

Release dateAug 30, 2014
French Kiss

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    Book preview

    French Kiss - Abbie Duncan



    by Abbie Duncan

    Galleon Romance

    Atlanta, GA

    This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher.

    This is a work of fiction and all names, places, incidents and character traits are products of the author’s imagination.  Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely and totally coincidental.


    Copyright 2013 (All Rights Reserved)


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter One

    Positioned in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, Maria watched as elegantly dressed strangers walked by. No one seemed quite as awed by the imposing metal structure towering over the City of Light as she was, but she supposed that made sense. Maybe they hadn’t been quite as desperate to be right where she was now. Sipping café au lait with the Eiffel Tower in full view on a moonlit night was a dream that Maria had been almost sure would never come true. There had been the question of money of course, but it wasn’t as important as the question of her...condition. That was what her mother called it and it was good enough for Maria right now. She didn’t want to think about it.

    She was finally experiencing life for the first time. Not just waking up and breathing, but doing something that was enlivening and refreshing and different. She felt as if she belonged here.  She smiled at the notion that maybe, somehow, her life was always meant to somehow end up in the City of Light where culture abounded.  Maybe she was meant to join the ranks of the many sophisticated and unusual people had called Paris home through the centuries. Maybe there could be more to her life than she’d ever imagined. As she sipped her coffee once more she was suffused with a feeling of home that she’d never once felt in the small and dingy apartment her mother rented.

    Maria took a deep breath as she placed the white china cup on the wrought iron table gently. There was a whisper of nerves since it was getting so late. There was one thing that she needed to make this evening complete. There was one thing that would make the night perfect.

    Where the heck is Cameron?

    It didn’t help that this was such a new connection. Maria had to admit that she was still a little unsure of him; but so far, he had passed all her tests with flying colors. He was intelligent and kind and fun to talk to. He was also very handsome. That was about as far as her standards went right now. She had a feeling that she should be a little more demanding, a little more exacting, had been a while. It had actually been a long while. This was actually the first time in years she had let someone get this close to her.

    Another flutter of nerves made her push her coffee further away. If she took another drink now she wasn’t sure it would stay down. She glanced down at herself and tried to gain some confidence. At least she looked good. For this date, Maria had selected one of her favorite outfits and she was presently dressed in a crisp, snow-white blouse. She loved white. She loved that it was pristine and unblemished. She hated stains, and thankfully there was never any chance of that happening here. To keep the blouse from looking too much like she was just away from the office, she had chosen a tight black skirt that fell an inch or so above the knee. It was her favorite length. No one could call her brazen, but she also knew that it was a flirty, teasing glimpse of her strong legs.   

    At least she’d done one thing right. She’d hit her target look of professional yet adventurous and the pair of juicy Versace pumps pulled the whole look together and topped it off with an air of sensuality. It was just right for the evening and she let a small smile peek through her nerves as she watched the street life unfolding around her. She was used to doing this, sitting and watching as life happened before her eyes, but in this new setting it felt natural and not limiting. In Paris she wasn’t afraid to bask in the landscape.

    Was she finally happy? No, that was too basic a word to describe her feelings at that moment. She was more than happy.

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