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Tangled Fury
Tangled Fury
Tangled Fury
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Tangled Fury

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Saturdays are not a day of rest for the self-proclaimed number one Fury from hell.
The furry Fury is back on the case, only this time, it’s about as far from what she does and who she is as a Fury can get. Jasmine’s new assignment is a collection nightmare. She’s been sent after a soul that has nothing to do with scorned women. Is it because she’s the best or because she’s dispensable? But when it’s Daddy Dearest giving the assignment you just can’t say ‘no’.
In the course of her collection, Jasmine stumbles upon another mystery. If a Fury had to be hauled in to collect on this wayward signer, where are all the demons that tried before? Demons and Furies have been disappearing for centuries and no one can figure out what is going on. The only link was the last assignment any of them received. The same assignment Jasmine now has.
It’s up to Jasmine to crack the case and bring the promised soul home. If not, she might find out what’s worse than being stuck in a furry suit. For Jasmine, failure is not an option. What’s a Fury to do when all the luck is against her? Win of course. She’s going to solve this mystery and show the upstart demons of hell that there’s more to this Fury than just a pretty face.

PublisherShannon Tripp
Release dateSep 19, 2014
Tangled Fury

Shannon Tripp

Shannon currently lives in Maine with one overly fluffy cat and one extremely bossy cat. When she’s not catering to their fuzzy highnesses, working full time at a local grocery store, or filling the silence with her next story, she can be found outside enjoying the varied and often unpredictable weather. Her hobbies, besides reading and writing, include spending way too much time on Facebook, painting, visiting the animal park, and jubilant, often uncoordinated, dancing around two very bewildered cats whenever she gets fan mail. As a voracious reader, she's run into a few road blocks (my favorite authors don't publish often enough and as a writer I totally get it) so she spends her time in between books by daydreaming about her next story and often asking herself: What would happen if...

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    Book preview

    Tangled Fury - Shannon Tripp

    Tanged Fury


    Shannon Tripp

    Tangled Fury

    By Shannon Tripp

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright August 2014 Shannon Tripp

    Cover Design by Shannon Tripp

    Thank you for downloading this

    ebook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author,

    and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or

    non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage

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    authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    This book is a work of fiction

    The characters are productions

    of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously


    To Kyla

    Thanks for being a big part of this magic

    Tangled Fury

    Jasmine rolled over onto her back and waved her feet at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe how bored she was. Slowly she toppled onto her side and let her feet flop over the edge of her bed. Sighing in frustration seemed like the highlight of her day. Heaving another sigh, she flipped completely over, dislodging a number of pillows, and stared at the door. Something had to happen. This was hell after all. It wasn’t supposed to be boring.

    Maybe she should go visit the pool. That was always good for a laugh or two. Stifling a groan, she slowly climbed to her feet, sidestepped the pillows littering her floor, and headed out the door. One, two, three… she counted the tiles on the floor as she passed them. It wasn’t like there was anything else to distract her. Hell’s hallway, she thought, snorting in disgust. Demons are not very creative. Sullen and still bored, she continued down the echoingly empty hallway.

    Smack! Something tapped her on the rear, sending her, and the floor tile she’d been standing on, hissing toward the ceiling. What the hell? she thought. Looking down she spied an imp scurrying away as fast as its three inch legs could carry it. Finally, she giggled, glee filling her thoughts as she pulled her claws back in, something to do!

    Before she could chase it, the world tilted and Jasmine slid down into a black gaping hole. The last thing she saw was the ungraceful backside of an imp as it disappeared into the darkness of the hallway.

    * * *

    Slowly the world spun back into view, although the fur covered legs were the last thing Jasmine wanted to see. Slowly she raised her head. Please don’t have horns. Please don’t have horns. The chant echoed in her head as her gaze passed his waist and continued up to his shoulders.

    The bad news was that he had horns. The good news was that they were attached to a helmet. The fur-clad legs and the horned helmet was only the beginning of his outfit. He looked like a puffed up version of a Hollywood wannabe Viking. He even had the chainmail vest and the hilt of a sword peeking over his shoulder; just the hilt, no blade.

    Before Jasmine could stifle it, she laughed, then tried to hide it by coughing and ended up choking. She lowered her head and proceeded to try hacking up a hairball, or maybe a lung. Either would make her feel better. She squeezed her eyes shut and gagged as she fought to drag in some desperately needed air.

    The whistle should have warned her, but at that moment she was a little busy trying to remember how to breathe. Something soared through the empty space between her and Daddy Dearest and hit her between her eyes. She reared up in surprise, eyes wide and began to step backwards. Her foot slipped on the shiny, black marble and she started to tumble head over tea kettle.

    She wrenched her tail sideways in an attempt to stay upright, but only succeeded in throwing her balance further off. With an undignified squeak, she felt her tail thump against the ground, followed quickly by her hips. The world tilted before any more body parts could collide with the unforgiving marble floor.

    When she was sure the world had stopped heaving and spinning, Jasmine warily opened one eye only to see the stone and tile floor of her bedroom. From the corner of her eye she spotted one of her pillows inches from her sprawled body. Of course, she thought. Why aim for such a tiny spot just for my comfort? Not bothering to stifle a groan, she climbed to her feet amidst the clicks and pops of her joints protesting the movement. She staggered forward a couple of steps.

    Something fluttered near the foot of the bed. Stiff legged, she stalked across the pillow strewn floor. A slim paper fluttered like a bird in a cage. One of its corners was trapped under the leg of her bed. She hooked it with her claws and brought it closer. She’d gotten a new assignment. I wonder what kind of avenging I’ll be doing? Oh, I hope it’s a robbery, this time. Or maybe a kidnapping. She loved being a Fury and avenging

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