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Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires
Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires
Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires
Ebook57 pages44 minutes

Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires

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About this ebook

Hot boss, Tyler spends the night in Cami’s bed and the two share several fun firsts. Meanwhile, her friend Maralee celebrates a first of her own...

Not all is well in the corporate world, however, as someone has been sneaking into Cami’s home to steal company secrets...

This serial is the fourth installment in the popular adult romance series, TORN BETWEEN, by bestselling author, Emma Rose.

PublisherEmma Rose
Release dateSep 11, 2014
Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires

Emma Rose

As a full-time independent author, Emma Rose delights in giving you stories that draw you in and characters who captivate your imagination.

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    Torn Between 4 - Emma Rose

    Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires


    Emma Rose

    Copyright © 2014 by Emma Rose

    Smashwords Edition



    Crave Romance

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this book are eighteen years or older.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

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    Torn Between 4: Seduced by the Billionaires

    What on earth is this? Cami asked, looking at the highball Tyler placed on the nightstand.

    It’s a Madras, he explained, taking a sip and offering it to her. It’s a morning brunch kind of cocktail. Good for folks who don’t like Tequila Sunrises.

    But I like Tequila Sunrises, she said, squinting to see the glass.

    You’re out of grenadine.

    Oh. Well, let’s give this baby a try, she said, tipping the glass and taking a hefty gulp. Hey, that’s not half bad. See, it pays to give new things a try.

    Tyler hovered over her, his arms on either side. Leaning down, he took her breast in his mouth and let his tongue roll slowly over her nipple. Her head rocked back as she enjoyed the sensation. This was the first night Tyler spent at her house, and so far it had been a complete success. He rubbed his penis across the top of her mound, seducing her to raising her hips to meet him.

    How’s about trying an old thing? he said, his voice dropping lower into a guttural chuckle.

    This is not old, she replied, reaching down and grasping his cock, rubbing the shaft as it grew in her hand. She raised her knees high enough to guide him into her wet and waiting opening. It’s a classic.

    She wrapped her legs around him and brought him into her body. He moved with her, starting slow and easing inside her, filling and caressing her channel as his hips pumped slowly, giving her the feeling of riding along the sea on a raft. Tyler’s soft hands felt like silk as he ran them down her sides and back up to her bosom, so soft and comforting. The only word for them really was luxurious.

    So different from Eddie’s rough touch, she thought and almost said out loud. She clamped her jaw shut so it sounded like a moan of encouragement instead. She promised herself she would stop fixating on Eddie, their hardcore adventures, and the way he fulfilled her nastiest fantasies and most abject needs. She willed herself back on the raft; back to Tyler’s steady, even rhythm as he bathed her is kisses and attention.

    His hips began to move faster and she began snapping her body toward him to meet him and increase the maddening friction driving them both closer to climax. His breath grew ragged, coming out in short bursts. She felt her pussy clenching around him, letting Tyler lift her higher and higher.

    I want you, he whispered through his panting breath. I want you, I want you.

    You have me, she gasped as her body began to pulse and jerk around his cock. He joined her, sighing with pure contentment as his seed filled her. They spent the next few moments in silence, breathing together, holding each other as the waves of pleasure washed over them both. Cami pushed any ideas of Eddie into a drawer of her mind and locked it. You have me.

    They spent the rest of the morning in bed

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