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A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills
A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills
A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills
Ebook114 pages1 hour

A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills

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About this ebook

The book is a collection of short stories that are all fiction and range from gruesome horror, ghostly horror, Christian Faith, adventure mystery, murder, sci-fi and general. The titles include: Bite of the Grizzly, The Haunted, 24 Hours Till Grace, Shawnee Wildcat Gold, Mama's Fried Chicken, Murder in Pounds Hollow, Through the Eyes and Beyond, and The Lottery Ticket. Enjoy the collection!

PublisherC.C. Wills
Release dateSep 21, 2014
A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills

C.C. Wills

I am a retired factory worker. I worked for Kraft Foods for 35 years and retired at 55 in 2009. My wife and I live on 23 acres in Central Illinos in the the home town of Dick and Jerry Van Dyke, Gene Hackman, Donald O'Conner, Bobby Short, Astronaut Tanner, and several other celebs including several well known writers and Congressman Uncle Jo Cannon. I now have three books published through FriesenPress and four books published through my own publishing company -Grape Creek Publishing. If you go to my web page I have several links to retailers for my books. You can also purchase an autographed copy from me directly. My Fourth book - "Memories" is published through my own publishing company as well as my fifth and sixth books - "A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills" and "Solitude: Portraits of the Lonely". My seventh book is another collection of short stories known as "Grandpa Tell Us A Story". I now have 22 short stories and I'm working on a Western Book known as The McAllister Saga.

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    A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills - C.C. Wills




    Short Stories


    C.C. Wills


    Grape Creek Publishing

    Danville, Illinois

    A Collection of Short Stories by C.C. Wills

    By C.C. Wills

    Published by C.C. Wills at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 C.C. Wills 

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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    All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are all a part of the author’s imagination. The only exceptions are Bite of the Grizzly; Billings, Montana, Seattle, Washington, The Haunted; Equality, The Old Slave House, Hickory Hill, The Crenshaw Mansion, John Crenshaw and the character of the old male stud slave based on Uncle Bob Wilson, 24 Hours Till Grace; Champaign, Illinois, Kraft Foods, Shawnee National Forest, Garden of the Gods, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, Old Faithful, Hoover Dam, the Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, Redwoods, Pacific Ocean, and Browning, Montana, Shawnee Wildcat Gold; Equality, Wildcat Hills, & Shawneetown, Mama’s Fried Chicken; Garden of the Gods, Gallatin County, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church & Herod, Illinois, Murder in Pounds Hollow; Pounds Hollow, Rim Rock, Garden of the Gods, Karbers Ridge, Benton, Ill., Carbondale, Ill., Harrisburg, Ill., Pesotum, Ill., Through the Eye and Beyond; Washington D.C., The White House, The Lottery Ticket; No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information browsing, storage, or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. These stories are listed in the order of previous publication.

    Table of Contents Bite of the Grizzly The Haunted 24 Hours Till Grace Shawnee Wildcat Gold Mama’s Fried Chicken Murder in Pounds Hollow Through the Eye and Beyond The Lottery Ticket Closing

    Bite of the Grizzly

    ~ Chapter 1 ~

    Carrie Ann was busy making preparations for the big birthday party she was planning for Paul’s 30th birthday. Paul James was about to go on a weeklong elk hunt out in northern Montana and Carrie wouldn’t see him for a while so she wanted this party to be something special. Thirty marks a milestone in every person’s life so she wanted it to be special for Paul. They were schoolmates all the way through from grade school up until they graduated college together. It was never said in open conversation but everyone just figured they were a couple because they seemed to always be together. It was assumed that eventually they would get married, maybe even by them.

    Paul was going to fly out with a buddy of his, Rick Colclasure, who was a local pilot who specialized in crop dusting, mainly. The plan was to fly out to Billings and from there rent their transportation to the hunting lodge. Snow Valley Elk Lodge where they had made reservations was one of the better known hunting lodges, having several trophy bull elk in the record books already. Paul was hoping to add his to that list, a dream that most hunters share from time to time.

    Friday night was going to bring on more surprises than Carrie had planned. At 6:00 the doorbell rang, he is right on time she thought. She opened the door and there Paul stood. The aroma from the kitchen was invitation enough for him to enter her 2nd floor apartment. Paul is a very masculine man, tall and muscular sporting a full beard and well-trimmed brown hair. At a very early age he was taught manners and respect, treating everyone with dignity. He also knew how to treat women, pulling the chair out for Carrie to be seated. Carrie had prepared one of Paul’s favorite meals, roast seasoned just the way he liked it along with mashed potatoes and gravy. Side salads were at the edge of their plates along with brewed tea sweetened just right. For dessert she had made from scratch a Dutch apple pie still warm from the oven.

    After they were done with dinner Paul helped clean the dishes and then walked Carrie into the living and over to the couch. Conversation started with general pleasantries but soon turned to a more personal tone. Unknown to Carrie, Paul had made the decision to move the relationship to a much more advanced level. He looked into her eyes and smiled gently at first and then took her hands into his and spoke.

    Carrie, we’ve know each other a long time and I think we have become very good and close friends over the years.

    Yes Paul, I do too. She responded not knowing exactly where he was heading.

    What I am trying to say to you is that I love you very much and have for a long time now. Why I didn’t say this to you earlier I will never know but I think it is about time that I let you know how I feel. I would be honored if you would say yes and become my wife, I know now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

    Oh Paul! Yes, I very much want to spend the rest of my life with you also. Yes, I will marry you…yes, yes, yes.

    They wrapped their arms around each other, kissing passionately. Sex had never been a part of their relationship. Paul was taught to respect women and never approached Carrie in that way. They were playful from time to time with each other but neither let it get beyond just that. This time however, Paul wanted her and Carrie returned those feelings. They moved to Carrie’s bedroom and in a heat of passion their lips met once again exploring the warmth of the other’s touch. Carrie then stepped back and slowly undressed until that moment that she stood before him for the first time in their lives…beautiful and inviting. Paul’s expression told her of his approval so she moved to her bed and asked him to join her. Paul didn’t rush it but wasted no time in the removal of his own garments. Carrie likewise was very pleased with his masculinity smiling at Paul as he joined her. The night was spent getting to know each other very much for the first time. Sometime early in the morning hours they fell asleep together, their bodies entwined and arms wrapped around each other never wanting to let go.

    Morning found them still wrapped together. Opening their eyes simultaneously they looked at each other as their lips connected in a good morning salute. Neither wanted to let go of the other but both knew that Paul was to meet with Rick at the airport at 9:00am sharp Saturday morning. She got up and fixed Paul a quick breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and hot coffee. Kissing her good-bye Paul thanked Carrie for breakfast and said he would call her when he got to the lodge. On the way to the airport Paul stopped by his place first to pick up all of his gear which included his two guns, his hunting rifle and a hand gun he always carried for extra protection. The rifle was a Remington Model 700 with a beautifully rich grained Walnut stock. This particular Remington shot a .270 Winchester cartridge and is known for shooting long and accurate…a hunter’s delight. The Smith and Wesson Model 686 Plus is one that he carries as a police officer. It is a .357 Magnum carrying 7 rounds and fits him like a glove. Paul is so used to having it on his side that off duty he feels more comfortable with it as a back-up in most situations he encounters.

    ~ Chapter 2 ~

    The airport was very busy for a Saturday morning, planes coming and going quite regular with little pause. Paul pulled in and found Rick in the designated spot waiting on him. Rick got out of his Ford F150 pickup and greeted Paul anxious to get going. They had been planning this hunting trip for over a year, looking at brochures and fact sheets trying to decide on the best spot for a choice trophy bull…Snow Valley Elk Lodge won hands down.

    They greeted each other with a hug and shook hands. Grabbing their gear they headed over to the plane to load up. Rick opened the cargo hold in order for them to store all of their gear including the rifles. Paul however, strapped the Smith and Wesson to his side. Rick knew why so he said nothing to Paul about having the weapon with him. Several years earlier Paul had been caught off guard by several men who had broken into a neighbor’s home. He went over to visit his friends finding both had been shot to death by the intruders. He also was at their mercy not being able to defend himself…his gun was laying on his dresser at home. Shot three times, recovery was slow in coming. But come it did with the help of his good friends Carrie and Rick, providing moral support as well as medical attention. It was Carrie’s nursing skills that saved his life, she found Paul lying on the floor with his friends and gave him the medical attention he needed until the paramedics arrived. Once he returned to active duty Paul was never to be caught without his gun on his side again.

    Loaded and ready to go they got in Rick’s plane, strapped themselves in and looked at each other.

    "This is it buddy. This is what we have been waiting for,

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