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Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories
Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories
Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories
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Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories

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Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories

Total word count 23,828.

Please note that each of these short stories can be bought as a standalone single story.

The Demanding Earl

Hannah is having a passionate affair with her steward, David Grey. She is enjoying the private lessons in the bedroom that he is attentively bestowing on her, Hannah being a very willing student...
However her enjoyment is soon to end. To her disappointment, David has to leave her country estate and her on an urgent matter. Hannah takes the opportunity to reluctantly end their intimate arrangement.
But worse is to come. When joining her good friend Daisy for the Season in London, Hannah spots David Grey and finds out his true identity: he is no other than Earl David Huxtable!
And the Earl seems to be very determined to continue where they left off....

The Viscount’s Gamble

We are first introduced to Julian when his future is looking very bleak. He has just lost all his estate and worldly possessions to a Mr Carter through several very poor games of cards on his part. Unable to repay all his debts, he fears that he will be punished and sent away to debtor’s jail.
But his day takes on another twist! Mr Carter is prepared to write off all of Julian’s debts to him: all Julian will have to do is marry his daughter, so she as well as his future grandchildren can benefit from the Viscount’s title.
Julian is very reluctant to fulfil Mr Carter request: the last thing he wants to do is get married to anyone! Unable to find a solution to his predicament, he agrees to meet Mr Carter’s daughter, Helen, but as soon as he sets eyes on her, he is left stunned and captivated by whom he discovers. Could he now be having a change of heart, as Helen shows him that she matches all his desires in more ways than one?

The Reckless Baron

Harriet runs away from her family to be with Robert the Baron, the man she loves and believes will brighten up her life from her current boring existence, and show her the world!
There is only one problem: Robert says he does not feel the same way. He had only promised to whisk her away based on idle chatter and intoxication; he had not meant for her to hold him true to his words. He has no intention of seeking a wife and he certainly does not want to face the brunt of her father and brothers’ anger when they find out Harriet has run away to be with him.
Realising their misunderstanding, Robert and Harriet both finally agree, after much argument, that Harriet must return home and the two must get back to their separate lives.
Their plan to return Harriet all fares well until they are ambushed during their journey by a highwayman. Robert is left temporarily unconscious, but this is not the only drama that unfolds as Harriet and Robert are forced to share a room for the night. Will they now finally give in to their obvious passion for each other?

The Marquess’s Ward

Victoria wants to run away from the Marquess who had agreed to look after her as a promise he made to his late father. His father had had a passionate, loving affair with Victoria’s mother, who had been his mistress for many years!
Is now history repeating itself? The Marquess gave his word to his father to make Victoria into a lady. But it soon becomes apparent that there is a strong, intense connection between both the Marquess and Victoria, one that they are unable to restrain as they start a passionate affair together!
But Victoria does not want the life her mother led and to become just a mistress. If the Marquess is to win Victoria over, he will need to offer much more of himself—for Victoria is also after his heart!

Warning: Sexual content included within these stories.

Release dateSep 3, 2014
Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories

Elizabeth Reed

As long as I can remember I have always loved everything and anything to do with the romance genre. Enjoying writing, reading and watching a wide range of love stories. I am a true romantic at heart! So after studying for a philosophy degree and then going on to work in a corporate job in advertising, I decided to reconnect with my passion again! I now write mainly romance short stories, with the aim to share all of my ideas with others who also have an interest in romantic fiction. I write in a range of romance subgenres including erotic romance, contemporary, sweet, paranormal/fantasy fiction and historical. I hope to continue writing as long as my ideas keep flowing out from my mind. In early 2014 I experienced my own personal love story, when I married my one true love. I now live together with my husband in London.

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    Timeless Love Collection Part 1 - Elizabeth Reed

    Timeless Love Collection Part 1: 4 Historical Romance Stories

    By Elizabeth Reed

    Published by Elizabeth Reed at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Elizabeth Reed

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Demanding Earl

    Chapter 1

    ‘My lady, you called for me?’

    Hannah looked up from the letters she was reading, a bemused smile appearing on her face as she looked up at her visitor. ‘I didn’t call for you.’

    ‘You didn’t? Well then, sorry, it was my mistake. I must have heard the message wrong from cook.’ Instead of leaving, he locked the door so no one else could enter the room. They were now all alone.

    Hannah could feel her body get all hot and flustered inside. She automatically stood up from her seat and walked close to where her steward, David Grey, was standing. He was a magnificent figure to behold. He was both tall and handsome, with big broad shoulders and strong arms. He was looking at her with a wicked expression on his chiselled features, his deep blue eyes completely focused on her as they gazed lustfully up and down her body and yet so casually. He seemed determined to have what he had come for.

    Hannah might have been shocked and insulted by the over familiarity that he showed her, but the time had now passed when she could pretend that she wanted to protect her modesty. She was in too deep, and had every intention of giving as good as she got!

    ‘Why have you come here?’ She spoke confidently.

    ‘You know why, my lady! I could sense you were in need of me,’ he replied, equally assured.

    ‘You arrogant swine, I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!’ His manner both excited and infuriated her.

    ‘Well, we will see about that, my lady.’ He was far from put off by her words as he reached for her.

    Hannah tried to resist him but it was a weak attempt, as he finally took her in his arms, biting down on her bottom lip to prise her mouth open. Once successful, he found her tongue with his own. They both moaned simultaneously, loving the taste of each other, as the kiss deepened with their need for the other.

    Hannah could feel David’s touch all over her body as he enthusiastically ran his hands across all her womanly curves, his firm caresses increasing her lust for him. He then suddenly pulled away from her, bringing a moment of anguish to Hannah. She did not want to be physically separated from him.

    ‘So, tell me, do you need me now?’ he said knowingly.

    ‘Go to hell, David!’ She wanted to walk away. She refused to submit to him, but her words seem to aggravate David. He marched her roughly to the foot of the large bed in the room. Once there, he turned her around, bent her over the bed and lifted up all of her skirts so her naked flesh of her bottom was exposed to the cold air.

    ‘What are you doing?’ She spoke breathlessly, her mind not being able to fully comprehend what was happening to her. She was blinded by her complete lust.

    ‘I’m teaching you to need me!’ He tore off her panties in haste; he then stroked her buttocks, moving his hands down her body, finally resting them between her legs.

    Hannah wanted to tell him to stop before his exploration of her body went too far, but she could not say the words to deny him or herself the pleasure she sought.

    Hannah moaned with surprise as he placed two fingers inside her. He moved them gently, increasing her wetness; they both knew she was ready for him. But David was not ready to give in just yet.

    Hannah turned her head round; she wanted to beg him to take her, then and there, but she could not at the last minute give him the satisfaction, as she saw the smug look on his face. He clearly knew that she yearned for release.

    ‘Not yet, princess, I am not done with you just yet. The lesson is just beginning.’

    ‘, I don’t know if I will be able to take it,’ she admitted. As she saw the hungry determined look in his eyes, she wondered if she had bitten off more than she could chew.

    ‘Unfortunately, here, my lady you do not give the orders.’ Just to prove his point, he moved her onto all fours at the end of the bed, separating her legs from behind her so her womanhood was completely exposed to him. Hannah offered him no resistance, she wanted him so very badly by now and would do anything it took to have him at this very moment.

    Suddenly, she felt pleasure explode all throughout her body. She turned her head to look behind her and saw David bending down to drink hungrily from her womanhood. She held onto the bedcovers to steady herself from the intense feelings pulsing through her entire body. It was a pleasurable anguish: the more he drank from her, the more she wanted him to be completely inside her. She moaned loudly with delight.

    ‘Are you ready for my cock now?’

    ‘Yes, yes, please!’ She could not deny her need for him, and it seemed at last he was to listen to her request and give her what she craved.

    He took his trousers down speedily; she could see that he too was affected, as he seemed to want to end his lesson.

    She drew her breath in as she saw the largeness of his arousal, but it was only a short glimpse as he took her from behind only moments after. She screamed out in both pain and pleasure as she felt the full force of his large, hard manhood insider her as they joined together.

    She could hear David moan as he moved into her again and again, at first slowly, stirring up all of her pleasure senses from within, then faster and harder, making her wetter with the strength of her rapture. She could hear David start to growl more loudly. He gripped her hair with one hand and the other he held on to her waist tightly as he thrust rigorously into her. Their bodies moved in complete abandonment, until Hannah could take no more. She gripped the bed covers even more tightly as she shouted out David’s name as she came, the strength of her climax taking her by complete surprise. She knew she had never acted so wanton until now. She would have collapsed on the bed, but David still held

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