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Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version
Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version
Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version
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Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version

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The Heavens will stand in the way of the love between a demon and a human...

Cold-hearted Archangel Raphael appears to Michael and offers him a proposition. If Michael kills Dante he’ll be granted the privilege of staying by Joan’s side in his human form for the rest of her life. When Michael fails to kill Dante it’s up to Raphael to fight in his place. But when Dante wins their battle he unexpectedly spares the Archangel’s life. Raphael decides to become a bartender in order to ‘defeat’ Dante in another way.

Those in Hell are also determined on keeping the fated lovers apart...

Lilith will stop at nothing to get her revenge upon Joan and orders her lover Samael to kidnap Joan and bring her to Hell. Dante forms a party of unlikely heroes to go into Hell and rescue Joan. A new ally in the form of a half-incubus joins their party. He is Tristan Savant, a chocolatier. Tristan later becomes a diabolic cupid when he uses his aphrodisiac chocolates to help Dante and Joan consummate their love.

The mystery of Alan’s family curse is finally revealed...

On St. Patrick’s day Alan earns his ‘pot of gold’ only to discover he must now pay the price in the form of Carmen’s head. An epic battle between Dante and the headless horsewoman, Arienh, takes place. With the unlikely help of Dante’s rival, Raphael, the curse is finally broken. But Dante and Joan must overcome one final hurdle before they can finally be together. Will Dante realize that the path to redemption lies in an act of self-sacrifice?

Author’s note: Swearwords and graphic sexual content have been removed to make this book more appropriate for my Teen readers. Enjoy!

Release dateOct 4, 2014
Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version

KuroKoneko Kamen

Author KuroKoneko Kamen (Black Kitten Mask) has always had an interest in Japanese culture from folktales about yokai (ancient demons) to anime and manga. As a result of being an otaku a lot of her stories are set in Japan or have a Japanese theme. Even when in the midst of a pirate novel expect a samurai warrior to be thrown into the mix. Her latest passion is paranormal romance and she’s written stories where ghosts, demons, and angels find love. Keeping her company as she writes are her several dogs and cats, some of which are rescues (now including a pet turtle someone wanted to make a soup out of). To keep updated on new stories and specials visit the author’s facebook page:

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    Book preview

    Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Version - KuroKoneko Kamen

    Wicked Bartender Redemption

    PG-13 Version

    A demon bartender as intoxicating as a cocktail

    By KuroKoneko Kamen

    Copyright 2014 by KuroKoneko Kamen

    Cover Design by Kyoux

    Smashwords Edition, License notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or give away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters are invented. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Chapter 1: Broken Heart

    Alan felt his phone vibrating and reached into his pants pocket to pull out his cell. He swiped the screen with his thumb and saw that he had a text from Joan. He tapped on the message, and started to read it.

    Joan had sent him Kim’s address and her apartment number. Alan smiled, feeling thankful. Thanks, Joan. Joan was always so reliable, dependable, and she always thought ahead. Alan figured he should promote her to the position of manager at Dullahan’s officially sometime soon.

    Alan told Arienh the address and the dullahan continued to maneuver the motorcycle down the street, swerving through traffic. They reached Kim’s apartment building ten minutes later. Alan dismounted with Kim still in his arms. Dawn was approaching and he knew that Arienh would soon disappear. Alan looked at Arienh’s helmet, Thank you, Arienh.

    Arienh nodded, "It was my pleasure, Master Alan." She held up the velvet sack, which contained Gilebert’s head.

    Alan looked at the blood-soaked bag and shuddered as he watched a few droplets of red blood fall and hit the ground with a tiny splat. Ah, I see. G-Good.

    Vroom. Vroom. Arienh revved the Harley’s engine before tearing off down the road.

    Alan shook his head feeing both bemused and impressed with the dullahan as he watched her speed off. Arienh was so cool. Alan turned and faced Kim’s apartment building. He took a deep breath to steel his nerves before entering. They rode the elevator to Kim’s floor, the elevator door opened, and he continued his way down the hall towards Kim’s apartment, number 503.

    Alan pushed on the door to apartment 503 and it simply swung open. Gilebert had obviously kicked the door in hours earlier. Gilebert…that jerk. A chill went down Alan’s spine at the thought of Gilebert having broken inside and then kidnapping Kim.

    Alan made his way inside of Kim’s apartment and headed for her bedroom. The door was open. Alan entered and flipped on a light switch. Kim’s bedroom was illuminated to reveal the horrible state it was in. Her rumpled bed sheets were covered with blood, her bedside table lamps were broken, and feathers were everywhere. There had obviously been a struggle when Gilebert had tried to kidnap Kim, and had succeeded.

    Alan felt sick to his stomach as he looked around Kim’s room. Any other time he would have been ecstatic. He carried Kim back outside of her room and made his way into her living room instead. He set Kim down on the couch as gently as possible before heading back inside of her room.

    Alan decided to clean Kim’s bedroom for her. He swept up the pieces of broken ceramic from the lamps and feathers, and put the debris in a trash bag. He took the sheets off of Kim’s bed and put them into the trash bag next. Alan found clean bed sheets in one of the closets and changed the bed. After all that was done the room looked ‘normal’ once more. As if nothing horrible and potentially life scarring had happened.

    Alan made his way to the living room and scooped Kim up into his arms. He carried her back into her bedroom and set her down on the bed. She looked like a sleeping, enchanted princess - that one kiss from her true love would awaken her. My princess. So beautiful. So precious. Alan found himself unconsciously leaning over Kim, his lips nearing hers. So close. But then he realized what he was doing and pulled back.

    Feeling abashed, he sighed. Alan realized that he was exhausted in that moment. He got into bed next to Kim and lay down. Just a few minutes. He mentally vowed to himself as he closed his eyes. He intended to just rest his eyes for a few minutes, but he ended up falling asleep.

    A piercing scream woke Alan up a few hours later and he sat up with a start. His gaze whipped around the bedroom wildly, expecting to see an enemy, perhaps Gilebert back from the grave to exact revenge.

    But there was no one there.

    Alan turned his gaze to Kim. She was sitting up, panting for breath, and her honey-colored eyes were wide and fearful. She had a hand clasped over her mouth to muffle her own voice. She looked terrified.

    Alan’s heart broke inside of his chest at the sight. Kim. He reached his hand out and touched Kim’s shoulder carefully.

    Kim turned to look at him and recognition flashed in her amber eyes. She removed her hand from her mouth. A-Alan? Her voice was nervous, unsure.

    Yea. Alan nodded. It’s okay, Kim…I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.

    Kim let out a cry as she flung herself into Alan’s arms, embraced him tightly, and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

    Happiness welled up inside of Alan’s chest. Kim was depending on him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Shhh…everything will be alright, princess. Alan assured as he stroked Kim’s back and her cascade of silky, golden-blonde hair.

    After a few minutes Kim’s breathing evened out and her trembling ceased. However, she suddenly stiffened in Alan’s embrace. She pushed against Alan’s chest and he was forced to let go of her.

    Kim? Alan wondered what was wrong.

    Kim looked away from Alan, unable to meet his eyes. Alan…is everything I remember real? Was Gilebert really a demon? Or was that just a horrible nightmare?

    Alan let out a heavy sigh. Everything was real.

    Kim flinched at Alan’s words. A demon…and you came to rescue me?


    And you brought the headless horsewoman to help you?

    Arienh. Yes.

    Arienh? Kim said aloud before her gaze snapped back to Alan with an almost accusing look. Alan…what are you? What did you do?

    At that moment Alan’s throat felt dry and he swallowed. I…I’m not really sure. I…just put some of my blood on a demon-summoning circle, called out Arienh’s name, and she came to me.

    So what are you supposed to be? A wizard? Like Harry Potter? There was disbelief in her tone, and bitter laughter spilled from her lips.

    Alan shrugged. I dunno…maybe.

    Kim looked up and met Alan’s eyes with a wild, betrayed look. You summoned a demon, Alan. Normal people don’t do things like that. What if you’re a demon yourself? Her honey-colored eyes were suddenly filled with distrust.

    Alan blinked at Kim. Her words hurt. A demon? No - that wasn’t right. He was a hero - wasn’t he? He was Kim’s white knight. What? No. I’m not. Anger was creeping into his voice. Wasn’t Kim supposed to be thankful? He’d saved her life. Wasn’t she supposed to fall in love with him?

    Liar. Kim shoved Alan away from her roughly. Get away from me, Alan. Don’t touch me. I don’t want to have anything to do with demons ever again. Demons are evil, Alan. Demons…shouldn’t even exist. That’s right…demons don’t exist. I must be going crazy. I must have been seeing things. Kim gripped her hair and began to laugh hysterically. Maybe I was drugged or…?

    Alan’s expression was agonized and concerned as he reached his trembling hand out towards Kim. Kim… He could feel this chasm opening up between them.

    Kim smacked Alan’s hand away coldly. "Don’t you dare touch me! You’re evil. Get out! Get out of my house and don’t come back!" She screeched at the top of her lungs, and when she was finished she was panting for breath.

    Alan’s expression fell, his heart breaking into a million pieces. Kim thought he was evil. And maybe she was right? Was he evil? He’d summoned and controlled a demon after all. Alan slid off the bed and looked at Kim with blue eyes full of pain. Alright, I’ll go. He said brokenly as he turned to leave. Alan paused at her doorway. Kim…I only did it to save you, and I only wanted to save you because I love you. I’m sorry. Only then did he walk away.

    I love you? He loves me? But…I can’t…I just can’t. Kim thought brokenly to herself.

    Alan could hear Kim break down sobbing as he left the room, and it made Alan want to return to Kim’s side immediately. But he held himself back since she’d made it pretty clear that she didn’t want anything to do with him. Evil…evil…evil…the word echoed cruelly in Alan’s mind over and over again.


    Michael had had just about enough of the sight of Joan and Dante kissing passionately. The couple was even grinding against each other wantonly, and moaning. Apparently, they’d completely forgotten they had an audience. Michael growled low in his throat.

    Michael ran over to the couple, grabbed Joan’s arm with his maw, and pulled her off of Dante. Startled, Joan got off of Dante and stood. She was panting for breath, flushed, aroused, nervous, and embarrassed. She wiped her hands down her armor as she tried to get her wayward emotions under control.

    Dante stood next, shifting from foot to foot, and though he appeared to be more cool and collected than Joan, Michael could still tell the serious demon was somewhat embarrassed by his own brazen behavior. Michael noticed the flush to Dante’s cheeks and his lip curled back in disgust revealing his sharp teeth.

    Michael’s gaze shot to Joan, Joan! Have you no sense of decency? Think about where you are! Anyone could see you two out here acting like a couple of animals in heat!

    The irony of the statement was not lost on Joan. She flinched as Michael scolded her. Sorry, Michael. It won’t happen again. I promise.

    It had better not! Michael shot back in his scratchy voice.

    Dante cleared his throat and gave Joan a worried look. Joan, what do you mean by it won’t happen again. You mean…? There was a hurt look on his face. Was Joan rejecting him?

    Joan realized what Dante was asking and blushed prettily. Oh no, that…we…we’ll still…you know…just not in public.

    A pink tinge came to Dante’s own cheeks though he would have denied it. Oh, I see. His mouth twitched as he tried not to smile.

    Michael ground his teeth together at the sight of Joan and Dante smiling goofily at each other. It just wasn’t fair! In his current form he didn’t even have a chance at wooing Joan. Don’t look so happy you two. When word of this gets out I doubt that Our Heavenly Father will allow the two of you to be together. Michael said firmly, and sounded smug.

    Joan and Dante’s expressions both fell and they looked worried all of a sudden.

    Michael almost felt bad for raining on their parade but…their relationship (if that’s what it was) would be far from easy. And Michael just wanted Joan to be happy, to always be smiling.

    I doubt that Lucifer will be too happy about this either. Dante put in with a frown, and gave Joan a look of longing before taking a step away from her. He was already trying to mentally distance himself from Joan and his body had reacted to his thoughts.

    But the keen Joan noticed. Hey. She reached out and grabbed Dante’s hand. Don’t you try and push me away again. We’ll make this work somehow. Together.

    Dante was giving Joan a skeptical look and his frown had deepened. Perhaps…but the last thing I want to do is to put you in danger, Joan. Michael is right. We’re running into this thing too soon. I need to think about this.

    A flash of hurt crossed Joan’s face. What? What’s there to think about? Don’t you lo-

    That’s a great idea, Dante. Michael was quick to interrupt Joan. Finally, something we can both agree upon - Joan’s safety. Joan’s safety is our number one priority. Now is not the time to be selfish. Before you both jump into a relationship many things must be considered.

    Selfish? Dante nodded, Indeed. The demon Duke wasn’t the type of man to rush into anything anyways. He believed in careful planning, and analyzing the situation in order to come up with the best battle strategy. And as the humans would say: All is fair in love and war. If he were to be with Joan he would need to find some way to keep her safe from his enemies and more importantly from his allies!

    Dante, I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding. I’d like you to escort Joan home safely. I have something important that I need to do, or else I would do it myself. Michael informed them.

    Understood, fuzzball. Dante smirked as he noticed a muscle tick beneath the dog’s eye. Dante approached Joan and summoned his wings. Two black, leathery wings emerged from his back and Dante scooped Joan up into his arms, bridal-style.

    Ah, Dante, what are you doing? Put me down! Joan complained as she watched Michael take off running. Michael? Where are you going! Hey wait! Joan protested as with a flap of his wings Dante shot up into the sky with Joan clutching at him for dear life. Idiot demon!

    Michael looked up to watch Dante and Joan fly away with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He waited until they were out of sight before summoning his fellow Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael, I summon thee in the name of the One True God!

    Dark, swirling clouds formed overhead, thunder boomed in the distance, and a streak of silver lightning crashed down upon the ground right in front of Michael. As the light from the bolt dispersed Archangel Raphael was revealed in all his glory. Raphael had a tall, muscular physique, and pale skin. The angel had long, snow-white hair that went down to his waist. His eyes were black with flecks of silver, resembling storm clouds with flashes of lightning in their depths. The Archangel had flawless, handsome facial features. He was wearing silver armor, and a sword was strapped to his side that was crackling with electric energy.

    On the front of Raphael’s breastplate a lightning bolt symbol had been engraved. Raphael was like lightning incarnate whereas Michael was like the sun incarnate. Raphael was very dangerous and powerful, more so than Michael.

    Raphael’s thunderstorm eyes focused on Michael and narrowed. Michael. Why have you summoned me?

    Michael inwardly frowned. So much for an: ‘It’s good to see you again, old friend’ or ‘It’s been a while’. Raphael was always so cold, stoic, and emotionless. He was the perfect heavenly weapon for the One True God. The perfect demon hunter. The perfect warrior. Michael knew for a fact that the angel had never fallen in love, had never been with a woman, and had no interest in such ‘silly’ things. He’d never fallen out of the One True God’s graces like Michael had for falling in love with Joan of Arc either.

    Michael hesitated with making his report, but knew that despite his personal feelings regarding this matter that the report had to be made. The demon Duke Dantalion has been freed of the seal and has awoken. Unfortunately, he has come into contact with Joan of Arc again and…it appears as though they are falling in love with each other.

    Raphael’s eyes narrowed at Michael even further, causing his eyelashes to almost fuse together. "Why are you telling me this? What you must do is obvious. Dantalion must be killed. Order Joan to do it."

    Michael shook his head with a helpless look on his face. "She won’t do it…it will be a repeat of five hundred and eighty-four years ago. She won’t kill him, Raphael. She loves him. Don’t you see?"

    Love. Raphael scoffed. "A useless, illogical emotion. Then…you will kill him, Michael." The Archangel began to nod to himself as if believing that was the best course of action.

    Michael hesitated before shaking his head. I cannot.

    Raphael raised a perfectly arched white eyebrow at Michael. And why not? He is a demon. Our enemy.

    If I kill him Joan will hate me. Michael’s tone was tortured. He was already beating himself up inside about telling all of this to Raphael and in a sense betraying her.

    Raphael’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. And that matters, because?

    Michael let out a frustrated sigh, which since he was still trapped inside of the body of a dog came out as more of a huff. I’m in love with Joan of Arc, okay! Happy now?

    The Archangel blinked slowly. You are…in love? Our Heavenly Father told me that he suspected as much, but I could not believe it. For an angel to fall in love with a human is forbidden, Michael. It is a grave sin.

    You think I don’t know that? Michael snapped, beginning to lose his patience with the emotionless Raphael. I know that better than anyone.

    So you wish to be with her? Raphael asked curiously. Mate with her? Such an unhygienic affair.

    Yes. Michael admitted but hung his head feeling ashamed, embarrassed and disappointed. But that’s impossible.

    Perhaps, not. Raphael worried his fingers over his jaw slowly. Our Heavenly Father foresaw this conversation and told me to offer you a deal if it came to pass. He is willing to grant you human form for twenty-four hours that will begin on the dawn of New Year’s Eve and end on New Year’s Day. If you kill Dante in twenty-four hours, Our Heavenly Father will allow you to keep your human form and remain by Joan of Arc’s side…forever. Raphael tried to smile but only the corner of his mouth raised. He knew that this was important to his comrade, Michael, and hoped that everything would work out for him.

    Michael stared at Raphael in shock, not believing this rare opportunity. He had twenty-four hours to kill Dante, and then he could remain human forever and stay by Joan of Arc’s side. It was an offer that was simply too good to refuse. Michael took a deep breath and looked back at Raphael with determined eyes. I accept.

    Very well. Good luck. Raphael said with a nod before he disappeared in a blink.


    The entire staff was scheduled to arrive at Dullahan’s early New Year’s Eve morning at five o’clock AM, in order to start decorating the pub for the grand New Year’s Party that was going to be held at the pub that evening.

    Joan arrived at five o six, and as luck would have it she arrived at the exact same time as Dante. He ended up opening the door for her. After you, milady. He smirked in amusement at acting like a gentlemanly human.

    Joan snorted at his words and made her way inside. The inside of Dullahan’s was utter chaos. Boxes and boxes of decorations surrounded Alan, Fred, Hilda, and a young man Joan didn’t recognize. Everyone appeared to be busy blowing up black and gold balloons that were scattered across the floor of the entire pub.

    The young man that Joan didn’t recognize was seated in a chair and skillfully connecting balloons together while creating garlands of balloons, balloon sculptures, and centerpieces. He’d created a tall column of balloons to sit in one of the corners of the pub that looked rather impressive with longer balloons looped at the top.

    Who’s that? Joan wondered as she approached the group. Good morning, guys.

    Alan looked up and smiled when he spotted Dante and Joan. Alan was red in the face from helping to blow up dozens of balloons, and Joan wondered if what Alan was doing was such a good idea with Alan’s asthma.

    Hey, Joan, Dante. We have a lot of stuff to do today. But I’m lucky I managed to find a part-time worker on such short notice to help us all out! Guys, I’d like you to meet - Michael. Alan waved a hand at Michael enthusiastically.

    Michael looked up at Dante and Joan - revealing his familiar golden-brown eyes.

    Joan’s eyes widened in shock and recognition. Michael?! It had been centuries since she’d seen Michael in his human form…and Joan had forgotten just how beautiful Michael the Archangel was. How perfect. Michael was tall, and muscular with bronzed skin. He had wavy, golden hair that fell down to his shoulders, angular features, a square jaw, and golden-brown eyes. He was a bronze god.

    Dante stiffened at the sight of the Archangel in human form. What is that jerk doing here? And in human form? Michael was wearing a dark green Dullahan’s t-shirt, black pants and a pair of black dress shoes.

    Michael smiled easily, and stood up. He was thoroughly enjoying Joan and Dante’s shocked expressions. He strolled over to them and offered his hand to Joan first. Hi, I’m Michael. It’s nice to meet you.

    Joan took Michael’s hand in a daze. Uh, yea, I’m Joan. His hand is so big, so warm. I’d forgotten.

    Michael offered his hand to Dante next. Dante took it and squeezed, hard. Michael squeezed back just as hard. Joan could have sworn she heard the sound of bones cracking.



    Lightning seemed to flash between their gazes as they introduced themselves. Uh oh. Joan decided to put a stop to this odd confrontation. She put her hand on top their hands and laughed nervously, trying to break the tension between them. Men.

    At Joan’s touch Dante and Michael let go of each other’s hands instantly, and tried to smile at each other, but their smiles were incredibly stiff.

    Joan gulped. She could tell the men wanted to attack one another, but couldn’t fathom why. Thankfully, Alan seemed to be oblivious to what was going on between Michael and Dante. Great. Now that introductions are out of the way, we can get down to business. We have a lot of decorating to do. Dante, think you can handle putting up the streamers? Alan asked.

    Most certainly. Dante said confidently. He looked over at Michael with a competitive glint in his eyes.

    Michael noticed the challenging look and smirked back.

    Joan leaned in to whisper in Dante’s ear. Do you think Alan has any idea that he has a demon and now an angel working for him? Her green eyes were glittering with amusement.

    Dante shook his head and some of his anger towards Michael seemed to leave him. Alan does indeed attract an odd sort. He’s definitely a bad judge of character. He reminds me of my former master. The demon had a wistful expression on his face.

    Former master? Joan questioned in a hushed voice. Her interest was piqued. She couldn’t imagine Dantalion calling anyone ‘Master’.

    King Solomon. Dante replied, in an equally low voice.

    Alan handed Dante the box of black and gold streamers, and showed him how to make a pattern by crisscrossing them. After that, Dante began to put up the rest of the streamers at an incredibly fast pace. At the same time, Michael began to hang garlands of balloons here and there, and all around the pub at top speed.

    Joan’s jaw dropped as she watched the two men work. They were moving so fast and working so skillfully. It was obvious that they were both trying to outdo the other. What she didn’t realize is that both men were trying hard to impress her.

    Alan, Hilda, and Fred were all equally impressed by the men’s decorating skills and began to applaud them. Dante finished at the same time Michael did, and the two men approached Joan with expectant looks on their faces. How do you like the streamers, Joan? Dante asked with an air of confidence.

    Er, they’re nice, I guess. Joan stammered nervously.

    Ha! You see? She obviously likes the balloon garlands better. Michael put in and puffed his chest up with pride. Don’t you, Joan? He gave her an intense look.

    Joan blinked at Michael. Huh? What? I don’t…I, er, think all of the decorations look nice, guys.

    Dante scowled as Joan’s wishy-washy words. You don’t get it, Joan. We want to know who is better, er, who did a better job of decorating, that is.

    Knowing expressions came to Alan, Hilda, and Fred’s faces when it suddenly became clear to them that the two men were competing for Joan’s attentions.

    Yea, who won? Dante or I? Michael demanded.

    Joan looked back and forth between Dante and Michael, feeling really put on the spot. These men were the two most important people in her life. The demon man she loved and her guardian angel, who she loved like a brother. She didn’t want to hurt either of them. Er, I…

    You’re both winners. Alan spoke up with a wide grin on his face. But we’re not done yet. Tablecloths and centerpieces still need to be laid out, party favors need to be put out on the tables, candles need to be lit, and a table needs to be set up with all of the new t-shirts I had made. Alan held up one of the new t-shirts to show it off to everyone. The t-shirt was black and in gold, swirly letters read: Dullahan’s Irish Pub, Happy New Year! New York City, New York, 2015. Also on the t-shirt was the Dullahan’s Irish Pub logo - Arienh, the headless horsewoman, who Alan had drawn in a black velvet gown with gold stars on the material. She was astride her black horse that had been outlined in gold.

    Michael and Dante both shared a competitive look. Game on. Dante said easily.

    Bring it. Michael shot back.

    The two men ran off to pick up a cardboard box each of random things to decorate the pub with. Joan watched the two guys rush around Dullahan’s, continue to decorate, and shook her head at their antics. Men. I just don’t get them.

    Alan chuckled and there was a mischievous twinkle in his visible blue eye. Ah, what a guy will do to get a girl’s attention. He waggled his brows at Joan.

    Joan blushed when she realized what Alan was getting at. They’re not doing this for me. She muttered.

    Keep telling yourself that Joan. Alan patted her on the shoulder before walking away.

    A couple hours later, Carmen arrived. She instantly spotted the ‘new guy’ as she entered the pub and took an immediate interest in the handsome Archangel. Mmm more eye-candy. You can never have enough eye-candy. Carmen was planning to play her piano and sing until eleven o‘clock rolled around, when Dante had a flair bartending show planned.

    Around seven o’clock groups of patrons began to pour into the pub for dinner, and in order to get a good table for the night’s upcoming festivities. Dullahan’s Irish Pub had been successfully decorated for New Year’s by that time and was looking extremely elegant with its black and gold theme. Patrons were pleasantly surprised by the generous amount of party favors that had been provided for them on their tables - party hats, party crowns, and noisemakers.


    Dante stood behind the bar watching as guests poured into Dullahan’s until it was absolutely packed. The demon had never seen so many people inside of Dullahan’s before and there were a lot of new faces. A half-smirk formed on his face.

    There was a good turnout and a good balance of single young men and women. There were lots of couples too. Michael was standing behind the table piled high with Dullahan’s Irish Pub t-shirts and selling them to patrons like hotcakes.

    Dante didn’t really know what to make of Michael suddenly in human form and working at Dullahan’s as a waiter. The angel was obviously up to something though, and that something probably concerned Joan. The small smile fell from his face at the thought.

    Around this time, Alan was taking a break and sitting at the bar. He was looking down at his cell phone with a forlorn look on his face. A look that Dante simply couldn’t ignore. What’s wrong, Boss? Dante questioned casually.

    Alan sighed. "I haven’t heard back from Kim since…you know…that day. I think I really scared her, Dante."

    Ungrateful female. Dante thought venomously. Alan had risked his life to save Kim and now she was afraid of him just because he’d summoned a headless horsewoman to help him out. It didn’t make any sense. Most females (in Hell) would have been impressed by such a feat. This was why human females were difficult. With human females certain lines could not be crossed and if they were you were automatically labeled ‘evil’. What Dante was beginning to learn though was that there was no such thing as ‘pure evil’ just shades of gray. (And he wasn’t talking about that perverted human romance novel).

    You risked your life to save her. She should be grateful. She should be thanking you, not ignoring you. You were a real hero that day, Alan. Dante said with a note of pride in his voice.

    "Dante." Alan’s voice was thick with emotion and he could feel his eyes burning. How embarrassing.

    Instead of waiting around for her to call you - you should call her. Be a man, Alan. A man must be aggressive. Dante advised as he polished a glass with a dishtowel.

    You really think so? What if she ignores my call…? Alan trailed off worriedly.

    Dante’s eyes narrowed at Alan and he was beginning to lose his patience. Call. Her. Now.

    Alan gulped, suddenly nervous, but finally nodded. Alright, I’m doing it. I’m going to call her. He dialed Kim’s number. It rang three times before she picked up.

    "Hello?" Came Kim’s wary sounding voice.

    Hey Kim, it’s me, Alan. Alan sputtered out as quickly as he could. Don’t hang up.

    "I know. I have Caller ID."

    Oh, yea, right. Alan scratched the back of his head. "Well, um…thanks for not ignoring my call. I…we’ve missed you today. When do you think you’ll be coming back to work?"

    There was a long pause. "…Alan, I’m sorry, but I won’t be coming back to work at Dullahan’s. Actually, I’m seeing a therapist and Dr. Walker believes it would be for the best if I don’t go back to work at Dullahan’s. He thinks that seeing you again in particular will stimulate my trauma and bring up bad memories. I’m really sorry, Alan."

    Alan’s expression fell, and a dark cloud passed over his face. Oh, I see. I understand. Alan looked up and saw Dante giving him an expectant look. Alan cleared his throat and plowed on. Maybe when you’re feeling better you could just pass by to say ‘hi’.

    "Alan…I think it would be better for the both of us if we never saw each other again."

    Ouch. Alan’s throat constricted but he forced the following words past his lips. I love you, Kim. You’re a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman. And I will always love you. Alan said brokenly before he ended the call. He couldn’t bear to hear her response.

    Dante had heard every word spoken over the phone due to his keen hearing. Kim had quit her part-time job at Dullahan’s and was seeing a therapist. She obviously thought she was crazy and that she must have imagined everything that had happened. It was the twenty-first century and humans didn’t believe in the supernatural like they used to. This calls for a Broken Heart Cocktail. Dante insisted before beginning to mix vodka, Chambord (French blackberry and raspberry liqueur), orange juice, and grenadine (to give the drink a nice reddish pink color) together. He poured the drink into a lowball glass with ice. Dante set the drink down in front of Alan. Here Boss. Drink. You’ll feel better.

    Thanks, Dante. Alan said as he picked up the drink and took a large gulp. The drink was sweet, tangy and strong. It lifted his dour spirits. You’re a real pal.

    Dante beamed.

    At that moment, the bell above the front door jingled as three men stepped inside. The men stood out due to their handsome appearances, and all the female eyes were instantly upon the unusual trio. Dante became curious about them as well. The three men went their separate ways as soon as they entered the pub revealing that they hadn’t come together.

    The first man was tall, muscular, with snow-white hair tied back into a ponytail, and a pair of silver Aviator sunglasses on his face. He was wearing a gray and white pinstriped suit and shiny dress shoes. This man appeared to be in his late twenties, early thirties. He also had the serious air of a businessman, but was missing the telltale briefcase.

    The second man appeared younger than the other two and was probably in his early twenties. His clothes were stylish and trendy. He was wearing a fedora, leather jacket, white shirt, black and white tie, gray vest, a pair of dark washed jeans and dress shoes. He had silky black hair that fell to his shoulders and that had an almost blue-tinge to it. There was a pair of expensive looking Ray-Bans on his face. Dante figured he was probably a male model.

    The third man was more rugged and badass in appearance than the other two. He had spiked black hair, a pair of black Oakley sunglasses on, and striking eyebrows that reminded Dante of a raven’s wings. He was wearing a long black leather jacket, black shirt, black pants and combat boots. This man appeared to be the eldest of the three and was probably in his late thirties judging by his powerful presence. He had olive-hued skin giving him a Latin look.

    The man with the snow-white hair and the young man wearing the Ray-Bans approached the bar. There were two empty seats available on either side of Alan. Ray-Ban took the seat to Alan’s left while the Snow-White slid onto the stool on Alan’s right. Dante approached them and handed the men copies of Dullahan’s drink menu.

    Ray-Ban enthusiastically opened the menu and looked at all of the cocktails that were available. Wow. You have a nice selection of cocktails here, man. I might just make this my new watering hole. The man spun on his stool. And the selection of females isn’t too shabby either. He licked his lips, his gaze lingering on the curves of a few women before he spun back around. I’ll have a Resolution cocktail.

    Right away, Sir. Dante set about preparing the drink and poured gin, apricot brandy and lemon juice into a shaker while doing a few tricks with the pouring bottles and shaker as he did so. In just a few minutes, the bartender was setting the finished drink down before Ray-Ban with a flourish.

    Ray-Ban whistled at the spectacle. I can see why this place has gotten so popular with the ladies as of late. He gave Dante a nod of acknowledgement. But mayhap I’ll be able to give you a little competition for winning their hearts.

    The young man removed his Ray-Bans to reveal his unusual heterochromatic eyes - the man’s right eye was a golden yellow color and his left eye was an electric blue color. As soon as the young man had removed his sunglasses the gazes of the females in the pub seemed to be unconsciously drawn towards him.

    A gold eye? A demon? Dante wondered darkly. Or…a halfbreed? The demon sniffed. The scent of chocolate and oranges was suddenly wafting through the air. Dante turned his attention to the women who were now watching Tristan with obvious looks of lust on their faces. Some were even licking their lips. Pheromones?

    My name is Tristan Savant. Tristan stuck out his hand for Dante to take.

    Dante paused before shaking the young man’s hand. Dante Cromwell.

    Tristan smiled charmingly revealing bright white teeth, It’s nice to finally meet the competition, Dante. I was beginning to wonder why the number of females visiting my shop had dwindled as of late. Your presence here explains it.

    Your shop? Dante questioned curiously.

    Tristan nodded, reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out his wallet. He opened his wallet and pulled out a business card before handing it to Dante.

    Dante took the card and stared down at it.

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