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How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back
How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back
How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back
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How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back

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Fear in your mind is the biggest threat to the process of wealth creation. It is like a weed that has to be removed before you can succeed.

It is the fear of criticism and ridicule. It is the fear of losing love and respect of our near and dear ones. It is always this irrational fear that holds you back from achieving greatness and financial success.

In this book best selling author Praveen Kumar explains that our minds are the greatest soap-opera script writer in history. It plays and replays the greatest dramas full of tragedies and disasters that never happened and will probably never happened.

Mark Twain said it best: “I’ve had thousands of problems in my life, most of which never happened”.

This book will help you in overcoming your irrational fears by explaining:

•What is the source of fear?
•How you can overcome fear?
•Can we totally eliminate fear?
•How we can step out of our comfort zone and face fear?
•How elimination of fear can make you rich?

This book is about how to erase fear and rewrite the program in your mind in order for you to succeed. You can be a millionaire in next 12 months or even earlier if you can overcome the fear that holds you back.

Grab a copy of this book before the price is revised.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars How to Grow Rich March 6, 2012
By George J Barendse

When you search for a way to get rich and find Good Fortune... Science explains exactly why that search may not produce the results you want...fear! Fear of failure, fear of hurting your loved ones, fear of eventually losing the money you made, and fear of being criticism. This book helped me to overcome my fears and become successful---5 stars, buy it.
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5.0 out of 5 stars FEAR February 13, 2012
By Otilia
Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
If you ever feel that something is holding you and drawing you back from stepping forward in your life, in your career, in your business, then it must be FEAR.
Praveen Kumar is right. I have felt it myself.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful Work! January 19, 2012
By Ashe111
I love everything about 'How to Overcome Fear and Become Rich' I really like the simplistic way Praveen Kumar express his opinions, what can I say, another great work by Mr. Kumar.

PublisherPraveen Kumar
Release dateSep 3, 2014
How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back

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    How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back - Praveen Kumar

    How to Grow Rich by Overcoming Fear that Holds You Back

    Praveen Kumar


    Smashwords Edition

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