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Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain
Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain
Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain
Ebook10 pages8 minutes

Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain

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In this Episode [Episode Nth], Charles Dickens meets Nightmare On Bald Mountain meets Edward R. Murrow meets...well now, I'd tell you, but that would be spoiling things a bit.

PublisherSteve Kenny
Release dateApr 25, 2014
Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain

Steve Kenny

Steve Kenny was born in Chicago in 1961. He has worked as a newspaperboy, a busboy, a janitor, a machine operator, a furniture mover, a dockman, a whiskey truck driver, an OTR driver, a medi-van driver, a UPS driver, a pile driver operator, a landscaper and groundskeeper, an ironworker, a roofer, a custom area rug maker, carpetbinder and highly-rated floor installer. Many of his Smashwords pieces can [used to] be seen at Steve Kenny's Wordpress, and are [still] available at Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Baker & Taylor, Sony, and Flipkart, as well as other fine bookstores.

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    Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain - Steve Kenny

    ---Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain---

    Copyright 2014 Steve Kenny

    Cover Art Copyright 2014 Steve Kenny

    -Smashwords Edition-

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    ---Christmas Eve On Bullshit Mountain---

    The Party, as

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