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The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5
The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5
The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5
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The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5

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Sinaria, daughter of Anamarias and Sareena of Lamiras, finds herself amidst strange and dark surroundings. Coming upon the spirit personalities of Mondilozar, Naevalona, Tormari and Lord Kragbot, the realization sinks in that she has mysteriously entered into the netherworld of spirit beings.
Realizing that Sinaria possesses a powerful amulet, the netherworld entities try their utmost to seize the same from her.
Because the kings of Lamiras, Meldovia and Varnosia need to be in their respective kingdoms to protect their subjects and keep the peace, the queens of the three kingdoms, their children and Lorrday, monarch of Orvidea leave on a quest to seek out the parallel realm of the smaller-sized ZoVog peoples.
Instead, they come upon LoJadr, royal Sorcerer of LoMun realm, who captures them. He is intent on basking in the glory of having outwitted and overcome mighty adversaries of the giant world of humans.
In the meantime, the land of Solma becomes divided into two parts; one belonging to the reptila - large lizard-like creatures which walk upon their hind legs; and the other, ruled by the woman warriors of the Sol Hills.
In the nondescript hamlet of Bel Thray, Navlon masters the art of forging bangles. He lives there in peace with himself, not having once worn the Black Bangle in all the years there. To his consternation, he finds the coveted Black Bangle stolen from him. He is enraged and seeks out the Sorcerers who had dared to undertake such a deed.
The monarchs of Lamiras, Meldovia and Varnosia come again upon Lord Dalgon and his stone warriors. Their encounter results in tragedy for one amongst the brave stalwarts.
Sinaria, Lord Kragbot and Mondilozar return to the mortal plane. To make matters worse for the good peoples, the greatest evil lord reveals himself to the gaze of the Destroyer race of peoples. Lord Drakileon knows that he cannot be overcome even by the collective powers of all the five Gragodonian Emblems.
Luudva, ordained lead
Release dateSep 11, 2014
The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5

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    The Mythical Emblems of Gragodon - Volume 5 - Venkataraman Gopalakrishnan

    Chapter 1

    Stranger Surroundings

    Princess Sinaria looked up in awe when the announcement of an impending hunt was made known to her. They had all just returned to the castle from a dip in the river waters fronting Castle Len. She had heard much from the lips of the elders about their particular experiences but never expected that the three royal families of Lamiras, Meldovia and Varnosia, together with the young princes and princesses of their realms, would also be part of a real hunt.

    The coming morning ushered in a welcome sunshine and before long, both the elders and the expectant young ones were already upon the trail of a pigeon hunt. When eventually the hunting party arrived at the hunting grounds, the sun had moved over their heads, peering into the distant shades of approaching grey.

    The elders seemed captivated by one another’s individual prowess in the archer’s art and so, it was only natural that their children deemed it fit to wander into the nearby woods; away from the watchful eyes of sanction and restraining authority. While they played out their make-believe game of Warriors and Thieves, Sinaria had a sudden urge to explore the inner recesses of the forest, which they had unexpectedly strayed into.

    Hinn, the younger son of Irah and Arianne, had tagged after the elder princess, hoping to escape being spotted and captured by Arias. A calm and silent stretch of woodland was opening up before their gaze and the young ones found themselves drawn towards the cooler shades of the beckoning trees.

    Come, Hinn! Sinaria called to the boy following behind. Arias will have a hard enough time finding us in this…

    A pondering look came over her then and Sinaria peered unbelievingly at the leaf-littered ground. Something lay within her gaze, which seemed definitely out of place in this rarely- trod-upon grove of wild shrubs and trees. It looked like a carelessly thrown piece of ornament, one, usually worn by the womenfolk of their realm. A dull sheen still etched itself upon its dark surface.

    What have you found, Sinaria? Hinn called from behind, watching her peer closely at the thing that had caught her attention.

    Just a dirty bangle which some maiden has carelessly set aside. A little cleaning will bring out its shine and then I will get to wear it. Looks to be the right size too!

    Do you espy anything, worthy of a gallant warrior, to lay claim to and take for his own? Hinn asked. Sinaria seemed to be enraptured with her find and hopefully, he would also find some trinket befitting his status as a royal prince of Meldovia.

    Sinaria glanced towards the young boy. His manner of speech reminded her of his father. Uncle Irah, chivalrous and kind-hearted as he was, tended to speak in just those same tones.

    Not that I can see, Hinn, she replied almost absent-mindedly.

    Pinching off dried clumps of soil, sticking to her fascinating find, she wiped the bangle with the edge of her frock until it shone with a dull radiance. Happy with her find of the day, she inserted her wrist into its welcome loop. As she had surmised, the fit was perfect. What a surprise she would hand the king and queen when she saw them next, Sinaria wondered. She had never taken a liking to such unwarrior-like ornaments before. Yet, this bangle seemed different from those worn by her mother and aunts.

    In the wink of an eye, the shafts of light, penetrating that part of the woods, seemed to lose their vigour while an eerie shadow stole upon Sinaria’s line of vision. With apprehension clouding her thoughts, the astounded princess looked about her. A curtain of mist seemed to hover all around and Hinn’s words sounded unnaturally faint, though he was only five feet away at most.

    Waving her hands frantically in front, Sinaria attempted to ward off the mist from her midst but, to her annoyance, the shadows stayed in place. Sensing that something was not right, she took to her heels. She had not gone far when a glimmering doorway opened from the thin air, just in front. Before she could stop her forward strides, Sinaria fell headlong into an enveloping darkness. An involuntary scream erupted from between thin lips but not a sound came forth from her tender throat. And then, the trees and shrubs, and everything else which she had rushed past, just moments earlier, vanished from her sight.

    Sinaria opened her eyes. It seemed as if many hours had passed since her frightening ordeal in the woods. A quietness hung in the air, akin to those times when she used to peer from the edge of her blanket, at the silence of the overpowering night.

    Yet now, instead of the whitened walls of her bedchamber, there appeared a dim glow from around where she lay. A hurried glance to her left and right revealed the same dreary setting. It seemed like everything, good and wholesome in the world, had been taken away from her immediate surroundings; only an unbecoming gloom hung heavily in the air.

    It appeared to Sinaria that she had strayed into a strange place, quite unlike the fresh open surroundings of Castle Len and the abundant sunlight she was used to seeing. Except for herself and the clothes on her person, everything about her seemed to blend in with the sights and texture of this lifeless terrain. A noticeable glow hung around her person, which did not at all seem possible, unless...

    Curses upon all beings! a loud shriek sounded from out of the blue. So sudden and piercing was the sound that an unbecoming fear seized Sinaria, even as she fought to make sense of all that had happened ever since first entering the quiet environs of that inviting grove of trees, with Hinn, just steps behind her.

    A million curses! another screech followed the first.

    Ahh! Sinaria screamed instinctively, her fears getting the better of her. Espying a large tree-stump in the vicinity, she dashed for safety, hoping to hide from the approaching foul-mouthed strangers.

    Some devilish creature seems to have strayed into this part of the realm, a wary tone escaped from the lips of the first creature, his senses suddenly awakened to the presence of the strange glow around them. Who dares show disregard for the High Lord of Annuneth?

    Reveal your form this instant, fearful one, or great will be your agony! the second creature growled as fiercely.

    I must go back! Sinaria was on the verge of tears now. She stood behind a dreary-looking tree stump, her features blocked from view. I do not belong here. Something happened when we were playing games...

    "Games? What are you whimpering about, lost spirit? There are no games that can be played in Annuneth. You cannot hide for long. Show yourself to Mondilozar, lord of the nether realm of Annuneth!"

    By this time, Sinaria was already feeling bewildered and lost. Covering her face with her hands, hardly wanting to face the uncultured denizens of this strange land, she trembled in fear. And then, a familiar name from a distant memory assailed her ears.

    She had read of the valorous deeds of King Mondilozar, and also of how he eventually strayed to the cause of evil hankerings. The records of the ancient times, detailing the lore of the past ages and the doings of the great kings of those times, she had found immensely captivating.

    Many a night, when the occupants of the castle were in deep sleep, she had pored over the historical happenings of those ancient times. Her father, as illustrious as those heroes of old, and an Emblem bearer in his own right, had also regaled his children with the tales of his chivalrous exploits. King Mondilozar’s deeds had featured prominently, in the little that she had become acquainted with.

    Hardly waiting to hear more, Sinaria stepped out from behind the wide tree-stump, revealing herself to the foul-tongued denizen and his equally cold-hearted comrade. Curiosity was etched upon her face and this somewhat impulsive streak now overcame the fears of a moment earlier.

    What she beheld was not at all as she had imagined. Standing before her was a less than life-like likeness of the person she had come to recognise. And yet, he was indeed attired in regal-looking garb, like the portraits at Castle Len made him out to be. Staring away at the legless monarch, Sinaria realized that his want of limbs had not at all prevented him from roaming about as he did.

    A lean wretch of a person, dressed in the garb of the Sorcerer race, hovered nearby, not unlike the sketchings of the great Melthur, which adorned the walls at Castle Len. The persons fronting her gaze did not sport even an ounce of flesh upon their frames. Neither were they attired in clothes which Sinaria had grown accustomed to seeing. They appeared to be creatures moulded in the form of ethereal beings, very unlike the race of humans from her part of the world.

    A shudder passed through Sinaria at that moment. Somehow, she had been despatched to the nether-world realm of dead souls. An involuntary scream emanated from her throat.

    It was the turn of the shocked duo to stare away in astonishment. The hapless looking lass seemed different from the inhabitants of this dreary realm. Her very presence added brightness to otherwise mournful-looking surroundings. Mondilozar took several steps back, unsure whether his sight really held true.

    It cannot be! the words finally came from between hesitant lips. His comrade, an emaciated creature with a ravenously hungry look, vigorously nodded his head in agreement.

    Look at the flesh upon her person! She is from the world above us, the one which we left behind a long time ago - the realm of living beings!

    How can that be, Mondilozar? It is not possible for one, from the world of mortal creatures, to step into the netherworld realm of wickedly dead souls!

    My same sentiments, Grelzu, Mondilozar whispered, lest the human visitor became aware of their misgivings.

    Sinaria stared at the pale forms fronting her sight, the words of the second creature telling her all she needed to know about her whereabouts.

    I must be in a dream! a startled cry emerged from Sinaria’s lips. Yet, something about her surroundings made her realize that it could not be other than the truth, which she had just heard.

    Strange goings-on are afoot in the realm of the mortal peoples, Grelzu winced, an untoward fear coming over him. What is our world coming to, when creatures, who are not even supposed to be here, show up?

    Hush, Grelzu! Mondilozar’s tone was soft but sharp. I sense that something powerful has come upon us. If I could only seek out that mighty power which propelled this innocent human into our world, I may yet find a way to return to the mortal plane. My earthly adversaries will certainly be stunned to behold my presence in their world. Never shall I suffer defeat again!

    Much as he considered the possibility of his ponderings becoming a reality, callous laughter erupted from Mondilozar’s lips.

    An unearthly light shone upon Grelzu’s eyes, for the same reckonings now occupied his thoughts. If Mondilozar did manage to find a way to return to the mortal world, he would not want to remain behind.

    You must seize it fast, lest the lords of the neighbouring realm of Minnaneth get to her first! After all, we are as close to Minnaneth’s borders as you would want to be.

    Yes, Grelzu. For once, your words do indeed make sense. I am truly adept at the game of seizing... and mincing of words. If my long memory holds true, I once wielded a mighty bangle while in the realm of mortal beings - an immensely magical amulet it was.

    Sinaria was captivated by the talk of the evil-looking creatures. Despite their hideous appearances, her initial fear were was gradually being replaced by a growing confidence. That she was in the august presence of a legend, though a long dead one by the reckoning of the folk from the living realms, filled her with undisguised awe. None of her people back home would have ever thought that the likes of the great Mondilozar still lived, though in an altogether different realm. What a tale she would narrate to her royal parents and friends when she returned...

    Oh no! Sinaria let out a gasp, a sobering thought striking her dumb for the moment.

    Mondilozar jerked his head at the unexpected rejoinder. So... the truth was finally out! It had everything to do with the one Bangle which was brutally seized from him through the scheming designs of Tormari’s offspring, Naevalona. Yes, that much made sense to him.

    And then, the doings on that fateful day returned to jog his memory. How he had screamed in agony while his treacherous wife forced his long sword into his weakened frame. Too late! He had finally realized the false virtues which his wife had come to embody. When he thus succumbed to the final experience called Death, Mondilozar found himself spirited away to Annuneth, one of the darker realms of of the nether world, where those of wicked designs were despatched after the end of their long sojourn upon the realm of the mortal plane.

    It was now Mondilozar’s turn to be seized by a spell of curiosity, about the newcomer who had unwittingly entered their realm. Instinctively, his glance fell upon her bare arms. A shudder ran through his frame at that moment. It could not be true. But, it was. A familiar outline was etched upon the girl’s arm. The secret to his return towards the mortal realm stared before his very gaze. With obvious joy in his eyes, Mondilozar was drawn towards the human child. In that moment of intense rapture, he did not quite notice the look of apprehension coming over Grelzu.

    Halt your advance, vile Mondilozar! another cry went out in the nether-world of dead souls.

    It was Mondilozar’s turn to be taken by surprise. Recovering quickly enough, he turned to face the fresh intrusion.

    What in blazes is this? Mondilozar gasped, unable to believe the evidence before his eyes. Is that you, Naevalona!

    Yes, Mondilozar, came the rejoinder. Your eyes do not deceive you.

    So, you too dwell upon one of the nether realms? A thoughtful gleam creased his features. A just fate for a treacherous wife!

    "The queen of Minnaneth determines her own fate, Mondilozar!

    A queen are you?

    A queen I was, once before. And a queen I shall remain, for all time, disgraceful thief!

    "Dare you address your husband in despicable terms? The Lord of Annuneth is not as powerless as you imagine him to be. Vile charms you employed while I slept in your arms. You seized the Bangle from under my very nose and yet, I was none the wiser for it.

    Lovingly did I place my trust in your wifely care but you revealed your truest colour in my most unguarded moments."

    How can I steal something that rightfully belonged to me, in the first place? Naevalona asked, sounding so righteous.

    Vile wretch! Even in the netherworld you leave me not to my own devices, but seek to trouble me from your lordly perch as Lady of Minnaneth. I shall not rest till the day you and your scheming father meet with a deserving end!

    My father is here with me, Annuneth lord, Naevalona crooned with all the bitterness she could muster.

    From a satchel at her side, Naevalona brought forth a pudgy looking object, which she held by its seemingly longish strands of hair.

    And if you have not already guessed by now, Mondilozar, the inhabitants of the nether realm can never really die, although they can indeed suffer grievous torment, just like in the mortal world which we all left quite some time ago, a familiar voice intoned from the very object dangling from Naevalona’s fingers.

    Tormari! Mondilozar snarled. Only your head is left of your human form? So, I see that your fortunes have not been as deserving, for one who could forge a really mighty amulet. Fie upon you! You do not seem as arrogant as you once showed yourself to be.

    Enough of your pretentious deeds, wicked king! came the retort from the grisly looking head of Tormari. My daughter revealed all to me when finally we were brought together, in the world of mortal beings. You truly deserved a wretched death for conniving to deceive a trusting, old Sorcerer!

    Mondilozar nodded. He could see that they were all in the same boat, having come to the nether world after their individual sojourns upon the mortal realm.

    What we have lost, none can ever hope to replace, Tormari. I lost my legs and you… just managed to keep your head, he scoffed in return. You were also deceived by another, I suppose?

    Our business remains ours to ponder and learn from! the head of Tormari retorted once again. "It is not for the likes of treacherous kings to peer into the workings of the Sorcerer race, seeking to profit themselves thereby.

    One of these days, my daughter and I will return to the realm of living beings, if that is the last thing we do! We will regain all that was treacherously snatched from us. I sense that the moment beckons for our return to the mortal realm. And once again shall we lord over the human race as we once did."

    You always had a knack for speaking in riddles, Tormari. All of us are dead, if our forms are anything to go by. None can ever return to the mortal realm, after having once entered the nether world.

    A sneer etched itself upon Tormari’s face. Beside him, Naevalona bore an equally haughty expression.

    How is it that this innocent lass has come upon the realm of dead spirits, while still in her mortal frame, foul king? Tormari asked. His keen eyes had not missed the markings of a familiar figurine which she wore on her forearm.

    It was Mondilozar’s turn to gape at his questioner. He had been found wanting, in his self-centred deed.

    "Your intentions stand revealed to our sight, dear husband!" Naevalona’s voice had turn icy by now.

    Stay away from the girl, you deceitful lot! Mondilozar growled, hatred written all over his countenance. He would not let Tormari and Naevalona get the better of him again, not when the seeds of victory had suddenly appeared within reach of his itching grasp.

    Stop us if you can, Mondilozar! Naevalona’s voice cut through the murky air. The magical Bangle resides on the girl’s wrist and you shall not deprive us of our rightful treasure again!

    "Any treasure found, is the finder’s right to keep, dear Naevalona! Mondilozar bellowed. Do I rightly reckon that you are aware of the rules of the game?"

    Sinaria stood unmoving before the adversaries of a bygone age. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined coming upon the cause of untold misery in the times when they themselves dwelt upon the mortal world. The mood of the verbal combatants had reached a crescendo and, deep in her heart, Sinaria sensed that something dreadful was about to happen in the coming moments.

    Before Mondilozar had scant finished speaking, a thunderous roar erupted, right in their midst. Where there was only a vacant emptiness between Mondilozar and his arch enemies, a repulsive creature now made its appearance felt; its colour, black as the darkest night. Large fangs protruded menacingly from both sides of its jaws. With slow but powerful strides, it approached the mortal girl, drips of revolting saliva falling upon the darkness.

    Grelzu! the scream erupted from Mondilozar’s lips.

    Within the wink of an eye, Sinaria felt the ground beneath quiver so furiously that she clung feverishly to the tree stump beside her, unable to stand for even a moment longer. In those moments of paralyzing fear, a louder groan emerged from the ground as it tore itself apart. From stones to boulders and bushes to trees, everything fell into the abyss of dark space, which had opened up so suddenly.

    The lone creature leapt to crush and devour its prey but, before Sinaria’s fearful gaze, an apprehensive look appeared in its eyes. The next moment, it was caught in the trail of the falling rocks and trees. An ethereal scream rent the still air.

    Just as the ground had suddenly opened up, the very next instant, the rift healed by itself and, to all outward appearances, remained as serene as it had slept all through the ages. The creature was never seen again in that part of the realm.

    "So... you have procured the services of a Sorcerer to do your bidding, Mondilozar?" the taunt came from Naevalona.

    I know better than to rely on my limited talents, Naevalona. Grelzu is no ordinary Sorcerer. That spineless father of yours would also have heard the name, if indeed he is worthy of his salt.

    Naevalona turned her head, just in time to behold Tormari nod his head. Sure enough, he had heard mention of the great Grelzu.

    Grelzu was one of those who, like me, was expelled from Gragodon because he chose to pursue the craft of the darker arts, Tormari whispered. From what I gathered, rummaging through the annals of the lore of our race, he was a really talented Sorcerer. I never had the occasion to meet up with the great one, for he perished long before the forging of the Black Bangle.

    And he has teamed up with our nemesis, it seems, Naevalona surmised. We have to get to the girl, Father. Long have we waited for just such a miracle. Now, that very reward has been presented to us. We must take hold of the Bangle before Mondilozar puts two and two together and seizes it for his own ends.

    Tormari was in a pondering mood and Naevalona’s eagerness to regain the Bangle jarred him from his reverie.

    Hush, Naevalona! If the Bangle rests upon the wrist of this pale-hearted lass, then the fates have been harsh with your offspring, Navlon. Think what it means for us and our clan. All our schemings have indeed come to naught!

    Then, all the more, we have to get to the girl! Navlon must be in dire straits for sure. Set aside your ponderings, dear father. We must go to the aid of flesh and blood before it is too late.

    Flesh and blood, Tormari repeated the words, glancing over their bloodless and fleshless forms. The realm of the nether world has lost its lustre for me, dear daughter. Yes, I have pondered too long and this rare opportunity will scarce come again. We must strike hard when the iron turns hot. It is time we returned to the mortal realm and stirred up a thing or two for the good folk over there.

    If only Mondilozar’s Sorcerer were to change sides... Naevalona started to say.

    Who has not heard of the greatness of Grelzu, the finest of our race, who deigned to dwell upon the realm of Sorcerers many an age ago! Tormari acknowledged ever so piercingly that all heads turned to hear him out.

    Grelzu approached closer towards his recent adversaries, for here was another of his esteemed race who seemed to remember a thing or two about his greatness.

    And who deigns to seek the company of the famed Grelzu, most skilled in the grey arts of sorcery and who has yet to behold his better in such a unique art?

    I am Tormari, Great Grelzu. Just like you, I too was banished from Gragodon for seeking to forge an Emblem, more powerful by far than the five individual Emblems of yore.

    "Did you achieve the task which you set out to accomplish, Tormari, or was your devious endeavour doomed from the start?"

    My devious endeavour sent shivers down the spine of Girondar and his henchmen, Grelzu. I forged a bangle which was far mightier than any of the great Emblems of our wisest Elders! Many a king desired to possess this wondrous bangle. With that bangle in your grasp, the fires of the heavens came to your command. Mortal foes were powerless to withstand the might of my invincible forging. Your charge, Mondilozar, also wielded my Bangle for many a year, until he too met with a fitting end. Yet, I can see that he still desires its tempting touch.

    "Where resides this so-called wondrous Bangle, which you keep harping about, Tormari? Grelzu wanted to know. I daresay that if ever your forging had seen the light of day, then none in all the realms would have dared to battle the wielder of such a mighty weapon. From what I gather, this has not been the case."

    The Bangle I speak of, rests with the person of the pale lass from the mortal realm, Grelzu, Tormari disclosed.

    This fearful, innocent-looking one? Grelzu asked, pointing towards Sinaria while she stood, silently watching the ploys of the two adversaries unfold before her gaze.

    When Tormari nodded in agreement, Grelzu wore a perplexed look. It did not seem possible that the puny lass had mastered the dark arts. There was only one way to find out whether Tormari’s tale had any shred of truth in it. Either way, the head of Tormari would come off second best.

    Seize the Bangle, Mondilozar! Grelzu roared. Once and for all, we shall behold the truth of Tormari’s unbelievable achievements!

    The pleasure is all mine, Grelzu, Mondilozar acknowledged and approached his fearful-looking quarry.

    During the moments when the lords of Annuneth and Minnaneth traded verbal insults, a lone predator approched silently from the rear. Blending evenly with the surrounding dreariness, it halted just behind the form of the effulgent visitor from the mortal realm. Beady eyes glanced so subtly that an onlooker would scarce have noticed the strange creature creeping upon the unwary

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