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The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine
The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine
The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine
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The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine

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In a whiteout there is little to no visibility. There are no reference points. There is no sense of direction. In a spiritual whiteout of false doctrine, all reference points, along with the ancient landmarks, have been obliterated and untold millions of gullible believers are blinded. Just because something sounds good and is popular does not mean it is Biblically right!

Release dateSep 2, 2014
The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine

Dr. Martin G Tharp PhD

Dr. Martin Tharp has been an avid student of the Bible for many years and holds a Bachelor, Master and eight Doctorates, one honorary and seven earned, including a Doctor. of Literature and two PhDs. He has been in full time ministry for over fifty-seven years and has authored forty-nine books to date, many of which are being used as curriculum in Bible colleges around the United States and abroad. He has also penned a number of gospel songs and recorded thirty-three albums as well as being actively involved in a school ministry to Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom for the past thirty-eight years, and Dr. Tharp has been honored twice by members of parliament in Ireland for their work in the Protestant and Catholic schools. He and his wife, Sharon, along with Maranda Howells, travel extensively across the USA and the whole of the British Isles holding evangelistic crusades in the churches of both countries.

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    The Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine - Dr. Martin G Tharp PhD

    The Spiritual Whiteout Of False Doctrine

    By Martin G. Tharp, Ph.D.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes; This ebook is licensed for your own personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.. Scripture quotations identified KJV are from the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, King James Version. Copyright 1984, 1991 by AMG International, INC and the Living Bible Copyright 1971,1986 by Tyndale House Publishers INC

    Copyright © 2014

    Martin G. Tharp Ph.D.

    Smashwords Edition

    Table of Contents


    1. The Prosperity Message Overemphasized

    2. Grace; Another Part of The Whiteout?

    3. Antinomianism

    4. The Deification of Man

    5. Challenging The Authority Of The Word

    6. Rejecting The Concept Of Hell

    7. Universal Reconciliation


    Several years ago we were driving on the interstate near Flagstaff Arizona, when we were nearly overcome, blinded by a white cloud of windblown snow! We were experiencing a complete Whiteout and for just a second, I lost all sense of direction. I couldn’t see the road or other cars. Everything had vanished, replaced by this strange, mystical blizzard of white. The only thing I knew to do was to slow down and pray that

    I was still on the road. Thankfully, by slowing down, we were able to barely see the tall markers alongside the roadway, where we first thought about waiting out the storm, but I quickly discovered that a partial reason for the Whiteout was due to the snow plow which was leading our line of traffic, adding to the already powerful amount of fresh snow!

    As soon as we got a slight break in the Whiteout, I decided to move over into the middle lane and roared past the snow plow, leaving behind the long line of traffic and the blinding snowstorm!

    The next day on the news, we were shocked to see what we had come through! For several miles there were wrecks as cars and trucks had veered off the road.

    The hand of God had to be the only reason we survived without incident.

    A Whiteout can severely reduce if not obliterates your visibility. In a Whiteout, there are no reference points, which leaves the individual without any sense of

    direction. That is precisely what is happening to the Church, as it leads to an imperceptive danger lurking on the horizon. In a Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine, all the reference points, along with the ancient landmarks, have been all but obliterated!

    Unsupportable, erroneous teaching has been mixed together with a modicum of truth, causing innocent believers to become incapable of navigating their way through the glut of invalid doctrinal claims which are readily available. I have personally become extremely concerned about the present state of the Church and wondering what if anything we can do about it. Those of you who are familiar with our ministry know I have never been one to mince words or play games. I have always had a deep, reverential fear of falling into some of the traps which is presented as popular teaching concerning the work of God.

    In my mind, I can see the Church, likened to a beautiful mountain covered with snow which is one of God’s most beautiful sights! However, we have observed a phenomenon as we traveled across the Colorado Rockies. On one occasion our kids were skiing in one of the areas where there was an enormous avalanche hovering ominously overhead.

    Fortunately they were just out of danger when the whole mountainside of snow came rumbling down, creating a Whiteout which totally covered over several thousand acres around the affected area as almost a mile of highway was covered with 12-14 foot of snow taking several skiers to their deaths who were caught in its path!

    We were on our way to pick the kids up when we got the news and were forced to take a detour which took us nearly 80 miles out of our way.

    There is an impending Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine hovering over the Church today which is effectively blinding the spiritual vision of untold millions of innocent but gullible people! It is a Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine carrying a threat that could easily destroy the faith of a multitude of believers!

    I have personally spent countless hours over the past 53 years of ministry attempting to offset some of the most dangerous false teaching, by encouraging an allegiance to a strict belief in Biblical principles.

    Unfortunately, we are facing the same principle as a Whiteout, instead of seeking the safety of a tried and true shelter from the pending storm, the truth of the gospel is slowly being lost! Here is what is so sad, no one who loves God willingly or consciously makes a decision to preach a deceptive gospel, yet a Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine which is an unhealthy, unbalanced, heretical Biblical teaching, blinding the body of Christ in America and it is quickly spreading around the world!

    You might well ask yourself, how has this happened? Because of a number of unhealthy and destructive teaching which can enter the Church in various ways.

    Sometimes a Biblical truth is taught to the exclusion of other Biblical truths, producing a dangerous imbalance.

    At other times a Biblical truth is taught by gross exaggeration, often going beyond what the Scripture actually says and in the end this does more harm than good. There are many times when clear, Biblical warnings are ignored or misinterpreted so radically that

    they lose all impact or effect, leaving people vulnerable and exposed. The Apostle Paul gave us this warning; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

    The Church in America is dangerously close to turning aside, failing to recognize the fallacy of such fables which Paul refers to. Unfortunately, untold millions have already succumbed to the false teachings which is rampant in our society and we cannot afford to stand idly by while we lose more souls! It is crucial that we identify what I believe are the some of the most dangerous lies that have infiltrated the Church and have not just led to an occasional error, but to a Spiritual Whiteout of false doctrine!

    Chapter One

    The Prosperity Message Overemphasized

    There is a phenomenon which happens from time to time every year in various parts of

    the world which is a result of an overabundance of inclement weather which is at times very dangerous, called a Whiteout, because it simply obliterates the recognized markers and hides the pathway which will lead you to the safety of your desired destination.

    At the moment in the religious community, we are being inundated with basically the same problem on a Spiritual level. There has never been such a glut of false doctrine to deal with as there seems to be at this moment in time!

    The airwaves are jammed with the voices of every persuasion, and although many of them are rock solid in the doctrinal views, there are many others that are slightly questionable. But the problem lies in the fact that there are far too many whose motives are in question along with their penchant for preaching an obviously false doctrine, recognized easily by any Bible scholar.

    However, there is also a vast number of gullible people who actually know very little about the Bible and the storm of false doctrine simply blinds them to the dangers as their pathway is obscured by a Spiritual Whiteout of False Doctrine!

    The one I want to address first may be the one which enjoys the most popularity, and sadly, there are elements of basic truth which is contained in it. The Prosperity

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