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Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance)
Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance)
Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance)
Ebook48 pages38 minutes

Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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As a world-renowned painter, Jonathan has tasted the fruits of his success by attending the art galas and parties of the country’s elite. However, with his recent success he has felt a tremendous pressure to perform and he worries that he has lost his muse, the creative flare of inspiration that drives him to produce masterpieces. For weeks, he’s haunted by the same dream that prevents him from painting. He desperately needs to find his muse or he will lose all that he has worked so hard to accomplish.

When Lillian learns of a modeling position for a painter, she decides to give it a shot since she desperately needs the money even though she doesn’t believe she is ‘model quality.’ The idea of posing for a stranger is almost too embarrassing for her to imagine. But when she meets Jonathan, she can’t help but notice a certain attraction in his eyes. Will she be able to let go of her inhibitions and let him prove to her how sexy she really is? Or will her insecurities stand in her way of discovering true beauty?

BARED TO HIM #1 is the first novella in the BARED TO HIM series by bestselling author, EMMA ROSE.

PublisherEmma Rose
Release dateSep 10, 2014
Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance)

Emma Rose

As a full-time independent author, Emma Rose delights in giving you stories that draw you in and characters who captivate your imagination.

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    Bared to Him, Book #1 (An Adult Romance) - Emma Rose

    Bared to Him 1: An Adult Romance


    Emma Rose

    Copyright © 2014 by Emma Rose

    Smashwords Edition



    Crave Romance

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this book are eighteen years or older.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

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    Bared to Him 1: An Adult Romance

    The fireplace crackled warmth throughout the room breaking the heavy cold air into electric jolts as she stood before Jonathan. Reaching to her, the artist reveled in her form. Her symmetrical features beckoned him and drew his attention to her ruby lips. Her dusky gray eyes looked with longing at his hands. Silently she begged for him to touch her, to reach into her being and make her real.

    You are picture perfect, Jonathan whispered, his heart pounding. He continued to stare at her nude figure letting the waves of arousal wash over him. Her breasts, round and full, accentuated by dark brown areola provided a sensual center-point to the piece. Although wearing his painting sweats, his cock-rise was pulling the fabric tight across the engorged bulge. He walked toward her in silence. Stopping in front of her, his eyes traced the path down her curves to the y of her body. Shaved and sparkling, as if some sort of supernatural glitter had been sprinkled on her nether lips, she shivered when his gaze lingered there a few moments too long.

    Jonathon reached to her, wanting to wrap his body around her and let the heat of his lust warm them both in the frigid studio air. His hand rubbed across her cheek and through her hair. Leaning to kiss her, he broke away at the last second to look at her beauty. A red drop trailed down the corner of her mouth, trickling off her chin, and landing on his shoe. Before he could step away, most of her right cheek sloughed off and landed on the floor with a moist plop. Her mouth, now opened in horror, liquefied and poured down her body in a red, beige, gray mixture that ran between her breasts. Her right nipple fell into his hand.

    NOOOOOOO! The scream was loud enough to wake Jonathan and several of the other residents of the luxury flats in the building. He bolted up in the bed, feeling the beads of sweat trail off his forehead. The phone rang, causing him to scream again, but he quieted himself enough to answer normally. It was probably one of the neighbors asking if he was being murdered, and if so, could he keep it down

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