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Brock and Becca: At The Calgary Stampede
Brock and Becca: At The Calgary Stampede
Brock and Becca: At The Calgary Stampede
Ebook72 pages55 minutes

Brock and Becca: At The Calgary Stampede

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About this ebook

Travel with Brock and Becca to the city of Calgary, Alberta. Read about the sights of the world famous Calgary Stampede: the parade, the grandstand show, the midway, and the various exhibits.
Enjoy Brock and Becca's exploits as the two children experience the excitement of staying in a city filled with cowboys and meeting new friends.
Part of the Brock and Becca series of entertaining and educational books for children set in Canada.

Release dateSep 13, 2014
Brock and Becca: At The Calgary Stampede

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    Brock and Becca - Lois W. Marlatt


    AT THE



    Written by Lois W. Marlatt

    Illustrated by Joan Howatson

    Copyright Lois Marlatt 2000

    All rights reserved

    ISBN# 978-1-55349-102-6

    Published by Books for Pleasure at Smashwords


    Guess what? Dad said at the supper table.

    Mom, Becca, and I just looked at him. How were we supposed to guess when he didn't give us a clue as to what we were guessing about? Even in the game where they hold something over your head and you are supposed to guess what it is, you are given clues.

    When no one answered Dad said, I'm going to Calgary on company business.

    Oh, dear, Mom said as she put her elbows on the table, and rested her chin in her hands. I hate having you away, and the kids miss you, too. She pushed her blond hair back from her forehead.

    Can't be helped. It's a very important meeting, and it starts next Monday. I'll fly out the day before so I'll be rested and ready for the meeting to begin.

    Guess it can't be helped, Mom said, and I could see from her frown she was not happy about it.

    She got up and started to clear the supper table.

    Come and sit back down for a minute, won't you? Dad asked. I haven't finished telling you all of my news.

    Mom sighed as she came back and sat down again. Ever since the car broke down the last time Dad was away, she acts like the only time anything went wrong was when Dad was not there to help. I'm almost nine, and Dad thinks I'm a big help.

    Becca, my little blond, blue-eyed sister is only six. She was not paying much attention to either Dad or Mom. She was talking softly to her doll Krissy, who was lying across her lap.

    Now, this is my really good news, Dad said. The Calgary Stampede starts in ten days. I have talked to my boss about it. He says if the meeting is over, I can stay for a couple of extra days to attend the Stampede. If the meeting is still going on, then I will be free in the evenings to at least enjoy the entertainment. 'It's non-stop,' my boss says. Isn't that great?

    Dad looked around the table.

    Mom was scowling, and Becca was finally paying attention. I'm sure it will be very nice for you, Mom said, and the icy tone of her voice would make me shake in my boots if she were talking to me.

    What's the matter with Mom? All I have to do is look at Dad, and I can tell he's teasing. His hazel eyes are just sparkling, and he's got his hand over his mouth like he's trying not to smile.

    I hope you have a good time, Mom added. She got up, and started clearing the table once again.

    But, my dear, Dad said as he got up and followed her over to the sink. I always enjoy myself when we are together. He put his arms around Mom from the back, and gave her a hug.

    She struggled free, and turned to face him. Are you saying I can come to Calgary with you? What about the kids? I've always wanted to see the Stampede, but I can't leave the kids.

    Well then, bring them with you, Dad said, whooping with laughter. Isn't this the best news we've had in ages? I may not be able to be with you every day, all day. It will depend on my meeting, but we will be together at night, and you three can tell me all about what you saw during the day.

    Are we really going to the Stampede, Dad? I asked.

    I know you will hate to miss school, Brock, but I think if you take some homework with you to do while you are away, your teacher may let you go. Dad was stroking his chin like he does when he's teasing.

    I'll bet she'll be glad to be rid of me, I replied.

    Brock, I'd better not find out that is true, or you won't be going anywhere except up to your room. Mom was looking pretty serious, so I told her I was just fooling.

    I'll find out when I go and talk to her, Mom replied. We'll see if you have been behaving yourself.

    Becca sat at the table looking from one to another. She was puzzled. I would be too, if

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