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The Toy
The Toy
The Toy
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The Toy

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A romance novel. Laurie and Lorraine, BFFs, are both having a serious case of the "seven year itch." They both take drastic steps to reshape their husbands into the men of their dreams. Lorraine turns hers into the stallion that she has always wanted and Laurie takes drastic steps to teach Roy how to please her. Together they help a young woman recover after being physically assaulted. The road to true love and happiness is a bumpy one but the two women do their best to smooth out the bumps for the girl they have adopted as a little sister.

PublisherArt Tole
Release dateAug 19, 2014
The Toy

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    The Toy - Art Tole

    August 17, 2012 Friday morning

    It was nine o’clock, the meeting was over and Laurie followed John into his office. John, I am going to take the rest of the day off to do some personal things. John, in his navy blue three piece suit looked like the perfect lawyer. Six feet two inches tall and ruggedly handsome, she could not help but think; Lorraine is lucky to be married to him. Just looking at him probably makes her panties wet. I wonder if she can leave her horse long enough to spend time with him. "I have asked Judy to take messages and hold them until Monday." She had often thought about John and what he would look like without that three piece suit; but they both considered each other off limits. Business came first.

    Is everything all right, he asked solicitously.

    God, I love his voice. Everything is fine. I just wanted to have time to myself today. I have some errands to run and I want time alone with Roy this weekend. Our schedules have been hectic lately and some time together will be nice.

    Laur, John hesitated and then continued, I saw a message for you on Judy’s desk to have you call Scott Hamilton. Enough said, they both knew Scott and they both knew that he was the best divorce lawyer in town. Scott, John and Laurie had gone through law school together nine years ago. Scott went into divorce law and John and Laurie had drifted into real estate law and then into partnership. Occasionally they referred clients to each other, people who needed to untangle real estate ownership during a divorce or they referred to him when they had clients who needed a divorce and owned property together. They all tried to keep clients from committing financial suicide just to get even with their ex-lovers. But he had had lunch with Scott yesterday and there was no mention of a pending case.

    Everything is fine John. Roy and I just need some time together. A half truth; this may be their last weekend together and she knew it. She had informally talked to Scott about California’s division of property laws, claiming it was for a potential client. She and Roy had been together for eight years and married for five. Both were successful in their own fields and shared a lot of assets. It wouldn’t be easy, but it wasn’t splitting the money and property that she cared about; I don’t want to lose Roy.

    That sounds nice. Maybe I can talk Lorraine into a long weekend later on this month. We could use some alone time too. He smiled as she turned and walked away. From his desk he could watch her walking down the hall. The navy blue suit she wore did nothing to hide her sexuality. I wonder what she is like between the sheets. This was her negotiation uniform. Well tailored and the skirt halfway up her thighs, and what thighs they were too. The four-inch spiked heels helped to shape her legs and ass into the most distracting package he had ever seen. The two of them worked together on any negotiations and the meeting this morning was no exception. The opposing lawyer had brought his client and the client’s ‘trophy’ wife to their offices in downtown San Diego. John had distracted the wife and her husband had drooled all over his papers when Laurie made her late entrance – planned of course. He and his lawyer had treated her like she was fluff, called her honey and sweetheart, which she pretended to enjoy and before they knew it she had negotiated them into exactly what she wanted; a fair settlement for their client and a good fee for their firm.

    John and Laurie had never hooked up. They were both married by the time they formed their partnership and neither of them were the type to sneak around on their spouses. In fact, they had discussed it very openly before they became partners. Typical of Laurie, blunt and up front with everything, they had discussed hiring of employees and the type of environment they wanted in the office. He hired and supervised the men and she managed the women. Each approved the others choices and had veto power. He didn’t have to worry about sexual harassment charges, she took care of the women’s dress code and he the men’s. He really was worried about her. Their friendship was as strong as two people of the opposite sex could be and not be in bed together.

    Laurie stopped at Judy’s desk on her way out. Good work today boss. I love that suit. Judy had worked for the law firm for less than a year, but she liked her bosses and was eager to please.

    Laurie smiled, Thanks. You look great today too. Is everything going O.K.?

    No problems. I’ve got your back today. Have fun this weekend, said Judy thinking God I wish I could dress like that. I’d have Kyle for lunch. Kyle was the new law clerk. A bachelor and poor like most law school graduates.

    Laurie picked up a couple of things on her way home and spent the rest of the day arranging things for the evening’s fun. She eagerly opened the last package. The gaudily packaged sex toy was what she hoped would provide the elusive orgasms that were missing from her sex life. She had orgasms; they were just few and far between. Now all she had to do was get Roy to cooperate. He had hinted at playing some bondage games in the past. She had sidelined the idea when he brought it up, not because she didn’t want to play, she just wanted it to be on her terms. She did not like to give up control of her life in any way. It was part of what made her a successful lawyer. Winning, being in charge, was who she was; the very essence of her being. But Roy was no wimp. He was a partner in a large architectural firm. They had developed a set of boundaries that let them coexist efficiently. Their common ground was the bedroom and the sex had been good from the beginning. Now she wanted to reset the boundaries.

    The mere thought of being able to control Roy’s actions in the bedroom made her squirm on the bar stool where she was sitting at the kitchen counter. She had some other items ready to use also. The last toy to arrive was an anal vibrator that was rechargeable and could be remotely controlled. She had modified a piece of penis jewelry to be part of the recharging circuit. There was a chance that Roy would participate willingly, but she didn’t want to have to ask. They had not agreed on any rules for the game she wanted to play. He would quickly realize that this was not about him; it was all about what she wanted. Maybe a little white lie to get the party started. If he is too freaked out by this game, it may well be the last time we have sex together. I could just let things go on the way they are. I don’t need an orgasm every time we have sex. Men are so lucky, get it up, get it off and go to sleep. He just doesn’t seem to care about my satisfaction. Why can’t I be like some women and have an orgasm just looking a stiff cock?

    The wine was already on the counter when he walked in and Laurie was still wearing her lawyer suit with a jacket, pale cream colored silk blouse, short shirt, four-inch high heels and her hair up in a French braid. The lingerie under the tight skirt was the stuff of a sailor’s dream. She knew Roy would appreciate the view as she un-wrapped the package that she had made of herself. Happy Friday, Laurie said casually. I just got home a few minutes ago, she lied. Would you open the wine after I kiss you?

    That sounds like the best offer I have had all week, Roy growled as he pulled her into his arms. Casual sport coat, open buttoned down shirt, blue jeans and loafers, along with a carefully arranged, messy looking, crop of black hair on his head, made him look every bit the young professional that he was. The kiss started slow and then the tongue fight started. They took turns probing each other’s mouths and gently biting the lips. Both enjoyed the competition and neither was in a hurry to break it off, and Laurie with her leg against his crotch, could feel him getting aroused. At five feet eleven inches tall, Roy was only an inch taller than Laurie. In her high heels she was slightly taller, but not noticeably so. He had the build of a marathon runner; in fact they had met at a marathon run. Laurie was athletically built but on the voluptuous side, no one would ever mistake her for the emaciated looking women that ran marathons on a regular basis. Her D cup breasts, blue eyes and long, naturally blonde, hair made men stare and women jealous. Roy was also aware of the unmistakable feel of a garter under her skirt and thought; this is going to be a great evening.

    Laurie was in no hurry to rush things. She made sure that Roy drank most of the wine and with the dinner over and the kitchen cleaned up, she was wondering about the next step. If this backfired she could wind up being the one in handcuffs. She could live with that but she was certain that she would not enjoy it as much as what she had planned.

    Wait here Roy, I have a surprise for you, she said in a soft and sexy voice.

    "A Friday night surprise, I can’t wait to see it’, Roy said in a low voice and he was eager to see what she going to do. Maybe it involves what is under that skirt. I want to rip your skirt off to see what you are wearing. Victoria’s Secret, the hell with that, I want to see Laurie’s secret.

    Laurie disappeared into the bedroom and returned in just seconds with her hands behind her back. Stand up, she commanded sweetly, and close your eyes.

    He rose and did as she ordered with a faint smile on his lips. I love it when she acts like this.

    She started to unbutton his shirt and said, Just keep your eyes closed. She slowly ran her hands over his bare chest and started to kiss his nipples. His nipples got hard just like hers do when he pays attention to them. He inhaled deeply showing his pleasure at what she was doing. He started to touch her (she had planned on it) and she whispered, No touching, put your hands behind your back. Still smiling he did as he was told and relaxed slightly as the shirt slipped off. Quietly Laurie moved behind him and locked the cuffs on his wrists.

    His eyes opened wide and he spun around with an incomplete exclamation on his lips, What the…, he stopped when he saw the smile on her face and felt her hand on his cock through his pants. Grinning sheepishly he said, Oooo Kaaay, this looks interesting. What are you doing?

    You bought these and I just thought this would be a good weekend to explore a little, she said sweetly. He started to speak but stopped when she squeezed him harder. From the feel of this, you are already enjoying the game. I am in charge and you have to do whatever I say, she said in her best lawyer voice. She unzipped his pants and roughly pulled his cock free. Taking his cock in her left hand like a leash, she pulled him after her as she headed for the family room of their house.

    Sit down, she ordered as she pushed him down onto the ottoman in front of the fireplace. Quickly she pulled off his shoes and the rest of his clothes.

    Roy cooperated with her efforts. I like where this is going so far.

    Walking slowly and seductively over to the book case, Laurie took down a large box.

    Roy had not seen the box before. What’s that? he asked.

    I bought some toys too, she replied innocently. She reached in and took out a set of leather cuffs. The cuffs are one inch wide with a silver colored chain connecting them. Kneeling in front of him (he loved the view down the front of her blouse, and she made sure he had one) she fastened them to his ankles and pulled the chain short so his legs came together. She looked up at him and smiled, almost grinning, kissed the head of his cock and then rose, standing over him with her hands on her hips.

    What are you doing? he said still smiling.

    You are not allowed to speak unless I ask you a question, she snapped. The lawyer voice was back again. He started to open his mouth and she said, just to make certain you don’t and to make sure that I don’t have to keep repeating myself, I bought you something that will take care of it. She took the penis shaped gag out of the box and moved towards him.

    Roy’s eyes got wide, Oh no you don’t! He struggled against his bonds and tried to pull away from her, this is too much Laurie, let me loose, we need to talk about this.

    We can do this the easy way or the hard way, she cooed, confident that he could not get loose. She gently massaged his erect cock. After a few gentle strokes he started to calm down and her hand moved slowly to his balls. Roy opened his legs to her and she squeezed, gently at first and then made it clear with her actions that it could be painful if he didn’t cooperate. Cupping his chin in her right hand, she raised his face to hers and squeezed his jaws forcing his mouth to open.

    Why are you doing …, he began and she pushed the black, silicone, penis shaped gag into his mouth. Holding it in place with one hand she pulled the straps tight and fastened it in place. He struggled to keep from gagging as she pulled the strap tighter. The soft leather of the outer cover sealed against his face. By opening his mouth wider he was able to make room for both the artificial penis and his tongue.

    The taste of the plastic didn’t bother him as much as the symbolism of being forced to take a penis in his mouth. Dammit! My cock is still stiff; she is going to think that this turns me on. Shit! Shit! Shit!

    Laurie said sweetly, I assume that a cock in your mouth will feel strange unless you have sucked cocks before today.

    His head shook a vigorous denial without even thinking and the noises coming from behind the gag tried to reinforce his denial. She stroked him gently again and he slowly calmed down.

    Roy was struggling with understanding the events that had taken place so quickly. His cock was betraying him. His brain said, NO...NO...NO, but his cock screamed YES...YES...YES. As he adjusted to the feel of the chains and gag he thought, what now?

    Laurie stopped stroking when she felt his cock jump involuntarily. It was time to move on with Roy’s transformation into a sex toy, her sex toy; to use as she wanted, when she wanted. A smile formed on her lips, just getting him ready was turning her on. When the weekend was over she wanted him to know that when he is in bondage, he is for her pleasure only; not his. Stepping back so that he had a good view, she pulled off her jacket, pushing her chest out, stretching the fabric of her blouse, folded it slowly, and then placed it on a chair. With her legs spread to stretch the skirt to its limits, she reached behind her to unfasten and unzip the skirt in back. When she reached behind her she pushed out her chest again. The show that she was putting on was for her as well as Roy. She enjoyed posing for men, to see their reactions or to watch them try to conceal their reactions. She did not consider herself a prick tease. She never used her sexuality to just tease men for the fun of it. I wonder what it would be like to be an exotic dancer. This is really getting to be fun. She didn’t really like attention from most men, but she loved the effect she had on Roy even after five years of marriage. The skirt fell in a puddle around her ankles and she raised one leg to kick it to the side. Next the half slip got the same treatment. Smiling, she turned her back to Roy and slowly bent over from the waist. With her legs straight he could see the soft mounds of her ass. Shifting her weight from one side to the other, her ass presented a tantalizing view. Slowly she picked up the skirt, folded it, and placed it with the jacket. She smiled as she turned to face him. Unbuttoning the silk blouse took a lot longer than usual, but she finally let it slide off her shoulders.

    Roy’s eyes widened. The corset she was wearing was new to him. He could not keep from showing how much he liked it. This is fantastic. His cock was bobbing like crazy.

    Laurie reached up and began to unbraid her hair, shaking it loose, it fell almost to her nipples that were peeking over the top of her corset. She fluffed it and pushed it back from her face arching her back and stretching as she did so. She watched Roy’s reaction and laughed as she walked over and slid her hand gently over his shaft.

    Roll over on your stomach, she snapped suddenly.

    He did so, trapping his throbbing cock between his stomach and the soft fabric of the ottoman. His hips started to move. She roughly pulled him back, leaving his cock hanging in mid air. Have you ever had a cock up your ass? she asked in the same tone.

    The sound of a Nnnoooo came through the gag, he struggled to roll over but Laurie sat down on his back, facing his ass, her legs on either side of him. Laurie reached under him and gave his cock a gentle squeeze. His cock throbbed in her hand.

    Laurie smiled. This just gets better and better. I am glad he is enjoying it so far. This could still be the end of our marriage, I hope not. Women who are being raped can respond physically to the sex act but still be traumatized beyond their emotional ability to cope. I hope Roy is as strong as I think he is, and I hope this doesn’t hurt. He has fucked my ass a few times and I didn’t think it was that bad. The pain may be more to his ego than his ass.

    Well, I will try to be gentle. She coated the butt plug with lubricant and held it to the opening of his ass. He clenched his cheeks and she said, This will be easier for you if you relax, but either way it is going in. I don’t want to hurt you so try to relax. Her tone hadn’t changed. She waited for him to relax before putting pressure on the plug. It was halfway in when he started to squirm and moan. She paused to let his muscles catch up with the stretching to which they were being subjected. Then a final push and it was in place. He jumped and a squeak came from behind his gag. There was a groove in the plug that his sphincter muscle settled into. The diameter of the groove was only one inch and he could easily accommodate it.

    Laurie waited, sitting on him, until his ass cheeks stopped flexing. She stood up, gripped his shoulders and helped him stand up. His face looked a little pale and his cock had softened to half strength and she stroked it once, and gave it a flip. It bobbed up and down. This needs to rest a little. It is going to be very busy later, she purred. He was not fully erect yet but it was close. She left him standing there and sat down in front of him. Slowly he began to look at her and she could tell he liked what he saw.

    Laurie locked eyes with him. I guess you are ready for the next step. If I ask you a question it will be a yes or no question and you will move your head appropriately. She emphasized the will and it soaked into his preoccupied thoughts. Standing she said, I am going to insert a piece of jewelry into your penis. There may be some discomfort at first but it should not be painful. After it is in you will be able to rest awhile before we continue.

    Penis jewelry? What the fuck is that? His cock was bobbing up and down again.

    Laurie took the tube out of the box, lubed it and the ring attached to it. She had never done this before and figured more was better than too little. She walked over to Roy and took a firm grip on his erection, lubed the opening and slowly inserted the tube. Roy was looking down to see what she was doing and he squirmed a little. The one and a half inch long tube slid in without resistance and his cock throbbed in her hand as she forced the ring over the head of his cock and let it settle into the groove behind the head. His cock was bouncing like crazy in her hand. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Roy squirmed a little but didn’t appear to be in any pain or discomfort. The ring was decorated with semi-precious stones and it sparkled as his cock bobbed up and down. It wasn’t heavy but he could feel the weight of it and as he looked at it he realized that he couldn’t have sex with it in place. His cock was so hard that the head had turned purple. Laurie ran her hands slowly over his chest teasing his nipples slightly and letting her hands slide down to his groin. Roy moaned softly as she steadied his cock gently in one hand. She said, It is beautiful. But, I want to make you a little more comfortable. I’d say the ‘Peter Meter’ is pegged at full enjoyment position. I really hope it is. Roy flushed with embarrassment. Let’s start with those handcuffs. She turned him around and could see some faint red marks where he had pulled against the steel cuffs. From the box she took another set of one inch wide leather cuffs that are also well padded and a second set that have a bar between them.

    Both sets of cuffs are similar to the ones on his ankles, padded for comfort but still secure. The set with the spreader bar she attached above his elbows, forcing them apart to the width of his body. The set for his wrists she used to pull his hands to the opposite elbow and beyond so his hands stuck out on each side. Not the most comfortable position, but you look fantastic. Don’t you agree? she said with excitement in her voice. She turned him to face the mirror on the wall. It was a full length mirror that she had insisted on having installed and now he understood why. Don’t you agree? she said again.

    He saw himself bound and totally in her power. His hands stuck out from behind his elbows. The sight of his cock with the jeweled ring on it was fascinating. He ran his tongue over the penis in his mouth and tried to swallow. With practice it was getting easier. His cock bobbed involuntarily. Why am I aroused by this? It feels so good and seeing me like this is a real turn on. I have never been attracted to men, why this reaction now?

    She watched his cock bob up and down, took his balls in her right hand, looked him the eye and said again with more force, don’t you agree?

    Blushing, Roy looked down and nodded his head. I can’t believe this is happening.

    We have a lot of time and a lot more to do. I am getting wet just looking at you. You are without a doubt going to be my favorite sex toy and like all toys you need to be charged up.

    He was puzzled about what she meant. He watched her reflection in the mirror as she loosened his ankle chains and led him closer to the mirror. I am going to tighten the ring so if you try to pull out of it, you could hurt yourself. Please don’t do that. Using the small hexagon shaped wrench that came with the ring, she tightened each of the five, pointed, set screws until the sharp points dug into his flesh. They can be tighter, but you get the idea, so don’t pull on it.

    From behind his gag he can only give a muffled, Mmmm..wwaaii.. The feel was more irritation than pain. His cock responded by bobbing up and down. He squirmed and tried to think of a way to stop the irritation at the head of his cock. Leaning over he tried to trap his cock between his legs to massage it.

    Laurie laughed and said, Here, let me help you. Wrapping her left hand around his shaft, close to the base of it, she pulled him forward on to a three foot square sheet of plywood. The plywood base had a post attached to it in the center. The post was metal, about three inches in diameter, padded on top and slightly taller than his cock. A metal rod extended through the post with a U-shaped hook on one end and a knob to adjust its length on the other. She fastened each ankle to a ring on opposite sides of the base, forcing his legs apart slightly.

    He watched her in the mirror as she worked. She is gorgeous. The corset and the high heels accentuated the best parts of her body and again he felt his cock throb. When is she going to let me cum? It has been two hours since I got home and I have been hard most of that time. I don’t know how much more I can take.

    Next she brought the hook back through his legs and caught his balls with it. The rod extended through the post and she pulled him forward with it. He felt even more helpless. She moved in front of him and smiled. This is the best part Roy. She picked up his cock, held it in the palm of her hand and watched the light play on the gem encrusted ring.

    Roy could not help himself, the irritation on his cock head and Laurie’s touch combined to make his cock uncontrollable, it jumped in her hand several times; she laughed before she closed her hand around it and inserted a male RCA jack into the tube up his cock. His eyes widened and she smiled at his reaction. The jack sliped into the tube and a spring clamp hooked onto each side of the ring so that it wouldn’t come out. He was connected to the post by his cock and balls. His dick throbed involuntarily. Because of the way he was bound, he had to lean back and it made him look like he was thrusting his hips forward.

    Next she held up two wires; one black and one red. The wires were connected to the post and had mini RCA jacks on the free end of each one. She smiled again and said, Bend over. He hesitated and she reached up, grabbed the strap of the gag, and pulled him over the post. She quickly inserted the two jacks into the butt plug base and said, Straighten up. You are all ready to go. I need to change and get ready to play with my new ‘Roy Toy’. When I push this button, it will begin charging the battery in your butt plug. Your cock is part of the charging circuit, but don’t worry, it is DC so you won’t get a shock. When you are fully charged and ready to use, it will sound a chime. I will come back then and put you to good use. It will probably take more than an hour, so be patient. As he watched she pressed the button and the red lights on the post lit up. He could hear a faint hum. Roy felt nothing in his dick, but he was really aware that she had attached him to the post by his cock and balls. Thinking about it and feeling it aroused him more. His feet shifted uneasily and he became more aware of the chains that held him in place. His cock throbbed. She smiled, patted his butt and left him to admire himself, standing alone in front of the mirror.

    In the bedroom she removed the corset and stockings. Next the panties that had been hiding Roy’s next surprise; totally bald. He was used to seeing her with a tight bikini line but she had gone a step further and waxed all of the hair. She let her hands roam over her body and started to feel aroused. Seeing Roy wrapped up had been difficult for her. Sliding her hand over her smooth pussy, she felt the wetness that had been building, but she was not going to masturbate and take the edge off of what was to come. She wanted him now and was forcing herself to wait until his battery was charged. It was time for a bath. She felt the warm water relaxing her and there was no reason to hurry. This was going to be a leisurely bath. I hope he likes what he sees. Please don’t let him have any hang-ups about being the Man in charge. I know he is no pansy but he knows that I am not a blushing virgin either; he knew it when he married me. The sight of him at my mercy is turning me on a lot more than I ever thought it would. Maybe I am some kind of nut case fetishist. Oh well. She slid deeper into the tub and thought about the office. Judy has been great, not bad for a high school graduate. I need to spruce her up a little and get her interested in more education. She has good common sense, the mistakes she makes are due to a lack of experience and she doesn’t repeat them. Her behavior around the men in the office is way too obvious. I’ll work on it Monday.

    It was time to get ready. She dried herself off and used a lotion that Roy had given her, he liked the scent and so did she. Next a garter belt, not the black one, this one was white with pink trim and gave a feeling of sweet and innocent. A pink and white lace half-bra, gave her breasts just enough support and offered them up to anyone who was interested. Too bad, ‘Roy Toy’, you won’t be getting to suck these tonight. Roy would not be getting them tonight, but he could look all he wanted. White stockings, a hot pink C-string over her pussy and pink six-inch heels completed the outfit. So much for clothes, she thought. She fixed her hair into a curly and flamboyant style and added a fresh coat of her sweetest pink lipstick. Then she added long diamond earrings and a necklace, just in time to hear the charger chime. A feeling of excitement gripped her.

    Roy heard the chime and saw the light turn green. The plug had started to feel warm but it wasn’t uncomfortable. He didn’t know how much time had passed but he had finally calmed down, his dick was soft but still attached to the post. He heard her coming and looked up to see her approaching in the mirror. He liked what he saw. Hi ‘Roy Toy’, let’s see how you are doing. Oh good, according to the gauge you are all charged up and ready to please me, she said cheerfully. She reached down and unplugged the wires behind him and then turned her attention to his cock. Opening the clamp she pulled him back and released the hook that held his balls captive. She released his legs and left a small amount of slack so that he could walk.

    Ok ‘Roy Toy’ it is time to put you to good use. You are what I call an ‘action figure’. I always did enjoy playing with dolls, she reached into the box and took out another dildo. This one was a model of someone’s cock, natural looking color and life like in appearance with a threaded screw in its base. Laurie put one hand behind his head and used the other to screw the dildo into the gag in Roy’s mouth. When she was done he had a dick sticking out of his mouth and his eyes were crossed looking at it. She squeezed his cock hard and said, This is soft but you won’t need it, we can get started.

    She took a collar out of the box and placed it around his neck. It was a plain brown leather dog collar with a small box on it. The box she positioned at the center of his throat and she lubed under it with a conductive lubricant. She removed two small white controls from the box and said sharply, You are going to make me cum until I say stop. Get over here! He hobbled over to her and she said, On your knees! She oiled his mouth dildo with scented oil. She sat down in front of him on the arm of the sofa, took him by the ears and pulled his head between her legs. Tilting his head up so she could look into his eyes she said, I knew you would like to get a close look at my pussy. You have never seen it like this. She slipped off the C-string and watched Roy’s eyes widen. When she could get his attention again she added, I have two controls, one in each hand. When you are doing something right, you will feel this, and she turned on the vibrator in his ass. The vibration filled him and it felt great. Then it stopped. If you are doing it wrong you will feel this, and he felt the low power tingle of the shock collar. It was brief but he got the idea. Again she looked into

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