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An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2)
An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2)
An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2)
Ebook28 pages21 minutes

An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2)

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A knock on the door by an old friend changes one man's sex life forever.

This and other similar stories can be found in 'Short Erotica Stories Vol. 1'.

Release dateSep 19, 2014
An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2)

Dick Powers

Dick Powers writes gay erotic fiction. He writes heterosexual erotica under Sophie Sin.

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    An Old Pen Pal (Short & Sweet 1, Book 2) - Dick Powers

    An Old Pen Pal

    Short & Sweet 1 Book 2

    Dick Powers

    Copyright 2014 Lunatic Ink Publishing

    More Dick Powers at his book list. He also writes male-female erotica under the pen name Sophie Sin.

    All characters consent and are over 18yrs.


    The knock at the door surprises me. I'm out at the batch this weekend and have no one visiting. This far out from civilization it would take a brave soul to come see me. I turn from the stew that I am working on and walk towards the front entrance area of the small, wooden two room place on the beach that I bought in happier times when my lover, Keith, was still alive.

    A thin, tall shape reflects through the stained glass of the front door. Outside the sun is shining straight to their back, so the outline is clear. It seems that I have a male guest, which considering my sexuality could mean a number of close friends or not-so-close but still 'close' in a manner that men can be at times.

    The knock comes agains and I hustle into a pair of beach sandals. A brief look at myself in the mirror confirms that I'm looking presentable. I slowly turn the door knob (as it has a tendency to fall off) and pull the door open. A tall European man in beach shorts and nothing much else is waiting.

    Hello, do I know you? I ask, his appearance faintly familiar to me from somewhere.

    Is this 211 Archville Drive?

    I note that he has quite an attractive voice. That's not the only thing that I like, but it is definitely one of his defining characteristics.

    Yes. Can I help you?

    The man smiles. He

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