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Portal 2212 Part 2
Portal 2212 Part 2
Portal 2212 Part 2
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Portal 2212 Part 2

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Darius and his friends, occupants aboard an alien space ship one these cloned humans landed on when they were infants, are headed for an unknown destination.

Release dateSep 27, 2014
Portal 2212 Part 2

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    Book preview

    Portal 2212 Part 2 - Thadd Evans

    The adventures of Darius and his friends, inhabitants of another universe.

    Darius and his friends, occupants aboard an alien space ship one these cloned humans landed on when they were infants, are headed for an unknown destination.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Portal 2212 Part 2

    Copyright © 2014 Thadd Evans

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0011-8

    Cover art by Carmen Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Devine Destinies

    An imprint of eXtasy Books

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    Smashwords Edition

    Portal 2212

    Part 2


    Thadd Evans


    To my mother, Nan Serrins

    Chapter One

    Someone tapped my shoulder. My eyes opened.

    Beneath a dimly lit ceiling, I noticed Onen’s head, a silhouette, his face hidden in darkness.

    He stepped back. Although we’re a long way from Rhol, you need to get up. You’re infected.

    I climbed out of the chamber slowly, feeling groggy.

    What’s the problem? I yawned.

    When you were asleep on D three P, a worm burrowed into your wrist and laid several eggs. They are almost ready to hatch. I’ll have to cut them out or else you will get mutated hepatitis B and die in a few days.

    Did you discover the eggs? I broke out in a cold sweat.

    No. LR one told me. They appeared during a routine absorption spectroscopy probe. Come with me. It’s time to operate.

    "During the probe, did he use ultraviolet and infrared light to study my molecular tissues?"


    We left the room. On a wall, a tiny hole, a door, expanded. We entered.

    I said, an amazed tone, I’ve never seen this room before.

    Thirteen days ago, I learned more Woys hieroglyphics. After I rearranged them eleven times, using Woys voice commands, the door to this room opened.

    Not far away, a couple of round shapes came out of the floor. Much to my surprise, they morphed, changing into a two-foot diameter mound and a silver chair. I sat down. At the top of the mound, a vertical slit opened like a mouth. Onen reached inside the slit, pulled a squid- shaped drill out, then aimed it at my wrist. At the front of the drill bit, a one half-inch diameter tube expanded, and attached to my wrist. Somewhere near the front of the tube, a sharp blade punctured my skin.

    That hurt, I blurted.

    Onen examined my wrist. Was it extremely painful?

    Yes, but it only lasted a second. Are you finished?


    Owww! I howled at the top of my lungs.

    "It’s almost over. I altered this Woys drill, but it’s the first time I’ve used it on a real patient.

    I thought it would be painless.

    Considering that I ripped out a one inch diameter chunk of flesh and part of your ulna, and replaced them, it could have been a lot worse. The tube retracted. He placed the drill inside the slit. All the eggs have been removed.

    My wrist stings. It hurts like hell.

    "Understood. If it doesn’t get better in a couple of hours, I’ll look at it.

    Now, let’s discuss a more important topic. During this trip, your body has evolved. Several images, the results of an absorption spectroscopy analysis, are available. Would you like to see them?

    Yes. In my imagination, several years from now, I resembled a crocodile, a member of an alien race. I waited, my stomach muscles tensed up, hoping that wouldn’t be true.

    Four life size 3-D nudes, replicas of me, all of them side by side, appeared. On all four, the skin, veins, capillaries, and arteries vanished, making it possible to examine my skeleton, a homo sapien’s bony structure. My stomach muscles relaxed because I was relieved. I wouldn’t look like a crocodile.

    Onen said, The ribs of the figure on your far left are somewhat thicker, less likely to break if IN five crashes. The next replica, the one on your immediate left, doesn’t need Vitamin C or Calcium. The figure that is directly in front of you doesn’t have any free radicals. As a result, you will live forty years longer.

    To my right, skin materialized on a skeleton.

    Onen pointed in that direction. That replica, the only one with an epidermis on it, has better skin. In other words, it’s better now than it was when you first entered the chamber. If more of Rhol’s ozone is depleted, you, like everyone else aboard, are ninety percent less likely to get skin cancer.

    I nodded. Amazing! It’s hard to believe that this is happening to us.

    "It is amazing. These four replicas are biological prototypes. Eventually, your chamber will blend the best parts of each one. For example, the strongest skeleton will combine with the best circulatory

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