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A Gentle Transition: A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death
A Gentle Transition: A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death
A Gentle Transition: A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death
Ebook178 pages2 hours

A Gentle Transition: A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death

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About this ebook

This unique book is the definitive guide on Death, covering such important subjects as, death of a lover, death of a child, death of a parent, death of a friend and also death of a loved pet. Controversial topics such as Death relating to murder, suicide, war, executions, terrorism, NDE's, reincarnation, Heaven and dying are all explored sensitively. Written in The Abbotts' usual clearly understood and entertaining manner. Containing many channellings from The Ascended Masters on these relevant topics, these factors make this a very illuminating and fascinating read. You will never fear death again! One to share with family and friends. Amazing!

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateSep 10, 2014
A Gentle Transition: A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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    Book preview

    A Gentle Transition - The Abbotts

    A Gentle Transition - A Guide to Loss and the Fear of Death

    The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 The Abbotts

    This ebook is available in print from

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

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    Table of Contents


    The Authors


    Chapter One - The Process of Life and Death

    Chapter Two - Understanding Death

    Spirit Guides, Azriel, Anubis, Loved Ones, Reincarnation, Incarnating in Groups, Karma

    Chapter Three - Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)

    Tony’s Story, Q 1 My Heart Stopped Beating, A 1, Q 2 Are Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) Real? A 2

    Chapter Four - Death of our Parents and Grandparents

    Q 1 My son’s Grandmother recently died, A 1

    Chapter Five - Death of a Lover

    Q 1 Why was my husband taken from me? A 1, Wish You Were Here

    Chapter Six - Death of a Child

    Chapter Seven - Death of a Friend

    Chapter Eight - Suicide

    Q 1 If Heaven is so great why... A 1

    Chapter Nine - Death by Illness

    Q 1 A close friend has prostate cancer will this, A 1

    Chapter Ten - Unexpected Death

    Chapter Eleven - Death En Masse

    Q 1 Why are terrible things happening in the world today? A 1

    Chapter Twelve - Murder, War, Execution, Euthanasia, Funerals & Hauntings

    Murder, War, Execution, Euthanasia, Hauntings, Funerals

    Chapter Thirteen - Death of a Pet

    Q 1 why was my pet budgerigar killed by a wild bird? A 1

    Chapter Fourteen - Healing the Pain and Fear of Death

    Healing Yourself with Higher Healing Energies, Heart Chords, Sexual Chords, How to remove Heart and Pelvic Chords, Emotional Trauma, How to Heal Mental Stress, The Release, Forgive, Forget Exercise


    Q 1 What about all the different religions, do they all get to Heaven? A 1, Q 2 If I do something really evil, will my soul be destroyed? A 2

    Other book titles by The Abbotts

    100 Questions - Answered by the Ascended Masters

    I Don’t Want to Be Here - Depression Apathy & Suicide Solutions

    Psychic Defence - How to Defeat Negativity!

    The Secret Rules of Life - 13 Life Changing Rules for Positive Living

    Forgiveness - How to Forgive and be Forgiven!

    Other book subjects by The Abbotts

    Subjects include?


    The Authors

    Tony Abbott has been a clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, healer and self-development teacher and is now a writer and independent electronic publisher. At age eighteen, he had a vivid near death experience that changed his life and sent him on a quest for spiritual and psychic knowledge.

    Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister, clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual and psychic self-help books.

    The Abbotts have published over 155 books on the paranormal and fiction to their credit and operate a huge, free New Age website at that is full of spirit!


    Death is just a gentle transition from this Life to the Next

    This beautiful quote from the Ascended Master Sananda, lovingly explains Spirit’s viewpoint on death. It is a quote from a unique spiritual channelling that we, The Abbotts received from Sananda, after questioning him as to, What is death all about? We will be quoting from this message and other inspirational channelled messages from Mother Mary, Joachim, Kwan Yin, Isis and many other Higher spiritual beings and Masters, in this guide book on death.

    Overwhelmingly their advice has been loving, sympathetic and compassionate. They know what fears and pain we suffer on Earth, around death and the loss of loved ones and they are ever ready to guide and comfort us about these issues. We have also explored controversial subjects such as execution, murder, hauntings, war, karma and many other relevant topics for the 21st Century.

    Tony and I, Robyn, encourage you to keep reading this book through to the end. If you have recently lost a loved one to death or have fears and worries around the death process and if there is a Heaven or Hell awaiting us, on the other side, and we feel sure that by the time you reach the end of this little book, you will be reassured and comforted. Hopefully, we will come to show you that Death is merely a peaceful, gentle, chosen transition into a wonderful higher state that you are very familiar with and not a bogey to be feared.

    Love and Light to you all,

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott

    The Abbotts

    Chapter One - The Process of Life and Death

    Death is an expansion of the self

    Talking about death is one of the greatest taboos in our western society. People are happy to talk about their sex lives, their financial affairs, their health, their politics and philosophies, but will not discuss death.

    Everyone knows that eventually they will die and only a few very special Masters have ascended directly into Heaven such as Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed and the most spiritual of human beings. People will happily discuss their traumatic births, accidents, broken hearts and failures, but the thought of death, that inevitably awaits us all, is a fearful dark cloud on their life horizon.

    As Hypnotherapists, we have analyzed many people while under hypnosis who believe that they have a phobia about death that is ruining their pleasure in this current existence. They see death as being a frightening spectre that is just behind them, waiting to pounce. Amazingly, we have discovered that under hypnosis, they reveal that it is not death that they fear - but life!

    Their subconscious knows that death is a gentle easing into their more natural realm and that life here on Earth with its many problems and pain, is the great dread! How odd that we have come to fear Death, revere Life and in fact, have the whole process reversed! Earth and life are hard work! Heaven is a loving holiday!

    Again, many people are convinced that when a loved one, child, mother, father, brother, sister, lover or friend dies that they are inevitably ‘lost’ to them forever. Yet as spiritual mediums, we know that this is not so. The loved beings, who pass over, into what most call death, are instead, enjoying a higher life. They are happy, fulfilled and very ‘alive’; what is more, you are still able to communicate with them!

    You may be wondering where we obtain our information for this book and the many books that we have written and are available on our website -

    Tony and I are both professional spiritual channellers who place ourselves in a gentle, relaxed state of meditation and allow Higher Beings such as the Ascended Masters to speak directly through us. We then record their amazing messages for others to enjoy and gain wisdom that enriches their lives. We have been doing this for many years and love the experience. It is wonderful to feel the Higher Being’s loving energy, smell their distinctive flowery scents, hear their compassionate voices and see the beautiful forms that they take on to visit us. Their Divine words are always compassionate, loving, encouraging and helpful.

    They speak not only about higher values, philosophies and ideas, but also of everyday issues that all men and women face and give practical advice on how to tackle these common problems. They instruct and guide us, but never demand or command us to follow their wise advice. They always reassure us that we have ‘freewill’.

    Commander Joachim a jovial member of the Ashtar Command, (an advanced race of spiritual Beings who oversee this Galaxy) and also Grandfather of Jesus Christ, explained death to us in an inspiring channelled message.

    "Blessings to you dear friends, I am Joachim.

    Dear ones, never be afraid of dying. You have all died many hundreds of times in your past incarnations and you are still here, are you not? Death is not an ending. It is not a suppression of your Spirit. It is indeed an expansion. It is similar to you having been a caterpillar and suddenly becoming a butterfly.

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