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The Acts of Angels
The Acts of Angels
The Acts of Angels
Ebook183 pages3 hours

The Acts of Angels

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Alone in a world of uncharted possibilities, devoid of religion, faith, rules or rituals, a boy begin to forge close friendship with entities from another world. He maintained the relationships and constant contact with angels after his brief voyages to Heaven. They act upon his requests and spring to action at his beckon call. With this seemingly non-fiction spiritual premise that started through the innocent impulse of a child, Charles exposes the duality of human nature itself: The eternal divide between Heaven and earth, mind and soul, spirit and corporal body. The Act of Angels reveals and explained the essential activities of angels on earth. How they reach out to humans, watch over us and render help to individuals in times of need. Many people have attested to the existence of help from above, but this book uncovered more details of Heaven’s direct intervention using angels for different but specific assignment. The Acts of Angels is a good read for everyone who desires to know about God and the activities of angels in our individual lives and the world as a whole.

Release dateDec 20, 2014
The Acts of Angels

Charles Odimayo

Charles is serial Entrepreneur engaged in different industries. He has several years of solid experience managing and operating a number of businesses. Although engineering studies are his tools and also his passion, Charles is a highly spiritual person and he has a special place in his heart for God and Spiritual matters. He loves to share his knowledge of Heaven and his encounters with angels in order to help improve spiritual wisdom in all.Charles hailed from well-knitted multiple ancestors of royals from both sides of his family. Born in tradition-dominated era to the Orunbemekun Royal family of Irele Kingdom, Southwest Nigeria; Charles is a Crown-Prince and second to the Odimayo/Olofun throne.Charles relocated to United States of America in 1980. He traveled through North America, parts of Europe & Africa for nearly three decades as the Founder and CEO of Compůtöss Technologies, Mayos’ Inc., O.V.I. Corporation, owner and chief editor of African Business Magazine based in Delaware. As a young boy in 1975, he had an encounter with the Spirit of God which took him on four visits to Heaven and frequent visitation from various entities he called Angels. And for a span of thirty-three years, the little boy steadily emerged into a deeply Spiritual man.Imbued on every page of his books are Charles' astounding humor and compassion for God. Four Glimpses of Heaven, The Acts of Angels and Summoned are glorious books that bear all the marks of classics.

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    The Acts of Angels - Charles Odimayo


    To God who knows and sees all things. Who allowed an ordinary man like me; to experience the extraordinary. To the First amongst all, who gave me multiple opportunities to see Heaven and permission to keep the company of His angels; glory, honor and adoration to you forever –Amen.

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    I give honor to God Almighty who in His wisdom and with no explanation in human terms allowed me to partake in the peace, harmony, tranquility and joy of heaven; while still actively engaged among the living. I am thankful for the love you’ve shown me, and the immeasurable assistance I received from different angels who visited me from time to time. The scriptures say For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son. . . And I say, for God so love me that He sends help from above with His angels whenever I am in need and also when I didn’t know I was in need.

    I owe a debt of gratitude to my mother who helped explain details of some of the activities I was too young to understand, and my heartfelt appreciation to all my brothers for their labor of love and support in this and all my endeavors.

    Many thanks to my friends for the enthusiastic support and devotion that helped make this book a reality. I appreciate your encouraging words and the way you stood by me through my rainless days.

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    Author’s Note

    The story you are about to read details a lifelong chain of events that brought angelic interactions into my life. They came as often and promptly as needed. It is an account of an ordinary man thrust by mercy into the extraordinary events of the spiritual world. An explanation of why they came, the prior and subsequent interactions with the agents of light that have so shaped my life. As remarkable as this may be, there is a deeper story here - one that is vast in its implications and contains a challenge to all who seek to know the truth. That challenge involves the discovery of the answers to those penetrating questions: Who are we? Why are we here? Are we alone in this world? Where do we stand in the scheme of the universe and "What is next?

    As individuals, we are really different but I have also discovered that we are just different shades of autumn leaves from the same tree, blown in various directions by the wind. One beta reader questioned why I subtitled this book A True Love Story Well, you cannot keep sending help to someone you don’t care about or love deeply. It has to be love that makes someone care, send help even when you haven’t asked, support you, be there for you, standby you at odd times, rescue you from imminent danger, heal you when you are sick, visit you regularly, invite you to his/her house, and give you unwarranted gifts, all the while saying I am here for you no matter what. True love is said to have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person. These were the way it feels in my dealing with God and His angels. They have done all the things described above and more. It has been an interesting experience to put my encounters on paper because some of the activities were not easy to explain. I have had to re-live several encounters from childhood to this point that I still couldn’t find proper words to explain. Things that the laws of science tell us cannot happen, yet they occurred. There were some activities that defied human wisdom and justification. I had difficulty translating a few statements to readable English. Some words were spoken in languages I understood only in my spirit to be the tongues of heaven or that of the angels. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find proper English translation for them. But when spoken in context, the way it was rendered to me; my listeners seemed to quickly grasp it. Now, I believe I have done my best within my limited linguistic ability to express everything in a plain easy-to-understand narrative. With the exception of some words I was absolutely or specifically forbidden to repeat, and I have done all I could to make it simple.

    First, I must let my readers know ahead of time that I am not a novel laureate. Neither am I a Pulitzer prize winner in any form of writing. I have weighed the idea of writing these accounts for about twelve years before I finally succumbed to pressure from family and friends. I could easily tell my story verbally, but writing became a new adventure like the rest of the events in my life, that I did not plan for. I told God I am not sure people want to read about my encounters, especially when there are many testimonies of heaven flying around everywhere. How many people can it touch, and who will pay attention to me outside my circle of friends and small church gatherings. But on February 1, 2014 the Spirit of God spoke up during my morning devotion. The voice said clearly, "The books are not about you Although I thanked Him for His guidance, I also let him know that the writing will be unconventional. I might be tempted to used bullets or numbering to highlight each occurrence. Funny enough God said, Okay go ahead and do your best. The result of Do your best" is what you are reading now. I still have hang-ups on how to tabulate the encounters for sensible or chorological reading. If I claim to be a rounded writer, then I would have to play by all conventional book-writing. I would be forced then to structure the chapters, define the theme, set the scene, project logical thoughts, and sustain momentum rules which might send my readers into a tail spin. Without those limiting shackles, I can tell my story like it is and as best as I would have done it verbally.

    I made several references to my other books in the stories, it was not done out of arrogance; but in respect for my regular readers not to rehash the same stories they were familiar with. My reverent aim through this publication is to simply give accounts of the demonstration of God’s healing power and influence of love in my life. An explanation of purpose that must indeed be shared with everyone this book can reach so as to stimulate the faiths of those who believe in divine healing. It is also to help open the eyes of those who are yet to attain such level of spiritual understanding. The ultimate goal then will be, to re-energize the human spirit so it can ascend to its full potential, and to restore our place with God. By so doing, we may all enjoy this stage of our cycle in the journey of life.

    "Transition is a mandatory cycle of life, as it is in caterpillar to butterfly. You sleep and your soul awakens in a glorious and most beautiful expanse." - Charles Odimayo

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    In Search of God

    "But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29).

    "For whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).

    Man from time immemorial has been busy running to and fro trying to find God and many might have searched in vain. The vanity is not because God is not there, it the manner in which many of the searches were conducted. There are tons of lectures and writings out there, offering many different ways to find God. Some people may have adopted one or more of these teachings without really finding the true God who created everything. Scientists were among the forefront of conveying the person of God to the general public, and their experiments come from a desire to know consciously what they already knew subconsciously. They were just looking for the physical proof of what they already know. We have gazed at the stars, blast off to the moon and spanned our immediate universe pretending it is for scientific advancement. Yes indeed it was, but the physical search for God has not produced tangible results. Scientists changed the subject from finding God to finding aliens, then to the search for Intelligent life but the results were still a failure of evidence or proof. Back then, Science concluded in frustration that there is nothing called God. A position many Scientists still hold even as at this present moment.

    However, as recently as in 2012, science discovered the Higgs Boson, frequently referred to as "The God Particle (over the objections of some scientists). And now a few renowned physicists say that the Higgs boson, dubbed the 'God particle', could usher in a quantum doomsday. After much denial of God’s existence, suddenly there is a God element" from which life and everything else in the world we know today is supposed to have started. If you ask me, I will say ‘get serious’ and show me the atom that made man. But of course it won’t happen because the atom must have stared with something or someone science couldn’t explain. Scientists can’t find God because He is not in the physical; they forgot the basic information that could lead them to Him. It will become apparent to us, as we continue to run to and fro, that God is not hidden. He has and will continue to drop hints of his presence, in order that we might find Him. The scriptures quoted God as saying, "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known (Jeremiah 33:3). Wow! What a great proposition; but I hope science and scientists are listening. If any of us meet someone so important in the likes of the president of the United Sates, the Chancellor of Germany, or the most powerful person in the world, and he/she gave you his/her private number that you should call at any time you want. How many of us will jump at that opportunity and brace ourselves for that great but rare chance? Now here is the greatest privilege from the greatest of all greats in the entire universe with and open-ended invitation and an assurance that your call will be answered regardless of what time you make the call. Not only that, God promised to take you on a never-ending journey in your lifetime by telling you never-before-discovered" secrets. What more can anyone ask for?

    Many held the belief that God could not be found, either due to frustration from trying or lack of reproduce-able evidence as it is the case for science. But God said in the scriptures that He could be found if we call to him. How can something or someone not in existence talk to us? Aaah, but God exists! The key ingredient to finding God is by his word. Man must go through His WORD which King David said will be a light unto the path of those who are seeking Him. But before you start out, you must belief that He exist (Hebrews 11:6) and thankfully, God’s word is not limited to the pages of whichever scripture you read. It is mostly the ones He speaks to you personally, which are direct instructions and more powerful than any written letters. If you listen you will hear, but when you hear you should obey. When you obey, you will find him, when you find him, you will prosper in all things and when you prosper, God will get the glory which is always His delight. All He wants in return is your trust and loyalty to Him, and love for your fellow human beings.

    I started my quest for God before I knew how to read the scriptures. Story telling like it was in the ancient world, was the peak of our activities in the elementary and early primary school days. Sinbad the sailor came later but Bible stories were the most fascinating of all stories, followed by African folklore stories of tortoise the smartest of all animals. I must have developed a yearning to know God from then. But as far back as I could remember; I wanted to know who God the Creator is. I started early and have not stopped since.

    Like the scientists, I was a nonconformist in my search for God. I was curious and I had a desire to know God in his element. As I grew up, I had many questions about God that nobody could answer adequately. I found it difficult to take some bible events on face value and was not satisfied with unsubstantiated answers given by Sunday school teachers. I grew tired of my teacher’s favorite answer: the Bible is silent about that How can the bible be silent about so many things? I questioned my teachers back then. The desire to know God was personal and no one could shake it loose. I wanted to find Him, so I told God in no uncertain terms that I want Him to show Himself or I will no longer listen to the bible stories in class. It was a bold and seemingly too extreme stand from a child. I maintained that stance until something happened, and I was taken straight to heaven. Yes, definitely I met God. The first meeting left me thirstier for knowledge than I was originally. The meeting did not give answers to the totality of God. On the contrary, it left me with a proof that there is God. But my questions on why God, who is He/She/It, did not get a specific answer I could hold on to. Instead, He ushered me back to His dwelling place the second and third times only to be shown around without a concrete revelation of who God really is.

    Then the angels began to arrive on the scene one after the other. Their presence brought me comfort but left my parents confused about my spiritual well-being. Because I began to tell them of things that were out of their limits. I spoke to them in the language of angels and disclosed things that were in heaven and not on earth. I told them of A Tree with mysterious powers, a Crystal clear River I walked through submerged and still able to speak under it. I spoke of paved roads that cleaned itself as you walk by and gave messages from dead relatives that were gone before my parents were married. My mother questioned my sanity and both parents were scared out of their wits. After heaven happened the second time, I insisted on credible answers to corroborate what I already knew. A few of my teachers thought I was intentionally difficult. Others believed that I was too senseless to comprehend the writings in the Bible. When confronted with legitimately pointed questions, the Bible-wise teachers falter and as a result I was ridiculed, driven out of lectures many times and was even suspended from bible knowledge class for a semester. Eventually, I came to the realization that I knew more about God and had more understanding of Him than all

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