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The Good Life: How You Can Have One!
The Good Life: How You Can Have One!
The Good Life: How You Can Have One!
Ebook55 pages51 minutes

The Good Life: How You Can Have One!

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You were created to live a life filled with love, joy, peace, and blessing. You were made for The Good Life. And you can have it, no matter how life may look or feel right now!
Release dateSep 1, 2014
The Good Life: How You Can Have One!

Patricia King

PATRICIA KING has been a pioneering voice in Christian ministry for more than 30 years. She is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, media host, producer and businesswoman. She is the founder and leader of Patricia King Ministries and resides in Maricopa, Arizona.

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    The Good Life - Patricia King



    Have you ever thought of what The Good Life would look like to you? Come on – dream a little. Sit back and think… ponder… imagine… that’s it! Go for it. Don’t think small. Let your heart soar.

    Dare to believe that your heart’s desires are actually attainable. You were created to live a full and prosperous life. You were made for the Good Life and all things are possible no matter what your life looks like right now. You could be standing, right this moment, on the threshold of the most amazing breakthroughs. It is possible for doors of change and opportunity to open to you in the near future beyond what you could ever imagine. You were created for this Good Life. You were created to live in blessing.

    In the very beginning of the Bible we find the account of creation. After God created mankind, He declared His will for us: God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). To bless means to invoke favor upon and to show goodness, kindness, and grace. God’s desire was to see everyone He created live in His blessings. Can you understand this? You were created for a life full of goodness, health, peace, prosperity, and fruitfulness. This has always been God’s plan. You have been called and chosen for this Good Life regardless of your gender, age, and nationality, social or educational background.

    This is the reason why anything that falls short of the good life doesn’t feel comfortable. You were not created for leanness and tragedy. You were made for blessing and fruitfulness. You were fashioned to experience peace and well-being. You were created for the Good Life and you can have one!

    No matter what you have experienced in the past, what your upbringing was, or mistakes you have made, this is a new day for you. You can step into the Good Life — it is your portion!

    Take a look at the following areas and imagine what each would look like if you could have all your dreams and desires fulfilled in each category. Make notes in journal describing what the Good Life would look like to you.

    For example, in the relationship category, you might write under the marriage section descriptive words like: loving, peaceful, intimate, affirming, united, respectful, honoring, sexually fulfilling, financially comfortable, etc. These words might describe to you what a good marriage would look like. If you are not married yet, you might want to write out your dreams of what you desire in a marriage when you do find the right partner. Dream and imagine what the perfect marriage relationship would look like to you. Do the same in each category.


    Family (relatives)




    Health and Beauty

    Physical Health

    Emotional Health

    Mental Health

    Body Weight


    Outward Appearance



    High School

    Post Secondary

    Learning new skills

    Recreation and Social


    Social events and interests

    Vacation and Travel



    Moral values


    Prayer and Devotion

    Church affiliation

    Benevolence (acts of kindness to others)






    Properties (houses and lands)

    Belongings (things to own)


    Your desired field

    Advancement and growth

    Job Promotion

    Was that fun to dream? Would you like those dreams fulfilled? Let’s continue.


    The Importance of Dreaming

    Often, when individuals are just spinning their wheels in life and not able to move forward into fulfillment and fruitfulness, it is because they have not dared to dream. You must have a vision that is alive within you.

    A dream can be defined as that which is longed for, a vision or desire, an aspiration.

    Take time to connect with the dreams, visions and desires of your heart and don’t be afraid to dream big. God created you with the ability to dream and imagine. He will help you to align your vision with His will if you trust Him for this through simple faith. It is a wonderful thought to know that the Master

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